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Messages - isel

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General Discussion / Re: Druid need more plants
« on: July 23, 2016, 09:22:21 AM »
Hi Isel, long time no see.

Did you have a moment to check PvS, Priestess, Warlock and info about 4 new mages coming in a near future?

If your whole community stand and fall on plant creatures, i bet they must have been helluva gardeners :)

Yeah, but i would like that the old ones don´t be forgotten.

Not too many druids in my conmunity, but the real problem, its that new players only see Wizard-warlock-beastmasters as the only mages with several options because they have more spells than anyone.

General Discussion / Re: Druid need more plants
« on: July 23, 2016, 08:37:13 AM »
Waiting two years for more vine spells....

Too many Arcane spells
Fire spells...
Dark spells...
Soon holy spells....

Where is the balanced between mages?
Why some schools have too many spells to choose to give support several tactics and Druid (vine spells) have the least?
For now in my community i can´t bring new players because all of them when see the database of spells, see the game unbalanced and don´t like.

One year and a half without playing because no new plants, no new mechanics, only wizards and wizards....

It´s a good game yet?

Wizard have a very good support thanks to academy, the same beastmaster.....and the other mages? We´ll have to wait 10 years to have more spells for our favourite schools?

This remembers me why i left warhammer, my sylvan elves had a new book every 7 years or more, while another more famous armies have one new every 2 years.

I ask this another time.

Do you believe that with this image you can say that all mages are balanced?

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: March 02, 2015, 04:00:14 PM »

My goood, seems the board of zombies

General Discussion / Re: Is mage wars losing popularity?
« on: January 27, 2015, 08:40:52 AM »
Ola Isel :)

My lognest game was also 3 hours, it was Priestess vs Priestess but it was also my first game ;) My current games are about 90-120 minutes. Sometimes shorter (aggro vs aggro) and sometimes, very short (30 minutes).

If your current meta in your area is about Battleforge and Spawnpoints, did you try Hydro attacks? I mostly destroy BF with two attack spells.

Guardian angel is a good creature but not indestructible. I can tell.

Did you check on Raining Cloud? Do you get info about terrain spells which we will probably see in a near future? :)

Mostly, its not about mages but about players. My ass is still get cursed by curse warlock :)

Raining cloud its a promo card, i haven´t sorry, and normally we dont play with promo cards to avoid ballista and several promo cards that many people think that are overpowered, i hope raincloud would be release soon.

General Discussion / Re: Is mage wars losing popularity?
« on: January 27, 2015, 02:39:55 AM »
For me magewars and  for many people around me have this problems:
-Duration of a game, normally 2 hours or maybe more, i had have games of 3 hours.
-the strategic of the game it´s very repetitive (battleforge and spawn point)
-Priest wiht the Guardian Angel, it´s very very strong, many of us thinks that this creature must be rewording, because many peolple use it to guard spawn point doing nearly indestructibles, and when you put two of them  you only must wait to have an army and your opponent its spending resources and you win. Maybe intercept creatures must have the Mage only trait, to avoid aberrations, an this angel heals when guard, i believe this must change to roll a die.
-lack of variety in several mages (i know that i said this before, sorry, but when any wizard have many types of creatures, druid have few plants creatures, and you can say, you have more nature creatures, true, but many people likes to play thematic mages, if you used an angel or demon in a plant mage, it´s not thematic) maybe designers can avoid this makin more creatures mage only. (i saw a necromancer with guardian angel, and that was very terrorific)
- a Spell to sustract traits would be very interesting
- Zone spells that give traits to attack as flame -2 or hidro+2 (a spell that summon a volcan in a zone, or rain)

I know that the game it´s younger, but lately there is a lack of pool, and for many people as me that only likes to play few mages this is a bit frustrating, see how the last mages are more powerfull (it´s a pain play new wrlock vs druid or any mage).

See you.

General Discussion / Re: New Promos!
« on: January 06, 2015, 06:24:42 AM »
Guardian Angel is good with extra healing, but that was already true with Regrowth, and frankly it's not like they were hard to keep around to begin with.

Stacking Bridge Troll to 6 is pretty cool, but remember that it hurts your mage. The cost makes Sardonyx look cheep!

Sardonyx quit life, this do damage that a holy mage can heal easyly with a regrowth, you heal 3 damage for only one damage.

General Discussion / Re: New Promos!
« on: January 06, 2015, 05:52:30 AM »
No nature spells? more war and fire? meeehhh...

The art is fantastic.

the link to heal it´s very powerfull with the angels of kumanjaro they can heal 5 points, angels are now very powerfull, worried with this card.

Custom Cards / Re: My creations
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:01:16 PM »
i had send a Pm to laddinfance about the  digital rights,  if there are any problem  i imagine that they quit my post.

But i believe there aren´t because many players in many games use the same tecnics as me.

Custom Cards / Re: My creations
« on: January 05, 2015, 04:37:10 PM »
Nice cards with good imagery.

I hope you own the digital rights to use the images, otherwise suggest you revise the cards.

Thanks for sharing.

Not sure Druid needs another weapon in place of vinewhip staff.

I like Web of Forest.

i think druid need another weapon because the vinewhip staff have few uses for many people, and i believe all mages would have several owns weapons to have more diversity.

Custom Cards / Re: My creations
« on: January 04, 2015, 05:17:10 PM »
Web of the Forest is a really cool idea, but at the moment it is inferior in every way to a regular teleport (except that it costs 2 sp fewer for the druid, which isn't really enough of an advantage). Why not remove the 2-zone range restriction, and allow the teleport to be anywhere in the arena, without needing LOS to the target zone? Also, not sure if the plant subtype is appropriate.

At the begining i thought to put any place in the arena, but that could be too powerful, remember the teleport of the priest, i put the plant subtype because the idea it´s that you use the vines (plants) to move through them, i tried to design a teleport for the druid but less powerfull than the arcane teleport, because i believe this would be the most powerfull.

Thanks for your comments.

Custom Cards / My creations
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:07:18 AM »
Working in several cards, i hope you like it, and sorry for my poor english , maybe there is one or two mistakes:

General Discussion / Re: Is anyone else a little concerned...
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:44:25 AM »
i don´t mind that we haven´t more new mages soon, i prefer they testing the new mages very well, i prefer have more cards for all mages, because my favourite mage, the druid, now it´s for me very boring play with her, because the new Adra. Warlock, kill her very easy, because we haven´t enough resources against the fire, and all my plants have a flame +2 trait, furthemore my plants are very very limited, i play the same, i haven´t more variety, and i need more, and that´s boring me.

I hope in battlegrounds, the druid will have 3 or 4 new plants, and plant enchantments, and the designers put in the new plants only druid, because it´s a pity find beastmasters (animal) that plays plants.

I wait something against teleport, very tired of this strategy, maybe a cheaper construction that avoid teleportation from that zone, i hate very much when my mage it´s teleported several times.

I wait that in battlegrounds we´ll have many promotions cards , because there ´re too many without released, and many of them could come in a pack common for all players.

Well, it´s new year and this is my post for the Mage Kings (6 january) .

Rules Discussion / Re: Tanglevine and Stranglevine
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:31:16 AM »
A better question would be why you want to put a tanglevine and stranglevine on the same creature at the same time. If the creature get's teleported out of one, they kill both.

Also any life gained before the finite life enters play is still on the stranglevine.

Well, the fact its that sometimes when i put a tanglevine, they haven´t enough teleports or none, and when the oponent left the tanglevine wiht one or two points of life, i can´t put another tanglevine but i can put another stranglevine and my oponnent goon restrained.

Rules Discussion / Tanglevine and Stranglevine
« on: December 31, 2014, 08:29:04 AM »
Can i put a Stranglevine and a Tanglev in a same creature?

About the life that gain the stranglevine, When gain the life? every turn you must put a token of life? i ask this because if my opponent put a finite life altar in play, then how many life have the stranglevine?


Rules Discussion / Re: TRaps and teleports
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:29:24 AM »
many thanks both!!!!

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