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Messages - DaveW

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Events / Re: Mage Wars Tournament @ GenCon Indy 2014
« on: May 17, 2014, 08:34:02 AM »
I'm going to start signing up for events this weekend. I would like Mage Wars to be included in the list, but if they aren't posted soon, I might not be able to join in the fun.

PLEASE get them on the schedule ASAP!

I don't understand what you are saying about the number of players on a team, or how many wins you need to win. Maybe an example would help. Are you, for example, saying that each team would have the same number of players, of could each team have a different number?

On the option:

I hate the idea of using someone else's spellbook. The are some styles that I'm more practiced in, enjoy more, etc. To be forced to play a defensive build when I'm offensive-inclined (or vice versa) would be horrible. In addition, we both would not be very familiar with the opponent's book.

Instead, I would suggest playing the same person, each using a different Mage / spellbook than in the first game.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Indianapolis Mages Wanted
« on: May 06, 2014, 04:40:29 PM »
Well, the Arsenal is no more... where are Mage Wars addicts in Central Indiana hanging out these days?

I would love to get in more games... I've only had one other person to play when I go to non-tournament settings, and even then that is only irregularly. It seems like no one wants to join us when I'm able to show up.

Boy do I need the practice! (In other words, if you want to win, look me up!)


Rules Discussion / Re: Ward Stone and Nullify
« on: May 04, 2014, 03:25:47 PM »
A countered spell does not resolve. So, enchanter's wardstone cannot help it because it was countered and never resolved. I apologize for the confusion involving the term "Destroyed". I'll see if we an get that fixed in future printings.

I think this also makes sense in relation to the ruling on the Nullification of Decoy spells. The Decoy never resolves, so the mana is not returned to the casting mage. Maybe this doesn't add a lot to the conversation, but it does seem to show a bit of inherent consistency in the rulings.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Battle forge and forcemaster
« on: April 29, 2014, 12:00:10 AM »
Well, the important part of what sIKE is suggesting (in my opinion) is to block Line of Sight cheaply. For this task, a Fog Bank would work fine. Wall of Earth is superior to Fog Bank if you ask me, however, because it also blocks passage. This makes it more difficult to circumvent. Both have the options of going around or destroying the wall, but Fog Bank can also be gone through which the Wall of Earth can't.

In addition, the Wall of Earth is in school for more mages (Warlord and Earth Wizard) than the Fog Bank (Air Wizard). Plus the previewed card Otto Kronig can put armor on the Wall of Earth and reconstruct it. The Goblin Builder is also meant to be able to reconstruct it, although there is concern that it can't as currently worded. Fog Bank lacks this kind of support.

I guess I need to avoid these conversations since I have no idea that these cards even exist.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Battle forge and forcemaster
« on: April 26, 2014, 11:31:08 AM »
Once FiF is out you can use a couple of Walls of Earth to block LoS.

How are they different from walls of stone? Weaker with lower mana cost? What not just use Fog Bank, if so?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Battle forge and forcemaster
« on: April 23, 2014, 07:03:46 PM »
I agree. If your opponent wastes the mana and actions getting rid of my forge than it's worth the quick action I used to cast it.

While this is true, I also feel it is beside the point. Given the option to spend some mana for a Force Hammer or a couple of Surging Waves to kill the thing on the following turn, or to leave it be and give the opposing mage a dozen or so mana plus a similar number of actions, I'd choose to kill it. You probably lose less mana and certainly prevent your opponent from having many more equipment spells cast in the long run by doing so.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Help me beat the Forcemaster
« on: April 19, 2014, 08:35:07 AM »
Surging wave against the battleforge since battle forge has hydro + 3.

Agreed, though I'd prepare a second attack spell of some kind in case one wasn't enough... six dice on a BF sometimes does it for me, but not usually. Either that, or a Force Hammer usually takes care of the BF.

Don't let anyone try to talk you out of attacking it by saying that you are spending more actions or more mana to kill the BF... while this is true on the turn that you destroy it, you are preventing your opponent from taking advantage of all of the actions and mana that he will get out of it later if you don't kill it.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Proposal: Counterspell ability
« on: April 16, 2014, 06:08:52 PM »
Either for use by any Mage as an alternative to "normal" casting, or perhaps for a new Arcane school mage special ability (though I strongly advise the latter):

Counterspell would be an ability, rather than a spell. The ability would allow the possibility of cancelling a spell currently being cast by the opposing Mage. You would have to have the same spell available to cast (if it were your action), and then cast the spell (during the counterspell step) using your quickcast marker, and pay the same amount of mana that your opponent is using to cast his spell. If this is done, then the original spell fizzles.

So, if the enemy mage spends 12 mana to try to teleport your mage to a zone on the other side of the board where a bunch of creatures are waiting for him, you could reveal a Teleport spell in hand (or use one from a Mage wand), flip your quickcast marker, and spend 12 mana yourself to cancel the action.

If you want a little more flexibility at the expense of complication, you could alternately allow the use of a spell of the same type from the same school with a higher base spellbook cost instead. So, for example, to cancel a Minor Heal, you could use a Heal if you had no Minor Heal in hand... but you only would pay the cost for the Minor Heal.

For spells with more than one school listed, you could use a spell from either school... but the total base spellbook cost would have to be exceeded. For example, you might be able to cancel a Renewing Rain with a Lay Hands, but not with a Heal.

I would think that this could only be used on Attack and Incantation spells for flavor (if not logistical) reasons, and that you would have to be within range (using the range of the spell you are using to counter the original spell) of either the opposing mage, or the original spell's target in order to be able to do this.

I am suggesting that this would be an ability specific to a new mage, rather than for use by all. This seems as if it would particularly empower melee mages with added magical defenses... they could prepare teleports every round knowing that this can help them defend against being teleported away, all the while using melee attacks instead of (or in conjunction with) the teleport counterspell.

It seemed interesting... wondering what you all think about the concept.

Spells / Re: Enchantment Transfusion Tricks
« on: April 16, 2014, 05:23:04 PM »
One other use for Enchantment Transfusion is to quickly transform one of your creatures just prior to an attack. (This presumes your Mage is relying on creatures for the attack more than himself.) You could load up Mongoose Agility, Cheetah Speed, and Bear Strength (for example) on your mage in prior turns, and then pop the Enchantment Transfusion to move all of them to a large creature closer to the target (presumably the opposing Mage). Your opponent wouldn't get to dispel them before your creature attacks, making the creature very strong, able to attack from two zones away, and able to ignore any creatures in the way (including guards).

so..the enchantment transfusion resolves before the dispel ? cool !

Yes. I learned this the hard way. I paid for a Purge Magic and then found out that there weren't any spells left to remove after he transferred them to one of his creatures.

The way around this is to put a Seeking Dispel on a Mage Wand, and dispel one enchantment at a time. If you get lucky, you hit the Enchantment Transfusion. If not, then your opponent has to decide whether it is worth expending the ET to keep you from dispelling the face down enchantment. For real fun, first do a Seeking Dispel, and then the Purge Magic. If he only moved the one spell you eliminate all of the others, or you can try to Purge the creature he put the enchantments on if they are move en masse.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: The value Mana Flower and Mana Crystal
« on: April 16, 2014, 04:56:15 PM »
If you spend all your mana, you are just telling me: "You can go FFA on me, I can't reveal any Nullify, Block, Reverse Attack, etc.".

If you like to play fast with mana, it's a good idea to toss out a Decoy or two during the course of the game for just this reason... to pay those reveal costs when your opponent thinks you can't.

General Questions / Re: Fliers get charge bonus in same zone
« on: April 16, 2014, 06:02:57 AM »
Based on the same rationale of how a flying archer can ranged attack into its own zone, I'd like to see a flying unicorn get the charge bonus against targets in the same zone. If this rule already exists, I'd appreciate a reference.

I suppose that you could make your flying unicorn fast also... move it out of the zone and then back in and attack....

League / Tournament Play / Re: Suggested Rule change for cons
« on: April 11, 2014, 04:52:58 PM »
I'm not saying one per table... whoever is running the tournament or someone else designated who isn't playing. How many ties do you have to break in a round, after all?

How about this... let a tie be a tie... 5-2-0 points for win-tie-lose. Or give no points for ties, and just count numbers of won games.

I hate having to worry about what happens at the end... and it seems that the books I play always have me playing well into the time limits. Maybe it's the player, and I'm just playing... wrong. Maybe I should just stop playing tournaments and just play for fun instead. To be honest, that's why I go to tournaments... experience and fun... I never expect to win anything.

How about offering non-tournament play more often at cons? Have a designated place for people to sign up and play pick-up games.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Battle forge and forcemaster
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:10:04 AM »
I find myself using battle forge more and more. There is a lot of good equipment, for any mage really, and it frees up some casting actions. My FM rocks a first turn forge every time.

Where do you put it... NC? Doesn't anything farther away let the opposing mage sit in his start corner without you harassing him? If the BF is in NC, then everyone should be packing a couple of Surging Waves to kill it on turn two.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Suggested Rule change for cons
« on: April 10, 2014, 05:00:42 PM »
I used to play in SFB tourneys. In that game, if neither player had lost when time was called, the winner was determined by an experienced, impartial judge. The judge looked at the situation and declared a winner.

In MW, the judge would check out the mage boards, the position of the mages and spells on the board, the spells remaining in each spellbook, and asks each player privately how he plans to finish the game... then the judge just decides.

Why not just do that?

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