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Messages - jhaelen

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Most of the time there aren't that many possibilities for what kind of enchantment your opponent is hiding.
I agree. It's even worse with zone enchantments. It's an untapped area of the game. I can just hope we'll eventually get a type of mage that focuses on this kind of stuff.

General Discussion / Re: I'm leaving the forums.
« on: September 01, 2015, 04:29:10 AM »
?! what's this? the equivalent of a rage-quit?

1) there ARE NOT many of us
Most likely this in combination with what Zuberi mentioned:
I suspect that most of the Mage Wars players are not interested in playing in public and/or at tournaments. It might also be popular with couples.

I have/had a similar problem with the CoC LCG: While it seems a somewhat popular game that at least sells well, it's really hard to find (regular) players for it.

General Discussion / Re: How to pronounce Slavörg
« on: August 28, 2015, 02:30:53 AM »
In french, we also use ö, we have it for all the vowel too.

In french, the 2 little dots are named "traimats" and it make you stop right before the letter with them than continue.

So it would be pronounced Slav-(hard stop here)-org
Hmm. I thought using it that way was restricted to words with two consecutive vowels, e.g. Citroën.
It's required in such cases, because otherwise you might pronounce it like an umlaut, i.e. Citrön.

I've even seen it used that way in English, e.g. in the word coöperation.

General Discussion / Re: NPE - Could it defeat the purpose of Academy?
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:45:14 AM »
Excellent post(s)! Avoiding NPE should indeed be a major design goal in any game that is aimed at 'new' players.

Note, that e.g. Hearthstone was designed with that #1 goal in mind and it's the main reason for its overwhelming success. While many experienced CCG/LCG players dismiss it as an inferior game because it's lacking several 'screw you' mechanics available in other games and the high degree of randomness in many of the card effects, it's plain and simple fun and very satisfying for inexperienced players.

General Discussion / Re: How to pronounce Slavörg
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:27:04 AM »
Oh, how i wish some creatures was named using my language :D
No thanks!
Arcane Wonder's attempts at using German names for cards have been rather painful (Dwarf Kriegsbiel, I'm looking at you!). Reserve that for the localized versions of the games.

Mages / Re: Alternate Necromancer
« on: August 27, 2015, 02:22:55 AM »
Well, isn't the Mage Wars setting different from Ancient Earth?
I think it's extremely lazy to simply copy each of Earth's cultures and create a fantasy version of it. Therefore I'm strongly opposed to having something like an Egyptian Necromancer.

General Discussion / Re: If Arena had the same cards limit than Academy
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:32:27 AM »
I have the feeling it would have a positive effect and would certainly increase the diversity of decks.
I doubt it.
As has been pointed out by previous posters, there aren't actually many cards you run more than three - four copies of. Also, it might even _decrease_ diversity, because everyone would be able to include more 'staple' cards.

Imagine a Highlander format for Mage Wars (i.e. only a single copy of every card allowed in your spellbook):
Wouldn't every spellbook (at least for the different Mages) look alike?

General Discussion / Re: Necromancer Collectors Set
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:27:28 AM »
I don't know if it's true, but I heard from a German Mage wars player (think it was aridigas) that the German distributor is trying to keep a drastically slower release schedule
I don't believe that's true.
Imho, Pegasus Spiele is taking their time for two (or three) reasons:
1) to keep costs down, they wait to send cards to the printers until they can combine the order with others.
2) translating Mage Wars cards into German is tricky. You need someone who's very knowledgable in the game _and_ with good language skills. You must take care that any and all keywords are translated consistently. And I bet there's a lot of correspondence between them and Arcane Wonders to make sure they interpret cards and rules correctly.
3) partly as a consequence of 1) & 2), Pegasus Spiele makes good use of the delay by incorporating errata. This may paradoxically result in correct cards being released earlier than their English equivalent. Sometimes there are additional benefits, e.g. German expansions were already released using the improved packaging that Arcane Wonders came up with Forged in Fire, IIRC.

I'd further like to stress why I prefer the German version:
- It's half the price of the English version (most likely due to the costs to import it).
- I can play it with everyone here, not just with players who are fluent in English - and make no mistake, you need a pretty good grasp of English to understand the often long and rather complicated card texts correctly.

General Discussion / Re: Where are all the non-male mage wars players?
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:36:48 AM »
when my son (7) sees an add with a "not very covered girl" in the street, he sais that she's dressed like the priestress!
I suppose he's on the right track, given that the Priestess is dressed properly for a fertility cult... ;)

Mages / Re: The Wizard discussion
« on: August 13, 2015, 03:34:49 AM »
Imho, the problem with the Wizard isn't so much that he's overpowered, it's that he's the most flexible and versatile Mage - and he's strong, too!

There's nothing you cannot do with a Wizard, and you're able to have a potential answer to any kind of threat your opponent might throw against you.

What this means is that there's no matchup that is unfavorable for you, so by definition it's the best Mage to choose for a tournament.

If, however, you're in a situation where you know what to expect, i.e. what kind of Mage your opponent will play, other Mages can often be a better choice.

So, if players would prefer to see fewer Wizards in tournament, he'd either have to lose some of his flexibility (e.g. by having him play triple for some spells) or power (e.g. reduce his Channeling, maybe conditionally).

A Barbarian, huh? A pretty interesting choice for a game called _Mage_ Wars. In its first incarnation as a character class in AD&D 1e's 'Unearthed Arcana' they were able to detect magic and basically forced to destroy it wherever they found any trace of it. They were the very antithesis of magic.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts on Domination having now played it.
« on: August 10, 2015, 04:04:01 AM »
Thanks for the report!
3. Both matches, and we split then evenly on wins, were determined by V'Tari points. This makes the game go a lot faster.
This is what I've been hoping for the most.

I'm quite eager to give it a try myself.

Wow, now that's an epic report! Congratulations & thanks for posting!

Being a very casual player, all I can say is that Jinx is also one of my favorite spells. In my last game I jinxed the hell out of my (granted, inexperienced) opponent, resulting in my fastest game (and win) ever.

General Discussion / Re: Where are all the non-male mage wars players?
« on: August 05, 2015, 02:31:37 AM »
I'm surprised no one mentioned it, yet, so I'd like to point out that some of the artwork is quite clearly chosen to appeal to (teen?) males. I certainly know female players that would be somewhat put off by effectively nude female characters (Druid, I'm looking at you!). Personally, I find some of the Angels are bordering on the offensive, e.g. [mwcard=MW1C39]Valshalla, Lightning Angel[/mwcard], or [mwcard=MW1C31]Samandriel, Angel of Light[/mwcard]. I'd definitely prefer a more reasonable outfit for them like [mwcard=FWC13]Selesius, the East Wind[/mwcard].

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