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Messages - ACG

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General Discussion / Re: Wall of Earth = GG
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:09:50 AM »
I don't think wild fire imps needs LOS to teleport neither blue gremlins

Wildfire Imp does need LOS.

Blue Gremlin does not.

Rules Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« on: March 23, 2015, 07:18:23 AM »
Even if it's teleported?

No. If a creature is teleported, all attached conjurations are destroyed. But if it moves or is moved (non-teleport), all attached conjurations move with it.

This hasn't come up yet because all such conjurations so far restrain creatures and make them unmovable anyway. But in the case of quicksand, some of the legal targets cannot be restrained.

Excellent idea. I think setting things up to allow the module to pull information from the wiki is probably possible as well; if that is the case, it would reduce the maintenance burden on the dev team by a lot.

The question then is where to host the wiki? If AW could do this, it would be very helpful.

In the meantime, of course, people should feel free to keep posting clarifications here.

Thanks, that gave a lot of material. All added to the clarifications now.

I may not always confirm that I have added material posted by the community, but rest assured that it is being seen and implemented.

Rules Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:12:07 PM »
15) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC11] Sersiryx, Imp Familiar[/mwcard] can cast [mwcard=MWSTX2FFA01] Devil's Trident[/mwcard] because...reasons in another thread to be worked out?

Here's why:

Spells are only separated into spell-levels when spellbook building. In the actual game, spells and levels are separate.

In the actual game, a spell is not "Level 1 Fire, Level 1 Dark". It is level 2, and counts as both a Fire spell and a Dark spell (in much the same way that a Bitterwood Fox counts as both a Canine spell and an Animal spell)

So [mwcard=MWSTX2FFA01]Devil's Trident[/mwcard] satisfies all three conditions to be legal for casting by [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC11]Sersiryx, Imp Familiar[/mwcard].

1. It is a Level 2 spell
2. It is a Fire spell
3. It is an attack spell

Unstoppable and Tanglevine, Stranglevine, Quicksand: These cards can still target creatures with this trait, but are destroyed when the creature moves to a new zone?

An unstoppable creature automatically gains the Uncontainable and Unmovable traits, and so is an illegal target for Tanglevine and Stranglevine (because it is Uncontainable).

But [mwcard=FWJ07]Quicksand[/mwcard]...well, it gets a little weird, based on a literal interpretation of the rules.

Quote from: MW Rulebook and Codex pp.16
A few conjurations target an object instead. These spells are attached to the target object and move with it if it is moved.
(emphasis mine)

But unlike Tangle/Stranglevine, there is nothing in Quicksand that prohibits casting it on an Uncontainable corporeal creature (such as Sardonyx, Talos, or even Devouring Jelly)

Which means (and I would like to stress that there is no rules ambiguity on this point whatsoever) if you cast Quicksand on one of these creatures, it will follow it wherever it goes.

Seems worthy of an official clarification, not to mention a change to the wording of Quicksand for future releases.

Time for another OCTGN crowdsourcing project. For other ways to help improve the OCTGN module, see the following thread:


Please read the following before posting:

One of the new features for the upcoming release of the Mage Wars OCTGN module allows a player to click on a spell and get a list of all rulings and clarifications for that spell.

For example, suppose you are confused about whether Blue Gremlin needs LOS to the zone to which he is teleporting. You can now simply click on Blue Gremlin and obtain that ruling (He doesn't), without having to open another window or get out your rules supplement or do anything else. The objective here is to reduce the rules burden on players, especially new players.

Here is where you come in. There are a lot of niche rules cases in Mage Wars, and the dev team has enough on its plate already without searching for these. We have already included everything from the official rules supplement, so we now ask for your help locating obscure rulings that are not covered in any of the official sources.

Unlike the previous crowdsourcing project, you do not need to do any formatting here; just post the ruling that you want us to include in the OCTGN module's database, and we will add it. If you can include a concise, clear phrasing of the ruling, that will be even more helpful to us. It is also helpful (though not required) if you can include a link to the post in which the ruling was clarified.

Some guidelines:
- Do not post rulings that are covered in an official Mage Wars rule document. We have those already. We are looking for rulings scattered about this or any other forum (such as BGG).

- It would be helpful, but is by no means required, if you can link the post where the ruling was given and/or summarize the ruling clearly and concisely.

- Rulings should be on the mechanics of specific spells, not on broader game mechanics. So each ruling should pertain to a specific spell. Please specify to which spell the ruling applies.

Admins, it would be helpful to get this post stickied; it can function as a long term location for players to submit rulings they want added to the module.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cloaked Curser
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:47:13 AM »
1) Brace yourself

Yes. Do this absolutely. It is perfect for this spellbook, in case you get into some trouble for one round and need to weather some attacks.

I second that you do not have enough mana. Seems like you are playing for the long game. Might be worth playing a mana crystal or two.

Rules Discussion / OR spell schools in game
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:52:11 AM »
When determining the school of a spell during the game (NOT during spellbook construction), does a spell with multiple choices for the spell school (such as [mwcard=MW1Q08]Elemental Wand[/mwcard] or [mwcard=MW1Q09]Enchanter's Ring[/mwcard]) count as being all of its spell schools, or only the one that was chosen for spellbook construction?

For instance, suppose I am a necromancer, and have equipped an elemental wand. So far, so good. Then you play a card (let's call it "Baleful Resonance") that gives all Earth spells the Upkeep +1 trait.

If the wand is treated as counting as all four elemental schools at once, then no problem; it gains upkeep +1 because it counts as an Earth spell.

But if it only counts as the school that I chose during spellbook construction, we have a bit of a problem. Being lazy, I had seen that all four school choices cost the same, and therefore did not bother choosing. So I have no idea what school it is.

Even if I had chosen a school, keeping track of which one it was is an undesirable burden.

So does the wand count as all four elemental schools simultaneously, then? I assume it does, but I want a ruling so that I can be sure.

General Questions / Re: Necromancer questions
« on: March 11, 2015, 05:47:23 PM »
It matters. Consider Magma Golem. Imagine if you had a card like ghoul rot, but fire themed ("Sticky Flame"?). The Golem is immune to Flame damage, but can still be targeted by Flame enchantments. So if "Sticky Flame" deals untyped damage, you have an odd situation.

In the future, what if there is a card that is immune to poison damage but is not not Poison Immune? Best to always give damage the appropriate type.

Spells / Re: Is the Invisible Stalker Psychic Immune?
« on: March 09, 2015, 12:30:19 PM »
I assumed it was a force projection based on its "Force" subtype. I assume it is not a straight copy of a D&D monster, and that the name similarity is coincidental. But perhaps that is the explanation.

General Questions / Re: Necromancer questions
« on: March 08, 2015, 02:20:46 PM »
Yes subtypes do count for exclusion via immunity. There is one exception to be aware of (from the FAQ page 19):

A hydro attack (or attack spell) which has the Extinguish trait, may target an object with the Hydro Immunity trait. If it does, the attack deals no damage or effects to the object, other than to remove all Burn conditions. This is an exception to the normal immunity rules. In this manner, a Hydro attack can be used to extinguish the fires of a burning plant object, even though the attack cannot actually damage or harm that plant
So yes [mwcard=MWSTX1CKA01]Surging Wave[/mwcard] works but not [mwcard=MW1A08]Geyser[/mwcard].

Actually, the rulings/clarifications for Geyser say that it also may ignore hydro immunity in a similar manner, even without the extinguish trait (as a specific exception for that card alone).

Alternative Play / Re: Augmented Reality Mage Wars in real time!
« on: March 08, 2015, 02:18:44 PM »
Nice ideas. This would be a very ambitious project for a studio, though, let alone a single game developer.

Tried to make a computer-based real time mage duel game once (based on Spellbinder, not Mage Wars). It is harder than you might think, even without the VR.

And how many of them are definitely male?

Also, the correct gender neutral/unisex personal pronoun is "they" not "it". "It" is only used for places, things and abstract concepts.

No need to guess or make up new pronouns or anything silly like that. Singular they has been in use as a unisex personal pronoun for hundreds of years before sexist grammar nazis condemned it.

I currently have 35 creatures assigned male pronouns. It isn't so much that the gender of creatures is ever unclear, it is more that they would be referred to as "it" in actual conversation. For example, unnamed demons are referred to as 'it' due to their otherness. Zombies, obviously, are also 'it' (named or otherwise).

Don't worry, the game will not refer to any human-like creatures as 'it'.

Spells / Re: Is the Invisible Stalker Psychic Immune?
« on: March 07, 2015, 06:18:27 PM »
Invisible stalker is not a spirit. It is just a force projection.

Grey Wraith and Whirling Spirit I can see having minds, but do elementals really have minds? I suppose it could vary between universes, and Mage Wars already has some differences from your typical fantasy universe (vampirism, for instance), so maybe this is just local canon.

But I see no justification for the invisible stalker.

I have implemented gender-appropriate pronouns. There are three types of pronouns currently available:

Personal Subject (He, Her, It)
Personal Object (Him, Her, It)
Personal Possessive Determiner (His, Her, Its)

For defender, the placeholders are
<ds> (subject)
<do> (object)
<dp> (possessive determiner)

For the attacker, similarly, they are

This necessitates a bit more formatting work on your part (or, if you don't understand how to do it, just use the words you would normally use and let me take care of it), but makes the messages much more personalized. I've updated the first page so that you can see examples of how to use these.

On another note, it appears that there are currently only 10 creatures in Mage Wars that are definitely female (unless I missed some).

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