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Messages - Maverick

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: What are some of your druid openings?
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:13:02 PM »
I suppose that makes sense. My only problem is I have 3 mana to work with on turn 3. I could do a face down enchantment but probably not a whole lot more. Maybe I should opt out of the 2 magecast seedling pods turn 2 and throw down Meditation amulet and Tataree instead? I could deploy the last two seedling pods turn 4.

So taking ecepheron's advice I am revising my turn by turn here is what I am thinking.

Turn 1 - Cast Vine Tree (Treebond) and Samara Tree.

Turn 2 - Deploy two Seedling pods. Cast Tataree and facedown Harmonize on Vinetree.

Turn 3 - Deploy two Seedling pods. Cast Meditation Amulet. Meditate for +3 mana. Reveal Harmonize on Vine Tree. Have Tataree add 1 mana to a seedling pod with 1 mana already on it.

Turn 4 - Deploy two Seedling pods. Seedling pod Tataree gave mana last turn hatches into (Raptor vine?). Meditate for +3 Mana. Tataree adds a mana to another seedling pod.

Turn 5 - Deploy Tanglevine on enemy and Seedling pod. Have a seedling pod hatch into (Raptor vine?). Meditate for +3 Mana. Tataree adds a mana to another seedling pod. Quickcast something with mage.

Any thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: The Promo Debate
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:22:17 PM »
They are not legal for tournament (because some are not balanced, yet), so I would not allow them to any event with a reward.

Are there official tournament rules posted somewhere? I could not find them anywhere.

General Discussion / The Promo Debate
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:33:58 PM »
How does everyone else handle promo use in their game groups? In the future I will likely be an ambassador and as prize support will be giving out promo cards to my players. That being said I know there is a stigma associated with using promo's for a lot of players. How do you guy's regulate their use? Would seem silly to right out ban them if that is the reward for showing up to events.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: What are some of your druid openings?
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:07:39 PM »
I suppose I should input my theoretical opening that I am having trouble with.

Turn 1 - Samara tree and Vine tree
Turn 2 - Deploy two Seedling pods. Cast two Seedling Pods.
Turn 3 - Deploy two Seedling pods. Cast Druids Leaf Ring and Tataree
Turn 4 - Meditation Amulet and Vinewhip staff. Get wrecked because your only defense is a butterfly.

I want to build up aggressive mana economy with the seedling pods but it seems like I am shooting myself in the foot by doing so.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Where do you drop your Vine Tree?
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:42:44 PM »
starting corner. every single time. placing an obaque wall in front of it would probably solve a lot of your troubles as well.
Indeed but paying 11 mana for a temporary solution I prefer to pay 13 mana (boulder + akiro favor) for a definitive solution. Theorically boulder + Akiro Favor will give an average of 9 damage vs a 1 armor target. Enough to get ride of the tree.

In nearly every Druid book the Vine tree will be the target of treebond. So calculate another armor and 4 more innate life into your math equation there. As for the boulder strategy in general Wall of Fog costs only 4 mana, 9 if they wants to extend it.

Strategy and Tactics / What are some of your druid openings?
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:29:03 PM »
I am looking for a rough 3-5 turn summary of how many of you open up with a druid.

 I am finding the delicate balance of early tree/vine/seedling pod construction while maintaining any semblance of a defense against rush tactics very difficult to muster.

There is a consistent list of spells that I try to include in every book. May not always happen if a mage has to pay triple for it but it is a good core to strive for.

x2 Acid Ball
x2 Dissolve
x2 Dispel
x1 Seeking Dispel
x2 Torso armor of choice (I prefer Dragonscale Hauberk personally)
x1 Force Push
x1 Teleport
x1 Geyser
x1 Purify

General Discussion / Re: 1000th Post
« on: September 24, 2014, 02:36:37 PM »
Force Wave would come in handy as a delay tactic against zombies. Mangler Caltrops would be nice for later in the match when Zombie Frenzy starts happening to hinder the zombie swarm in effect negating the fast trait. Fliers are the optimal creature choice as the Necromancer's are lacking in options for that department, Andramalech particularly for sweeping and burn which is the best way to bypass resilience. Selesius the East wind would be really effective against zombies with her push effect and sweeping attack at range. The real concern is not letting either of your mages get cornered so Teleport would be ideal. Or even better have both mages carry two copies of Wall of Steel and box in all the zombies, Bloodthirsty does not add damage against walls.

Alright folks,
 This next Saturday the 27th will be another meet up at The Source Comics and Games. I personally will not be able to attend as I said earlier in the thread but there will be 3 confirmed players that day. A few others have not gotten back to me for confirmation but may show up as well. It will be a CASUAL game this weekend as opposed to Tournament play as I am still waiting to hear back about Ambassador status. All are welcome and encouraged to show up. In my absence please direct your questions to Garret (Tall with Dark hair and glasses) he will be there setting up arena's around 5-5:30PM. I cannot wait to hear the victory report. Good luck!

General Discussion / Re: 1000th Post
« on: September 23, 2014, 02:18:03 AM »
You guys should have one Necromancer dedicated towards swarm building and the other dedicated towards conjurations (ie. Idol) and defensive infrastructure (ie. Bone walls with Otto Kronig and Clerics to heal them). Keep the walls up until the swarm is ready to wreck something. Keep in mind the opponent has access to Andramalech as well as probably Valshalla so have a counter for big fliers. Zone attack spells will probably be likely so be careful if the Andramalech Warlock stops 1 zone away from your zombie mosh pit because next turn you will likely be Firestormed. Due to it being a full action to cast a simple quick cast of Forcepush can stop this reliably. Keep in mind if you want to run Zombie Frenzy you will probably have the mana and action to do it every turn between the two of you. Putting it on a wand could render amazing results. Renewing Rain should be standard in both books due to it putting out burns on all friendlies with one action.

See I am not biased. I want to see a recording of everyone getting wrecked. ;)

General Discussion / Re: 1000th Post
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:53:24 AM »
My recommendation? Don't play fair. Since Deathlock is epic do a Teleport Slingshot (Patent Pending) with a Forcehammer to break the Deathlock ASAP.

Teleport Slingshot (Patent Pending)- Teammate 1 double moves to what used to be near center and quick casts Teleport on teammate 2 spending 12 mana for maximum distance. Team mate 2 double moves from new position and is now in range to Force Hammer the opponents starting corner using their Quickcast marker. If you do not want to leave your partner behind you can immediately use the quickcast action and 12 mana to move them 4 spaces instead of double moving but it will prevent you from using Force Hammer right away.

General Discussion / Re: 1000th Post
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:10:55 AM »
Hmmm there are a lot of votes there. I voted Force Master cause hey I have trouble beating them. Maybe I should arrange for this to be recorded?

There is a serious shortage of videos on youtube for Mage Wars. I would greatly appreciate you contributing to the pool. That and a 2v2 game would be fun to watch.

It is for a game called Shadowrun. I would hardly call it "MY" podcast but I am a part of it. Check out http://arcologypodcast.com/ . I mainly do the actual play episodes. I am the character mysteriously also known as Maverick. An impulsive gunslinger that raises hell for the poor game master. I also did an interview on character optimization for the normal weekly episodes. We were ranking pretty high on Itunes for a while, number 12 I think? Not sure where we are at right now though.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The Warrior of the Light Priest
« on: September 22, 2014, 11:27:30 PM »
Expect cowbell in the next episode ;)

You have officially won the internet good sir.

General Discussion / Re: Lets Level Up Episode 11
« on: September 22, 2014, 07:17:04 PM »
Actually, it's nothing to do with America or non-america, as apparently I broke up a lot in this episode. 

I have to figure out what it is, as my internet connection is amazing, and I use the same headset as Aaron, but for some reason lately, i'm breaking up a lot like Max Headroom.  Sorry for that guys.

Any suggestions for a podcaster n00b is appreciated.  I currently use a Logitech Wireless Headset H600 which for everything else works perfect, but for some reason doesn't want to play nice lately with MWM.

Overall, hope everyone enjoyed the discussion with Rick and I, sans Aaron, our brother in arms :)

It may be the software you are using. Cheesy though it may sound we use the record feature of Teamspeak for the Shadowrun Podcast I am in. There is a great deal of editing that is done after the fact but it comes out sounding pretty smooth now that we have worked out all the kinks. May be worth looking into for you.

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