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Messages - DaveW

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Spells / Re: Plagued
« on: August 11, 2014, 09:32:50 PM »
Pst... guys... put it on enemy mage ;)

Or a creature with Regenerate, like a Unicorn. Encourage creatures to move out of its zone, and then charge them.

Rules Discussion / Re: Attack upon opening Gate to Hell
« on: August 11, 2014, 09:28:30 PM »
This would be easier if there were a distinction between "Line of Sight" and "Line of Effect" in this game.

How does the Gate actually "see" any creatures to target? It doesn't have eyes, and we've already established that the source of the attack is the Gate itself. The card simply says that it targets all non-flying Creatures within two zones of it.

The real question, I suppose, was asked before in this thread... does the text on the card override the (presumably more general) rules in the rule book?

It would be good if the Codex spoke about this card in relation to specifically what it can affect. Would Brian or someone please add that to a "to do" list?

I also would like to know how the judges at GenCon will rule on this so I can know whether I will want to play this card in certain situations.

Rules Discussion / Re: Attack upon opening Gate to Hell
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:43:40 PM »
Lets walk through the steps:

Warlock flips his action marker and spends 900 mana to open the gate. The Gate will then follow all 8 steps of making an attack (as per the rules, see the sidebar MAKING AN ATTACK, "When you attack, you must follow these steps in order")

Step 1. Declare Attack
(This is where this entire issue is rooted) As stated in the rules, during this step an attack is either melee or ranged (no exceptions). Melee attacks require the target to be in the same zone. Ranged attacks can only be preformed if the target is within the maximum range and has a clear Line of Sight. 

From the step description we can clearly determine that the Gate is using a ranged attack, which would require it to have line of sight as per the rules in Step 1.

From page 4 of the rules codex thing:

"Other Attacks
Attacks without a melee or ranged icon (e.g. Damage Barriers, wall attacks, the attack made by the spell
Explode) are neither melee nor ranged. "

Rules Discussion / Re: Attack upon opening Gate to Hell
« on: August 11, 2014, 06:05:32 AM »
Because "Target" has a specific rules meaning, that includes a LoS requirement.

Quote from: Line of Sight
Line of Sight
In order to cast a spell or make a ranged attack
against a target, you must have a clear “line of sight”....

In this case we are neither casting a spell nor making a ranged attack. This requires a full action, but not the casting of a spell (at the moment the gate is opened). Also, the attack is neither melee nor ranged.

I would think that the lack of the ranged symbol is precisely what allows the attack to not require LoS.

I feel odd having the contrary opinion to folks who know the game much better than I do, but I truly can only see this interpreted this way.

Rules Discussion / Re: Attack upon opening Gate to Hell
« on: August 10, 2014, 09:08:20 PM »
Hmmm... after more reading, I retract what I said. Gate to Hell require LoS. Just because of this part in STEP 1. DECLARE ATTACK:

Then, announce what target you are attacking. You must
choose a legal target for your attack

Now I guess I just need to know why each non-flying creature within two zones would not be considered a legal target... it isn't a ranged attack, after all.

The "target" for the attack is all non-flying creatures within two zones. What makes a target illegal? No LOS? Why would lack of LOS make a creature an illegal target for this special attack?

Rules Discussion / Re: Attack upon opening Gate to Hell
« on: August 09, 2014, 06:34:03 PM »
Hmmm... after more reading, I retract what I said. Gate to Hell require LoS. Just because of this part in STEP 1. DECLARE ATTACK:

Then, announce what target you are attacking. You must
choose a legal target for your attack

But... isn't that from the melee attack section? This attack is neither melee nor ranged....

Rules Discussion / Re: Attack upon opening Gate to Hell
« on: August 09, 2014, 02:35:53 PM »
Thanks everyone for your thoughtful replies.

Can someone point me to a reference in the rules that talks about when Targeting is needed, or that only Ranged attacks need LOS? I agree that it makes sense (which is why I also mentioned that the attack is neither a melee nor a ranged attack), but the Targeting topic makes me think that all attacks must have LOS. From p. 15:

In order to successfully target an object, 3 conditions must be met.
1) You must be able to “see” the object – trace LoS (Line of Sight) to the object.

I guess the way to look at this is to say that the specific wording on the card overrides the more generalized rules in the rule book. Thus, there is no possibility of being able to hide behind walls, etc. to avoid the attack. If the creature is in range, it is hit by the attack.

Oh, and to get this attack off, it requires two Mage actions... one to cast the original spell, and a second one to open the gate... plus a total of 24 mana... 12 + 12. Therefore, it should be a powerful attack (though you also get a fairly sturdy conjuration that gives Demons +1 dice and an alternate entry location for them).

Thanks again!

Rules Discussion / Attack upon opening Gate to Hell
« on: August 09, 2014, 07:54:18 AM »
I found only one possibly useful thread when I looked (http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=12761.msg18915#msg18915), and I can't view the diagram included there... so I need to ask a couple of questions:

1) Is LOS required when making the attack caused by "Opening" the Gate to Hell? I know that the attack does not affect non-creatures (like walls), but do walls or Rolling Fog, or the like prevent the attack against a particular creature? From reading the card, it doesn't sound as if LOS from the Gate is required. (Note that the attack is neither Ranged nor Melee.)

OK, I just found the Targeting topic on page 15, which says that you have to have LOS to make any attack... but does this make sense with regard to the Gate's attack in Rolling Fog? It seems that the heat would get to the creature even if it can't "see" it due to fog alone... no? I can understand how a corporeal wall might block the heat... but not an incorporeal one.

2) Also, while opening the Gate to Hell is a Creature action, the Source of the attack is the Gate itself, correct? The rules codex on page 4 (Attack Source) may need to be updated to include this card, in addition to Chain Lightning and Reverse Attack. The only reason to suspect that the Source might be the Mage instead seems to be that the Mage must use his action and his mana to initiate the attack.

Thanks in advance for the insight!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Double Spawnpoint Warlord
« on: August 02, 2014, 09:02:36 AM »
I also think (for what it's worth) that Thorg would be a good creature to cast. Although still subject to being teleported away, his taunt may still work in the long run to help defend the mage (as pointed out before). Also, against a Warlock's aggressive approach, I would not even try more than the Battle Forge. You can set your book up for a double spawnpoint which might work well against some mages, but have a backup plan for these sorts of situations.

If you want to try to slow the Warlock down, you might try Mangler Caltrops in the NC on turn 1. He will either have to stop in your NC, go around them (which might allow you to dodge around them the other way), or use a more expensive and more valuable Teleport to bypass them. This won't do anything for Addy who can fly over them, but if you have a defender out, then you should be ok for a turn or two which bringing out armor or enchantments like Brace Yourself or Circle of Lightning.

Events / Re: Mage Wars Tournament @ GenCon Indy 2014
« on: July 29, 2014, 05:26:51 PM »
Thanks! And... I just found a store with it on the shelves. Plan to try a few of the new spells out Thursday night (NE Indianapolis area). Any chance you want to visit? Drop me a note if you like.

Events / Re: Mage Wars Tournament @ GenCon Indy 2014
« on: July 24, 2014, 10:58:31 PM »
So.... I can't figure out how to use the BGG site to see the cards in the new set. I am trying to figure out which of my promos I could use since none of the stores in my area can get the expansion.

Does anyone have a list anywhere else?


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Openings, pt. 2
« on: July 12, 2014, 07:48:22 AM »
Hopefully, this will be a place we can discuss optimal openings for different Mages and playstyles, compiled for easy reference.  Here is the suggested format:

Mage: Name of Mage
Playstyle: Aggressive/Defensive/Economy/Midrange

T1: (starting Mana) Action 1; Action 2 [remaining Mana]
T2: (starting Mana) Action 1; Action 2 [remaining Mana]
T3: (starting Mana) Action 1; Action 2 [remaining Mana]


If we get lots of suggestions and discussion I will pull some of the better openings and compile them here in the first post later.

Are you saying that we should post openings here for any mage, or the you will be adding certain ones here yourself?

Events / Re: Mage Wars Tournament @ GenCon Indy 2014
« on: July 06, 2014, 07:03:21 AM »
I saw that it was finally listed last night. Unfortunately, I also learned that I can't drop events until GenCon starts now to make room for the tournament, so I'm just hoping that there will be an opening left....

It would have been nice to have at least known the time slot(s) to plan to keep open prior to GenCon opening to event sign-ups. Maybe next year you can tell us that much in advance, at least.

If she wants to play defensively to build up, I think she should take a few (2-4+?) Fog Banks. If deployed properly, a couple of these can turn your large investment in ranged creatures into a poor investment for a time. (You should have something that can do Ethereal damage... maybe just the enchant that grants it in case Brogan needs to take down some of these walls. You also will want to ensure that you have an Archer's Watchtower for Grimson.)

Also, she should bring out at least one Creature in the first couple of turns to be able to meet Brogan should he decide that he's not needed elsewhere. I personally won't have all of that mana generation (and I favor the Wizard)... I think that she can drop one of the Crystals... maybe two if she uses an Arcane Ring. Someone else already mentioned the usefulness of Teleport.

If you are not putting up walls, then she should dispel any enchantments that bother her the most... hawkeye on Grimson, Sacred Ground, etc. Wizards can play the counter enchantment game effectively. One special reason for her to use Seeking Dispel maybe a little more than usual is that she might remove a face down Holy enchantment, which will give your Priestess +1 life when revealed.

If you are aggressive, then she probably doesn't need the T-bolt. I'd put in the max of 4 Lightning Bolts instead. The Thunderbolt is 1) more expensive, 2) less efficient, and 3) a full action to cast. If she doesn't need to get the range three attack in, then she might be better served without it.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How do YOU stop the early rush?
« on: June 27, 2014, 07:48:48 PM »
Instead of (or along with) guarding, a damage barrier would be good. You keep the ability to use your actions if you wish and still do damage to the offending falcon.

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