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Messages - Boocheck

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General Discussion / Re: getting cards in Europa
« on: November 30, 2016, 07:29:10 AM »
There's a very different picture country to country in all things - treating it as 'Europe' is usually wrong.

We also had Lost Grimoire here in the UK a couple of days before the US, PVS and Academy Warlock and Priestess were all very prompt.

The problem we have in the UK, when we have a problem, is not really anything to do with AW. We have one distributor of any size, who more or less have a monopoly, anything below that is more or less shops doing their own importing. So depending on decisions they make, we either get it at all shops or none, enough everywhere or not, get it promptly or months later.

We have a very wide network of online and FLGS, but a bottleneck at the distributor level.

Esdevium games?

General Discussion / Re: Lost Grimoire / complete card list
« on: November 29, 2016, 01:01:58 PM »
Quick question, is that a complete list of spells? Isnt something missing? :)


Given Boocheck is a playtester, he has inside info... so I'm guessing he's hinting that you might have missed a spell or two. I haven't received mine yet, but I'll be sure to confirm or recommend an amendment to the list when my copies arrive.

*edit* The number of copies listed add up to 108, which is consistent with retailer statements and info on BGG, etc., so unless that info is incorrect, there doesn't seem to be a discrepancy with the count. Unless something got added (or swapped) after the retailer info was released (which was probably in spring 2016).

Or maybe there are some non-spell cards in the pack. For example, is there a errata Wizard ability card included?

That is a complete list of spells. Not sure what spell Boocheck is eluding to.

Fact that i am a playtester doesnt mean that i cannot be idiot at the same time ;) :D

I apologize for any possible confusion. I didnt absorb that there are more than one spell mentioned on a one line hence i was counting odd number of spells in this set.

General Discussion / Re: Lost Grimoire / complete card list
« on: November 29, 2016, 06:09:56 AM »
Quick question, is that a complete list of spells? Isnt something missing? :)

Alternative Play / Re: Lost Grimoire on OCTGN
« on: November 29, 2016, 02:03:14 AM »
Thank you your Sharkness!

General Discussion / Re: Fix Bloodwave Warlord
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:32:35 AM »
Casting lvl 1 goblin creatures as quick action? That would be nice :)

General Discussion / Re: That errata pack
« on: November 08, 2016, 05:22:32 AM »
As a MW fan, i would definetly buy this "errata" package.

But what about "normal" users. From their perspective, Arcane Wonders will try to sell them something that "repairs" the game they made. It could be taken as selling a patch to a pc game so you will be able to play it fully :)

Dont take me wrong, Hammer and some mages with errata cards would be awesome ;)

Alternative Play / Re: OCTGN promo set update
« on: November 07, 2016, 04:44:14 AM »
You are cooking on gas this week! Thanks!  :D

Does that quote means somethin like "you are on fire" or "you are rocking pretty hard"?

Can he cook on electricity or grill charecoals? :)

Rules Discussion / Re: Mhegedden and defend
« on: November 04, 2016, 03:08:39 PM »
He is pest while having Seal tokens.

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Paladin vs Siren Review
« on: October 25, 2016, 01:28:44 PM »

Thanks guys. I still have few to watch but so far what i see is a lot of work behind it and i would like to say thank you. Both of you did a splendid job :)

Rules Discussion / Re: Spellbind question
« on: October 24, 2016, 06:36:33 AM »
I think we need an official rulling here to know what was meant:
can another card of the same spell be bound when "changing the spell"?

You mean like changing one fireball for other fireball? Right now, i didnt se a reason to do that except situation when i will be trying to play mind tricks with my enemy.

Mage Wars Academy / Re: Want to promote Academy
« on: October 24, 2016, 06:34:53 AM »

Rules Discussion / Re: Eagle wings + Kraken&Leviathan
« on: October 24, 2016, 06:29:18 AM »
Text on card.

Aquatic creatures in this zone gain Melee +1.

Non-Flying, non-aquatic creatures in this zone are hindered and roll 1 less die when making non-spell attacks.

I am not Zuberi, so take me lightly. Flying Leviathan will probably recieve Melee +1.

Mage Wars Academy / Re: Disperse on facedown enchantments?
« on: October 24, 2016, 06:21:33 AM »
Don't feel bad, it's probably the most common mistake. Even I do it now and then after four years playing >_>

I couldnt agree more :) If you didnt do this mistake, you are not playing Mage Wars long enough :)

Mage Wars Academy / Re: Want to promote Academy
« on: October 24, 2016, 04:12:54 AM »
Hello there :)

1) First step would be introducing a game at local store or your gaming group or group or friends etc. It depends on a local store but most of the time, they are glad that someone is creating programm for them. Some of them will promote you, some of them will gave you a small table at the basement. It depends :)

2) If you are doing introduction outside your group that you know and they know you, try to look representative. You will be suprised how a great number of demoers are doing introductions for their games half sleeping, in non-clean clothes with an odour of Garlic from their mouth :)

3) Know your game. You should probably know most of the interactions that could happen in a game. Also, if you are from Arena, be sure to check how Melee +X and Pest trait works in Academy. This way, your demoing will be fluent, you will act as a judge and had proper respect while deciding issues.

4) Never ever start introduction in a manner - Do you know game XYZ? Well, this game is better. Sometimes, those ppl love the game XYZ very much and sometimes it is an only game they know (i am looking at you MtG).

5) Settings - i have a small package of 12 cards on which i explain very briefly how academy works. If they get interested, i will distribute prepared spellbooks and explain each card in those spellbooks. That is the most "boring" part as players didnt play but study. But if they liked my brief explanation, most of the times they were able to get over this learning step.

6) Guiding - it happens, that player which is unsure just pass you his spell book and ask, what to play or will ask for permission to play specific card. Dont do that. Ask him what HE wants or what he expects. Sometimes, you gave "defensive" spellbook to an "agressive" player. Here is the part you should explain that each mage can have different spellbook thus approach.

7) Have Fun. If you are not having fun, guys at your table doesnt having it too ;)

Hope it helped.

Rules Discussion / Re: Eagle wings + Kraken&Leviathan
« on: October 24, 2016, 03:59:40 AM »
Isn't there some kind of rule that the terrain effects only work on non-flying creatures? Or maybe on the water terrains itself? Its strange that the leviathan would still be able to use his effect when flying.

I think that there is no such ruling. Most of the times, specific terrain decide that on its own. Shallow Sea specificaly says that it not affect flyers. There are terrains that affect everything like Consecrated Ground do.

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