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Messages - Cnoedel

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Skeleton necro plus Armory.
« on: August 10, 2014, 10:25:28 PM »
Which mage fits better for a rattling soldierbones spellbook? The Warlord or the Necro? I assume the Necro has it cheaper but the "battle orders" and command-discount rings fit well too - or the warlord only spells like conquer....

Neat Idea! Have you playtested them? If yes, do they do well compete against each other? The thematic value runs strong in each one so i have not much to say to change their content (for exaple, Hunting Bow is not that good for the Jokthar, I'd chooseIvarium Longbow which is far less themativ)
As you already mentioned, there is a huge lack of teleports/force push/nullify/block/dispel (at least 2) in each of them, but if they only play against each other, this will not matter that much.

I really like how theme oriented your Spellbooks are because I really want thematic books to be playable.

Why isn't it possible with the smaller expansions? Because there are not enough cards like barracks or lair?

Since she is all abut luring and controlling i can see some freeze effects in the upcoming set, but as for terrains i believe that they're mostly water-based to summon krakens and stuff :D

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Best/Ugliest Card Artwork
« on: August 10, 2014, 09:07:05 PM »
Hey Forum,

So I want to hear your thoughts about your (least) favorite Artworks, since i have to get this off my chest and I am way to often on this forum and there is not much happening :(
Please don't feel offended, I am sure that every artist did a great job and deserve to be printed. I can see that there are other ideas around artworks and everyone prefers a different style.
Furthermore I had to pick between MANY not-so-good and MUCH MORE perfect cards, sometimes it is the cards design that does not allow to be creative (like some equipment) and please consider that i really like most of the art in this game!


Block/Nullify - Maybe it is because every Spellbook has them, but both cards represent Mage Wars for me. They look furiously good and I fell in love since i saw them!

Ravenous Ghoul - I loved Magic, since it has a lot of grim and dark artworks, this is what drove me into it in the first place and kept me in for a long time! Ravenous Ghoul to me is the most gruesome card there is so it desevers a mention. But there are better looking cards!

Togorah - Like THIS bad boy ent! He looks really nasty and I would love to play him! (But my girlfriend has dips on the druid :D)

Selesius, the East wind - Whoa, righteous fire and grace. She looks so awesome!

Pacify - grim, shady, dark: Thats how i like it, even if it is a holy card!

Arcane Corruption - so this one features the paladin and you can see a story in the picture (this is not the only card that does so, but my favorite!) The bear strength (in fact all of these animal-enchantments tell their story pretty simple) brings nothing but pain to the paladin! It is just so detailed!

Bear strenght (alterned artwork) - again a story, but with fun, maybe its not the best artwork and not well suited for this list, but i laughed at it


Skeletal Minion/Sardonyx/Deathfang - whats up with this plain skeletons, they look very bad to me! Look at Skeletal Senetry/Knight, this is how an evil, rotten skelly looks like!

Adramelech - If you ask a 15 year old how to draw a cue chubby demon it would probably look like this.

Burst of Thorns - that priests face reminds me of Nicolas Cage. Nuff said!

Valshalla/Samandriel - the 90ies called, they want their style back.

Libro Mortus -  The Necro spellbook is my personal favorite but on this card i had to laugh, was it because of the dumb looking skinned face? Or because of the ridiculous lightning effects that make no sense to me? I will never know!

Funny mentions:

Barracks - I like the artwork but every time i shuffle through my cards I see a modern Base. Please tell me you do too  ;D

Battle Forge - Is this a wookie? Because to me it looks like a wookie!

Decoy - Not sure if cute or horrible artwork but I love it for irrational reasons!

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Academy Expansion
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:32:21 PM »
I was on some magic tournaments in germany and i must say while the amount of cards you need to know to be "good at it" is way up and the ruling has some niches to be exploited , Mage Wars is just more to deal with (the mentioned floor, for example!)

Besides getting someone into magic with 2 easy starter decks is much easier and has less keywords than even the apprentice mode in MW

Spellbook Builder / Re: Updated Cards with Minor Errata
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:07:11 PM »
This is so helpful, just a week before I tried to find all of the changes but I missed some out - thank you very much for the great work!

Digging out the old topic - for me there are some spells i use in almost every spellbook:
1-2xSeeking Dispel
1-2xForce Push
1x Enchantment Transfusion
1xDecoy (1 Decoy is just to good for its price)
1xPerfect Strike
1x Defend
1xHoly Strike (Promo; Novice [Holy1] for 2 Mana: attack gains Etheral trait)
0-2xAcid Ball
0-1xArmor Ward

Some of the mentioned cards are Novice, they do not hinder the Spellbook very much and add a lot of strategic value. A perfect strike will hopefully kill somerthing like a tataree, holy strike against incorporeal, disarm as a short time way to remove equipment...

So I sometimes add a finishing attack spell and one REALLY big creature (like Hydra, Angel, Earth Elemental, whatever) to counter other fatties.

Then there is a mandatory Ring for pretty much every Mage and most of the time there is a weapon of choice - the cards may differ but for me they are an auto-include. If there is any space left i take some novice-equipment since they don't use much space and are always helpful

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid PushBowTangle
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:38:23 PM »
I agree: What is he going to do without the bow - I'd go even further and add another Galador (or other ranged animal creatures if there are any...)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: King Under the Mountain v1
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:35:43 PM »
Yeah the lack of cheap dwarves really hurts any thematic approach.

To your list: I'd add another outpost to ensure Talos arrival in the arena, also a second Harshforge plate won't hurt you either!

If I would go for dwarves I'd take more walls and create an epic long game: First round, get some rings, a battle forge and try to raise an earth elemental/iron golem so your opponent won't go straight in your face. Then create a HUGE defense, walls, outposts (watchtowers with snipers) and maybe guarding panzerdwarfs - basically build your own fortress. Then force-push or teleport the enemy mage right into it after shooting him!

Then again "Ain't nobody got mana for dat"

General Discussion / Re: Bloodwave or Iron Throne?
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:23:43 PM »
I think it is a bit counterintuitiv that the Bloodwaves creatures are more suited towards a Goblin Swarm build, where the Vet Tokens do not really help (A buddybuild with Thorg and the other commander would be better because they may actually get such tokens).

The Iron Throne Warlord can push himself to be a great melee fighter while his ranged dwarf buddies help him out!

Oh true, the Griffin has text, did not see that, thanks!

Hagrid Meme:

>should not have googled that, should not have googled that

honey booboo to me is like america in a nutshell :D
(No I have no predjudice and this is not meant to be offensive)

The enchantment looks like a better rhino hide and obviously it generates armor and is nature.

The Griffin seems to be a bit boring, without many special effects :(

I am courious about the manticores attack and the HONEY BADGERs ability

Rules Discussion / Re: Ring of healing Promo
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:09:49 PM »
I am on your side there, the wording looks pretty clear to me (and even refers to group healing)

General Discussion / Re: Syren vs. paladin, next spoilers?
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:08:13 PM »
This would be odd since both are totally new Mages and they seem to be released with two new spellbooks (don't dissapoint me, Syren and paladinbooks must be awesome! The wrinkled Spellbook may come off cool with the Syren :D) and full content to form two "decks"

PLEASE keep this format!

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