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Messages - DaveW

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56 57 ... 62
Rules Discussion / Re: War sledge sweeping attack with only 1 enemy in zone
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:54:01 PM »
I would say that there exists the option to attack an additional Creature, but that there exists no requirement to do so based on the rules under Mandatory Actions.

"Some effects will require a creature to perform a specific action, such as making a melee attack against a
particular enemy creature in its zone. Currently, the only such effects are Bloodthirsty and Taunt. These effects are referred to as mandatory actions."

(The underlining is mine for emphasis.)

Events / Whosyercon 2015 - Indianapolis IN USA
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:53:45 PM »
Are there any current plans to have an event at Whosyercon next year? This would be April 17th-19th, 2015 at the Wyndham Indianapolis West hotel. (See for information.)

I'd offer to help someone if they are going to be there, or if no one from AW will be hosting any kind of event, I'd offer to put something together. I know there are a few folks in the Indy area who might want to play, and that there are others in the outlying area who might be interested as well.

If someone at AW wants to contact me about this, please feel free.

If anyone has interest in playing at this con, please post it here... as well as whether you would like a formal tournament, or informal play, or both.


Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Johktari Weapon
« on: September 14, 2014, 08:40:31 PM »
What does the Johktari Beastmaster do better than the Straywood one?  Especially if the Straywood Beastmaster has a Cheetah Speed and Hawkeye in his spellbook.  What does the Johktari Beastmaster uniquely bring to the game?

1) She does not have to cast Cheetah Speed or Hawkeye on herself (presuming that she wants either of these abilities). This saves her mana and time (quick actions), and eliminates the possibility of having these abilities a) removed via dispels, or b) causing the payment of upkeep when she is in range of a monolith.

2) She does not lose spell book points for including these two spells when not to be cast on other Creatures.

3) She is the better suited to using bows than any other Mage. Having a bow equipped gives her the option of a "free" ranged attack with a +1 attack die (not counting the cost of the bow, which might be argued as being minimal compared with the costs of making multiple ranged spell attacks instead), if she chooses not to use her action marker to move.

Rules Discussion / Re: Mana Prism and Harshforge Plate
« on: September 14, 2014, 07:50:14 PM »
My question now, it seems, has become one of whether the wording on Harshforge Plate should be modified to say "pay" two extra mana instead of the current cost of the spell increases by two (or however it is worded)... or, for example, was Harshforge Plate's text written with the specific intent of avoiding the Mana Prism interaction?

You are "paying" additional mana via the increased spell cost... but the card does not use the word "pay" (etc.) as required by the Codex. Should the Codex be revised?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Firey Warlock
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:12:55 PM »
Lash of Hellfire with Cloak of Shadows seems counterintuitive to me, for what its worth. Will you want to be fighting up close? If so, then take the lash and ring and get rid of the cloak. If not, then take the cloak and get rid of the lash and ring. Frankly, the other Warlock does the Lash / Ring / Bear Strength combination better since he gets Melee +1 as a basic trait.

I played something similar in a friendly game last week. I had Gate to Hell in my spellbook and not Pentagram. (A lot of people seem to hate GtH, but I think that it has its uses.) I wish I had more of the new little imps (I had three in my book). Getting a five dice attack each turn for five mana each creature is nice. (That was with a burn on the target, GtH in play, and the Bloodfire Helmet equipped.)

I also put out an early Battle Forge (it was a choice between BF and Pentagram... either way seems to be ok.)

Rules Discussion / Re: Mana Prism and Harshforge Plate
« on: September 12, 2014, 10:03:59 PM »
You would "pay" mana if your opponent controls Armor Ward, so yes... the Mana Prism should gain the four mana in this case.

Rules Discussion / Mana Prism and Harshforge Plate
« on: September 12, 2014, 05:17:41 PM »
Does the Mana Prism absorb the additional cost of a spell when casting it on a Mage equipped with Harshforge Plate?

The armor talks about increasing a spell's cost. The increased cost doesn't seem to fall under the category of "Mana Transfer," and it isn't related to upkeep. I wonder, however, whether increasing a spell's cost is the same thing as either "losing" or "paying" mana, or might be related to a "Mana Drain" effect.

My thought is that is it is a case of "losing" or "paying" mana... but wanted to be certain.

Mana Prism:

"Whenever a spell or ability an opponent controls causes you to lose or pay mana, including upkeep costs and Mana Drain/Transfer effects, place that mana on Mana Prism instead...."

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Rules Discussion / Re: Combustion question
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:07:46 AM »
I found a great (situational) use for Combustion last night... I wished I had put it in my female Warlock's book. I was in FC and opponent new Warlord was building up in his starting corner. He had multiple Dwarf Panzerguards to keep his Mage and other things in that zone from being attacked. I had a fair amount of damage on the Warlord plus six burns by this time.

Out comes Renewing Spring and the healing wand. I can't get to the Spring, and the burns start coming off when he drinks... a nice Combustion at that point might have done around 10 dice of damage.

On another note, I found a use for Gate to Hell that game, and even opened it in FC.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Gorilla
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:24:11 PM »
Why the bats instead of more falcons? Card limitation? If so, then you can proxy the bats to be more falcons, for example. I'd rather save the spell book points.

As far as a pair of gorillas go... they're nice for causing havoc if your opponent builds a walled-in fortification... but my preference (if I'm taking a gorilla at all) is to take one gorilla and one grizzly.
Can only carry a max of 6 level one spells and 4 of level 2+ spells.

He has three bats and three falcons... I asked because I would think that six falcons would be better, at least in terms of spell book points.

Strategy and Tactics / How best to deal with Talos?
« on: September 06, 2014, 03:06:11 PM »
Let's assume that your friendly neighborhood Warlord gets Talos out. How do you deal with him with various Mages? He really seems to have no weaknesses. Since I can't find a picture of a card to include in this post, here are his stats:

Cost to cast N/A (28, but special entrance method)
Level 7 War Creature spell
Armor 5
Life 16
Quick melee attack 6 dice, Piercing +2, Reach
Unstoppable (which includes Unmovable, Uncontainable, and can not be hindered)
Psychic Immunity
Warlord only

I guess you can:
1) Ignore him (Focus on the enemy Mage instead),
2) Attack him (Use your own creature(s), perhaps with supporting spells),
3) Use non-creature spells (Turn to Stone, Banish, Tanglevine, Quicksand, Teleport him etc.), or
4) Maneuver to minimize contact (Creature movement, walls, Teleport, etc.)

What I am trying to determine is whether (essentially) ignoring (to some extent, at least) the Warlord's efforts to bring out Talos is a viable strategy (even considering that it might be good for other reasons to destroy Outposts).

The cost to the Warlord to bring him out is in terms of the number of actions and amount of mana (for the various conjurations needed), and time (as he can't be brought into play before a certain turn). How might the opponent make use of his/her own actions and mana in the meanwhile to thwart Talos as quickly as possible once he does appear in the arena?

Please note which Mage you are considering as you discuss strategies.

Thanks ringkichard: This is exactly what I was trying to say back on reply #12.

Yes, BG teleports. It (right now, before any rules change) does not matter if the movement happens as a result of his teleporting, because the BG (right now) teleports as part of his move action. All that is needed is a change of location and taking a move action. It might not make Fantasy Physics sense... but that is the way the rules are written.

On the other hand, there are odd interactions on being hindered in the first zone to which the BG teleports (right now). This difficulty will go away when (presumably) the rules change.

For charge:

Once the mana is paid for teleport each move action afterwards (due to the Fast trait) is a teleport so there is no way to gain the Charge trait as a result.

I don't see that stated anywhere in The Dude's post that you reference. He mentions specific situations when the Blue Gremlin can not charge, with which I agree. In fact, to the contrary of what you are implying, he states that "this is still considered a move action" and again in the same post he says "it is still a move action" thus confirming that he may qualify for a Charge bonus.

In general, if the Gremlin chooses to take a move action, and if mana is paid, then the Gremlin's move action is used to teleport. Since he takes a move action, and ends up in a different zone as a result, he qualifies for a Charge bonus (if he has gained that trait, such as through having Lion Savagery as was mentioned by the OP).

The specific reason that Charge was not permitted in The Dude's post was that the Blue Gremlin either was Crippled or was Restrained by a Tanglevine.

Rules Discussion / Re: Combustion question
« on: September 04, 2014, 07:03:51 PM »
There are few range two effects that are unavoidable... Combustion might be a half-way decent alternative to a Surging Wave for the Mage who prefers his/her Creatures to do the fighting.

The problem with that is Gremlins were meant to be able to teleport out of things such as tanglevines. If it is a move action then they cannot. I believe the original intention was for them to teleport "instead" of moving. But as that is not the wording right now, carry on. Just fair warning that Blue Gremlin's wording could change to reflect the original card design.
I think this has already been ruled on some where here in the forums.

The last I remember seeing was that the Blue Gremlin's text was going to remain (for a while, at least). BG has issues related to being hindered in conjunction with its teleport that will go away when the text is changed. In the meanwhile, I guess this is the other side of the coin... BG must take a move action to teleport, so it can get the charge in. Interesting.

Rules Discussion / Re: Combustion question
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:10:22 PM »
You can still use block on attacks made by incantations, such as combustion and explode. However, those are both unavoidable attacks, meaning that block actually gets destroyed without effect when they are cast. Block would work just fine on Burst of Thorns however.

Hey, I finally have a reason for packing a Combustion... to remove Blocks and Reverse Attacks before something else that isn't unavoidable attacks.

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