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Messages - drmambo23

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Best opening for: Necromance
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:59:05 PM »
Pros :

Spawnpoint, swarm creatures, can eat up attack spells, gets mana of creatures level when a creature is destroyed
Also i favor over libro which can just be dissolved
Zombies - resilient and the enemy mage will always trigger bloodthirsty
Cloak on turn 2 prevents early rush of attack spells and gives you more time to react to opponent
Wispwillow gives you the exra mana at the beginning to be a little more vesarile if needed
If they focus the graveyard get them with creatures
Deploying crawler and venomous first usually will get some hate allowing you to do more of what you want

Druid can deploy from a vine anywhere, including tanglevine which bloodthirsty is useless againt. Also making it to the tree takes forever.
Zombies move slow so you need some movement spells and/ or walls
Lady beastmaster can be in your face fast so cloak can be obsolete
Flyers move around zombies so plan for that, maim wings, gravikor, another flyer, or knockdown
Bloodthirsty can limit what you can do since zombies are stuck in a zone with a damaged creature
Burns and acid ball do direct dmg to zombies
Necro mirror match

Hope this helps

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Murmaider v1
« on: November 22, 2016, 06:55:22 PM »
I fell for this too and it explains my confusion earlier.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Best opening for: Necromance
« on: November 22, 2016, 06:53:58 PM »
Im a big fan of graveyard wispwillow t1, t2 deploy crawler then cloak of shadows and death ring, t3 deploy venomous zombie and cast minion then deploy a creature every turn or so.
Cloak lets you keep your dostance. If they close then your creatures have less diatance to walk. Deploying a crawler 1st  can be a distraction for a creature or mage. And venemous next makes them want to kill it fast. It can soak up attacks and eat up creature actions.

Events / Re: MACE: Operation Homefront Tournament.
« on: November 21, 2016, 03:54:40 PM »
Will there be a way to compete in more than 1 event. I dont care much for academy but i would love to do an arena tournament and domination?

I realize this is a year away so theres time to plan and if not then i'll just have to choose 1 or the other. No worries

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Murmaider v1
« on: November 19, 2016, 07:09:08 PM »
I dont follow. I thought you were referring to just having another zone to deal dmg to trigger bloodthirsty.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Murmaider v1
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:04:27 PM »
I like that idea!

Having shallow sea zones for your creatures and then an alternate zone that they are punished by staying there, unless theyre holy. More versatility is always nice.

Im thinking of finding room for a wand of healing as well. Especially if i added more of the smaller sharks

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Murmaider v1
« on: November 19, 2016, 01:06:45 PM »
Ahh i see. I didnt watch the show much so i dont remember too much

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Murmaider v1
« on: November 19, 2016, 10:15:29 AM »
I'll have to try the undead pirates and elemental to figure out what works best. I dont have pvs yet so im just theory crafting as of now. As soon as i get it and test it out i will definitely update and give feedback.

And as far as the 5 mana sharks, i just feel that they are so squishy. But i guess the "aegis" from shallow sea would benefit them greatly. Idk though.

You may run into legal trouble if you don't label the book "For Fish Only".

Trogdor the burninator...

And thats a very solid point abt the shallow sea, puddinhead.  From that logic 3 seas makes much more sense than 2

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Murmaider v1
« on: November 19, 2016, 05:13:29 AM »
At first glance it doesn't look like the "mermaids" will he doing the killing. ;)

Also, I'm curious as to whether you'll find that two shallow seas are enough. I'd personally run at least three. Please let me know what you find on this.

I am also a huge fan of lullaby and I've found limited use with song of love. Your mileage may vary. :)

Since you plan to start with Naiya, about what turn do you think the water elemental will hit the arena?

Its a quote from the song murmaider. I just ran with it lol. I agree though.

And dropping a song of love for another sea wouldnt be too crazy and would work. Is song of love worth it of you can just sirens call your target? I know the love token can be put on your own creatures but looking at it now sirens call would seem to do the trick, thoughts?

And the water elemental, honestly im not super crazy about him.  6sbp and 22mana i believe - huge investment.  I originally wanted 1 of the undead pirates, turghut or blightheart and may switch to one of them. If i do then it frees up a few more sbp.

shallow seas' are cheap(mana and SBP), I wouldn't take less than 5. Half the arena ocean is where it is at

Idk if i would go that far but it seems like a fun play.

General Discussion / Re: Just wanted to say thank you!
« on: November 18, 2016, 08:29:27 PM »
Welcome! :)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Murmaider v1
« on: November 18, 2016, 08:27:40 PM »
Siren spellbook

Murmaider (your life was ended by murmaids)

Attack: 9sbp

Surging wave x3
Tsunami x1
Acid ball x3

Enchantment: 32 sbp

Drown x2
Song of love x2
Chant of rage x2
Ballad of courage x2
Hydro thermal vent x1
Rust x3
Blind x1
Lullaby x2
Dodge x1
Wolf fury x1
Force orb x1
Nullify x1
Arcane ward x1
Gator toughness x2

Equipment: 10

Leviathan scale armor x3
Ring of tides x1
Ring of the ocean's depths x1
Voice of the sea x1
Shoalsdeep trident x2

Creature: 20

Deptone berserker x2
Deptone shaman x1
Water elemental x1
Shoalsdeep thrasher x1
Naiya x1
Shoalsdeep tidecaller x1

Incantation: 33

Dissolve x3
Crumble x1
Extinguish x1
Minor heal x2
Teleport x1
Seeking dispel x2
Dispel x2
Purify x1
Force push x2
Repulse x1
Battle fury x2

Conjuration: 19

Gravikor x1
Shallow sea x2
Whirlpool x1
Coral barrier x2
Wall of force x1
Tanglevine x2

Sorry again abt not having this in an octgn sbb thats easy to read, im still having issues with octgn atm :b

But, this is my 1st attempt at a siren and im stepping way out of my comfort zone with this lol

Probably start with naiya and shallow sea on turn 1.  i havent put a whole lot of thought into where it goes from there. 

I realize the songs and bloodthirsty are pointless against a necromancers creatures but this is my starting point.

Any feedback is much appreciated!

Agreed. Flameblast i run in any warlock and a wizard if i use the tower.
I do about 1-2 surging waves in most all books.
Both are excellent and efficient attacks!

I will not disagree with any of that lol.

I personally think surging wave and flameblast are better as well.

And the change of attack spell might make the next iteration.

I think blind would be a fun spell to add as well

It is!  Either draws them away from me or to a guarding zombie.

And are you in the camp for surging wave or flameblast?

Thinking on it more i chose this over those bc of the daze chance and i went against a druid before with only hydro spells...not so good on my part.

Events / Re: MACE: Operation Homefront Tournament.
« on: November 15, 2016, 02:16:55 PM »
Thanks man!
Yeah, rise again was useless for me at the tournament. 

And good catch. I fixed it. It was wispwillow

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