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Messages - drmambo23

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Off topic / Re: What other games do you like?
« on: February 11, 2016, 09:03:13 AM »
Arkham horror,munchkin, lotr the board game, any table top rpg (I favor d&d and 40k), cthulhu flux

Player Feedback and Suggestions / typo on academy cards
« on: February 08, 2016, 10:36:44 AM »
I was reading the flavor text on all of the academy cards last night and noticed that the word "johktari" in the title if the knife is the same as the Johktari beast master. However, the flavor text on kajarah the word is spelled as 'jhoktari'. Is this intentional and I'm missing something with the lore or is it a typo?

General Discussion / Re: Will you ever release other Mage Wars sleeves?
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:24:50 AM »
Yes, Ultra Pro has other sleeves coming featuring Mage Wars Art. I'm not sure exactly when they're coming out, but I know it's all in the works.

Humble request for Devil's trident art on sleeves. <3

This would be amazing! :D

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Zombie Rush
« on: January 26, 2016, 09:10:42 AM »
I am working on building a necro book at the moment and from my experience with that plus the other times I've played necro I would strongly suggest another nullify to put on the enemy to stop a purify and also throw in a poisoned blood.

Also, with no mana crystals this build might be hard to get rolling. Necro seem to use a ton of mana (which is why most run meditation amulet) so more mana economy would be nice especially since this is more of a "longer game" book. Also with grey wraith upkeep 1 and paying 1 mana to deal 1 damage can set you back.

I would cut back on a few creatures probably bease im not sure if youll be able to get them all out. If you have had success with this many let me know.

And last note, force push is great but force wave is a great tool to get a lot of zombies to move 1 zone at once if you don't have the mana for zombie frenzy

General Discussion / Re: Warlock Academy Reveal: Demonhide Mask
« on: January 22, 2016, 10:58:27 PM »
The art is amazing! I cannot wait to get ahold of this warlock academy set and start building books!

Will future academy expansions feature only the "apprentice" versions of already released arena mages or will academy eventually introduce new mage concepts that arena has yet to explore? I assume arena gets the new mages first but I'm just curious. Thanks

That works for me. I'm satisfied :)

Any ideas floating around the Arcane Wonders design team on a Blood Mage for a future Mage Wars expansion? :D

Strategy and Tactics / Re: tournament viable necromancer?
« on: January 06, 2016, 02:07:56 AM »
Thank you guys for all the help and direction of information!  I haven't really had any time to do anything with this build lately with the holidays and we just moved.  But hopefully I'll have a few builds put together within the week and I can start testing them out on octgn and see which one I prefer and then go from there as far as fleshing it out more!

General Discussion / Re: Battleground Quality
« on: January 06, 2016, 01:58:38 AM »
how many editions of battlegrounds have been printed because I didn't receive any promo cards either?

Other than that, I am having some trouble fitting the pieces together at times. some fit great, others not so.  But they are all flat, no issues there.  And I am having a really great time enjoying this product so far! :D :D

Rules Discussion / Re: gate of voltari and other spawnpoints
« on: December 24, 2015, 05:17:12 PM »
Ok great. Thanks!

Rules Discussion / gate of voltari and other spawnpoints
« on: December 24, 2015, 12:14:43 PM »
When a lair or pentagram, etc deploy a creature does the gate get a mana? Is it still technically the mage casting?

And happy holidays to all!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: tournament viable necromancer?
« on: December 16, 2015, 04:21:35 PM »
How do you want to win the game? Swarms of creatures? A few big creatures? Solo?
In mind I have either a few big creatures or a buddy build

Do you want to run a Graveyard, Libro, Battle Forge, or a combination of these conjurations? (or something not yet explored/ something that catches your eye)
i was toying with the idea of bim shalla or dawnbreaker (i know they are out of school and costa good amount of sbp but are tools that could help a buddy or few creature build)

Do you want to run skeletons, zombies, or go for a wider range of mixed creatures (in or out of school)?
So far I am thinking grey wraith, dwarf panzergarde, bridge troll, mort.  I'm still in the book building stage and getting a solid idea to stick with.

I have run a necro with enchanters ward stones, essence drain, and rise again.  When the decide to not pay the upkeep for the creature I can reanimate it with rise again or animate dead (on a mage wand).

Also, I would love the help in testing books on OCTGN :D


You gotta decide on whether to go with zombies or skeletons. In my experience zombies are a slower build up that eventually just wipes the board clean. Skeletons you can get bigger threats out faster with though and that can mean a lot.

If i chose to swarm then I would probably go with zombies, mainly for resilient and zombie frenzy

Strategy and Tactics / Re: tournament viable necromancer?
« on: December 16, 2015, 10:01:09 AM »
Thanks man! Yeah I really like the warlock and I agree that dark mages are the best! :D

And thanks for the insight. I'll definitely check out that channel and watch those videos.

Strategy and Tactics / tournament viable necromancer?
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:19:52 AM »
I have been playing the game for a while and I'm looking to start playing competitively. I am fond of lady warlock and have seen some excel with her when majority said she wasnt that great. But what I really love is the concept of a necromancer and being able to play one in mage wars. His abilities, while they are decent, do not seem to be up to par, in my opinion, with just about every other mage.  Also, from just about everything I have tried it seems his setup is very slow and gets destroyed against rushes, beast master swarms, other necro builds since they are poison immune, and wizard tower with any attack that burns.

Has anyone had similar results or thoughts? And what strategies have you guys been using that are successful with the necromancer?  Do you think he is going to stay "squishy" until the warlock academy set when more curses, creatures, and dark spells are released?

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