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Messages - ACG

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Custom Cards / Re: the Mestaclocan (Mind/Nature Shapeshifter)
« on: January 05, 2014, 05:58:13 PM »
I like it! I've been playing around with the idea of a shapeshifter mage for a while (themed as the Howl, since they are already canon), though as Nature/Dark rather than Nature/Mind. The problem I've always had is why you would want to shapeshift rather than simply summoning the creature directly. You address this, though:

All enchantments that target a mestaclocan instead target their active form. All damage that would be dealt to a mestaclocan is instead dealt to their active form. When one of their forms takes damage equal to or greater than its life, that form is destroyed, and the Mestaclocan reverts to their original form, which is incorporeal. A mestaclocan can only really die in their original form, which has 10 life.

I think this is a nice incentive - the creatures you become are your armor. So while you have fewer actions, you are extremely hard to kill and can be very unpredictable (once you have a lot of creatures, your opponent could be facing anything next round).

In fact, you might want some disadvantage to make up for the incredible ability to survive and prevent the mage from just loading up on 'meatshield forms'. Since this is a Mind mage, upkeep costs could make sense.

On the other hand, 10 life/incorporeal is a pretty big disadvantage once the creature is stripped away, since there is no way for you to heal, and you can't shift again until the next round. Maybe it is fine.

I'm not sure if Blink is the best secondary ability for this mage. Also, as has been discussed elsewhere, Blink X > Y is not necessarily always better than Blink Y, since you might return to the zone that you left and have less control over your destination. Thematically, I can sort of see the Mestaclocan appearing randomly in different places, but maybe there is something better you could do.

Edit: Just saw your post on why blink works well with nature/mind mages. Sounds good, though you may want to be more explicit about the thematic justification.

A few questions:

1. You said that equipment only applies to the original form. If you are shapeshifted, can you still use your equipment? If not, then I assume your equipment is also not targetable, right?

2. Can you still choose to summon creatures normally?

Being able to cast the same spell multiple times is nice, but is only 'overpowered' if the game goes on for so long that both players use most of their spellbooks. This has happened to me only once, under unusual circumstances (I was trying to divide the board in half with a wall and turtle behind it. It didn't work). I think your experience may be due to your local metagame. It strikes me as odd that the creatures in your games suffer such high attrition rates  without taking out the mage - generally, I see creatures ignoring other creatures and going straight for the mage. If you and your opponents focus on taking out creatures first, this might explain why your games go on long enough to give an edge to the player that still has a wand. As for things like stealing enchantments and equipment those are very expensive to cast since they require a good amount of mana and one of your precious full actions - it sounds to me as though you have a substantial mana advantage, which suggests that your opponents are not being as aggressive in the early game as they should be.

That being said, one of my favorite wizard tactics is binding a drain power to a mage wand and then repeatedly draining my opponent. By the time I have the resources to do that, of course, I have already won, wand or no wand.

Rules Discussion / Re: Questions about dancing scimitar and autonomous
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:36:08 PM »
If I have the "elusive" trait due to Mongoose Agility, my scimitar does not also gain the elusive trait because it isn't affected by my traits, correct?

Correct. In fact, the scimitar's attack cannot even be used to remove a guard marker, much less ignore one.

If my opponent is Marked for Death, I typically only get the bonus once per turn. However, if I make a normal attack followed by a dancing scimitar attack, does the scimitar also get the bonus (since the attack originates from the scimitar rather than from my mage)?

No. Marked For Death's bonus only buffs creatures; the scimitar is equipment.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster 2-on-2 build
« on: January 01, 2014, 09:08:43 AM »
I'd really like to fit an Eagle Wings in, but the points are tight. What should I eliminate to get the extra points?

Why do you want to fit eagle wings into this build? You can't use it on yourself or the invisible stalker.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Alternative female mage art?
« on: December 31, 2013, 05:13:12 PM »
I don't really want to get involved in this argument. However, here are some more appropriately dressed female mage cards for anybody that absolutely has to have an alternative:

Others for stylistic consistency:

Alternative Play / Re: Mage Wars Portability Project
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:05:34 AM »
Update: I updated the first post by cleaning up the format and adding links to some relevant other threads. Also, I think I have found the replacement for damage/mana tokens. I tested my ceramic magnets against a paper clip, and it turns out they are strong enough to hold in place. Here is the basic idea:

1. Attach a paper clip to the side of a creature's card when it comes into play, with the short side on the top of the card.

2. Place a damage/mana dial on top. The short end of the paper clip acts as a pointer to indicate the current status of the dial, and the long end of the paper clip magnetically secures the dial to the card.

I am temporarily cut off from my source of cheap magnets (ACE hardware), so I can't make a prototype yet, but as soon as I do I'll post some pictures. This will cut down on the number of components needed (you only need about 1 damage dial per object that will be damaged, and the dials can be made arbitrarily small) and will look very nice. The basic materials also mean that it should be easy for anybody to construct their own - the trickiest part is finding a source of cheap magnets (again, ACE hardware is a great place to go).

Alternative Play / Re: The Grand Ring (My second Grand-Melee style format)
« on: December 31, 2013, 05:40:33 AM »
Nice idea for a large scale game. There are a few issues that need to be addressed:

Players are not allowed to move their mage or any objects they control more than five zones away from their starting zones, nor are they allowed to cast spells onto targets more than five zones away from their starting zones. When a player is eliminated, their minitable is removed, and everyone scoots their chairs and tables in until all of the zones are touching.

What happens if another player has objects on a minitable belonging to a player who is then eliminated? Where do they go?

Every other player starts with an initiative marker. At the beginning of each round, the initiative markers move one seat to the right. There is no die rolling for initiative. Rather, initiative markers are randomly assigned based on where you are sitting. When a Mage dies while holding an initiative marker, that initiative marker is removed from the game at the end of the round. When a player's mage dies without holding an initiative marker, the initiative marker held by the player next to them who did not kill their mage is removed at the end of the round.

I don't think I understand how timing works in this variant. Does every player in the circle have a separate turn, or are there simultaneous turns of a sort? The former option leads to a tremendous amount of downtime, whereas the latter lead to some timing conflicts. Possible solutions:

1. Eclipse-Style simultaneous turns, where players opposite each other at the table (and hence too far apart to affect each other) go at the same time. Can run into problems if one turn marker catches up to the other one, though.

2. Alternating turns, where every other player goes during the same phase, and then wait until all such players have gone. If mages can't do anything 5 zones away, this should work, although it still has a considerable downtime problem, since the game for everybody only progresses at the speed of the slowest mage. This could be solved partially by instituting timed turns, I suppose.

Custom Cards / Re: ACG's Custom Spells and Mages
« on: December 31, 2013, 04:50:47 AM »
Some more spells:

Old cards updated

I decided that Green Slime doesn't really need the cantrip trait. I also changed the flavor of its attack; rather than crippling (which didn't make all that much sense anyway), it makes its target stuck, presumably by oozing up around it.

Made some of the changes recommended by DeckBuilder. It is now legendary, and the wording is cleaned up a little. I also reduced the health and increased the armor to drop the cost a bit.

When I first made plague moth, Taratee had not been released and so there was no precedent for quickcast creatures. Now that there is, I decided to remake it to conform to Taratee's precedent. I also gave it a rotting attack (DeckBuilder's advice, again) and changed the ranged poison enchantment ability to make it less awkward. The original challenge was to spellbind an enchantment, but I'm sure I'll find a better way.

Changed the mechanics to make them more elegant, dispensing with the "fate" tokens.

With the new Cloak of Shadows and the Shadow subclass, I decided to give Shadow an upgrade.

New Cards

A little something for the warlord which should also help with Akiro's Hammer. I realize that others have recommended a "Goblin Engineer" to place load tokens, similar to the Goblin Builder's repair ability. I decided some additional upkeep costs were needed, so I made this an enchantment instead, ignoring the outrage from the goblin unions.

Unsure how to title this one. Mostly a way to obliterate creatures you don't want coming back, with some bloodthirst thrown in since I doubt people would run it otherwise.

Warlocks should make pacts with demons; that's just the way things work. Blood reaper is a start. Here is another possibility. Note that the protection goes both ways - a "cannon fodder" defense will cost you life instead of damage (although, knowing warlocks, this may not be a major concern).

My attempt at an alt-warlord. I realize that the triple arcane antitraining is a major issue, but I didn't want to break tradition. He has battle orders so that the Horn of Gothos isn't useless, but his orders have a different flavor than his orcish counterpart. His focus tends to earth rather than war, with Geomancy replacing veterans. He also is more defensive in personal combat, with Sturdy replacing Battle Skill.

As always, I welcome comments. With the new image hosting website I have found, updating cards is much easier than it used to be.

Custom Cards / Re: "Tragic Bond" and an update to the Sympath
« on: December 31, 2013, 04:17:59 AM »
Nice. Keep in mind, though, that as a Mind3/Dark2 spell, the Sympath will pay a total of 7 points, not 5. Since she is the only one that can use this, you might consider changing the spellbook cost to Mind4/Dark1 if you want to maintain the pattern of Mage-Only spells being fully within the training of their mages.

As it stands, a very powerful spell with few downsides other than the high mana cost. Maybe consider some sort of nerf or penalty; obliterating your own spellbook (as previously mentioned) is probably too much, but there must be some thematic middle ground that can be found.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: strategy necromancer
« on: December 30, 2013, 04:24:49 PM »
Also, who has played Necromancer against Forcemaster? One would think Necromancer would have an edge with his creature having psychic immunity, but then again the Necromancer does not do well when the enemy mage is right up in his face.

I've played necromancer v. forcemaster (I was the forcemaster). It was extremely close, but the necromancer won in the end, mostly through poison damage over time and spamming drain life while running away from me. I made some poor strategic choices early on that probably contributed to this. It came down to a final showdown where I had 3 attacks (of 5,4, and 3 dice) and the necromancer was within 10 damage points of death, but I was within 2 points of death. I had initiative, and nullified the expected drain life. Unfortunately, I rolled poorly. Psychic immunity was not really a factor since my forcemaster does not use much in the way of psychic spells (more of an emphasis on force spells and enchantments). Mordok's Obelisk and Suppression orb shut down zombie swarm pretty fast.

The Altar is definitely going to be an auto-include when I get a chance to tear down the preconstructed spellbook and make my own.  Don't forget that the cleric can reconstruct your walls, too, if you're planning on using those.  I think they're probably not worth it if you're focusing on zombies, but with a skeleton build (which I'm working on partly just to be a contrarian), I think that they can be useful by keeping the walls/altar/Mort alive dead, but relatively intact.

I've tried playing with the altar of skulls as zombie-necromancer (fighting against the Druid). I think it probably works better in a skeleton build than a zombie build, since you then have more cards that can support it. The major strength of the altar is its skeleton subclass, which lets you use the necromancer's excellent skeletal reconstruction spells to repair it. Since it has lifebond, this basically allows the necromancer to regenerate under deathlock.

Based on my experience as necromancer, I think you want to limit yourself to one of the three major necromancer conjurations (the altar, the ziggurat, or the graveyard). I prefer zombie builds, and I find that the ziggurat works best with that strategy, so I have dropped the altar in favor of the ziggurat in my own deck.

Custom Cards / Re: "Tragic Bond" and an update to the Sympath
« on: December 30, 2013, 04:07:27 PM »
The Sympath's training should be in Mind, Arcane Level 2, and Dark curses. Her training reflects her adaptability. Her channeling should probably be 9 and her life should probably be 30.

The reason for this change is that all the copy spells that are in the game so far are either in mind or arcane. Not giving the Sympath Arcane training would likely really hurt her. The arcane school has Steal Enchantment and Reverse Magic, as well as Enchanter's ring. Also, since the Sympath fights by connecting with her enemies and imitating them, she should be able to use those connections to read the minds of her opponents at least to an extent.

I thought Mind/Dark1 was a pretty good training, actually. I don't think I would classify the existing "steal foo" spells as "copy" spells, since copying generally implies that the owner keeps the original spell. Mind/Arcane2 seems extremely powerful even without the dark curses, just looking at existing mages (forcemaster is pure mind, most of the useful arcane spells are level 1-2). Also, what is the Sympath's anti-trained school (I assume she has one)?

Name: Tragic Bond
Type: Enchantment
Subtype: Psychic, Curse
Full action
Reveal cost: 14
Level 3 Mind and Level 2 Dark
Range: 0-2
Target: Enemy Mage

Extendable 2/Indestructible/Magecast/Sympath Only

Remove all cards in your spellbook from the game. The number of spells that you can prepare during the planning phase is reduced by one. For the rest of the game, you can see and plan spells from target Mage's spellbook.

A nice idea, though I have a few quibbles:

1. Why is this extendable? I can't imagine any circumstance in which I would have the enormous amount of mana necessary to play a second copy of this spell. Also, extendability is a little awkward in this case because it is an enchantment (does the new copy come into play face up or face down?) Also awkward in terms of timing though I would assume that if you are allowed to play a second copy it is understood that you obliterate your spellbook after deciding how many spells to play.
2. Indestructible is a meaningless trait here, since enchantments can't take damage anyway and indestructible does not prevent destruction from other sources. You'll have to specify that it can't be dispelled on the card. I ran into a similar problem with "The Black Contract"; ultimately, I just decided to make it an incantation instead, which is a much neater solution (if you are obliterating your spellbook, I don't think there is much risk of other players forgetting that you cast this).
3. Being able to see and plan spells from the other player's spellbook gets fiddly because you cannot simultaneously plan (obviously, one player will want to know which cards the other is preparing first, so you will have to plan in initiative order. Also, one player's choices will limit the other's). This will probably greatly increase downtime, especially since the sympath must look through the spellbook first. Proposed alternative: Have the enemy mage prepare 1 extra card each planning phase and leave the Sympath's preparation unchanged (also don't obliterate her spellbook). Then let the sympath draw one of her opponent's prepared cards at random. If she doesn't cast it during the round, she gives it back. This makes the spell a little less game-changing (game-changing in the sense that the original spell completely changes the nature of the game) while preserving the flavor of the Sympath leeching off the other mage's spellbook. You might need to re-adjust the costs of the spell if you do this.

Also, you might notice that I listed "extendable 2" as one of the traits for this enchantment. The idea is that while the extendable trait grants one extra copy of an object to be placed, extendable 2 allows you to place two extra copies. For extendable 2, you pay the mana cost again, then pay mana equal to the level multiplied by the number of extra copies. I think the extendable trait can and should be reworded so that it can be used for more than just walls.

I fully agree that traits ought to be worded to allow the widest number of applications possible; there is no need to restrict them to, for instance, walls if it is possible to word them so that they may be used in other contexts. Because of the vast number of effects in Mage Wars, it is important that traits be worded so that fewer traits can cover a wider variety of effects.

For me, the trait that I am currently most frustrated with is the Indestructible trait. The clause that "This object cannot be damaged" is completely unnecessary, considering that it also specifies "This object cannot be destroyed by damage". Moreover, it limits creative options when designing effects that grant temporary indestructibility to objects, since you can't introduce mechanics that convert damage into something else or simply let the object deal with the damage when the invulnerability ends. Very unnecessary limitation on a broadly useful trait.

An idea for a sympath mage ability: "Once per round, Sympath may cast a non-Epic incantation or attack spell cast by another mage during this round."

Creative / How to make a status dial (easily)
« on: December 23, 2013, 08:36:06 PM »
I don't like the status boards provided with the game, because the cubes slide around. I decided to make a status dial instead. This has been done before, but I wanted to make sure the wheels don't slide around (as they do when using brads to secure them). I also wanted to use materials that were easy to get.

I realized that CDs and their cases already form a decently sturdy dial. Taking inspiration from commercial neodymium-based life counters (which are overpriced), I added two magnetically secured dials on top of this to form a nice, compact status dial. The result:

I ended up using ceramic magnets (available at most hardware stores) because they are significantly cheaper than neodymium and just as good for these purposes. The damage dial is made from the CD and turns by stroking the side; the mana and channeling are magnetically secured and can be rotated freely (but thanks to the magnets, they will not rotate by themselves).

This was extremely easy to do. If anybody wants to make their own, here are the instructions, though they are probably not needed. You need to cut your own dials and cover out of the cardboard, and to write your own numbers on the side of the dial. It does not take very long.

Rules Discussion / Re: Is Upkeep +X cumulative?
« on: December 22, 2013, 02:23:47 PM »
This is the same reason if I can Mind Control a creature with a Mordok's out and then during the upkeep choose not to pay Mordok upkeep I can get rid of the creature and not worry about the MC.

Well...not anymore:

Quote from: Mage Wars Official Rules and Codex Supplement, page 42
During the Upkeep Phase, the upkeep cost for Mind Control must always be paid first, before any and all of the enchanted creature's upkeep costs. If you cannot pay, or choose not to pay, the upkeep cost for Mind Control, then Mind Control is immediately destroyed and the enchanted creature's control reverts to its owner, and any upkeep costs for that creature (if any) can be paid by the new controller.

Custom Cards / Re: ACG's Custom Spells and Mages
« on: December 22, 2013, 12:34:27 PM »
Here are some updates I finally got around to making:

New cards:

Updated Codex

Alternative Play / Re: Mage Wars Portability Project
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:12:15 AM »
Has anyone tried using post it notes with lines written on them in pen for the zone borders? I personally think cards would of course be better, since they're reusable. Cards don't get bent out of shape if you leave them in a bag full of other Mage Wars stuff, but Post-it-notes are still quite portable, and you can just bring some pens with you for drawing the lines on the six post it notes as well as making the outer walls.

An excellent suggestion. Now that I think of it, post-its would replace most of the components:
- Arena
- All Condition/Other Markers

It would probably take less time to write a word on a post-it than it does to find the appropriate marker (one aspect of the Mage Wars condition markers that bothers me is how they are not uniform, making organizing them impossible). I will probably make use of this post-it suggestion.

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