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Messages - jacksmack

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68 ... 72
You are right about my comment to round 3.

I realized after i left my computer that the Tower isnt a creature and with initative you can do everything before enemy gets to act. (QC jinx to counter his QC save butt spell.)

General Questions / Re: Blue Gremlin and Teleport
« on: July 12, 2013, 07:48:04 AM »
Discussion started in another thread:

What is the Intention of Blue Gremlin's Special ability?

While ability activated can the gremlin:

Move unhindered?

Ignore walls?

Escape restrained effects such as tanglevine and quicksand?

Still perform its teleport when crippled?

Move directly from zone A--> C and never touching Zone B in between?
If 1) is a "no". Then it could potentially skip a zone with enemy creature and allow for 2 zone movement.

Avoid movement penalizing effects such as suppression orb and chains of agony?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster Builds
« on: July 12, 2013, 07:34:52 AM »
Yes, ranged flyers can attack ground creatures they share a zone with, ignoring minimum range.

A creature cannot gain flying during an attack. You can reveal Eagle Wings at the end of any attack step, but it will not help you.

could you link me to where i can read about this? or tell what page in the rulebook / FAQ?

Ranged flyer vs flyer:  ignore min range?

Ranged flyer vs non-flyer: ignore min range?

Ranged vs flyer: ignore min range according to rules.

Ranged vs non-flyer: Must follow range

Seriously... this is fucking great.

Ignore the nay sayers who suddenly start nullifying themselves turn 1... please bros... just please.

You are putting down 24 dice of hammer slammer buja wtf pwn Bruce Lee kung fu power!!!!! IN ROUND TWO!!!!!
And guess what... its out of the fooking blue sky!

None of you guys would have ever seen it coming if you faced this opening before reading this post.
The only information you have is wizard tower and cheetah speed for your planning round 2, and for your actions round 2.
If you dont move a creature first in round 2 and the recoqnize the hammer slammer in your face, and then afterward run away from wall with your mage.... then its OVER!

Round 3 is a bit off though:
You QC jinx, to stop enemy teleport / armor / heal / nullify / whatever.
Then you push him through wall with forcepush by activating your mage.
Now its his turn he will of course not leave his mage standing there, so after he does his running around you should activate Wizard tower and hit him with the biggest attackspell you have mana for, as you cannot expect another wall of thorns push.

Rules Discussion / Re: Restrained creatures with intercept
« on: July 12, 2013, 05:23:10 AM »
Give official answer for this.....

With the current wording intercept still works while the guard is restrained which is a big joke.

The whole meaning lying behind the word "intercept" screams to the heavens that it would not be possible to use this ability while sinking down in Quicksand...

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster Builds
« on: July 11, 2013, 03:51:53 AM »
IS can not be put to sleep, he is non-living. Get the FM in the zone with the archers ASAP and kill kill kill.....not that hard if need Battle Fury them. Plus Forcefield should cancel the initial attacks from GA....

Once FM is in the zone with GA he is no longer in Range. If need Force Pull them into the same zone....

What about ranged flyers. can ranged flyers do a ranged attack attack vs a non-flyer in the same zone even though this is below its minimum range?

Ranged Attack
This attack can be used on targets within its minimum
and maximum range, and within Line of Sight. A
ranged attack can always be made against a Flying
creature in the same zone, even below its minimum
range. Ranged attacks do not trigger damage barriers
or counterstrikes. Ranged attacks ignore guards, and
do not remove guard markers from guarding creatures

Im of course talking about Eagle Wings on Gorgon Archer :)

What is the latest you can reveal Eagle wings during the attack step in order to avoid the damage?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: I feel the temple is overpowered
« on: July 11, 2013, 03:19:10 AM »
@ deckbuilder:

• Protect the Zone: If a creature is in a zone with one
or more enemies with guard markers (except for guards
he can ignore; see sidebar), that creature cannot make a
melee attack against any object without a guard marker

The wording for flying creatures is to explain that flying may melee attack flying even though there is guards.
It cannot attack conjurations if there is enemy guards in the zone.

Rules Discussion / Re: "bluffing" and "illegal moves"
« on: July 09, 2013, 03:56:36 AM »
WP baron

Rules Discussion / Re: "bluffing" and "illegal moves"
« on: July 09, 2013, 03:22:31 AM »
Stick to the rules... dont bind stuff your not allowed to.

Fellella PREPARES decoy.
Fellella dies before she casts her binded spell - decoy.

If your Familiar does not cast its prepared spell,
the spell returns to your spellbook at the beginning
of the next Planning Phase. But, if your Familiar is
destroyed before it casts the spell you assigned to
it, the spell is also destroyed.

When Decoy is revealed, destroy it. When this spell is destroyed its controller gains 2 mana.

You cannot bind decoy on a magewand. Even if you could, when the mage wand is destroyed the decoy would be revealed without effect as it was never cast.

Cast = Legally binded

Rules Discussion / Re: Various Rules questions after playing
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:39:44 PM »
If the scmitiar's attack would have anything it would be "reach". but it doesnt... so it can only be used against non-flyers.

Yes you must pay 2 mana whenever you cast an enchantment. Enchanments are ALWAYS cast facedown. When you choose to reveal, you pay reveal cost.

Spells cannot be moved from an object with spellbind.
Except the objects that allows you to bind a new spell to itself... the then original spell is sent back to the owners spellbook.

Some objects allows you to PREPARE spells (familiars, spawnpoints)...this is different. Prepared spells are one time only - either the spell is resolved (incantation and attack spell) and then going to the discard pile. Or summoned to the board (creatures, enchantments, equipment, conjurations).

Deck Protector Sleeves: 50 Yellow
Ultra Pro #82675

I use this, and im happy with it. Sure the silver dot is a tiny bit annoying, but i choose to ignore it.
They fit the cards well, and there is plenty of space to get them in and out of the spellbook - it actually seems easier to take out cards from the spellbook when they are sleeved.

Big problem with my suggestion involving rouse of the beast yes.

Rouse of the beast would still Work and would actually allow for 2 turns for the new creature if played accordingly. That would no doubt be too strong.

Anyway my idea was not something that should change anything dramatically, just a minor tweak to the spawnpoints that currently seem inferior to pretty much all strategies. Perhaps spawnpoints will be viable with Conquest of Kumanjaro or in future releases.

In my suggestion nothing is changed to the spawnpoints. Its only a matter of changing the summoning rules to:
Creatures summoned by a spawnpoint during the planning phase comes into game with their ready marked active (ready to use).

In regards to the trap that summones a creature i believe it should be made as a normal specific CREATURE that is allowed to be put facedown to a zone (like a trap) for an additional 2 mana cost (face down cast cost on enchantments) and then when revealing its normal cost.
This way you dont get to choose what creature you wanna put, but rather its a trait for a possible future creature. You of course have the option of never "revealing" it, and then only 2 mana is spent.
Anyway that is a different discussion that should be in a different subject :)

I was thinking about a simple way to overall improve spawnpoints, simply because i want them to be part of the game and have a viable function as part of a competetive spellbook.

The current consenssus is that it takes too long for a spawnpoint to give back the initial cost - more so in terms of mana and less so in terms of the action it requires.

What would happen if a creature from a spawnpoint summoned during the deployment phase starts with its action marker ready side up?
 - It would add another surprise element that the opponent would not be able to plan cards for (We are past planning phase when the creatures come out of spawnpoints).
 - It would reduce the amount of rounds it takes for a spawnpoint to "repay itself" in terms of actions.
 - Guards with or without intercepts coming to aid in an instance!
 - familiars can assist straight away! though both a familiar and a spawnpoints starts to become a heavy mana investment.

 - The pentagram could potentially reduce the cost 1 by triggering the mana income on the spawnpoint by attacking a creature with the just summoned (for instance) firebrand imp.
 - Clerics can put mana on Temple of Asyra one round earlier.
 - If timed with initiative gorgons can come out and directly place weak tokens on enemy creatures from the Voltari.
 - Beastmaster can do well timed summons of "boss" creatures that buffs friendly creatures of the same type. (redclaw for instance)
 - A Barrack near the enemy can summon AND move goblin bombers. The goblin builder will be able to move and actually build something in the round after (2 action phases from here). Thorg coming out Taunting, sniper coming out sniping etc.

Overpowered? Bad idea?
What do you think?

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