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Messages - Maverick

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Rules Discussion / Re: Confusion with Corrode
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:06:37 PM »
Sweet so I was right! Thanks for the input!  ;D

Rules Discussion / Confusion with Corrode
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:38:39 PM »
I know corrode is attached to the mage and not the equipment. However I also know that if the mage reduces his armor value (Dispel rhino hide or equip another suit of armor) the corrode tokens fall off.

So if I have leather boots, leather gloves, and bearskin armor with 2 corrodes but swap out a leather gloves for another pair of leather gloves does a corrode fall off? Or do I need to reduce the mages armor value below the quantity of corrode tokens to discard any of them?

I am leaning towards the second option but want someone who fancies themselves as rules savvy to clarify for me.

Events / Re: Wounded Warrior Tournament: Charlotte NC
« on: September 15, 2014, 06:38:38 PM »
Bwahahahahahaha! "I have a fever and the only thing that can cure it is more cowbell Mage Wars!"

Events / Re: Wounded Warrior Tournament: Charlotte NC
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:02:32 PM »
If this was closer to home I would be able to make it but alas I am out of vacation time for the year. :(

Edit: I did however throw down my entry fee. If someone shows up and cannot afford to play let them in on me.

My poor mana denial wizard did not have much hope against all that mana economy the Warlord was slinging. I saw his strategy early game and rushed his battleforge/barracks as they came out. Unfortunately my rolls were terrible and I had to switch tempo and go on the defensive against the creatures that were spawning. I dissolved the meditation amulet early to slow him down and was able to take out the battleforge with a Force hammer paired with zap. I was not able to lock down the mana denial early enough in the match and he was able to gear up as a result which was turning the match into a very slow battle of attrition I was on the wrong end of. The harshforged monolith made my mana economy worse than his and after he equipped the reflex boots with the defense rune I knew continuing in a creature-less deck that was out of dissolves would be a slow pointless death. I think in a timed match I may have had a decent shot with a damage received tie breaker, but in a straight out brawl it was a poor match up for a mana denial book. His book was capable of channeling 8 + the added effect of alter of carnage and construction yard on top of his normal channel amount- a very difficult sum to lock down with mana denial.

In the second game I ran a priestess book that did remarkably well all things considered. It all came down to the final round where I ran 2 minor heals in an attempt to stall for another round of attacks. I was swarmed with various firebrand and wildfire imps and was frequently accumulating burns. I had a Valshalla angel and a knight of westlock with agony in the final round. I used the cursed knight to disable a guard and tried to swing in with Valshalla for the kill. The dice were not with me though and he survived with 2 or 3 health. I think if I would have rolled better on the Minor heals (buying another round) or instead used flame blast on him I could have had the match. It was really close so the dice could have swung it either way. I would not mind a rematch but with a priestess book of my own making.

We do not have prize support until I get ambassador status so for now I am working on building up the player base and training in new players for the area. Not counting sdougla2 or his friend he brought we now have 5 players for the area. I am hoping to at least double that. I have some friends in mind I will approach about it.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Giant Wolf Spider
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:10:19 AM »
If they ever introduce a "water spout" card they can add text that lets all spider creatures gain climbing in it's zone. :)

it was great to have ya! I hope you can come down again some time to beat me some more! lol

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Anvil Throne Warlord
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:35:42 PM »
You guys should battle the two swarm decks on OCTGN and post the results. Would be interesting to see play out.

Spells / Re: Several suggestions for change
« on: September 12, 2014, 03:28:59 PM »
I like the way Vampirism works presently. I feel it's mechanical value would be negated by limiting the dice pools for thematic reasons. If it helps you try thinking of the vampiric mage as licking the blood up that is splattered on his weapon or clothes. When you wound someone with a melee weapon there is rarely a shortage of splatter.

As to the heal effects effecting demons and undead I feel that would be a poor design decision. It would make dark mages have a severe handicap with their minions. Think about the dice pool totals available on the heal spells compared to much more expensive combat spells. The value of mana per die of damage would be insane. Look into other heal effects such as renewing rain or group heal and it gets even worse. For gameplay stability they would have to re-work and nerf all heal spells and effects in order to make dark mages playable. I like this mechanic in Final Fantasy games but I prefer the current mechanic in mage wars for the above reasons.

"The guardians must be hiding in plain sight from at least one angle. Blending in with your surroundings, playing in the dark with flashlights, or hiding in an aclove behind a staircase are all acceptable options. Hiding in a bathroom is not. Also, hiding places must change each day."

I think this is a bit too much from a fun perspective. The low end of play time is 90 minutes. Having people hiding around the house for 2 or more hours waiting for someone to find them and challenge them seems...excessive. Would probably be easier to just do a ladder match challenging people when they have free time and then total the results later in the week.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:47:43 PM »

Well someone has been going around necro-ing the crap out of everything soo....

Good to hear, though.

I have seen people be reprimanded for starting new threads when old ones exist. Basically the forum encourages necromancy as a result as people have to track down old threads to ask questions. I would not look at it as a negative thing. It seems like the same 4 or 5 people are commenting on most of the stuff so it is a good thing that new blood is popping in to ask questions and keep the forum alive.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars on OCTGN
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:18:28 PM »
I will try to talk my buddy into trying this out with me.

Rules Discussion / Re: Thorgs taunt with Quicksand
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:00:53 PM »
I feared that may be the case. Thanks Zuberi!

Rules Discussion / Thorgs taunt with Quicksand
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:20:24 AM »
If Thorg is adjacent to a zone with a victim of Quicksand and taunts them are they able to use a quick action to attempt to escape? I know if he is in their zone they have to attack Thorg. Adjacent they have to move to his zone if taunted but as they are unable to does that free them up to attempt escape from the Quicksand?

I just love the mental image of Thorg taunting something and pushing their head beneath the sand schoolyard bully style. Please tell me this works. lol

Off topic / Re: An honest and sincere thank you to Arcane Wonders.
« on: September 11, 2014, 08:52:49 PM »
Maverick what branch did you serve in sir?

I presently serve in the MN Army National Guard. I am a 68W20 more commonly known as a Combat Medic.

Edit: Also please don't call me sir. You will force me to use the "Don't call me sir, I work for a living." Cliche. lol

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