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Messages - Cnoedel

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Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Review of Forged in Flame
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:26:53 PM »
Hey :)

First of all, more Mage Wars is always a good thing, but i see this more as a first aid kit for the warlord because he wasn't as powerful before. Garrison change, General's signet ring, Armory as well as Harshforge Monolith/Plate seem to do fine.  The Talos Combo, while difficult to achieve, and the Conquer Incatation add a lot of fun for casual play! The Dwarf looks awesome and his abilities are cool, not to powerful and leave room for many strategies.

The Warlock spells are mostly useful for her own strategie (maybe the Priest may benefit a bit) and are not as versatile as the above. She seems to be powerful and her burn really annoys the hell out of you! Mentionable Cards are: Bloodfire Helmet, Seriyx, Combustion and Devils trident. Lady Adramelech is as diverse as her male version. One strategy, all the way: Burn stuff, but burn it til it's dead.  She can be devastating but I believe there won't be a lot different spellbooks around her.

Other Cards, like defend, disarm and brace yourself are just perfect to add more depth in any spellbook.

Now for the less good news - Sardonyx really dissapointed me in many ways - I dislike the artwork (it is a cute skelly dragon....), the abilities and he just does not feel powerful enough to see the arena. Furthermore I am afraid that Mage Wars will turn into a complexe Rock-Paper-Scissor but this has nothing to do with this expansion in general. It occurs because most Mages have certain advantages against each other (Priest*ess VS Necromancer, Adramelch's Warlock VS Druid etc). Sure, balancing a game like this is neary impossible and the devs/playtesters do a great job so far but the whole "what is the current meta" disucssions really take the fun out of games like this (I hated it in Magic, I will hate it here). All Mages should feel somewhat equally good, some advantages are fine, but i would be surprised if the Druid is able to fight the fire that burns her forest down.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Where angels dare....
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:40:59 PM »
So here is my first Priest Spellbook (I have little time right now, will modifiy it later)


1xCrown of Protection
1xRing of Asyra
1xLeather Gloves
1xLeather Boots
1xDawnbreaker Ring
1xElemental Cloak
1xStaff of Asyra


2xAsyran Cleric
3xAsyran Defender
2xGuardian Angel
1xGrey Angel


1xEnchanters Wardstone
1xHand of Bim-Shalla
1xTemple of Asyra
1xBattle Forge


2xBrace Yourself
2xHealing Charm
1xArmor Ward
1xDivine Intervention


1xSeeking Dispel
2xMinor Heal
2xPower Strike
1xPerfect strike
1xGroup Heal
1xForce Push


2xPillar of Light
1xBlinding Flahs

I tried to have a lot of Air Force mixed up with healing and synergies between the Priests ability to cause burn. Many spells are very situational but needed because opponents may vary.

It should be played with your pumped up mage and one of the main angels to beat down the enemy mage, the combat tricks may help to survive the battles and you should be better in healing yourself than the opponent. Walls aren't a problem because of flying, necroswarm shouldn't be a problem because there are a lot of +X against undead/nonliving, wizard control will be hard as always but since we do not swarm one has a better starting position than the swarm builds  :D

I like the list because it has a controlish vibe (wardstone, armor ward, pacify) same as a beatdown-grizzly-BM part just with an amazing angel. You could even try to distract by putting up the temple with some Clerics and start spamming the Defenders - one book with many possibilities!

All the mandatory spells fit in well (Dispel, Dissolve, Teleport, Force Push, Seeking Dispel) and will get you out of hairy situations

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Where angels dare....
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:25:24 PM »
Hand of Bim-Shalla always is auto include as Priest*ess!

Aww the time before it was unique - just drop 3-4 of them and kill the enemy mage with temple of light :D

Spellbook Design and Construction / Where angels dare....
« on: July 29, 2014, 12:59:13 PM »
Hey Forum  ;D

So Samadriel, Vashalla and Selenius are three bad-ass angels (ok, selenius has the best artwork) and we have guardian angel and grey angel - where are the angel-spellbooks? Is it just a dream because they cost too much?

My vague idea would be a Priest with Selenius and maybe Vashalla, using his holy avenger for guardian angel and lots of asyran defenders and 1-2 clerics to pump Vashalla. Besides this one can use ignite, combustion and his ability for some fun moments (just as mentioned in the Mage Wars Monday Podcast)

So why is no one using angels? They fly, which gives most mages problems, they can be healed pretty easy, they aren't bad at attacking - seems fine to me but i think i missed a point somewhere, forum, go on, upset me  :P

League / Tournament Play / Re: Essen 2014
« on: July 03, 2014, 07:46:56 PM »
I am german, no offense taken, the flags look almost identical :D ....

League / Tournament Play / Re: Essen 2014
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:17:56 PM »
I live in Essen, I was there last year and all I could have bought was the german version of the core set in which i have no interest. Really hoped to see you guys there (or any other mage for duel) but got totally let down  :'(

My wounds are deep and my heart still broken. AW, fix it this year :D

Thank you Shadow and Grizzly,

I read the article and saw some youtubeVideos regarding the topic and i must admit, my complains were a bit over the top.

There is no sexism involved in the video - I still dislike the Video, but not due to sexist reasons -  Hopefully I will find out what bothers me.

Excuse my emotional reaction as I first saw it, because normally when I see a MW Video, I am super hyped and amazed.

I never thought that she was doing it against her will, but if she did it would be more controversial  ;D

However I disagree with the over-the-shoulder-shot and her acting, again, its not the clearest situation on the "sex sells" train, but it still is there. Guess it comes down to personal impressions.

Not sure how to deal with"booth babes". I believe the topics are related to each other and I have to think about it.

Creative / Re: Custom Spellbooks
« on: June 30, 2014, 02:06:43 PM »
Wow - this looks amazing, really hyped for the next 5!

Could you explain how you did them or make a short tutorial for someone who has zero crafting skills like me? :D

Following my own logic I have to consider booth babes as "sexist" too, perhaps they are but somehow I fail to feel so, same goes with Cosplay. Now that is something I want to figure out!

To be honest, something about the video bothers me, I am not sure if it is sexism or just because it looks cheesy. This thread shows me that I am not alone in my reaction to the video but might be wrong regarding my sexism statement.

RingKichard please explain what the PAX is and why the promotion would be banned?

I have to make some adjustment to my innitial critic - Toni is not doing this against her will thus my point is not that strong and as i mentioned before AW is not the worst case to expose sexism. (So I somewhat agree with sIke and Imaginator)

What bothers me is her approach (which may be part of the promotion, since she should represent a new player) because she acts somehere between dull and flat towards the game and it looks like she is only there because she is a female.

To silverclagrizzly: If the camera ould show his crotch and he would act overmanly, yes i would consider it sexist

To Lord0fWinter: This is an advertisment for mage wars, only secondarly aimed to her fans, it's not her in privat showing off her MW-box she just got. She is getting paid to do this.

I am glad so many participate in the discussion. Will explain my line of thoughts soon and please move this thread to player feedback, my fault - sorry :)

General Discussion / Re: New Promo Cards Sighted
« on: June 25, 2014, 07:40:14 PM »
Thank you! :)

"I mean it was just a blonde chic opening a core set and telling people what was in it"

That sums it up perfectly! :D

And yes, not much is shown and my issue is rather small because there are much worse examples of sexism in marketing than this one, but i play MW and felt upset by this in special.

"it's something to do if you got a camera and a free game."

If she does it for free because she likes the game and unboxings you are right, but the video appeared on the Mage Wars youtube channel what strikes me as (dumb; sexist; superficial) advertisment.

General Discussion / Re: New Promo Cards Sighted
« on: June 25, 2014, 06:54:26 PM »
anyone able to post a picture? When I try to get onto that site there pops up:


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