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Messages - Brian VanAlstyne

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General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: December 19, 2017, 12:54:58 PM »
One trillion percent disagree. A tie means equal, the same, no difference.

If you have less life remaining at the end of a timed game, you LOSE. In an ideal world, no games would be timed, but that's not feasible at live events. Therefore you have to play with a slightly different subset of rules including timed WINS & LOSSES. Not if a game goes to time, its always a tie.

General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: December 19, 2017, 08:48:29 AM »
Yes two wins by whatever method is better than one win.

Custom Cards / Re: Academy Necromancer Card ideas.
« on: October 31, 2017, 01:15:29 PM »
Cursed blood is way too powerful.

General Discussion / Re: New Player Mages.
« on: September 24, 2017, 02:46:44 PM »
Siren, Siren, Siren...

The life, the channeling, the 3-4 potential ways to play with none being all that easy to pull off. There's potential creature swarms, there's buddy builds with her larger creatures, there's board manipulation with pushes/pulls/walls/zone traps, and then there's the songs and creature manipulation. You've probably got to pick one of the 4 with support from one of the others and a general toolbox to take care of things which makes her really tough to build and then really tough to play.

Spellbook Builder / Re: My spellbook builder
« on: September 07, 2017, 02:08:04 PM »
When do you think you'll get Academy Forcemaster and Academy Warlord loaded?

General Discussion / Re: The Force Awakens.
« on: September 06, 2017, 06:07:18 AM »
I do hope that Forcemaster v. Wizard set would be out early enough next year to be legal at most tournaments. Going another 2 years without Arena mages would be very disappointing. I understand Academy cards are good but we need Arena mages at least every 18 months at minimum.

Events / Re: Mace 2017: Operation Homefront. November 10- 12th.
« on: August 29, 2017, 11:41:01 AM »
Okay, here's my first offer. I will pay entrance fees for the first 5 new out of area mages to guarantee their participation.

This may be expanded to 5 returning out of area mages as we get closer.

Events / Re: Mace 2017: Operation Homefront. November 10- 12th.
« on: August 28, 2017, 06:48:09 PM »
How much is entry for this tournament again because I may be willing to do something considering the cost.

General Discussion / Re: Tournament Scoring
« on: August 28, 2017, 12:01:59 PM »
And it completely nerfs healing. If I have my opponent three away from death having done 30 damage and my opponent has me 20 away from death having done 40 damage, how would that be a fair loss to me?

General Discussion / Re: Tournament Scoring
« on: August 24, 2017, 10:31:21 PM »
In all the tournaments I've played, I've never seen one player with a strategy to play for timed wins. Now when the time limit is approaching, they'll adjust some strategies but I've never ever seen anyone play with the idea that they will delay the entire match to win that way. If that was the case, I'd throw on a sunfire amulet in the first round and then just put 30 walls and steep hills in my book to block line of sight and stay in my corner.

And I'm not exactly sure of the way scoring works at a tournament if 4-0 with 4 timed wins is better than 3-1 with 3 KO wins and 1 KO loss, but if it is, maybe there's a compromise to be made there that the 2 best records and the 2 most points advance and if there's any overlaps, you add a quick match to get the right number of people for the semifinals and finals.

I'm not saying the rules are perfect and can not continue to be fine-tuned, I just don't think a massive overhaul needs to be done since in my experience the tournaments I've competed in have been amazingly run and judged and I've heard the same about tournaments I haven't competed in.

General Discussion / Re: Tournament Scoring
« on: August 24, 2017, 09:41:46 PM »
Adding time is not really a possibility at most conventions. Taking 4-5 hours just for the tournament is already a pretty big time commitment and I will admit that if matches went even longer, I might have to start taking myself out of them because when I'm at a convention, as much as I love Mage Wars and I do, there are a bunch of things I want to do that I already take time away from.

I just don't understand the problem with the rules as they are. KO win gets the most points, timed win gets about half as many points, timed loss gets half as many as that, and KO loss gets none. I would think the most fair scoring system would then be 8/4/2/1/0 with 2 points being the draw and 1 being the timed loss.

And if the problem is specifically Restore or anything similar...plan for it.

Nullify, Jinx, Seeking Dispel, Dispel, or just have it so you're more than 10 damage up on your opponent if you're worried about that card. I get that it might suck to lose that way, but it also sucks to lose to a 10 critical damage boulder when you have 5 armor on and have your opponent down to 2 health remaining and they are guaranteed to die during upkeep, not that I'm bitter or anything about a match I had tonight.

I just honestly don't even know what the issue is. I've been a part of 2 tournaments at MACE, 1 at ConCarolinas, 1 at HoshiCon, a few other random semi-big tournaments, and then a bunch of in-store mini tournaments and Timed Win/Timed Loss has never caused a major issue.

In an ideal world, board gaming conventions would last 2 weeks and we could have unlimited time to complete a tournament with untimed matches, but that's what OCTGN is for really. In person tournaments have a different strategy and you have to prepare for that.

General Discussion / Re: Tournament Scoring
« on: August 23, 2017, 10:38:15 AM »
I'll have more to say later when I'm not at work on my phone, but I have a real issue with reducing timed wins to meaningless and changing rules to really limit certain playstyles. I don't think anyone goes into a tournament with a stalling strategy but neither do I believe everyone goes into a tournament with a 5 round kill or be killed strategy. There are certain cards and schools that become unusable with some of the options presented here. Priestess, pointless to play without the inherent life gain ability or pointless to play if heals are meaningless to just get 0 points, might as well just concede and let the opponent win.

There are other points to make too but I'll get to them later.

Spells / Re: Restore
« on: August 21, 2017, 10:41:52 AM »
Have a nullify, jinx, seeking dispel, or dispel ready if you're worried about. This would be like me saying a last round drain soul is unfair in timed games and should be disallowed.

Rules Discussion / Re: Domination guarding rules
« on: August 12, 2017, 08:25:23 AM »
Some of the rules in this game just make no sense to me.

Rules Discussion / Re: Domination guarding rules
« on: August 11, 2017, 07:56:13 PM »
Wait wait wait, if I'm playing a Priestess against a Forcemaster and I have a Guardian Angel that's been put to Sleep and the Forcemaster has a guarding Goblin Grunt in that zone, I can't attack my own Angel but have to attack the Grunt?

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