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Messages - Arcanus

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Rules Discussion / Re: Melee/Ranged Traits and Effects Dice
« on: February 24, 2013, 11:30:57 AM »
Hello Sike,

The example on page 30 is correct. The Lightning +2 trait on Brogan (the defender of the attack) will increase both the # of attack dice and add to the effect die roll for the Hydra's Circle of Lightning damage barrier attack. This is in line with what Gewar was saying.

Your example of Samandriel's attack on page 24 is a good one Sike.  This is the only place where we clearly state that attacks which have a modifier vs. certain creature types or traits also modify the effect roll.

The rule is this: All traits ONLY modify the number of attack dice rolled, except for spells or traits which specifically say they modify the effect die roll. Those include:
1) A few spells such as Temple of Light.
2) The Tough trait (it specifically says it modifies only the effect die roll).
3) Damage Type Modifiers (such as Flame +2 or Lightning -2).
4) Attacks which have a bonus vs. certain creature types or traits (such as +2 vs. Flying, +1 vs, Incorporeal, or +1 vs. Dark). These are always written in the attack bar and expressed as "+ X vs. Y". Essentially, treat these just like a damage type modifier.

In our upcoming FAQ we intend to make this much clearer, and include a simple chart similar to the one below.

What's interesting is that we were originally going to do away with all of these traits and instead just print simple symbols on the card graphically showing the modifier with the dice icon.  So, a lightning +2 would show a lightning damage icon with a red dice with +2 on it, and a yellow die with +2 on it. Maybe we should have gone that route...   :)


Rules Discussion / Re: Melee/Ranged Traits and Effects Dice
« on: February 24, 2013, 09:49:51 AM »
Wow - great answer Gewar!  Thanks!

Rules Discussion / Re: Adramelech and Wall of Thorns
« on: February 23, 2013, 09:27:30 AM »
Correct on all counts!  Great answer!

Rules Discussion / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord Expansion Rules
« on: February 22, 2013, 09:04:25 PM »
Sorry we have not already done so!  

I just asked our Director of Communication, Patrick Connor, to please get both posted this weekend.

Rules Discussion / Re: Mind Control & Controller
« on: February 22, 2013, 08:59:19 PM »
Well said!

Rules Discussion / Re: Mind Control & Controller
« on: February 22, 2013, 01:50:48 PM »
Yes they can!  

The creature has sort of "fallen in love with" the Mage who casts Charm.  So, he'll continue to attack everyone else as normal, and they can attack him as well without affecting charm.  

The creature just has reservations about attacking the Mage who charmed it. However, if that same Mage attacks the creature, then it breaks the spell.

Rules Discussion / Re: Mind Control & Controller
« on: February 22, 2013, 01:09:35 PM »
Let me try to answer all your questions, bear with me:

The controller of a spell is the player who cast the spell. For example, if you cast a Goblin, then you control that Goblin.

If an object you control casts a spell for you, then you are also the controller for that spell or object.  For example, if your Fellela familiar casts an enchantment, then you also control that enchantment.

Sometimes, that control can change with a spell like Mind Control. If you cast a Mind Control on a creature, you now become the creature's controller, instead of the player who cast the creature.

Very importantly:  The player, is represented on the board by his Mage card.  So the player, and his Mage, are one and the same.

So, when you cast Mind Control, your Mage on the board controls that Mind Control enchantment.  In order to reveal it, he (the Mage card on the board) must be no further than one zone away from the Mind Control spell.  (We did this both for spell balance and realism). Once it is revealed, and the reveal cost is paid, you now control that creature.

I hope this answers your question and makes sense!

Rules Discussion / Re: Aegis reduce Bashed & Damage Barrier?
« on: February 22, 2013, 10:31:44 AM »
Marked for Death only gains an extra die for attacks from creatures.  

So, it will not gain a die for a wall Bash attack.  It will not gain a die for direct damage, such as the Burn condition or the Ghoul Rot enchantment. It will not gain a die for attacks from Conjurations, such as The Temple of Light or the new Akiro's Hammer.

The damage barrier is unique situation.  It is not considered an attack coming from the creature it surrounds. It is a special type of automatic attack, which is attached to the creature, but does not originate from the creature.  Thus it gains no bonus from Marked for Death.

On tough calls like this, we try as much as possible to rule in favor of what makes the most sense, what is realistic, and what is the intent of the spell.  The damage barrier is an unintelligent, automatic attack attached to a creature. It also does not gain any bonuses from the creature it is attached to, because the attack is not considered to originate from the creature.

Rules Discussion / Re: Familiars
« on: February 22, 2013, 12:10:21 AM »
Well said!

The Forcemaster has a new familiar called a Thoughtspore. It is not Legendary, Unique, or Epic, so she can have several in play at once!

Rules Discussion / Re: Aegis reduce Bashed & Damage Barrier?
« on: February 21, 2013, 10:59:36 PM »
Yes!  Aegis works against all attacks.  

All damage that can be put on a creature is either an attack, or direct damage (which Aegis does not help against).

Rules Discussion / Re: Attacking to remove sleep
« on: February 06, 2013, 10:10:58 AM »
Ha!  Thanks Sausageman!

Send me a private email with your email address sir!

Rules Discussion / Re: Flying vs. Flying
« on: February 05, 2013, 08:37:53 PM »
Still in the air.  They only temporarily lose flying if they melee attack a non-flying creature.

Rules Discussion / Re: Attacking to remove sleep
« on: February 05, 2013, 08:34:01 PM »
Understood. Thanks for the word of caution.

The game you are playing now is as simplified as it is going to get.  All of the simplification has already taken place.  At this point we will just be adding new types of spells, mages, and mechanics, but slowly, and carefully.

We very much listen to the players, and plan to continue that. We read every post, make notes, ask questions of the players, and hold polls from time to time on tough choices. Some good examples of fan-driven choices: The Core spell Tomes, both 1 and 2, were developed by player demand.  The number of copies of spells in the Forcemaster vs. Warlord were picked based on player feedback.  

While we won't compromise certain core parts of the game, there is still a lot of room for input and we want this to be the game players want to play, and truly appreciate the comments and suggestions!

Rules Discussion / Re: Attacking to remove sleep
« on: February 05, 2013, 07:16:34 PM »
We have playtested an archmage in the past, and it is a wonderful occasional alternative to the core game.  One player will take on 3 of his pals, and trust me - it is a blast to try and take that arch mage down!

None of these other scenarios will diminish or alter the core game. Mage Wars will always remain primarily a game of 2 dueling mages.

Rules Discussion / Re: Attacking to remove sleep
« on: February 05, 2013, 04:04:54 PM »
Ha!  Thanks Jcox2820!

I think we will do some article or video on that at some point. There is a lot of interesting and fun facts to share. The co-designer of the game is Benjamin Pope, my eldest son. He has a masters in game programming, and his graduating class from The Guildhall participated in developing the math formulas behind the game. We have over 70 spreadsheets used to help calculate the mana costs!

DarthDadaD20: If you are interested in helping to work on this module of the game give me your email and we can discuss further.  We are always open to input and ideas!

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