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Messages - jhaelen

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.. but I'm getting tired of hearing about the Wizard as having an advantage and needing to be fixed.
Yup, and I'm tired of nothing being done to fix the Wizard.

General Discussion / Re: New Expansion ? Is original MW dead?!
« on: April 07, 2016, 02:14:33 AM »
I have to disagree with you here. This is not the first "persona" based card game to hit the market. Both Highlander TCG and Raw Deal CCG came before Mage Wars and both used a  a face card and/or abilities card.
Does it matter that I never heard of either game?
This didnt lead to a more complex game as the person who builds that particular deck/book will only focus on that character and the allowed cards in that book.
You still need to define the interaction between cards from different decks, leading to an exponential growth of new rules.

And if you're trying to tell me that when building a deck you needn't worry about cards that aren't in your deck, you've got to be kidding.

General Discussion / Re: Modes of play (Academy, Domination, Arena)
« on: April 07, 2016, 02:08:30 AM »
"Without strategic movement it completely loses what mage wars is all about."Huh?
Well, that's at least half-true. Imho, there's two things that Mage Wars is about:
- the board, i.e. the spatial element.
- no random hand of cards.

The question is: Is it still Mage Wars if one of these two elements is missing? For me, the answer is no.

General Discussion / Re: How many Academy Players are there?
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:06:10 AM »
something's bugged about this thread...

General Discussion / Re: New Expansion ? Is original MW dead?!
« on: April 01, 2016, 02:05:31 AM »
I think the focus on Acedemy and Battlegrounds were business mistakes.
Not really. The idea behind these new game modes was/is solid. Unfortunately, for my taste Academy is too different from Arena to serve as a useful introduction. I still have high hopes for Battlegrounds to replace the standard Arena mode, though.

Simply churning out mage after mage without changing anything about the basic (Arena) rules would have done nothing to grow the player base. Very high, and continously increasing complexity due to a fast growing glossary and game length prevent the game from becoming more popular.

I'm not sure if the situation we're currently in is much better, but it was worth a try.

The problem is that the diversification has lead to resources being spread too thin. Arcane Wonders is too small a company to churn out new products for three (closely-related, but still) different game lines at the same time with the same speed as for a single game line.
And commercially it wouldn't have been a good idea to do so, either. Mage Wars is, and probably always will be too niche.

General Discussion / Re: Modes of play (Academy, Domination, Arena)
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:53:51 AM »
I currently not playing at all - still waiting for the German version of Battlegrounds. I have zero interest in Academy and plan to play exclusively Domination mode in the future (or no Mage Wars at all).

General Discussion / Re: How many Academy Players are there?
« on: March 29, 2016, 02:19:44 AM »
I only have feedback from about a handful of players, but it always is along the lines that Academy is too similar (or familiar) to other games.
I'm not surprised. Having more feedback would be good, though.

Alternative Play / Re: Mashing Arena and Academy
« on: March 29, 2016, 02:16:01 AM »
I don't think I'm overstepping any playtester bounds here...at one point Academy was planned to have 3 zones.  Turns out moving was the worst action you could take.   Strategies were "Stand there and guard" or "Pepper with ranged".   Pepper with ranged being preferred.  I'm not going to tell you 'no', but Academy was supposed to have some rudimentary movement in it and it was cut in favor of an actually fun game.
That's an interesting bit of information. Thanks for that! It won't make me like Academy any better, but at least it gives some clue how the game became what it is.

Rules Discussion / Re: Guard, Taunt, & Sweep
« on: February 26, 2016, 02:32:47 AM »
So if you are taunted by one creature and a second creature is guarding, you are unable to attack the taunted creature because only the guard is a valid target. Thus you are free of your mandatory action and may make any action you wish. If you choose to attack with a sweeping attack, you would have to attack the guard first, assuming it's not a pest. After attacking the guard, you still are under no obligation to attack the taunting creature because mandatory actions are checked for before you take your action, not in the middle of it.
Ah, excellent explanation!

Mage Wars Academy / Re: Common Misconceptions about Mage Wars Academy
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:08:11 AM »
Well, issues 2) and 4) are largely irrelevant in the longer term because they'll be easily fixed by releasing more cards.

I definitely agree about 1). Dismissing the lack of a spatial element as a minor difference makes me wonder if anyone making that claim has ever actually played MW:Arena. It's also why I don't consider MW:Academy a good entry point for players interested in MW:Arena.

And regarding issue 3), I've already stated my opinion elsewhere. I agree that MW:Academy likely has more tactical depth than MtG. But that's true for several LCGs out there.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts after my first game of Academy
« on: February 02, 2016, 02:27:54 AM »
Part of it is that in typical card battling games you only have a hand of about 5-7 cards and in Mage Wars Academy you have a hand of maybe about 30 cards typically.
Granted. Unfortunately, Mage Wars introduces dice, countering the advantage of always having access to all cards to a degree. I'm not sure if the end-result is more tactical depth.
In Mage Wars Academy it seems to be first player skill, then how well-built your deck is, followed by card access and then luck, just like it is for Arena.
I'm not an experienced MtG player, but I've read about how the 'deck plays you' rather than the other way around. However, I've played all of FFGs LCGs, especially Call of Cthulhu. I daresay for these games, player skill is definitely more important than the deck-building, too.

I think, I'll need to see more ratings/reviews, especially from players who played more than a single game to decide if Academy really has any advantage over a 'good' LCG.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts after my first game of Academy
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:40:35 AM »
Compared to other more typical card-battling games, such as Magic the Gathering, Yugioh, etc. Mage Wars Academy offers more tactical depth, albeit a smaller space of possible strategies so far.
Interesting. How does it achieve more tactical depth?

Alternative Play / Re: Dominate the Old Arena
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:34:45 AM »
So I feel it is a disadvantage to play Domination in Domination if one player is not playing it.
If that is truly the case, then you are right, and the Domination format, as it's currently designed doesn't work.

The advantage from having more V'Tar than your opponent must balance the potential advantage of a spellbook that chooses to ignore the V'Tars in favor of rushing the opponent mage. If that's not the case, Domination is dead in the water.

I'd definitely like to see more opinions on this.

General Discussion / Re: Battleground Quality
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:47:33 AM »
Good thing I'm waiting for the German version... lots of time to fix such issues.

Spells / Re: Blur and "Hit"
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:35:27 AM »
Its not Dungeons and Dragons for sure....

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