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Messages - cbalian

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Thank you so much for the advice.  I will look forward to my first game with her next week.  I'm pretty sure she won't be my favorite mage but wanted to give her a go.

Spells / Re: Spells you would like to see
« on: June 16, 2013, 06:47:48 PM »
I know there is a mass dispell for enchantments is there something like that for artifacts/equipment?

Also a Destroy Target Creature card, like a Death Touch would be cool for evil.

Or Exile Target Creature card, like the Wizard Banish but would be cool for light and it would be permanent.

Definitely that would rock.  I actually just got done playing Magic the Gathering Online.  I would pay money for Mage Wars Online.  The MWO community would rock! 

The cards are all the same (no one has those rare/expensive cards like in MTGO) so it would almost be simpler to implement a server for that.

Definitely hope to see MWO in the future, would be a great revenue source for the Arcane Wonders team and really bring players together from all over the world.  Would love to get in those chat rooms and chat play strategy and such while playing a live game.

Looking for some advice on strategy.  I've never played the ForceMaster yet and I'm having a hard time deciding.

Is it better to:

Option A:  Use avoidance effects to not get hit at all (or as little as possible) via multiple deflects, forcefield -or-
Option B:  Not use forcefield, but use Circle of Lightning and allow small hits to go through and risk not being able to deflect

So basically the question comes down to if you had to pick ONE would you put Circle of Lightning in your deck or Forcefield?

I normally play a Wizard or Preistess so I generally hide out while my spells and creatures do the damage for me but this build of me being IN the fight has me nervous (it isn't my play style I guess).  And it seems counterproductive to put both Circle of Lightning AND Forcefield in.

And since I've never used Forcefield is it even that good of a card?  10 mana reveal cost with +2 mana upkeep seems a LOT of mana drain for 1 card.  I mean the 3 hits is great to start but after that it can only absorb 1 hit each round for 2 mana upkeep cost correct?

I wish you could "choose" to use the forcefield, like have it absorb a hit if an attack made it past your deflect roll or something.

Armor vs deflect
I figure a balance of armor + deflect is good?  Like when is it better to have armor vs to deflect a hit.  Deflect sounds good to absorb an entire hit but since it is a maybe I like armor too.

So I put 3 armor in and 4 deflect.

Can you use deflect on a spell or is it just for physical ranged/melee attacks?  Like if he tosses a lightning bolt at me and I have a deflect (that works on range) can I try to roll to deflect the lightning bolt?  I know spells that specify "direct damage" I can't deflect for sure, but regular other attack spells you can?

Rules Discussion / Multiple Conjurations in zone with Zone Exclusive
« on: June 16, 2013, 07:43:43 AM »
My friend that I play likes to hide out in his spawn point a lot so I've been trying to think of ways to flush him out from his corner amassing swarms.

Question 1:
Am I correct to assume that a "Zone Exclusive" conjuration just means you can't have other zone exclusive conjurations.  What I did is toss Poison Cloud conjuration on top of his spawn point.  I can put my conjuration in the same zone as his conjuration correct?

Question 2:
Does summoning a creature to the arena (whether it be via spawn point or via mage) count as "entering the zone"?  Or does someone have to actually walk into the zone to trigger traps and caltrops etc.  I was just wondering if I can toss poison clouds, caltrops, and hellfire traps all on top of the opponents spawn point and it would trigger when a creature is summoned?  Well cloud doesn't trigger until beginning of round but I think you get what I'm trying to do to keep him away from his corner.  And maybe that new pit trap card too?

Creative / Re: $6 magnetic status board.
« on: June 15, 2013, 12:08:51 PM »
My friend and I were just talking about how easily the wooden tokens slide on the status board even if you lightly tap it.  We were talking about how it would be nice to have a less slippery surface (like mouse pad material was mentioned) but I will definitely give this a shot.

I guess I'm surprised with how thick the cardboard is (which is a nice quality and not flimsy) that the magnets actually stick through it.  I've never tried those magnet tacks though pictured.

I also like the extra space for reminders.  I could put upkeep mana cost or regen reminder etc.

Creative / Re: My Spell Card Organization
« on: June 15, 2013, 12:00:18 PM »
I like the 3 ring binder ideas.  That way you can put color coded tabs in however you like type/class etc.

I'll have to try to find the coin sleeves online I like that idea, but it seems like there are a LOT of cards for 3 ring binders of those.  Maybe I'll put a page of copies for each card and if I have max extra copies just binder those outside of the book.

My friend and I usually each build 2 different mage builds at a time so 4 books worth of stuff is out in a spell book at any given time.

Rules Discussion / Re: Rule clarification for multiple defenses
« on: June 13, 2013, 01:30:47 PM »
OK thanks so much!

If the same creature attacks you with double or triple strike can you use a deflection/avoidance against EACH one of those or since it is the same creature can you still only use 1 defense roll?  I "think" for a double attack each one counts as a separate attack correct?

If you do use a deflection bracer and you successfully deflect the attack does your damage shield still trigger or do those only trigger if you are successfully hit?

I'm a big fan of having more channeling then my opponent.  It's a bit slower but over time you beat them down because you can summon/cast more than them.  This of course works best in the Wizard deck with mana suppression techniques and I also like to toss the Upkeep +2 on any creatures they toss at me early (especially weak ones that I don't need to worry about killing).  Then those creatures are more of a detriment to their end game.  Since so many folks like to rush you I actually like it when they summon little guys and send them out, and make them pay for it every turn.

I usually do something like this:
Turn 1:  Moonglow amulet + Mana Crystal (get the juices flowing early) +2 every round adds up
Turn 2:  Spawnpoint + Harmonize
Turn 3:  Familiar + Harmonize
After that it is creatures because by now they are sending attacks at you.

This also favors my usual strategy with is to let them come to me (and I am a HUGE fan of ranged attacks)  Gorgon + Basilisk are deadly together.

Rules Discussion / Rule clarification for multiple defenses
« on: June 13, 2013, 07:29:02 AM »
Sorry if this is a silly question, I'm still pretty new to the game.

Question 1:
If you have multiple defenses, like Deflection Bracer + Cobra Reflexes can you use them BOTH on one attack or do you get only ONE defense roll PER attack?  Or a Bracer and a Scimitar or maybe even if you have 3 defenses can you use all 3?

Question 2:
If you are the Forcemaster and have a Deflection Bracer and a Force Field can you choose to use the deflection bracer and if the defense roll fails the attack would hit your Force Field or if you get attacked does it automatically hit the Force Field?  Was just thinking of a way to save FF counters if that is possible?

General Discussion / Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:54:03 PM »
Mine is a toss up between the Wizard or Preistess.

So far I have won every single game I have played and I would say the Wizard is just the easiest to win with (almost too easy, as in there isn't a challenge).

Mana suppression is SO powerful.  When I'm channelling 14 mana per round and my opponent is channeling 6 + upkeep + suppression effects, really it is just a matter of time before they are overwhelmed.  By the time you get to that point they can't do anything but try to react and even then it isn't enough to make a difference, you can summon a big creature every other turn OR what I like to do is just chain cast Chain Lightning and work them down until dead.

The other reason I like the Wizard is because the Gorgon + Basilisk double ranged attack is almost too overpowered.  By the time a creature or enemy mage can even get to you the gorgon is doing nice damage + weakening them and the basilisk (and/or combo of lightning stuns) is keeping them from getting in range to do damage.


The Preistess I like because you just can't kill her, if she gets low or in danger you just heal back to full and eventually your opponent runs out of steam.  She's not super powered offensively (although she has options) she has long term play options.

Also with the preistess I LOVE a pile of temples and just stun lock my opponents until they die while not being able to barely touch you.

In any deck I'm a HUGE fan of ranged, and not into big melee heavy hitters.  I like to kill them from afar and if I need to finish them off with melee when they get close.  It is about controling your environment and I feel ranged is best for that.  Although there is a counter strategy for everything, which makes the game cool.

Even though I have won with every mage I've played I think the hardest challenge was the Warlock because as much as I love curseweaving, I'm not impressed with the creature base and I feel DoT tactics are too slow for me.

The Beastmaster is fun but almost feels a bit too straightforward and simple to play.  Summon a horde, send em out, overwhelm your opponent, win the game.  Sure you can win but it isn't a big challenge, maybe I like the more subtle tactics to win. 

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:24:32 PM »
I like the Elementalist idea.  Trained in all 4 elements.  So would focus heavily on spells.  But also as part of that there would be an elemental of each type for creatures, which there obv strengths and weaknesses.    And maybe for a big creature or the mage himself to be an elemental lord that can "choose" it's base type of attack as needed.  Would be pretty versatile versus any type of mage or situation.

Mages / Re: Druid Speculation
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:15:30 PM »
I love the idea of the Druid folks have been putting out, very exciting stuff.  I'm a huge Druid fan in other games I play like EverQuest etc.

My very 1st instinct/thought would be a nature/cleric so nature + holy for schools of magic.

I can see how any of the other elemental schools of magic could make sense though too, for example the EQ Druid is focused on ice + fire.   There are so many directions you could take with "choosing one element, similar to the wizard".  So instead of Arcane + 1 element of choice, it would be Nature + 1 element of choice etc.  And of course a triple penalty for dark magic and maybe even war spells.

I think there is just too much tied to nature for a Druid to not be nature at least, so I think as cool as the "all elements" idea sounds I can see a future expansion opportunity for that.  ie in the future there should be an "Elementalist" who is trained in ALL elements but nothing else (which has it's obv pros/cons restrictions).

IF it ends up being nature + holy since those are two major schools there has to be a significant penalty, there are so many good combos I can think of if I had access to both those in my book for base spell book cost.  So maybe a restriction to not being able to wear certain armor or things to make the Druid rely on its spells more.

Oh and of course a Druid needs plant based stuff so a major Treant creature for a big guy and seedlings or something for the little swarm strategies.

A mass dissolve or something of that nature might be very powerful as well.

Mages / Re: Necromancer balance
« on: June 12, 2013, 12:55:19 PM »
Definitely a reanimate dead incantation (similar to the Preistess' Resurrection incantation) would be great for the Necromancer.  OR better yet have a 'weak' version of it (with penalties) as his mage special ability.  Sometime like "as a quick cast reanimate a creature for 5 + it's level cost".  As was mentioned giving you the ability to reanimate your enemies fallen dead would make it even more fun and give you additional play style options against any type of mage (including the preistess).  Reanimate that angel or unicorn and send it back at her!

As for balance, I agree, even with the initial penalties vs light/holy damage that can be mitigated and there are other factors such as using Idol of Pestilance and global affects that do not hurt your undead creatures but will hurt the opposing preistess' creatures.

Rules Discussion / Re: Forcefield vs unavoid. attk
« on: June 12, 2013, 07:47:25 AM »
If someone attacks the Forcemaster with the shield up and the Forcemaster has a damage shield does the damage shield still get to trigger or does it skip that too since the attack was absorbed by the force field?

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