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Messages - Ravepig

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Mage Wars Academy / Re: Question to all players of Academy
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:47:04 PM »
How many of you played Arena before Academy, or how many of you have begun the experience with Academy?  Are there any of the second group who now play Arena as well or instead of Academy now?

I played Arena before Academy. I prefer Arena over Academy- though Academy is still fun. I buy two sets of all things Academy- one to include for Arena and one to keep for Academy use only. I don't get Academy to the table often (because my gaming group would rather play Arena), but the few times I have, it's been to introduce Mage Wars to new players with the intent of graduating them to Arena (assuming they're interested).

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Burst damage problems
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:41:03 PM »
Hmm, please note some of this thread relates to Arena, some to Academy

Yes, that's my fault- sorry. I was skimming content and wasn't paying attention.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Burst damage problems
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:50:27 PM »
@Ravepig: I think you're talking about Arena while the OP is talking about Academy.

Burst damage is definitely more of an issue in Academy, as is the random influence of lucky/unlucky dice rolls. The lack of distinct Quickcast Phases allows your opponent to potentially get in 4 actions (2 at the end of the round and another 2 at the beginning of the next round if they have initiative) without you getting any chance to respond. You have to understand this and act accordingly. Guards are especially important, as is armor. Leaving yourself completely vulnerable to these kinds of tactics can definitely cost you the game. You can summon a non-pest on round one and put it on guard in round 2 so that your opponent can't melee attack you round 3. Attack spells are hard to defend against, but I assure you we tested attack spells thoroughly to make sure they weren't OP and you should be able to handle a few firestreams thrown your way.

You are correct- my apologies! I read thru the post and couldn't wait to reply since this is all too common for me in the arena.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Burst damage problems
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:38:36 PM »
Today my girlfriend has beaten me 4 times in a row with the priestess when I was the warlock. The games can be summerized as followed:

Game 1
By turn 3, the first real round, I had mhegedden and thus basically had 20 life left. She had a white cloak knight.

During this turn, she reveals giant size, rolls 6 dice, melee attacks for 2 and does firestream (4 dice). She dealt 19 damage and the burn killed me of.

Game 2

Same scenario but with 2 archers that had piercing. I died again due to the burn after the 3th round.

Game 3:

I lived 1 or 2 rounds longer now, and I used more guarding demons, but again she used her final and first qc for a firestream and she could start with an attack.

Game 4:

I gave up on mhegedden. This game went a lot better, I killed 4 of her holy creatures and had some huge treaths myself. I had only 8 damage while she had 14. She had 1 whitecloak knight with giant size (1 dissipate left), 7 damage and a burn.

She added paladin's valor, attacked with 8 dice, used firestream again.

Upkeep, her initiative, another firestream and a 4 dice attack from the knight.

Basically, even though I was winning by the numbers, she did 20 dice and I was not able to react.

Long story short, she keeps killing me with huge amounts of burst damage. Did anyone else have problems with this?

The priestess is my buddy's favorite mage and the one he usually plays with. Me on the other-hand- I mix things up to keep it fresh and interesting. Needless to say, in all our matches, I would say we are about equal with our win/loss record (when its me vs. his priestess that is). We have 2 draws and an even number of wins. It really comes down to this for me personally:  if I can kill his mage in <6 rounds, I will win. If I can't kill his mage in <6 rounds, he will win. So, for me, it's about rush and kill regardless. Holy Creatures are just nasty and difficult to deal with if the priestess is allowed to get too many out.

There have been three exceptions to the round six rule for me when going against the priestess:

My necro skelly and druid plant swarms are the two draws I have with his priestess, so those are the first two exceptions to the 6 rounds as those games wound up being 4+ hours and we simply ran out of time (we play to the death).

The other exception was when I played with Warlord- that game wound up going 15+ rounds or so before he conceded. I had destroyed all his creatures and dissolved all his weapons. My Warlord and Ludwig were basically chasing him down doing small amounts of damage per round. Got to the point that it was just a matter of time. I can thank the Warlord's catapult for the win actually. My opponent basically left it untouched which enabled me to take out every single enemy conjuration on the board, as well as multiple zone attacks when my buddy had multiple creatures camping out in the same zone.

She's hard to deal with for sure. Since that is the primary mage my buddy plays, I've actually never played as the priest or priestess, though I'm excited to try out my priest build against his Priestess. The battle of the holy mages to come!   


(1) Consider "win when the player on your {right/left} is defeated."  So you kind of want to keep the guy {left/right} from dying (but maybe reduce his attack power) while simultaneously killing the player on your {right/left}.  Probably best with 4 players though, as then you're (at least indirectly) helping the guy across from you rather than the guy that's directly trying to kill you... which is one step away from making it a team match.

(2) Play Domination.  Victory points as an alternate win condition means it isn't just about killing everybody.  But occasionally the two players behind on V'tar need to gang up on the leader, killing him, then battling it out for a V'tar win (since in our experience, it's very hard to kill 2 mages before somebody achieves the V'tar goal, even if that's what you built your spell book around).  Most of the best conflict-driven multiplayer free-for-all games that I enjoy have some element of a victory point system as either a primary or alternate victory condition (e.g. Small World, Chaos in the Old World, Risk: Legacy, Cosmic Encounter, Ascending Empires, etc).

# 1 is brilliant. I'd like to try that.
# 2 is fun as well, though in my group it's still "gang up on the guy who is in the lead."

I agree- I love 3 player arena matches. It adds a bit of a political component to the game. And I like what you said about not showing your hand too early. Unfortunately, my gaming group hates 3 player arena matches. They complain that it's two guys teaming up against one. While that's technically true, to your point, alliances can shift, and it's on us as players to do what we can to ensure that doesn't happen- and if it does, what creative strategies can we employ to handle two players?

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 10, 2016, 07:36:43 AM »
Piercing +X effects all attacks which it is on. Melee +X only effects the first.

Awesome- I'll print this page and keep with my supplement. I'm confident it will be challenged.

When you look up the Piercing +X trait it does not have the same limitations as the Melee +X (or Ranged +X) trait. You can show them that too.

Ha ha ha ha- didn't think to use the actual codex. Duh. Again, sorry to be such a pain with this. Thanks again for clarifying!

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 09, 2016, 03:04:45 PM »
Piercing +X effects all attacks which it is on. Melee +X only effects the first.

Awesome- I'll print this page and keep with my supplement. I'm confident it will be challenged.

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 09, 2016, 02:57:55 PM »
When attacking creatures with 2-3 armor use the other warlord to give him piercing +2  - it will help all his attacks.

Much more efficient.

So, not to be a pain, but I'd like to have this discrepancy resolved. Unfortunately, that chart in the supplement does not include Piercing specifically, but if we follow the logic of all trait modifiers listed in the supplement, only the first die roll of any attack benefits from the modifier and not the subsequent die rolls. Doesn't it seem Piercing would follow suit? Thus, if that is true, then Jacksmack's comment causes confusion since it gives the impression that piercing (from the Warlord's Battle Command) on a creature with triple-strike would benefit all three dice rolls. If this is indeed true, where is it written so I can have this rule verified when my opponent challenges me (unless I am misinterpreting Jacksmack's comment, which may very well be the case).

Somebody please clarify (and thank you for being patient with this post)!

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 09, 2016, 02:34:07 PM »
When attacking creatures with 2-3 armor use the other warlord to give him piercing +2  - it will help all his attacks.

Much more efficient.

So, if it's a piercing + it benefits all three attacks from triple-strike, but if it's a ranged + or Melee + attack, only the first attack? Do we have a document that explains the nuances around the rules of all the different modifiers?

The supplment has a chart about that very thing. The individual traits should be pretty clear.

Just reviewed- very helpful- thank you!

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 09, 2016, 01:58:40 PM »
When attacking creatures with 2-3 armor use the other warlord to give him piercing +2  - it will help all his attacks.

Much more efficient.

So, if it's a piercing + it benefits all three attacks from triple-strike, but if it's a ranged + or Melee + attack, only the first attack? Do we have a document that explains the nuances around the rules of all the different modifiers?

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 09, 2016, 10:19:38 AM »
Its not so hot an idea when it costs you 4-5 mana and 2 actions to add 2 dice to a 9 dice attack. Use that mana on a hurl rock and add a whole 5 dice attack to the mix.

That's a valid point, except issuing a battle order is not an entire action just for Ludwig only. The Battle Order action would benefit the entire zone and with the Warlord's horn, the entire arena- so that's an action that's going to happen with or without ludwig since this particular spellbook uses mostly ranged creatures (not to mention, my reason for having Gurmash in play).

I see your point with the hurl rock- but I have a limited supply of those, where as if I get Ludwig out early, he's likely to have 5+ attacks the entire game. As an added bonus, my opponent would have to give careful consideration before sending a baddie to close to my zone as Ludwig's 11 dice has the potential to take almost any creature out in one turn (and definitely so with a little support from Goblin slingers). Add Dwarf Panzergarde to the zone protecting Ludwig against ranged attacks, it would be a deadly combination I think. And if my opponent did move in and dispel Hawkeye, well then, that's one less dispel I have to worry about. I could be off-base. Thoughts?

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 09, 2016, 09:58:16 AM »
Gurmash's ability does not count against the Warlord's once per round limitation. They can both use Battle Orders in the same round. The traits provided by Battle Orders persist through the end of the round and function as normal for that trait. The Ranged +1 trait only affects the first attack of an attack action, regardless of where you got that trait from.

Thanks for the clarification! Good to know about the Ranged + 1 only affecting the first attack regardless of where the trait comes from. After playing the first game with Ludwig, I was tempted to enchant him with Hawkeye for my  next game, but that doesn't make as much sense if it would only benefit the first attack. Though stacked with Battle Orders, that would still be a roll of 5 dice followed by two rolls of 3 dice. I guess that's something to consider. 11 dice in one turn- maybe it's not a bad idea!

Rules Discussion / Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 09, 2016, 08:04:21 AM »
Warlord can use his Battle Orders once per round. Gurmash can cast WarLord's battle orders. If he does, does this count against the Mage's once per round or can they each cast one Battle Order?

Also, I tried to find this in the rules, but didn't have luck (only played Warlord once, so pls forgive my ignorance): Do battle orders effect all rolls of a creature? For instance, Ludwig has triple strike at a 1-1 range. If I use the range +1 Battle Order- does he add one die to all three rolls, or is it only the first roll?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid Seedling Pod
« on: August 09, 2016, 08:01:48 AM »
Thanks, going to play against a Warlock this weekend in an attempt to expose the Druids main weakness, fire.
This is because my mate and I think the Druid is so good and easily disposes of the other mages without breaking a sweat. Will keep you all posted.


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