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Messages - Sailor Vulcan

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General Discussion / Re: Questions about OCTGN meta
« on: April 29, 2018, 07:17:50 PM »
SIX poisoned bloods and a deathlock? I don't think I've ever seen any competitive warlocks who used that many.

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General Discussion / Questions about OCTGN meta
« on: April 29, 2018, 11:43:15 AM »
Hi. Are there any strategies that are viable against a good druid player besides tanking or killing her creatures? And do any such strategies exist which only use two creatures?

I have been having a lot of trouble getting more aggressive decks to work against druid.

Perhaps coincidentally I've also noticed that the OCTGN meta usually tends to use longer game strategies, it seems like nearly every competitive deck I encounter on there uses wands, and nearly everything either uses a spawnpoint or has at least 3-4 creatures.

I'm getting really bored of this and I want more variety, but every time I try to make a deck that doesn't use at least 3-4 creatures or doesn't use a spawnpoint, it fails miserably.

Help or advice would be appreciated.


Alternative Play / Questions about OCTGN metagame
« on: April 29, 2018, 10:22:35 AM »
Hi. Are there any strategies that are viable against a good druid player besides tanking or killing her creatures? And do any such strategies exist which only use two creatures?

I have been having a lot of trouble getting more aggressive decks to work against druid.

Perhaps coincidentally I've also noticed that the OCTGN meta usually tends to use longer game strategies, it seems like nearly every competitive deck I encounter on there uses wands, and nearly everything either uses a spawnpoint or has at least 3-4 creatures.

I'm getting really bored of this and I want more variety, but every time I try to make a deck that doesn't use at least 3-4 creatures or doesn't use a spawnpoint, it fails miserably.

Help or advice would be appreciated.


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Hi. Are there any strategies that are viable against a good druid player besides tanking or killing her creatures? And do any such strategies exist which only use two creatures?

I have been having a lot of trouble getting more aggressive decks to work against druid.

Perhaps coincidentally I've also noticed that the OCTGN meta usually tends to use longer game strategies, it seems like nearly every competitive deck I encounter on there uses wands, and nearly everything either uses a spawnpoint or has at least 3-4 creatures.

I'm getting really bored of this and I want more variety, but every time I try to make a deck that doesn't use at least 3-4 creatures or doesn't use a spawnpoint, it fails miserably.

Help or advice would be appreciated.


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General Discussion / Re: forum name
« on: April 22, 2018, 01:55:03 PM »
Data would very like to feel emotions, but his "rationality" saves the team in a few occasions!

But Data isn't a Vulcan.

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General Discussion / Re: forum name
« on: April 22, 2018, 08:44:55 AM »
@Sailor Vulcan: I think the Vulcans are a great example for you to use. Star Trek is very upfront about the fact that Vulcans are not rational or logical beings. They are in fact extremely emotional and just as flawed and prone to mistakes as any other biological creature. However, they subscribe to a philosophy of logic. It's like a non-theistic religion, such as Confucianism or some forms of Buddhism, that believes in the good and usefulness of logic and reason. Basically, they highly value rationality just like you, and like you (since you are human) they are imperfect and struggle to live up to the ideal rational form. So, yeah, they're a great example for demonstrating how much you prize rationality.

If you went with a truly rational character, they're usually mechanical androids or computers and their logic is often shown to be a flaw or short coming rather than something to aspire to.
Oh god no. Trying to be an emotionless robot isn't rationality. If you're completely calm all the time no matter what the circumstances, that is not indicative of any kind of good reasoning skills and it also means that *something is very wrong with you*. Vulcans are not rational.

If people here think that I aspire to be as unreasonable as Spock, then I really should change my username.

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General Discussion / Re: forum name
« on: April 21, 2018, 05:15:16 PM »
Sailor Vulcan. Sailor moon is an anime superhero and Vulcan is a planet from star trek whose denizens are known for being "rational". I like anime, want to be a hero, and I highly value rationality. I would have picked a better example of rationality than Vulcans, but unfortunately there aren't many if any examples of actually rational characters that anyone would be likely to recognize. Any truly rational person would recognize that Spock *isn't*. He really isn't.

I'm considering changing my username to something else. Maybe something like "Bayes-Rool" or "Apprentice of the Art of Not Shooting Yourself in the Foot" or "Hero-in-training" or "Envoy of Sanity" or "that Nagging Whispering Doubt" Maybe TNWD for short. or "TellstheTruth".

Or I could go with a joke username of some kind like "Simon says" or "Liar" or "Iamabot".

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General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: April 08, 2018, 11:30:15 AM »

I understand that acedemy needs some love right now and the cards are compatible. I mean look at the force master expansion the allowed us to play the force master in a completely new way and was a breath of fresh air. But the there are some things missing that we don’t see that we would in a arena expansion. A big one is there has not been any new conjugations since grimore. Also, due to the way acedemy is the majority of the cards are cheap and low leveled. There are some exceptions to this but I doubt we will ever see a dragon that costs 28 mana in a acedemy expansion. If they can do what they did with the force master and put a new spin on a older mage that would be great because I wouldn”t mind expanding on old ideas. I would really like to see terrain expanded on more.

The big thing is that while you can use the same cards, an acedemy expansion is not the same as a arena expansion.  And while acedemy does need love so does arena because there hasn’t been anything out for it for awhile and there hasn’t been any news at all. And you can say the reason it is like this now is because they don’t want to drop the ball again like they did with PvS. That’s understandable to a point but to not hear anything for years? If they don’t want to add anything new that’s fine but they could also do additions to get some cards that you can’t add to acedemy and I thought that was what grimore volumes were going to be but we haven’t gotten another volume for some time.

So we haven't gotten any *conjurations* or *level 5 or higher* spells since lost grimoire? That's hardly the same thing as "No new cards for Arena since lost grimoire". Seriously, you guys are acting like the sky is falling here. It hasn't been *that* long since the last set was released. So what if it was an academy set? Those are just as useful for Arena as any other mage wars set. This is nothing like how long we had to wait after forged in fire came out. Arena has not been abandoned. Relax.

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I'm not so sure about that. The cost for orb's defense should be paid either before or during the avoid attack step. If it's during the avoid attack step then it is too late because that is when the attack is avoided. If it's before the avoid attack step then you would be able to reveal falcon precision after the cost of the defense has already been paid. I suspect that the cost is paid *during* the step, not before. Though I could be wrong.

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General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: April 05, 2018, 12:52:55 PM »
I think the main point for AW is, academy makes more money for them as arena. We, who play only arena buy 2 of the academy expansions.
Did AW say that? Does Academy make AW more money *in general* than Arena? It's been less than two years since PvS was released, and we already know that AW has a slow release schedule. Where did you get this info from?

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Events / Re: Origins 2018 Academy
« on: April 05, 2018, 12:41:45 PM »
I was planning to do arena on Saturday.
Yeah, I know. But most mage wars players prefer arena, and I'm worried even fewer people will participate in academy tournament if it overlaps with their Arena practice time. That's why I tentatively picked Wednesday afternoon. If people don't like that I'll put it at some other time.

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Events / Re: Origins 2018 Academy
« on: April 04, 2018, 09:08:10 PM »
as a suggestion, perhaps find out when folks will be making it. some may not be able to get there day 1. the Thursday afternoon slot would probably be a better fit. just guessing however. see who responds and what their availability is and go from there.
Maybe. But to be honest I'm worried if I set up for Thursday no Arena players will want to participate because they'll want to practice for arena. Considering that there's only like maybe 10 people on octgn who still play Academy on rare occasion and probably a lot less, I want to make sure it's on a day where it doesn't conflict with Arena practice. And if I pick Sunday people will be too tired and lots of people will be leaving by then. Putting it on the extra day that wasn't part of the con until this year might solve that problem I hope. But if that doesn't work for people I can change it.

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Events / Origins 2018 Academy
« on: April 04, 2018, 06:40:49 PM »
Hi. I've decided to host a Mage Wars Academy tournament at Origins this year. It will be an unofficial, round robin tournament with no time limits. The winner will get a magical college diploma (trophy shaped like a scroll).

Spellbook list submission deadline is before the tournament starts. Only Academy sets released at least a month before the tournament will be legal.

If you would like to attend, let me know by pm, email or facebook and what days or times you would prefer for the tournament to be held.

I'm thinking the tournament will most likely be held in the early to mid afternoon on Wednesday June 13th (day 1/5 of the con) in the mage wars section of the open gaming hall.

This is because that way it will be out of the way quickly for those of you who want to have as much time as you can to practice for Arena afterwards, and you won't have any less time to practice on site than other years. (Since origins was previously 4 days long instead of 5).

Let's make it happen! :D

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: April 04, 2018, 01:12:52 PM »
try to play something else for the next few years

that's the problem:
they seem to desert arena, without willing to tell it, but do you know a game just half as good as MW-arena?
No, they haven't deserted arena and they aren't deserting arena. I honestly don't see why you're acting as if AW has abandoned Arena just because they're not releasing Arena-exclusive sets this year. Academy sets are for both Academy and Arena, so this way they can support both games at the same time. Arena already has probably a much bigger more active player base than Academy, so Arena doesn't necessarily need as much exclusive attention right now to keep it active. On the other hand, I think there's like less than ten people who still play academy on OCTGN, and they play it only on rare occasion. Academy needs more love, so that's what AW is doing this year. They're not abandoning Arena. It feels like you guys are catastrophizing a bit here.

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General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: April 02, 2018, 02:25:28 PM »
I propose a class action against AW if they end arena befor we get a frost attack!
Uh...what? Are you sarcastic, trolling or serious?

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