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Messages - Super Sorcerer

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Spells / Re: How do you deal with Water Elemental
« on: December 09, 2016, 01:22:16 AM »
On the other hand...
  • It isn't Psychic Immune, so Sleep is an option... but it's definitely worthwhile for your opponent to wake it up (or otherwise remove the Sleep condition), so unless you put Sleep on a Wand/Spore, this will only be a short-term delay tactic.
Actually, sleep could only target a "non-mage living creature", so it couldn't target the water elemental.

About the Paladin-
A standard Paladin probably have his sword for 4 dice, that become 6 since the elemental in non-living, plus 2 from bear streanth, plus one from dawnbreaker ring, plus one from hand of bim shalla, and plus one from Malakai's basilica for a total of 11 dice. Assuming a reroll of any non-critical dice would make an avarage damage of 5/6 times the number of dice, which means 9+1/6 average damage with each attack. Making one attack and one counterstrike against the elemental would take it to 18+1/3 average damage, which is statisticly enough to kill the water elemental (on an average roll, so no need for special luck). If he got akiro's favor, that could mitigate the risk of low rolls a little bit.  Adding eye for an eye to this deal, it would actually need really poor rolls for the elemental not to be destroyed.

General Discussion / Re: Always forget
« on: December 07, 2016, 01:55:54 PM »

I many times forget to take walls.

If one is faster and you have the resources to do it, then it's better. The other being 'good' doesn't matter - it's not best.
The faster one has a better chance to catch opponent unprepared, and the slower one has a better chance to handle an opponent prepared for the rush.
Since one strategy will do better against some opponent and the other against other opponent, neither could be named "best" out of these two.

Spending time on economy (certainly more than one action) would rule it out of being a rush book in my view. It's slowed down needlessly. Barring a 2pt ring, no economy can show a profit over the timescale a rush book is looking to win.
Usually I use the term "rush strategy" to describe any strategy that would destroy a training dummy with 40 life and no armor standing on the opponent starting zone by turn 6 with average rolls. Perhaps you use that term to describe a narrower set of strategies.
I have one rush book that use mana crystal+battleforge for round 1, and both times I played it the enemy mage was dead by turn 6. In both games the mana crystal was useless eventually, but just because a book bring a little economy doesn't prevent it from being a rush, and preparing for mid game in case the rush fails isn't necessarily "non-optimal".

In that case, how many unique rush builds is it possible to make, really?

Less optimal ones than mid-game or control builds certainly.

A couple of mages might have two directions, but most one, and a lot of those will be suboptimal. In most cases the variation is part of your Plan B and Plan C for if/when the rush is stopped, which is what the other 100 sbp in your book are for. It doesn't take many for whatever the most efficient Plan A is.

I strongly disagree. Even similar strategies could be both efficient but one is a little faster and the other build a little more economy. I'll try to explain with 2 famous rush builds, the Johktari Rushmaster and the Straywood Aviary:

1) Rushmaster-
The standard Rushmaster start with hawkeye and akiro's favor on the first round (his damage economy), then double hurl boulder on the second round and hurl rock+hurl boulder on the third round.
The faster version is lesser teleport+fireball on the first round (for the burn), double hurl boulder on the second round and double hurl rock on the third round.
Both of these options are optimal, it is just than one is a little faster than the other but less economical.

2) Straywood Aviary-
There are players that start with ring of beasts + falcon on the first turn, and those who move two zones and bring a falcon. The former strategy is bringing a bit of economy by making the Falcons cheaper, and the later strategy get closer to the opponent sooner.
Again, both of these options are optimal, it is just than one is a little faster than the other but less economical.

Many rush strategies still have several actions spent on economy, and modifying that amount of actions is just deciding whether to go a little faster giving opponent less space or to be in a better position in case the rush fails.

Rules Discussion / Siren call and elusive/flying
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:29:32 AM »
We have a Siren that used it's Siren call against Crevere while it was in her zone. Naiya is in an adjacent zone. Now Crevere activates. Since in the beginning of it's activation he cannot move closer to the siren, he don't have to do so. Let say he moved to Naiya's zone. He isn't hindered by anything (in this situation there were no shallow sea in either zone), so now he can move closer to the Siren.
Must Crevere now return to the Siren's zone because now he can, or could Crevere now attack Naiya since he couldn't move toward the siren at the start of the turn so he no longer required to do so?

[the same question could be asked about a flying creature as well, since they are not hindered in this case as well, but the answer should be the same.]

General Discussion / Re: getting cards in Europa
« on: November 30, 2016, 10:07:50 AM »
If it comforts any of you, in my country (Israel) there is only one game-store that sell mage wars, and it only has the arena core set and the academy core set (and not even a single expansion).
I have to order everything online.

You are correct. A rooted creature CANNOT move unless you pay the uproot cost. Is a creature MUST do something he CANNOT do, then he is not forced to do so.
However, if you do choose to pay the uproot cost the the creature must move toward the creature with the hate token (and can't decide to move in another direction).

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: My Siren Book
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:17:47 AM »
I'm considering adding attack spells from different schools so I can target flyers as well as plant Creatures.
Against flying creatures you have Geyser in school (and it is even unavoidable). If you want out of school things against plants, you should consider using an Elemental Wand, since it is in school and Naiya can cast it for you. The downside of an Elemental Wand in this book is that it use one of your hand slots, so you can't combine it with both Echo of the Depths and Shoalsdeep Trident.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: How should I build the siren book?
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:39:02 AM »
I would suggest more coral barriers the siren is all about pushing and pulling creatures around at least 2 if not 3.
Will do. It sounds like a good Idea. Thanks  :)

Also more conjurations to use in the terrain zones like her sea urchin can't remember the name make a deadly combo plus if someone wants to replace your terrain there going to have pay lot for it. Maybe forcehammer instead of fireball for conjurations?
A force hammer roll 2 more dice which at the best case mean 2 more damage on average (but is actually less than 2 against any armor), while a fireball give on average 11/12 burns that each deal on average 3 damage over time for a total of 2.75 damage over time, so the fireball deals a little bit more damage even though is cost one mana less. Moreover, the case in which destroying a conjuration is most urgent is the druid tree, and all trees have flame+2 making the fireball a better choice against them. Most Warlord conjurations are flame +2 as well. The only conjuration worth destroying which is flame immune is Battleforge, and they are hydro+3 so my other attack spells could make the difference.
Anyway, my copies of "Force Hammer" are either in Forcemaster books (because it is in school) or in nature book (because they pay triple for fire), and I thing they need it more.

Surging wave is water atttack spell as well instead of 6 geysers.
In my local meta flying creatures are common (and now with crusader griffins they might become even more common), especially flying familiars that have defense (such as Fellela and Huginn). Swell can't target flying creatures, just like Surging Wave, so I need some unavoidable attacks that help against fliers.

I would have some dispels and seeking dispels and a normal teleport as lesser is only friendly creatures with no conjurations attached.
I have only one extra teleport for both the paladin and the siren, and I think the Paladin needs it more. In an Ideal book I would definitely have a teleport, but trying to keep a lot of books makes you compromise a little bit (otherwise I would have taken at least 3 acid balls).
I think I do have an extra seeking dispel, so it will be added. Thanks for the help :)

As far as creatures depends on what tactics u want use. Pirates, sharks, push pull people and so forth. I've only seen her played twice but this would be some of my advise.
So it is either a shark book, in which case I will keep the Tanglevine, or a Tidecaller/Harpooner book, in which case I have no need for a Tanglevine and it will be replaced for another coral barrier, and I will probably include a Bed of Urchins or two.
Thanks for the help again :)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: My Siren Book
« on: November 25, 2016, 02:35:00 AM »
I would also added "Swell" since your in the middle zone, you can use the Shoalsdeep Trident to push then try bashing against the outside wall. (3 + 3 + 3: Trident, Swell, Bash, plus any walls between. it is also unavoidable, which could be useful.
Doesn't Swell have the same pushing chance as Surging Wave (which he already got 3 of)?

Spellbook Design and Construction / How should I build the siren book?
« on: November 22, 2016, 04:46:13 PM »
While the post service in my country is really really slow, it is almost two weeks after my PvS copy arrived to my country (according to USPS tracker), so there is a fair chance I will get it next week. I already decided what my first Paladin book is going to look like (pretty similar to a melee priest), but I don't know yet how to start with the Siren.
Since I have other spellbooks, I have some limitations on some popular spells. I could take one or two acid balls and one or two rusts (but not more), and probably not more than one teleport or bear strength (possibly none, as even with my core spell tomes there is still some limit even on core spells). There is absolutely no chance of getting earth attack spells. Fortunately, I think I can get it a second elemental wand (and Naiya could cast them on the mage).

I am going to invest about 22 points on attack spells. I am thinking about-
1 Tsunami (I have to try it)
1 Fireball (as anti conjurations)
1 Lightning bolt (as anti ethereal)
4 Swell
6 Geyser (as anti Huginn/Fellella, ad generally fliers)
1 Acid ball

Conjurations will get very little space. About-
4 Shallow Sea
2 Mana crystals/flowers
1 Whirlpool (because I have to try it)
1 Tanglevine (That is what I found)
1 Coral Barrier
(About 15 points)

Equipment is going to be interesting. I am taking something like-
2 Elemental Wands
2 Leviathan Scales
1 Ring of Tides
1 Ring of Ocean's Depths
1 Voice of The Sea
1 meditation amulet
1 leather piece (I'll see what I have available)
1 Echo of The Depths
2 Shoalsdeep Trident
(I counted 20 spellbook points).
Other than the leather piece and meditation amulet, Naiya could be my battleforge. But then you will ask what would I do with 4 hand slot Items, I would probably want to stay in the corner and meditate for like 4-8 rounds (until either the enemy came to me and dissolved the echo of the depths or I think I have enough creatures) and then go offensive with the trident and possibly the wand (so it is a 2 phase strategy).

1 Minor Heal
1 Heal
3 Dissolve (I will have to find which book could give up one of theirs).
1 Crumble (to bypass nullify).
2 Lesser Teleport
So 12 points here.

That leaves me 51 points for enchantments (most of which will be songs) and creatures.
My non-song enchantments will include 1 rust, 1 regrowth and 1 hawkeye.
I have a general Idea of which songs I would like to try (some of each, more of those that buff my creature since enemy might be psychic immune).
Other than Naiya and Water Elemental, which creatures should I try first?

Mages / Re: Siren Still Hasn't Beaten Paladin
« on: November 22, 2016, 01:58:19 PM »
Is there any point to having Rust as Siren when you have Acid Ball? I know Rust is cheaper but it can just be dispelled
The main thing is that there are effects that remove conditions, just as there are effects that dispel enchantments. Against a priestess, corrodes are almost always only temporary, and many other mages use wand of healing and cure.
A secondary issue is that while acid resistance curently exist only in promos, generally an acid ball have a chance of reducing armor by only one, and tough -2 that anvil thrones got (and paladins could get through aura) that could combine with the belt that gives though -2 might also reduce the effect of an acid ball.

Mages / Re: Siren Still Hasn't Beaten Paladin
« on: November 22, 2016, 11:00:45 AM »
Just compare the trident with the [mwcard=MW1Q14]Lash of Hellfire[/mwcard] which does not have the fire subtype, but the attack itself is a fire attack.
While you are absolutely correct in your analysis and did a great job in explaining it, I just have to point out that the attack of the Lash of Hellfire is a "Flame" attack and not a "Fire" attack, as the name of that damage type is "Flame".
I totally agree with the other things you said here, the type of the attack (if any) is determined by the icons in the attack bar.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Question about the design of PvS
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:22:33 AM »
also consider that differences exist because what would be the point if everyone had access to the same thing only named differently. some differences are for theme. others exist just to keep the envoronment from being vanilla where everyone has access to the exact same items in their school. those differences also produce obstacles folks need to contemplate or overcome during the deck building process. how players confront those differences or obstacles are how we all end up with differnt builds for a given mage.
I never said I had a problem with ring of tides giving better bonuses but only when you have initiative. That is perfectly fine, and this kind of diversity is definitely welcome.
My problem was that the ring that improve hydro attacks is "mage only", unlike the rings that improve other damage types. This isn't a diversity that create more strategies, but a specific limitation that prevent more strategies.

General Discussion / Re: Just wanted to say thank you!
« on: November 19, 2016, 05:46:05 PM »
This is one of nicest post I've seen in the internet  :D

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