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Messages - jacksmack

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Purge magic has a fixed cost - 12 mana.

1. Cast spell. Turn it face up declare target check for range and LOS and pay mana.

2. Opponent can counter the spell now with nullify if he has it on target.

3. Spell resolves. Here you pay 2 extra mana for each Wardstone the opponent has in play PER enchanment you wish to destroy.

Spells / Re: The Good, the Bad, and the Neglected...
« on: August 20, 2013, 08:12:18 AM »

The hydra is quite punishing with its 3x3 attack, especially against unarmored mages (which I tend to be, because he likes to dissolve armor). It is hard to put up blocking creatures because he will drop essence drain on it. The hydra itself is difficult to kill with its high health, regen, and COUNTERSTRIKE.

The combination is not unbeatable, and the hydra is particularly weak against a mage with lots of strong attack spells or a finite life enchant. But hydras do well against swarms (because of counterstrike and regen) and hit hard if teleported into position.

Though it isn't the best creature by far, I still rate it as an excellent spell because it is one of the best creatures for what it does (hit hard when not required to move).

...Agony completely destroys the Hydra's power. One curse and he's now rolling 1 die three times... on the flip side bear strength only adds to the first attack.

Its getting so old with the "agony destroys hydra"

Who runs hydras? Wizards.
Who has close to unlimited access to metamagics that handles enchantments? wizards.
How many rounds are you gonna let your hydra do 1x1x1? 1 maybe 2 if your pressured.
If you play grizzly with your wizbro and it gets an agony are you gonna get rid of agony? yes - so why not remove it from hydra also?

The only difference is that grizzlys 1 round attack with agony will actually still do damage, where is the hydras 1 round with agony will do close to 0.
But then again.... the Hydra servers another purpose than the grizzly.

Its like the good old Gorgon... Because Gorgons are no longer the new black, alot of spellbooks dont even run purify anymore. I wouldnt be surprised if alot of spellbooks dont run agony either.

@ moonglow

I thought that the standard decks was installed when installing the game module. (i havent used the normal decks so im unsure of this).

Did you try this link for the deck calculator?

Note that one of the menues in the deckeditor says "plugins". If you installed the deckcalc properly it will be listed in this menu.


General Discussion / Re: What is Arcane Wonders attitude towards Octgn?
« on: August 20, 2013, 04:00:37 AM »
Tbh i think they are hestitant to make an official stand point on this matter.

I believe they are somehow monitoring this and are probaly running ongoing evaluation on the impact they feel OCTGN has on their product.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The wizzly Grizard
« on: August 19, 2013, 05:43:24 PM »
The time when tanglevine shines is when you think the enemy might have a nullify on the target, and you dont have 2 actions to spend on getting rid of that face Down enchantment.

when cast, Tanglevine is uncounterable. - except jinx.

I think you will be torn apart by any opening that opens with 0 or 1 mana crystal / flower.

Simply because you start spending 26 - 28 mana without putting any creatures Down.

I consider most offensive equipment terribly expensive and very ineffective.
I would any day of the week prefer to save up an additional 6 mana and cast a grizzly instead of that bow.

And tbh... offensive equipment syngerizes best with spawnpoints so you can actually spend your mages Action marker to attack rather than summoning. But a spawnpoint + a weapon is just too much of a manasink in most circumstances.

Mages / Re: Paladin x Siren x Shaman x WHO?
« on: August 19, 2013, 07:39:38 AM »
The interviewer is so annoying.... Bryan Pope did well though.

Druid Vs Necromancer appears to me to be the most interesting expansion so far. Cant wait :)

General Discussion / Re: Promo cards
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:37:05 AM »
The Promos will take up signifigant space in the strategy threads - threads i cannot participate in or learn from because i dont have access to discussed promos.
Okay. This point I 100% agree with. I theorycraft and theorycraft and find a flaw or a opening in a build on the forums and mention it and the response is a lot of times. "Well just use gravikor or another promo" ahahah.

So yes, the above point I agree with. However I still think it's not a big deal AT ALL to just play without promos. The decks I build are all built without even considering promos. Unless they are officially available to everyone I don't give them much thought.

Well i probaly forgot that it kinda annoys me to have the feeling of not having access to it all.

And its probaly because cant avoid thinking about that sexy ballista (atleast on paper it looks sexy), and i cant use it... having to wait an unknown potientially infinite amount of time before its released is just annoying for me.
I understand other people dont care and you probaly have the right approach... but i honostly feel like im missing out in something. Also i want to add that wanna of the key describtions of MW that made me buy core, tome 1, tome 2 and FvsWL all at once just after discovering it on BGG and then seeing all the vids hyping myself to the moon and back more than once was the NON collectiable part... TBH i would probaly still play MtG if it wasnt such a money sink.

I realize that my feelings on this subject might seem silly to some, but never the less thats how it is.

i HATE promos

I like your suggestions.

However the few times i have introduced MW, the players insisted on finishing the game (full game, not the how to introduce), or atleast until it was cut in stone that 1 player was the winner.

Whenever a new ability i put into play i explain it for them - however it was funny when i once forgot to explain cantrip and my opponent 2 rounds later chose to dissolved it.

Anyway... if the guy you introduce the game to is frustrated over a bad opening me made in his first games, all you gotta do is accept or suggest a restart.

New players will only beat you if your experimenting with a new spellbook that proves to be really really bad while they at the same time catch up on the game fairly quick with a good spellbook (that you probaly provided them).
So i see little reason to finish a game when im the clear winner.

To sum it up... its very important that you reveal the potential and beauty of this game rather than just facerolling newbies.

General Discussion / Re: Promo cards
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:51:19 AM »
I completely agree with OP.

For me the current promos take the game 1 step in the direction of a CCG
Lately i have been annoyed by the promos and CoK and it has actually made me step away from the game for more than 2 months.

Here is why.

The Promos will take up signifigant space in the strategy threads - threads i cannot participate in or learn from because i dont have access to discussed promos.
Also - as OP has explained - the promos are not balanced because they counter cards have not been released, which is why i would never play with promos unless BOTH me and my opponent had access to ALL promos, and still i would prefer to play without.

The CoK was more than 1 month later released where i live, and i bought it as soon as i realized it was available -which is what I believe is  2 or 3 days after it actually WAS available due to me getting tired of checking stores homepages every day.
Anyway... As it takes quite some time for me to build a spellbook i didnt really feel like doing this 1 month before release in the US... add this that it was available almost 1.5 month later and the result for me was no spellbook making in 2.5 months.

I realize that there probaly aint much you can do about the CoK release not being released at the same time in different regions of the world but that, and for me seeing more and more promos released that i dont have access to just took away my inspiration.

When you do it - dont forget to add:

6 Black cubes
2 red cubes
2 player boards
10 damage counters
I didnt even realize that i didnt have all i needed for a 4 player game after buying:
base game
tome 1
tome 2
Warlord vs forcemaster
Action marker set
Spellbook pack (1)

  GREAT dissapointment. And tbh... very unacceptable.

12 red dice (for a total of 20 - 10 for each player)
1 D12 (1 for each player in total)

Another reason why the angel is harder to kill then the panzer dude is because it has flying.

After the first attack vs the angel, only ranged and flyers can hit her because she stops guarding and gains flying back.

And btw the panzer dudes defense is +6 when guarding - or equal to.
I realize you use unavoidable in your example to stun it, but in the cases where it only gets dazed it has better defense than the angel.

Welcome to the book I have been playing against, every time I came up with a counter to his book it would evolve to be even more deadly. Honestly the trick is to stay focus on his mage. On your initiative use Force Push/or Pull his Mage when all three are in the same zone and whack him. The next round Force Wave his creatures from you.

As for the WT, it might not of paid off in this game, but it is usually it builds on his action advantage, he uses Zap (1 mana) and then has the WT use the rest of his mana. Now he basically has four actions per round and it is quite brutal. You should of seen this build before the Nerfing done last week. ToL + 6 HoB, game over.

Believe it or not the best I have done against him is the with the Warlord and a bunch of Ballista's, that is why he is a Fire Wizard now...

Ballista seems incredibly strong atm, and i do believe you could stand up against this combo with ballista, perhaps a FM running these would be strong? 10 channeling and the option to pull for 1 mana could seem to do well.  Anyway, its a promo though, so i dont consider it allowed.
Full action move, then forcepull and have 3-4 ballista shoot. this would pretty much kill anything due to the pierce.
I could imagine ballista wouldnt ever get released? - WHO would ever want to cast a fireball vs a ballista?

So i got to play Charmyna's described spellbook today.

First of all. Thanks for teaching me the few not so obvious Things about MW on OCTGN - and thanks for a good match.

I played a non-standard FM build pre CoK release and without any promos.
Its focused on Grimson deadeye turn 1 + mana crytal start zone. Round 2:Archers Tower 1 zone to the left of my starting zone and a potential pull (which happened this game) on grimson because my enemy moved out of his starting zone resulting in a 5 dice attack round 2.
From here on i have the option of walling in Grimson letting him snipe outside walls with Archers Tower, or summening the royal Archers.
Unfortunately i mis-played round 3 by summening the royal Archer and my grimson was teleported 3 zones away into the vampiress and the guardin angel.

The vampire stroke hard and left my grimson without hope (2 hp left or perhaps 3), and i was now facing a serious setback even though he payed 9 mana to port the sniper.

Hereafter Charmyna only ran those 2 creatures while spending either his QC or Quickaction from the action marker to buff himself with the following:
Leather gloves, Rhino hide, Dragon scale hauberk, Boots of standground (no push / pull) and my thought spore only got off 3 dissolves. He also managed to purge magic my bearstrength AND my forcefield.

Meanwhile my thought spore was taking Down so the invisible stalker i had summoned was rendered half useless because the time i had initiative he would save his QC to arcane zap (ethereal), so i had to stay invis in those rounds.
After necro vamp got bear strengthed my royal Archer died which didnt matter much because i faced bad rolls so his wizard hardly had to use volt shield after all the armor buffed and 0 crits rolled.
Now my stalker with quite alot damage taken was forced to stay invis all the time because i had the fewest action markers.

Charmyna also dropped a wizard Tower (which in imo never repayed itself), that i sacrifised my stalker on to finish on after i double striked it with my FM equipped with galvatar.

Now my FM is alone without forcefield, and the wizard still have clawboots equipped and 1 zone away from me.
Because of the necro vamp hindering my FM and the fact i had to get rid of boots and THEN pulling , we decided that the game was over.

My deck was build pre CoK and intercept seriously screws it over - which is fine.

However... the guardian angel seems broke beyond repair. (incredibly strong)
Seriously... it cannot die, and its either gonna prevent alot of damage or force you opponent to spend a massive amount of ressources to get rid of its  guard.
Im still very unexperienced, and i realize i could have done some thing different, but only 2 Things would have mattered much:
i could have focused on the vamp while it was 3 zones away = no healing from vampiric for a while.
Cast walls straight away Thus sticking to original opening (i got greedy in this game because of his opening with 1 big 1 medium - with original opening i would delay royal 1 round).

The opening Charmyna has come up with is incredibly powerful because its extremely hard to do anything of the following:

focus on the enemy wizard. Volt shield and the ever living angel will TREMENDIOUSLY reduce the damage on the wizard with all the armor (5 when maxed this game i played).
Focus on the angel... good luck: 3 armor? (not sure of the armor), aegis 1, 12 hp?, heal 2 every guard action, and ofcourse a defense as well....
Kill the vampiress. It has vampiric and soon enough a bear strength. It has 3 armor and 15 hp (you need serious hard hitters and good rolls to take this Down) AND.... angel of doom protects it when possible.

General Questions / Re: Upkeep question
« on: July 29, 2013, 08:02:18 AM »

You still havent solved the deathlink confusion.

Death link is confusing because:
It gives ONE player the option to do something that affects BOTH players during upkeep.

How is this resolved?

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