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Messages - Fentum

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Rules Discussion / Re: Attack Dice and/or Effect Dice Modifiers
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:23:37 PM »
You can also search in the forums, under Resoucers and Downloads... a post named OFFICIAL Mage Wars FAQ, wich contains a pdf of FAQS... there you can find (page 9 to be exact) a really really helpful topic... called:


There you can find what Traits, Modify What Die/Dice...
Fire+X, or any other Damage Type + Both Modify the Attack and Effect Dice/Die
Same as +X vs. Creature Type/Trait ( for example: +2 vs. Flying) Also Modify both the Attack and Effect Dice/Die.


Also here is a picture of my dog, :D

What with dogs and piggy wiggys, this thread is becoming dangerously off topic...

Rules Discussion / Re: Attack Dice and/or Effect Dice Modifiers
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:38:50 AM »



Can have a burn.

Can remove damage in principle but need to look at target requirements on the 'heal' spells. Conjuration not creature.
Probably some Druid love coming soon....


Burn your house down, little piggy wiggy.

Spells / Re: Spells you would like to see
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:55:05 AM »
If we are looking for fluff to explain a War school anti teleport option, how about

Van Grav's Field Generator

Conjuration. Non zone exclusive. Looks like a crazy van de Graaf generator from a physics lab. No teleporting into or out of the zone it is in.

Van Grav is an engineer who creates a series of steampunkish equipment.

Sniper rifles, clockwork gladiator, etc.
In fact, how about a Technomage who actually IS Van Grav? War plus Any one element perhaps? Opposite is Nature plus opposing element?

His spells could help out War?

General Discussion / Re: What is Arcane Wonders attitude towards Octgn?
« on: August 25, 2013, 02:09:54 PM »
The ease with which you say that assures me that you are not a programmer, nor in business.

I've been a professional programmer for 9 years, and a game designer for 6.

I'm not really sure what you think would be difficult about designing and developing a project like this. It seems like it would be any other project I've worked on before.

the only issue that would arrive with a mage wars online app honestly would be the low player count and small fan base resulting in either no return or a slow return, but that would be up for market research to decide on, really, thankfully octgn serves that purpose if enough people are playing it that it is an issue then their is indeed a market for it.

What kingrichard was snarkily trying to convey is that it's very probable that Arcane Wonders doesn't have the means to finance such a project and a partnership with an existing studio is probably difficult because of the high difficulty barrier of this game for average players.

I have to say that personally i would love to see Playdek work on this game.

That's ringkichard and he ain't no snark, generally.

Force push through the wall of fire


Nec can fly over walk giving flexibility

General Discussion / 11 year old novice beats 50 game veteran... HURRAH!
« on: August 25, 2013, 10:23:23 AM »

I just taught my son how to play Mage Wars. He is aged 11 and more into rugby, but he is pretty smart. Smart enough to beat his old dad in game three!

We ran three straight core set Apprentice games with him as BM and me as Warlock. He picked it all up in five minutes. Several questions through each game, but just playing through was all he needed to get to grips with it.

In the second game, he saw what a buffed werewolf could do, so in game three he pulled out the Grizzly and went to town. I wasn't playing deliberately badly, he simply played well, made good choices and cast a particularly effective Tanglevine at JUST the right moment.

I am a proud dad. Watch out Charmyna!

On a serious note, it really did take only ten minutes for an 11 year old to pick up and play the game. The Apprentice mode is just great. We got three games in in around 90 minutes. Get the word out and build the player base.

Very, very cool game.

Note that the Nec can fly on her action but the Grizz can't.

Note also that you have Walls of Fire.


Wise words all.

My latest thinking on this stuff is to have a general strategy to a book, with 'burst packages' to take advantage of tactical opportunities should they come up.

E.g. In my Air Wizard Assassin / Big Few / Position deck, the strategy is pretty much described as the title.

In a vacuum, I will start with a few turns which end with a Grizzly and a Nec Vamp out.

However, if the enemy are careless, I am very happy to drop a tactical package of Wall of Thorns plus Push.

But still the strategic route to victory is damage to the mage from the big few. Very little indeed will make me move away from Assassin. I.e. ignore the creatures and kill the Mage.

General Discussion / Re: What is Arcane Wonders attitude towards Octgn?
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:53:05 AM »
The ease with which you say that assures me that you are not a programmer, nor in business.

It IS easy to criticise from a position of inexpert laziness, such as my own (!), BUT as far as I am aware, a lone guy sorted out Mage Wars on OCTGN. Lone guys also create excellent boardgame modules for Vassal. I would think that AW could sort something really good out fairly easily in terms of resources. I can understand it if they have a strategic aversion to on line at the start of the game's life and are focussing on FTF.

I can't really get my head around the lack of any on line book building or game playing from AW. I play all my MW games on OCTGN, and it has / will encourage me to buy all the physical stuff.


The best thing to do is to try lots of strategies yourself.

Sometimes, the obvious strategy doesn't work so well in practice. That is very true of a low level swarm.

In the apprentice book standard builds, it is quite difficult to beat an aggro Steelclaw.

They are great for learning the mechanics but you will no doubt move up soon...

 I love you ringkichard.

'chain multiple free actions to cause mayhem'.

We need to stamp that out.

Spells / Re: What do you think about Ballista?
« on: August 23, 2013, 10:24:43 AM »
Making overpowered cards unique is a pretty good nerf the first time you do it. But eventually you accumulate enough of them that they cross the threshold anyway.

I think it says something interesting about the game and how we percieve it that we can generally agree that 4 Batista is a very strong play, but that 1 Balista may seem very weak.

I think this says something important about Strategy and Tactics in Mage Wars.

I agree, though I think it says even more about the usefulness of multiple free actions without the chance for a riposte.

I can see a time when a player has..

Wizard's Tower
etc, etc

and chains multiple free actions to cause mayhem. Unique won't help here.

I hope that we can avoid that, and for me it is the free action stacking that is the killer mechanic, not any one card in particular.

(PS I made a few of those up!)

Spells / Re: What do you think about Ballista?
« on: August 22, 2013, 03:49:52 PM »
My initial thought when I first saw it was that it'd be interesting for its attack to only be able to target Conjurations. between itself and Arkiro's Hammer it would create the theme that the main function of War Machines is Anti-Conjuration devices  and create a niche for it in War School (breaking down walls, blowing up temples, spawn points, totems, altars, death locks, wizard towers, outposts, etc).  Arkiro's Hammer would then be the longer range, more expensive version which also includes a creature hitting zone attack while ballista would be a cheaper version that was only exclusively conjuration control.

Another thing worth pointing out about Ballista is that Reverse Attack stands a good chance of making a Ballista 1-shot itself on a decent roll due to its own heavy pierce rating.

Reverse is ok but I don't fancy carrying four of the little buggers!

General Discussion / Re: What is Arcane Wonders attitude towards Octgn?
« on: August 22, 2013, 12:09:01 PM »

I might actually prefer OCTGN as it is MUCH quicker.
I played a 4 hour grind game on Sunday on Octgn. Walls and Traps oh my!

Woulda been 6 IRL.

Just easier to set up and tear down really.

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