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Messages - RomeoXero

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Mages / Re: favorite mage
« on: January 31, 2018, 10:06:43 PM »
They are both joking. Zots statement was so steeped in sarcasm that i can taste it. From here. In Connecticut. In my basement... still

Sailor yes they can, but those spells are incantations, i specifically was talking about enchantments. I believe i even said so in your qouted section ;)

Decoy is an awesome spell. It's much more useful nowadays since arcane ward came around. The only enchants that can target an arcane ward are arcane ward and decoy.
Without either of these spells you may find yourself in a very tough position burning 2 dispels per thing you want gone.
The most fun thing you can do with a decoy is put it I  the thing you want protected. Common moves nowadays are to aggressively cast your own arcane ward to pop the previous arcane ward. If the spell they want to get rid of (say it's your forcefield) has a decoy and not an arcane ward, now they have to burn through there own arcane ward to further destroy the item, and you flip your decoy for 2 free mana.
Little convoluted but uts hilarious as a mind game

Custom Cards / Re: We have Storm Drake Hide but no Drake.....
« on: January 23, 2018, 12:59:09 PM »
Thematically tho, shouldnt the storm drake have the same protection granted by its armor? It needs that effect modifier i think. How else could we kill one and make armor out of it and receive that bonus for ourselves?  Lol

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Warlord Bridge Troll
« on: January 19, 2018, 04:08:58 PM »
 Try and stay on topic boys.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: How to make Mage Wars faster
« on: January 17, 2018, 06:35:59 PM »
I wouldn't be about that. It definitely tips the scales too much. With 20 mana no mater where the enemy tries to run to nothing can stop immediate attacks. Just by the math r1 is 14 dice, folowed by 14 more? In fact this will widen the gap between 10 chanel and 9 chanel mages. Cuz a 10 channel can throw 2 boulders r1 AND r2. A 9 chanel mage cant. Not a fan.

General Questions / Re: Casting Equipment on Enemy Mages
« on: January 17, 2018, 03:44:04 PM »
Sadly you cannot. You are free to cast a wand of healing into an empty slot on a  enemy mage, but the rules currently prohibit casting over an established enemy equipment slot.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Don't Give A Trunk Give Two
« on: January 16, 2018, 01:46:34 AM »
I will say this. Do not underestimate tanglevine. Much less force hold. A tanglevine will guarentee a single reaction probably 2 even from that many dice. Even as a pet it only rolls 6 dice against that vine and if you have to attack it twice it was already worth it.  They are mean for sure but they are slow and can't trample and attack without becoming fast.

I wonder if this concept wouldn't be done better (or at least more efficiently) with a warlord. A helmet with charge on it could do a similar thing, and they could also run cheetah speed considering the sp savings on the double titanodon.

I really think the same strat might shine in a new light if you did it wth a warlock or a necromancer. Hear me out, thats a crazy high mana cost right? But if you rise again or reanimate it its only half cost. So even if you do eventually get both out at once you could potentially get 4X the use out of em. Still not sold? Well how about this! Once they are zombies, Zombie frenzy applies! So what? Not with it you say? Well zombie frenzy is currently the only way i know of to REMOVE the slow trait and replace it with fast. So now your zombie elephants are faster, and meaner than they ever were before and they can sprint the full 2 zones and attack for more dice. Possibly trampling an uninjured creature on the way. I know its rediculous, but damn that would be priceless.

Rules Discussion / Re: Joseph Trublood - Healing
« on: January 15, 2018, 03:51:16 AM »
In fact the asyran cleric also has a gold bar. Likely indicating that it's not an attack at all. Since ranged plus only modifies attacks it wouldn't stack. Or provide any benefit at all really.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Call to all MW players...Tools of the Trade
« on: January 11, 2018, 11:26:48 AM »
Lol biblo that's 32 mana. That's a lot

General Discussion / Re: How to get started
« on: January 10, 2018, 11:17:17 PM »
Honestly obsidian soul, when was your last mage wars match? Im not being mean or anything but I'm insanely curious as to what meta you were involved in. When exactly was the last time you played mage wars arena?

General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: January 10, 2018, 05:02:32 PM »
I kinda agree with Zot here. Even in my mtg days i used to hate it when someone borrowed one of my decks and then beat me with it. I get that the shared books here are usually about getting feedback and looking for tweaks to make it better, and most of the edits and finished products don't make it to the boards.
I can see the draw if a sort of plug and play variety where you can just grab a book and go,  but literally half of the game is in the book building. If you can't make one yourself you can't win. I imagine its a bit like what am actual mage might be like with his own crafted arena strategies. Jealously guarded I'm sure.

General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite mage and why?
« on: January 08, 2018, 11:39:18 PM »
You guys are gonna inadvertently set the priest beacon alight again if your not careful. Lol

Ok sailor. You gotta stop dude. Please stop taking to our forum, provided by AW, for us to discuss out favorite game, and take what seems like a monthly shit on the damn company. You've told us they should sell it, change its medium, reevaluate it from the ground up. You use phrases like bungled, indicating that if YOU were at the helm these silly little drawbacks wouldn't be happening on your watch! AW is like 3 people. Please let them run the game the way they see fit. Stop chicken littleing here every other month saying the sky is falling. Posts like this one are fine once in a blue moon ir if there is an actual problem to be figured out. But these doom amd gloom messages twice a month are gonna actually curtail folks who might visit these forums from joining us in our favorite game.

I very much get that you are passionate about this. But come on sailor quit shaking the damn "the game is over/ sucks/is failing monkey tree please? If only so i dont have to come reassure you and everybody that the game is fine just be patient?
End rant

General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite mage and why?
« on: January 08, 2018, 12:09:13 PM »
That's it! Last straw! (Unintelligible ranting about how priest is awesome and how sirens are on the rise what with everyone playing them to figgure them out now. Lol)
[A la Shatner] Zooooootttttttttt!!! (Obnoxious echoes)

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