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Messages - jhaelen

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Spells / Re: Temple of Dawnbreaker
« on: July 31, 2015, 04:13:42 AM »
I recently used this in a priest book against my buddy's water wizard, and after a crazy long game I won.
I'm curious: How long is crazy long?

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: July 03, 2015, 03:02:22 AM »
Rules mistakes don't happen every game.
Note that I was replying to adanaz who said he hasn't yet played a game without making any rules mistakes. I haven't either. It's definitely encouraging that you have!

Here's a little challenge: Point me to a YouTube video of a match where no rules mistakes have been made!

P.S.: I realize that I may sound often overly harsh, but in fact, I really enjoy playing Mage Wars. However, it doesn't make sense to ignore the weak points of the game. As enthusiastic fans, we have a tendency to wear rose-coloured glasses when looking at our favorite games.
But any (perceived) weaknesses of the game should be pointed out and discussed, especially here in this forum.  I think Arcane Wonders have shown that they care and react to criticism to make Mage Wars a better game.
It's good, though, that you're pointing out that Mage Wars is still a young game compared to the ones I mentioned. That, and Arcane Wonders is quite a small company, so there's only so much that can be done in the short term.

MtG also went through a major overhaul at some point to get rid of superfluous keywords and streamlined their rules. They also started to release simplified starter packs at some point to make it easier to get into the game. Of course WotC had a big advantage over Arcane Wonders: Almost limitless resources.

But if Mage Wars is to survive the next decade and escape from being very niche, it will need to go through a similar process. Despite my personal dislike of the Acadamy set(s), their release is a necessary step in that direction, and I definitely hope they'll be a big hit and attract a lot more players.

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: July 02, 2015, 03:24:51 AM »
Would you care to elaborate jhaelen?
Isn't that obvious? If you cannot play the game without making (rule) mistakes, there must be something wrong with the game('s rules).

Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing games with complex rules, e.g. Arkham Horror, which has an insane amount of corner-cases and non-obvious card interactions, once you play with all expansions. Or the Call of Cthulhu LCG which cannot be played without an intricate knowledge of the game's current FAQ.

To be honest, if I got to play Mage Wars as often as either of these games, I would probably make less mistakes, too, but I still think it's harder to miss them as in either of the other games. First, Mage Wars has an ever-increasing number of keywords, many of which are similar. While the Codex helps, definitions too often refer to other entries to grasp all of the implications. In Mage Wars, cards also tend to have a lot more text than either of the mentioned games.

And what seems to trip up even Mage Wars pro players: the game board is too busy. Between stacks of cards distributed across and around the board and various counters it's just too easy to miss something.

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:49:34 AM »
I haven't played a single game of Mage Wars where either myself or my opponent haven't made some kind of mistake or another.  [...]  This is one of the features that makes Mage Wars such an amazing game to play;
Umm, yeah. To be honest, a different conclusion came to my mind...

Mages / Re: Wizards who pay triple
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:47:02 AM »
Give them time
Well, it's been three years since the game was released. How much more time do they need?

If new cards were released for the game on a monthly schedule, fixing imbalances by releasing new cards would be fine. But with a release schedule of one or maybe two new products a year that approach is simply way too slow.

Mages / Re: Alternate Necromancer
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:55:44 AM »
I'm not sure how much difference there could be between the current Necromancer and a Lich mage.
I think, I posted this before somewhere, anyway, I'd like to see a Necromancer specializing in Ghosts, i.e. Incorporeal dead. She should be less agressive and focus on 'quality over quantity', i.e. she should have a few powerful ghost allies that support her in different ways, e.g. casting spells for her or gathering information.

That would be a lot closer to the original meaning of 'necromancy' (summoning and communicating with spirits of the dead) than what has been made popular by video and rpg games.

Mages / Re: Alternate Necromancer
« on: June 25, 2015, 03:44:13 AM »
A Gloranthan Dark Elf, to be more precise:
They're also known as Voralans.

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds Domination Spoilers
« on: June 22, 2015, 02:40:15 AM »
So if you have no intention of playing dominion(or vtar spells), and already have all those now-legal promos, there are 5 new spells.
Good thing, then, I don't have any promo cards, yet  :)

General Discussion / Re: Paladin Vs Siren
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:57:06 AM »
Yep, Astral Anchor alone would make this a must-buy for me. But then again, I was behind the 'Domination' set from the day it was announced...

General Discussion / Re: Differences in Academy
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:54:40 AM »
I'd just like to note that it makes me unhappy to see more exclusive promo cards (yeah, I'm a party pooper, I know...).

FM = unplayable
somaddict = troll  ;)

Alternative Play / Re: The Non-Random Effects Variant
« on: June 16, 2015, 03:00:15 AM »
The only card I'm aware of which does this at the moment is [mwcard=MWSTX2FFA01]Devil's Trident[/mwcard].  If you know of more, please let me know so I can try to work around it.
I was thinking of [mwcard=MW1J24]Temple of Light[/mwcard].

I can understand a game store owner not wanting his patrons to switch over to Mage Wars from MtG so that he could continue to stay in business.  There's not a whole lot of incentive to be exited about losing your income.
Ah, not really.
Imho, Mage Wars 'may' appeal to _some_ players who are unhappy with MtG. However, those players are just as likely (or even more likely) to switch to any of the LCGs. Mage Wars is a different kind of game. Game length alone puts it in a different category than MtG. In many ways it's also more reminiscent of a miniature skirmish game than a traditional CCG/LCG.

So, supporting Mage Wars can only increase a store owners profit.

General Discussion / Re: Most Underpowered Cards?
« on: June 16, 2015, 02:50:00 AM »
But I remember that I read somewhere that frost will be coming with Paladin vs. Siren.
Yup, in the speculation/wishlist thread about the expansion  ;)

It boggles the mind why Arcane Wonders chose to include spells with keywords in the core set that are completely irrelevant for years to come! Imho, Frost spells should have been included in the 'Conquest of Kumanjaro' expansion. Even a single Frost spell would have made a difference.

Alternative Play / Re: The Non-Random Effects Variant
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:21:11 AM »
I'd love to see a working variant for this, but I don't think this is the solution. It will result in a race to generate the most Effect Points, and skew the normal probabilities. Basically, you would try to (cheap) play cards with mediocre effects to gain Effect Points to guarantee your powerful effects succeed.

I think it's problematic to treat all effects the same. IIRC, some effects also have better results with low rolls, so they don't translate well with such a model.

IOW: I don't think it's possible to come up with a balanced, non-random method to apply effects without changing all of the cards that require effect rolls.

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