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Messages - Super Sorcerer

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General Discussion / Re: Forcemaster update
« on: December 25, 2016, 04:23:17 PM »
Now that there are sirens, the single non-thoughtspore creature that many forcemasters bring better be psychic immune (so skeleton knight or zombie brute or a devouring jelly). Thoughtspores became more usefull with that mind's eye.
Solo forcemasters now have lullaby in school and that hydro -2 armor so they become a little more resistant to surging wave (and tsunami), which benefit them almost as mush as arcane ward when it was released in academy core set. On the other hand, siren is a really tough opponent for a solo forcemaster, even with that hydro -2 armor. I mean, that shallow sea really hurts your ability to melee, and it both make your attacks weaker and make their attacks stronger (not to mention that it can be combined with divine protection to remove 2 dice from each attack). And of course you have against the siren the same problems you had against water wizard when they were legal (have too many dissolves and can cast dissolve from familiar, and have those irritating unavoidable water spells).

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid support/ help
« on: December 24, 2016, 03:58:06 PM »
Havent tried the croc yet or the grass with druid. I had swamp in but never used it so it got cut. I have tried the staff and 7 mana for the item and then 4 to stuck is a big investment when i can deploy a tanglevine for 4  at ye most off a tree.
But the staff also improve your melee attack, and allow you to bring extra vines when you have an action but not enough mana to do anything else (only one mana to bring an extra vine as a quick spell). Moreover, the staff cost 2 spellbook points, and you would probably use it at least three times unless the opponent spend effort in dissolving it (which probably include a teleport or at least a lesser teleport, since you can keep the opponent 2 zones away with it). Before lesser teleports were in play, I remember games against solo mages decided by me stucking the enemy mage until he used his only teleport and dissolved my vinewhip staff just to find out that I have another one and he is stuck again (even though they destroyed my tree bond from the new zone they were stuck in). And it could keep stucking on and on without limitation, while you have only 6 tanglevines.

My idea is to snatch with the lashers and bring them closer to the spider(s). Restrain after they are closer or snatched. The idea in theory is to focus down and take out 1 or 2 at a time.  Lashers also help for getting things out of the way

And bears are great, no argument, but i am shooting for spiders and other creatures. I have been destroyed by a nasty bear druid many times lol.
Spiders are mobile while lashers are rooted. If you want to keep an opponent in one zone, then tanglevine/stuck and then bring astral anchor. Arcane ward would be a fine addition to the astral anchor. If in most turns your opponent is supposed to be unmovable, then your thornlashers have little use. Raptor vines would help you better than thornlasher, because most turn they don't need to move, and in the few rounds when the opponent manage to move away to get stuck somewhere else, they could be uprooted. If the opponent move away from the threat area of a thornlasher, you must teleport your thornlasher to a closer zone in order for it to keep attacking.
If you want a book to keep the opponent in one zone, you will want an astral anchor and you will not need thornlashers.

Alternative Play / Re: Mage Wars Arena: Ascension Mode
« on: December 24, 2016, 12:21:05 PM »
I think it should be restricted to living corporeal creatures. Otherwise we could get ridiculous things like an invisible stalker mage, that as long as it don't make any attacks you cant even target him. Also two zombie brutes as the mage, when both get veteran's belt, sound like a little too much.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid support/ help
« on: December 24, 2016, 11:38:52 AM »
If I take a general level 1 song, it would probably be lullaby. Chant of rage is very conditional, while lullaby is more generic. if you build a kill area with thornlashers, usually you would like the enemy mage in that area but rather keep other creatures away. Chant of rage could be better against archers, but since siren is out it is common for books that include archers to include also an extra tanglevine for them (mainly against siren's call, but it helps against chant of rage as well), unless of course the archers are skeletal archers.

There is one thing I didn't understand about this book. Some of your creatures are about pushing and puling things (3 thornlashers) and some of them are about keeping the opponent restrained (giant wolf spiders and colossal crab). Is your strategy snatching things through walls of thorns of restraining them in one zone?
[a restrained creature cannot be pushed, so it is either restraining or snatching]

Personally, I would have either go for themes that could combo.
It could be replacing thornlashers for raptor vines and go for a restraining book, and take that vinewhip staff that can either put a vine for a quickspell of 1 mana or give a creature a stuck condition in a quick spell of 4 mana and 1 vine.
It could otherwise be replacing the colossal crab and giant wolf spider for 2 steelclaw grizzlies and one eagle wings (for cases when you want to move over walls without trouble).
That way you could make a similar opening of-
1) double mana flower
2) grizly + ring
3) tree + face down enchantment
and bring the second bear arond round 5 or 6, then support them with plants.
Or play a more casual druid and open with tree and bring plants, and later on bring the grizzlies .

Alternative Play / Re: Boss Battle!
« on: December 24, 2016, 10:21:38 AM »
Well, you can't really have the same rules for different levels of creature.
However mighty, playing this way with a 4th level creature such as steelclaw grizzly or sir corazin (which are some of the better choices for a level 4 creature) really can't be compared to adramelech or a water elemental.
Look at a water elemental, a resilient burnproof 32 life mage. If you equip him with veteran's belt, then he becomes almost invulnerable.

General Discussion / Re: The last 1/4th of a game match ...
« on: December 23, 2016, 08:07:49 AM »
I once lost a game after I had a lead when my opponent was lucky.
I won at least one game when I was in a desperate condition (meaning I was sure I was going to lose) and I had great luck.

If you have those fireballs and hurl rocks, then a few very lucky rolls (combined with lucky rolls for burns) could turn a bad situation into a victory.

I never played on octagon, but only on a real board. I've seen someone concede only once, when he was both losing and had to go. Usually players keep going until one mage is dead. Perhaps on octagon it is different, I never tried.

Alternative Play / Re: Alandell, Boss Knight
« on: December 21, 2016, 03:07:54 PM »
Bear strength is only for living creatures
I meant casting the bear strength on Alandell. Even if it was a knight of westlock, in this heavy melee build I would rather bear strength the mage.

Alternative Play / Re: Alandell, Boss Knight
« on: December 21, 2016, 10:55:31 AM »
If he pay triple for creatures anyway, then I would probably take a skeleton knight (or adramelech) as my single creature.
Turn 1- skeleton knight + bear strength .
Turn 2- double move + teleport skeleton to attack enemy mage.
Turn 3- chitin armor + melee attack (or veteran's belt if nothing is in melee range).
And keep going with a buff + melee attack every round (or another buff if there is no melee target).

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Best opening for: Anvil Throne Warlord
« on: December 18, 2016, 12:59:11 AM »
I usually play one of these 2 openings:

1) barrack+construction yard
2) goblin grunt+garrison post+general's signet ring
3) either a bridge troll and nothing else or an orc butcher+meditation amulet+meditate or orc butcher+leather piece+enchantment.

1) move 2 + archer's watchtower
2) grimson deadeye+rouse the beast
3) dwarf panzergarde+defend

Spells / Re: Steep hill and conjurations
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:21:40 AM »
Well, Almost all creatures could be teleported, and most of them could be pushed as well. You can't push or teleport a conjuration out of the zone, so a conjuration would benefit much more from steep hill.
Beside, wizard towers were so powerful they had to errata them to be less powerful, and I think they don't really need more power back again.
The spell is probably powerful enough by itself, since it effect all archers in the zone and your mage with his attack spells.
Not to mention that the Ballista is really good even without such errata.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Ranged
« on: December 15, 2016, 07:38:01 PM »
I just played a game of Necromancer VS Paladin, and my necromancer used 3 skeleton archers in the game (in a book that have 4 skeleton archers and 4 skeleton knights with an armory on top). In a book with other creatures, archers could be very useful.
Now that siren is out and archers that are not psychic immune could be just forced to move (and therefore not attack), all the warlord books based on double move + Archer's watchtower on turn 1 and Grimson deadeye + rouse the beast on turn 2 now need an alternative strategy against sirens.

In mw, play skill>deckbuilding skill>card access>luck
Actually, I disagree for the other side.
Let's say we have dice with a little modification, the d12 will have a chance of 10% for the 9-12 results and only 7.5% for the rest of the results, and the attack dice will have 20% for 1crit and 2crit and only 15% for non-crit results. A noob would still most likely lose against a skilled player even if the noob would use the modified dice. However, I would definitely rather have the modified dice and use only the core set without any expansions rather than getting access to all spells but using standard dice.

For comparison-
In MtG, even if a player is allowed to separate his deck into lands and non-land, and on each draw he choose whether to draw a land or a non-land (which is a far greater boost to luck than the one I suggested for mage wars), he could still do almost nothing with a core set against a deck that has access to all cards.

Events / Re: ADMW Winter Special - OCTGN Tournament
« on: December 10, 2016, 12:08:42 PM »
I know I am not a player in the tournament, but I just wondered (since it is the first tournament that allows eye for an eye)-
How would you handle a tied game in the second stage of the tournament?

Another problem I had when I thought about running something similar to first stage (a problem we had in a tournament of another game a few years ago)-
How do you handle a situation where player A wins against player B and lose against player C, while Player B won against player C and player D lost all games?
Each player out of A,B,C has won 2 games and lost 1 game, and there are no natural tiebreakers.

Spells / Re: How do you deal with Water Elemental
« on: December 10, 2016, 10:46:42 AM »
So we have solutions for paladins (challenge) and druids (everything is water immune anyway).
I guess beastmasters will just take kralathor more often.
Warlocks are likely to enfeeble that thing, so it couldn't move and attack (or agony if the damage is what you want to prevent).
Forcemasters could use their defense against the attacks of a water elemental, but otherwise have the same problem of killing zombie brutes they have against zombie necromancers.
Necromancer have their own stock of ridiculously unkillable resilient things. 2 zombie brutes cost the same as a single water elemental, and they more than a match for him.
Wizards could banish that creature to delay the trouble it brings for 3 rounds. His answers for resilient are slow (hydra and devouring jelly), so he will need some good positioning if he try to kill it.
Priests and Priestesses could use their creatures with defense to guard (there are at least 3 different non-pest holy creatures with defense). They also have many things that deal more damage to nonliving creature and have a very good of dazing or stunning them.
Warlords will bring their dwarf panzergardes to defend against it, most warlords have at least 2 of these anyway. Warlords will have the same problem killing it as they have against zombies.

Another general solution is to simply go for the mage, the same way you do it against zombie Necromancers (who's creatures are resilient just as well).

Spells / Re: How do you deal with Water Elemental
« on: December 09, 2016, 07:41:15 AM »
Im fairly certain the that the math for the average crit damage a paladin can do with the opportunity of rerolling is pretty complex.
Not against resilient creatures. Resilient creatures and creatures without armor are always easy.
On a standard roll you have probability on 1/6 to get 1 crit, 1/6 to get 2 crit and 2/3 to get nothing, so you get 1/2 damage from each die, to a total of 1/2 the number of dice you roll.
Since we assume the paladin tries to maximize the average damage, the paladin wouldn't reroll the 1 critical or 2 critical (since 1 and 2 are greater than 1/2) but only the dice thast didn't roll any critical damage. So we have 1/6 chance to get 2 crit on the first roll, 1/6 to get 1 crit on the first roll, and 2/3 chance to reroll.
The rerolled dice are simple rolled, so they have an average damage of 1/2, for a total of:
        1/6*2           +           1/6*1         +       2/3*1/2     =     5/6.
(2 crit on first roll)    (1 crit on first roll)         (rerolling)             (total)
Each die give an avarage damage of 5/6, so the total is 5/6 times the number of dice.

Paladin reroll is once per round.
So the choice when to reroll with challenge and when to reroll with akiro's favor could boost the average damage a lot. it really changes th
The worst case is if we assume the paladin use challenge rerolls on the non-crits of the first attack regardless of the amount of crits rolled, and akiro's favor isn't used would be 9+1/6 for the first attack and 5+1/2 for the second attack for a total of 14+2/3 (which is almost enough). Since the paladin had akiro's favor, and the choice whether to hold the challenge rerolls for the second attack (if he already got many crits), it would go higher. And with eye for an eye it is again most likely that the elemental would die anyway.

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