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Messages - isel

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Rules Discussion / Flight trait - new rule?
« on: December 23, 2014, 09:51:52 PM »
Hi budddies, im testing with my friends a new rule, and i would like to know your thoughs, it´s based in the terms that designers said that this game it´s realistic ( except fantasy ) xd

flying trait it´s very very powerfull but not have any problem in the reality, we use that if a flying creature lose flying for a enchantment or something, the creature suffers 3dice damage, similar to be pushed againts walls.

We use this for several efects
-Snatch: we have many discussions about this, but several of us believe that it´s normal when you snacth a creature to you normally the creature crash againts the floor because loose control of flying, we use this and no considering the posibility of crash on the creature that do the snatch dice.

-Push - We use the push incantation in the same manner as you like to push against a wall, and furthermore the creature loose flying until the end of turn, but only if you spent the additional mana to crush her or him.

What are your thoughs? you believe it´s a good rule? or you would like to modify?

Rules Discussion / TRaps and teleports
« on: December 22, 2014, 06:30:52 PM »
Hello im in the middle of a game and no time to search more, i search several post and i don´t find anything,
If i have a teleport trap and my oponent teleport himself in the same zone of the teleport trap, i understand the trap i cant trigger but i must reveal and discard? or can i use to the next enemy creature that enter to the zone?

thanks and sorry.

Off topic / Very Important!!! Read all!!
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:51:46 AM »
Well buddies, althoung AW this end of year don´t release anything to enjoy this Christmas Time, i open this post to said one thing to my favourite community of the best game of ever!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!! And i hope the next year would be wonderfull and full of surprises for all of you!!!


Seeeee youuu!!!!

And next year i hope i will learn more english  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: December 15, 2014, 04:00:04 PM »
laddinfance , i would like to know 2 questions about battlegrounds:

-When will be released?
-The cards in that expansion will be new? or there wil be old ones?
-Quantity of cards?


yeah, at first it was 2 but when i began to write..... you know xd xd

That's 4 questions

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: December 15, 2014, 03:44:12 PM »
laddinfance , i would like to know 2 questions about battlegrounds:

-When will be released?
-The cards in that expansion will be new? or there wil be old ones?
-Quantity of cards?


General Discussion / Re: PvS Spoilers So Far
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:11:20 PM »
Where is the surprise? the week it´s ending....

Rules Discussion / Dancing Scimitar and Guard
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:10:09 PM »
hello i dont find anything about this and im not sure.

This afternoon a ForceMaster with a dancing Scimitar attack a wolf with guard, the other player says that the wolf loose his guard, and you can counterattack because the attack its does for dancing scimitar, not for the forcemaster, this it´s true?

Dancing scimitar must attack to the same target at the same time as forcermaster do?  Who attacks first?
If forcemaster kills the target , Dancing scimitar can attack another?

Thanks, and sorry if i disturb, i make the last two question because it´s occur me now, and i dont search. No time pals xd..

General Discussion / Re: PvS Spoilers So Far
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:18:05 PM »
There may indeed be an intention among the design team to let you all "unleash" a certain something...


Oh my god, if it´s a plant i give you a beer!!!

General Discussion / Re: The spell most used in every book
« on: November 15, 2014, 01:58:07 PM »
i put only incantations, but maybe i open when this end one for attack spells xd the web only give me 5 options sorryxd

General Discussion / The spell most used in every book
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:25:33 PM »
Welll budies, with a lack of spoiler i open this question because i need to know your opinions, Why? because several of these spell are few in the core, and i believe if AW see that one of these it´s very needed in everybook, maybe in the next promo pack we have one of these or in the future Battlegrounds or PvS they put several copies, i need more teleport and forcepush xd

Well budies you know im boring and the forum it´s been very quiet lately  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:04:02 AM »
Ahhhhh it´s november now, i was very sad because i didn´t hear anything about next product of arcane, i believe was PVS, now it´s battlegrounds, but....we continue without hearing anything, now im depressed, please laddinfance i believe it´s time to begin spoilers, at less one xdxd

Rules Discussion / Corrosive orchid and Defense or block
« on: November 02, 2014, 04:40:13 PM »
Hello, im not sure if this it´s clear, but today we have a problem.

-Corrosive orchid don´t say anything about when attack, we use it that attacck after or before an action, i hope this it´s correct, but the true proble, it´s about the mist token, if my oponent defend succesfully, can i use the mist token? IF the attack it´s block too?

Thanks to all

General Discussion / Re: AW on DFW Nerd Night (Pics of upcoming stuff)
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:48:51 PM »
maybe the syren will be dark school, i hope not, because if they make new water spells (maybe a attack spell with an easy push), and you add mind school, maybe water+mind would be too powerful.

I don´t understand one thing yet, The siren would have an special arena, maybe a water-arena? maybe she fights in Bathroom? xd
She would have Flame +2?
She would need air to breath? xd

Well, i know that would be a very interesting mage, paladyn for me seems too obvious.

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:57:01 PM »
i only want to know if we have anything realeased before end of the year. If battlegrounds it´s before PvS, then it´s difficult that PvS would be this year.

Spells / Some new spells for the druid with full action to defend?
« on: October 25, 2014, 09:21:31 PM »
Hello buddies, my druid need a full action spell to defend when she is attacked for a group of creatures, all schools, normally have a attack/defend spells that give that, maybe nature school would have one similar im thinking in a Mass - Tanglevine, and maybe would be:

-Construction  - Nature school - lv1  spell points 5 action: Quick
it would be the same as tanglevine but with the trait EXTENDABLE, the same as a wall , but only in the same zone.

Forest of tanglevines
--Construction  - Nature school - lv2  spell points 7 action: Full
All creatures in the zone are restrained and each creature must do 8 damage to free, or Forest of tanglevines begin with 8 lifes for each enemy creature in the zone, all af then gain restrined and unmovable traits, for each 8 damage enemy do to forest , one creature it´s free. If a creature it´s teleported dont destroy Forest of tanglevine.

And maybe a new weapon for the druid, the staff of the book i dont´like it

Whip of Thorns

Only druid
spells points 8
nature school

4 dice damage piercing +1
+6 Bleed

Cantrip (this it´s because its a plant conjuration that you can use as object)

- I need a Thornlaser that do bleed no snach, it´s very boring play the same ever ever ever xd and maybe if do bleed, have vampiric trait, a Bloody Thornlaser xdxd

This it´s only because my favourite villain it´s poison ivy, and i would like that my druid could control plants the same form as she does.

And maybe something more...Poison...xd
xd xd xd

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