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Messages - Ravepig

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: First play with the Priest
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:26:32 AM »
And, I might add- even had I known that rule with the ring/Hawkeye- I think I still would have made the same move- Even with 2 less dice, the daze/stun effect was what I was ultimately going for anyhow so that I could move my guardian angels into the zone knowing most of his creatures were either dazed or stunned with my mage one zone away ready to sling more attack spells.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: First play with the Priest
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:18:46 AM »
I agree that it is confusing. Nevertheless it makes sense that hawkeye (better aiming at targets) doesn't help you for blasting zones.

You could argue this doesn't count for the ring, but then again this would make the ring unbalanced since it should probably work for all of the attacks. (thus none is better)

Oh, I agree- the rule itself makes total sense. Especially with Hawkeye as you pointed out why.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: First play with the Priest
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:05:43 AM »
Check the codex for *ranged + x*.

It does not benefit zone attacks.

So that's confusing then- because Blinding Flash has BOTH the ranged icon AND the zone attack icon.

I dont see how this is confusing after reading the codex entry (found in the end of the rulebook) for both
ranged and Ranged +X.

Motorized vehicles pays toll on highway, company owned cars never pays toll = Taxi drives for free on highway.

I'm glad you don't find it confusing. I would say for new or inexperienced players it is confusing. I've got a guy at the table who's a 20 year veteran of MTG, understands card games extremely well, and also thought I played that attack spell correctly. The attack spell has both icons so we both assumed it was both ranged and zone. It was a mistake. Yes, I found it confusing- and honestly still do. I don't understand the point of having both icons on the card if the ranged icon literally means nothing. If it doesn't add any purpose to the card, there is no point in having it on the card as it only clutters and confuses things (just my opinion though)- I do appreciate bigfatchef for pointing out that all zone attacks have the ranged icon- didn't notice that, but in reviewing different attack spells, I do see that now. 

Still, posting my experience only benefited us as we will make sure to play Zone Attack spells correctly in the future. I will also let my buddy know we need a rematch to be fair. Again, we've played once or twice a month for about 10 months, so we are not as well-versed in the rules as many veteran players, which is one reason why I love this community- sharing mage wars experiences, and learning as we do.

These kinds of conversations will also only help me continue to build the mage wars community in my area with a higher degree of confidence, which is my ultimate goal, so I definitely appreciate everyone's comments and feedback.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: First play with the Priest
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:38:33 AM »
All Zone attacks also have a ranged attack symbol i think. As long as target is the zone and you also see the square zone attack symbol - they are zone attacks. Thus they don't get +dice from hawkeye

Thanks for the clarification- well, I will have to tell my buddy so we can rematch then. I don't consider it a win if we didn't play correctly!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: First play with the Priest
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:36:27 AM »
I immediately cast the holy spell that is a zone attack with the potential to daze or stun opponents (can't recall the spell name). The spell only rolls 2 dice per creature, but I had the holy ring and hawkeye on my mage giving him +2 dice, and then another +2 dice against each undead in that one zone.

Sorry that doesn't work - zone attacks are not boosted by +Ranged so neither the ring nor Hawkeye would have any effect...

I had to look up the name of the card, so I could give you the reference- the spell was blinding flash, which is both a ranged attack and a zone attack, so I'm assuming it was played correctly. It would have helped if I had actually named the spell in my overview.

Sorry that doesn't work - zone attacks (including Blinding Flash) are not boosted by +Ranged so neither the ring nor Hawkeye would have any effect...

Now, the new temple in PvS gives an enemy creature Light +1, so you would roll an extra die and add +1 to the effect die when rolling against that creature, but as the FAQ says, Ranged +1 doesn't work with Zone attacks.

P.S. All zone attacks have a ranged symbol on them. That's to distinguish from melee... but it still doesn't get ranged bonuses. Giving Ranged bonuses to zone attacks would be overpowered. Similarly, Trample doesn't benefit from Melee +X bonuses, even though Trample attacks have a melee symbol.

Fair enough- so then what is the purpose of having both icons on the card then? Is it to say that the caster may choose to use it as one OR the other? If that's the case, the card should specifically call that out with an "or." If that's not the case, then I don't see the point of having both icons?

As I've mentioned in prior posts, I've only been playing about 10 months now, and this is my first time with the Priest, and first time using Blinding Flash. I understand if the codex says Ranged +X cannot be used for zone attacks, but when the card has both icons, it is misleading- especially to new players. I see the ranged icon and I assume it benefits from ranged modifiers. Any clarification would be most appreciated!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: First play with the Priest
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:28:32 AM »
Check the codex for *ranged + x*.

It does not benefit zone attacks.

So that's confusing then- because Blinding Flash has BOTH the ranged icon AND the zone attack icon.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: First play with the Priest
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:24:09 AM »
I immediately cast the holy spell that is a zone attack with the potential to daze or stun opponents (can't recall the spell name). The spell only rolls 2 dice per creature, but I had the holy ring and hawkeye on my mage giving him +2 dice, and then another +2 dice against each undead in that one zone.

Sorry that doesn't work - zone attacks are not boosted by +Ranged so neither the ring nor Hawkeye would have any effect...

I had to look up the name of the card, so I could give you the reference- the spell was blinding flash, which is both a ranged attack and a zone attack, so I'm assuming it was played correctly. It would have helped if I had actually named the spell in my overview.

General Discussion / Re: Just wanted to say thank you!
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:44:21 AM »
Hey Zot thanks! I'm from Iowa and I checked local game store there all Magic players if I get a little more experience maybe I could demo there. I'm trying to teach some friends and get a possible small group going first.

Hey, it's great to see another player from Iowa! Though I think we're still 2.5 hours away. I bet my gaming group would be willing to schedule a short road trip if you and your brother were willing to drive somewhere in the middle- maybe Oskaloosa? We could coordinate a little mini-tournament. With enough advanced notice, I could probably round up 4 guys willing to make the trip.

Strategy and Tactics / First play with the Priest
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:31:41 AM »
Prior to PVS, the only mage I had not played to date was the Priest. Not sure why I shied away from him- perhaps I just found the other mages more interesting. That said, I was on a mission to complete my goal of having at least one victory for every mage (excluding PVS at this point), and only the Priest remained. So, this weekend I had my first run with the Priest, and I have to say he was surprisingly fun to play. Building a book using cards from both the Academy and PVS set, it seems that the Priest is much more complete now as I had quite a few tools at my disposal.

When my buddies and I play, we don't announce which mage we are bringing to the table- we do a "mage reveal" as the game begins. I had no idea what my buddy was bringing, and he had no idea what I was bringing. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw him reveal the necro because of course, my mage would have +2 dice to several attack rolls.

The necro did a slow build up of a zombie hoard in one zone- I kept him restricted to one zone thanks to a couple Consecrated Ground spells (I think that's the name of the zone spell). As I moved in with my mage and two buffed Guardian Angels, he cast two walls to protect his zone from my mage, hoping to buy himself some time.

So, I decided to take a huge risk as I didn't want his swarm to become too powerful and difficult to manage. I teleported my mage to his zombie hoard zone- it would either pay off big time, or I would end up dead in two turns. I immediately cast the holy spell that is a zone attack with the potential to daze or stun opponents (can't recall the spell name). The spell only rolls 2 dice per creature, but I had the holy ring and hawkeye on my mage giving him +2 dice, and then another +2 dice against each undead in that one zone. Having stunned or dazed most of his creatures, I only took 7 damage that one round. During the next round, I cast that same spell again, and this time, I finished off most of his hoard, and those that did remain wound up dazed or stunned. But knowing his zombies were slow, I then followed up by using my quickcast to use minor teleport to teleport one zone away from his now stunned mage and a couple dazed and confused zombies. At this point, I had destroyed or severely wounded most of his zombie hoard, not to mention, got lucky with the effect die, stunning his mage twice, limiting his actions. All that damage to my enemy, and my mage only suffered 7 damage!

I then moved my two guardian angels who prepared to finish the job. While I didn't kill my opponent's mage outright, the two rounds proved to be too catastrophic to my opponent's strategy and he conceded.

The Priest was a lot of fun to play- my opinion of the Priest has definitely changed.

My opponent did tell me he was one turn away from having cast Astral Anchor. You snooze you lose.

The bonus was that we had time for a second game. We played his Warlord vs. my Warlock, to which I won by turn four due to some really really lucky dice rolls. 2-0 in 2.5 hours. It was a victorious day!

General Discussion / Re: That errata pack
« on: November 08, 2016, 08:55:39 AM »
Yes, please. I don't really care how AW distributes updated cards- whether it be a pack with extra goodies or an updates core set. I just want updated cards!

League / Tournament Play / Re: Looking for Central Iowa Players
« on: November 07, 2016, 02:37:13 PM »
Muscatine Iowa here!

What's your player base in Muscatine?

Rules Discussion / Re: Paladin vs. Siren Terrain Question
« on: October 27, 2016, 01:54:11 PM »
When you overlay terrain, the terrain you're replacing is destroyed (except the effects from the tiles in domination which get turned off.)

Yeah, I see that now. Sorry, I don't have the cards in front of me for reference, so in looking at the codex, I was going by the example of the shallow sea terrain with the whirlpool and elephant grass- and in reading quickly, I saw that as those three stacking, but in reviewing the text more closely, whirlpool and elephant grass are actually attached to shallow sea, thus the reason for the stacking mana cost. Gotcha. Thanks again!

Rules Discussion / Re: Paladin vs. Siren Terrain Question
« on: October 27, 2016, 12:50:31 PM »
Ooooooohhhh ok. So it's the mana cost of playing new terrain that stacks. But only the most recent terrain is actually in effect. Ok, I'm tracking now. So, if there are two terrain cards in one zone, only the top card is in effect. And if I wanted to replace that terrain with a new terrain, I would have to pay the cost of the first two terrain cards, PLUS the mana cost of my new terrain card. If choose to do this, then the terrain card I just played is the one in effect.

Thanks for the clarification!

Rules Discussion / Re: Paladin vs. Siren Terrain Question
« on: October 27, 2016, 12:32:30 PM »
Hi Ravepig,

Terrain can only be removed (aside from Elephant Grass) by overlaying it with your own terrain. In order to do so you must pay the cost (in mana) of the terrain you are removing in addition to paying the cost to cast your own terrain spell.

For example a Paladin could replace a Shallow Sea with a Consecrated Ground by paying 10 (5+5) mana.

But if the same mage paid that mana for two terrain cards, then the effects stack, correct?

But if it's enemy mage paying the cost of both terrain cards, overlapping his with the original played by the enemy mage, the original is essentially replaced making it null & void? Is that correct?

Rules Discussion / Paladin vs. Siren Terrain Question
« on: October 27, 2016, 11:49:44 AM »
Playing my first Paladin vs. Siren match tomorrow- also playing with a first time player, so I want to be sure I understand everything to the best of my ability.

I know Terrain doesn't have life or armor and isn't damaged or destroyed by attack damage. But the directions say it can still be removed by other means. What's an example of how a mage might remove his opponent's terrain just so I clearly understand. Thanks!

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