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Messages - pete2

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General Discussion / Re: released promo cards
« on: June 17, 2014, 08:00:20 AM »
it's a nice thing that lion savagery and bloodcrag minotaur will be released in FIF...these are really powerful cards..
I used these in my "chargeotaur build" and got a nice win with it !

too bad promo cards don't show in the SBB...

General Discussion / Mage Wars at events
« on: June 17, 2014, 07:56:28 AM »
i will be attending a local game fair here in Belgium, Ghent, and i'm looking forward to play my first game ever, out of my regular playgroup. The fair is called "zomerspel" and here's their site www.zomerspel.be. I will bring along the promo stuff i received from Alicia Pope, back in 2013, to show to the Belgian public, how cool this game really is...So if your in Ghent next weekend at zomerspel, check out the demo tables of Mage Wars in the thematic hall Saturday at 2 p.m., i'll have an arena ready for you !

i will definitely watch this later..after work...

That reminds me that i would like to see much more match-ups on youtube...

i've seen a couple of video's from charmyna a while ago..too bad he didn't continue..i liked it very much

coverage of matches at conventions would also be cool...

maybe some day when mage wars will be bigger than MTG !

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - PICK EPISODE 4!
« on: June 03, 2014, 06:40:57 AM »
or maybe talk some more on the future of mage wars...i saw some pictures of a convention where there were speculations about figurines, an adaptable arena and maybe other stuff we don't know about + How is the development going on the life counter / mana counter ios app...

basically all the good stuff us mages can all but dream about !!!

and a simple thanks from me for pointing that one out ! i'll remember that in my games !

doesn't a piece of equipment go back to your spellbook when you try to equip two of the same ?

quote from the rulebook :

"if you cast an equipment spell for a location that is already full( such as a second weapon), the original equipment is returned to the owner's spellbook (not discarded"

doesn't this apply here ?

I had the same thought as boocheck on this, and he mentionned this before in this thread : couldn't elric's life ring help against the life loss effect coming from Sardo ? Maybe two of those, could cancel out the negative effect, for at least 4 rounds ! Long enough to go after the opposing mage ?

damn..i can't wait any longer for FIF ! I do hope Europe will not have to wait too long after the US for it to come into our shops...

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The necro and his gorgon
« on: May 20, 2014, 01:38:19 PM »
Thanks for sharing this. I've been looking at the Necromancer lately, but I haven't tried using non-dark creatures that inflict poison conditions. I really like the idea of using Gorgon Archer due to the combination of the high chance to inflict a poison condition, the way that she helps deal with flyers, and the way she extends the game, allowing the Necromancer to build up.

I'll make some changes to my current Necromancer build and try this opening:

Turn 1 (20): Mana Crystal -> Mana Crystal (10)
Turn 2 (22): Gorgon Archer -> Death Ring (1)
Turn 3 (13): Libro Mortuos -> Leather Boots (2)

and see how it goes.

That opening will have to compete with my current Necromancer opening, which is:

Turn 1 (20): Death Ring -> Libro Mortuos (6)
Turn 2 (16): Venomous Zombie -> Leather Boots -> Venomous Zombie (3)
Turn 3 (13): Venomous Zombie -> Leather Gloves -> Venomous Zombie (0)

I've never really used Zora. He just seems so expensive to get going, and I would rather have several Zombie Brutes/Venomous Zombies than 1 big Zora.

i think i will consider playing the brutes next game, instead of zora...it indeed takes a couple of rounds+mana to have it up and operational..good that you pointed that out ! But like i said, in this particular game it worked out fine..what i liked most is that i had all bases covered with zora for melee and gorgon for ranged..i added the cloak to that so i could shoot at the opponent without even being seen...it was so sweet !

Spellbook Design and Construction / The necro and his gorgon
« on: May 19, 2014, 06:09:54 AM »
Just wanted to share this Necromancer build with you guys :

Mage Wars deck (built using OCTGN deckbuilder) 19/05/2014 0:00:00

Spellbook points: 120 used of 120 allowed

1 Necromancer

---  Attack  ---
1 Fireball

---  Conjuration  ---
2 Tanglevine
2 Wall of Bones
1 Mana Flower
1 Idol of Pestilence
1 Poison Gas Cloud
1 Sacrificial Altar

---  Creature  ---
1 Shaggoth-Zora
5 Zombie Crawler
2 Zombie Brute
2 Zombie Minion
1 Gorgon Archer

---  Enchantment  ---
1 Nullify
1 Harmonize
1 Plagued
1 Enfeeble
1 Cheetah Speed
2 Maim Wings
1 Marked for Death
1 Regrowth
1 Stumble
1 Poisoned Blood
1 Mongoose Agility
1 Hellfire Trap
1 Ghoul Rot
1 Chains of Agony
1 Block

---  Equipment  ---
1 Libro Mortuos
1 Deathshroud Staff
1 Leather Boots
1 Death Ring
1 Moonglow Amulet
1 Mage Wand
1 Demonhide Armor
1 Regrowth Belt
1 Cloak of Shadows
1 Meditation Amulet

---  Incantation  ---
2 Dispel
2 Dissolve
1 Drain Life
1 Teleport
2 Zombie Frenzy
1 Force Push
1 Knockdown
1 Battle Fury
1 Force Wave

i got to win against "murphy" with his Warlord on OCTGN with this one last night, and i think it worked really well.

the first round i got gorgon out - i've been looking around a long time for something that could give me some time to let my necro build up, and gorgon really filled up that gap ! (thanks to the forums for that info !)

round 2 : deathring and crystal
round 3 : libro...
round 4 : zora...

after that i put ghoul rot on the warlord with my necro, and spawned crawlers with my book to feed the zora...

he was casting quite a lot of goblins and orcs but these never really got to my mage..only his ludwig really hurt me...

but then i got the poison cloud amidst his creats and his mage...poisoned again !..and every turn i poisoned the warlord again with my ability due to the weak token he got from the gorgon..sweet !

It was also the first time i got to use the meditation amulet : i must say it worked out fine with this build : the book spawned creatures, and i used my QC to cast the other stuff, while i refilled during FA with the amulet...nice !

the ghoul rot kept bleeding him, as wel as the attacks from my zora and gorgon...but he never healed, nor took some armor, and never dispelled my curses...so in the end i had to finish him of with a final fireball ! bye bye living thing ! the undead prevailed (and a serpent!)!

I guess the combo of undead creats and curses is really amazing...

yeah magehorst, i did like your idea very much, but i gave it my own little twist, by adding some more enchantments, as i prefer these over incantantions...

i tried out this build in OCTGN the other day, against a beastmistress..and i really scared her of !

what i think i miss most in this build, are tools to neutrailize creatures : i had to use my tanglevine and a sleep to neutralize her makunda and her cervere, but after that i didn't have anything left...luckily for me, at that moment i was very close to defeat here by charging with the beast and attacking with my elemental wand.  I gave the final blow with a hurl meteorite at range 3 !

i'm definitely going to include some nullifies, but i'm also thinking of including a knockdown or two..a cheap way to incapacitate oposing creatures / mages, no ?

too bad the frenzy is full action...didn't noticed this at first...

build looks great !

So here's the build :

Mage Wars deck (built using OCTGN deckbuilder) 26/04/2014 0:00:00         
Spellbook points: 120 used of 120 allowed         
1 Warlord         
---  Attack  ---         
2 Hurl Boulder         
2 Acid Ball         
1 Hurl Meteorite         
1 Flameblast         
---  Conjuration  ---         
1 Hand of Bim-Shalla         
1 Mana Flower         
1 Tanglevine         
1 Archer's Watchtower         
1 Battle Forge         
1 Gravikor         
1 Quicksand         
1 Wall of Stone         
---  Creature  ---         
1 Bloodcrag Minotaur         
2 Goblin Slinger         
1 Grimson Deadeye, Sniper         
1 Dwarf Panzergarde         
1 Dwarf Kriegsbiel         
---  Enchantment  ---         
1 Poisoned Blood         
1 Spiked Pit         
1 Maim Wings         
1 Lion Savagery         
1 Bull Endurance         
2 Rhino Hide         
2 Bear Strength         
1 Block         
1 Mongoose Agility         
1 Regrowth         
1 Cheetah Speed         
1 Critical Strike         
1 Enchantment Transfusion         
---  Equipment  ---         
1 Dragonscale Hauberk         
1 Helm of Command         
1 Ring of Command         
1 Regrowth Belt         
1 Elemental Wand         
1 Gauntlets of Strength         
1 Spiked Buckler         
1 Veterans Belt         
---  Incantation  ---         
1 Force Push         
2 Battle Fury         
2 Charge         
1 Dispel         
1 Minor Heal         
1 Piercing Strike         
1 Perfect Strike         
1 Evade         
1 Dissolve         
1 Clear Mind         
1 Sleep         
1 Rouse the Beast         
1 Teleport         

here's the 3 first rounds i was thinking about :

round 1 FA : warlord to my NC ; QC hand of bim shalla
round 2 FA : cast bloodcrag minotaur (BM) ; QC rouse the beast on BM ; BM : move 1 to one zone away from opponent
round 3 FA : cast cheetah speed on BM ; QC : lion savagery on BM to beef up charge...

then activate hand on BM , and charge with BM at 4+2+2+1 dice !

next rounds : cast battleforge and equip warlord (defense + helm (battlefury ?)); further build up of Minotaur : critical strike, rhino hide etc...

i was also thinking of casting an enchantment transfusion on the minotaur, in case it gets killed, to transfer the enchantments to my own mage !

You guys think this could work ?

Spellbook Builder / Re: Feature requests
« on: April 24, 2014, 04:18:00 AM »
ok pixelgeek...i just sent him a mail...hope he will consider this !

Spellbook Builder / Re: Feature requests
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:09:04 AM »
first of all, i would like to say, i love working with the SBB to set up my spellbooks

just two thoughts however :

1) in near future, could it be possible to have the promo cards as well in the dbase ? I would like to add hurl rock and clear mind to my wizard build...

2) also i think it would be very handy to have a "type" filter in the spell book window as well, just like there is one in the spell list window...to be able to analyze the chosen spells in a more detailed way

..but thanks anyway for this great tool !

is there a chance of seeing the promo cards in the SBB in near future ? i would like to include lion savagery and critical strike in my warlock build..thanks a lot !!!

Rules Discussion / Re: Warlord and ring of command
« on: April 23, 2014, 08:59:05 AM »
sounds good to me Wildhorn ! nice little combo..did not notice this untill now...

i know this will still need an action (quick or full ) from my mage...

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