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Messages - Sailor Vulcan

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I think you spelled your own username wrong or something. There is no karlomarco on the list of OCTGN users on the community chat. Also, I'm on OCTGN right now if anyone wants to help me test my new spellbook build that I hope to be the first one I build in real life. My username is Henry_Ketchup.

Fan Fiction / Etheria: Axis Powers! Mini-World...
« on: July 09, 2013, 06:53:33 PM »

This is a fan-made parody work inspired by both Mage Wars and Hetalia. Since it is a parody, it is fair use.


Now onto the story!

When the nations of Etheria were just children, they were always fighting. The self-proclaimed Eldest nation, Westlock was always telling the "younger" nations what to do. While most of the nations did their best to ignore her with a roll of their eyes, two of them did not. Infernia hated Westlock's holier-than-thou attitude, and vowed to make the so-called "eldest" suffer a slow and painful death. Seriously, what was wrong with that child?

Sortilege was not disturbed like Infernia was. In fact, he wasn't really disturbed by anything. Infernia's violent rants and temper tantrums, as well as her cruel and spiteful pranks and tricks never fazed him in the slightest. To all the other nations' incredulity, he was the only one who tolerated her. Nobody knew why, and Sortilege refused to explain it, because, according to him, "None of you would understand my complex and methodical reasoning, since you do not have as sophisticated an intellect as myself."

Yes. At a young age, Sortilege was a boy genius, and he was proud of his intellect. Very proud. That is why he knew it would not do for Westlock to believe herself his superior. In Sortilege's opinion, she was inferior to him by far. However, because of his great intellect, he knew that he should not let her truly know that, at least not right away, lest she feel threatened and become his enemy.

Instead, he knew he had to make her think that they were equals. But how to go about that?
Sortilege thought and thought, and after much planning and preparation, he finally had a solution.

He would go speak to her and attempt to persuade her to stop bossing him around and treat him with respect. If she didn't, he could always threaten her with a Hydra. And if that didn't frighten her, he could threaten to dissolve that horrendous V-shaped crown that she always wore.

With that pleasant thought in mind, Sortilege headed off to find Westlock.

To be continued...

Also, I tried building a spellbook for the Smash variant (haven't tested it ye, and I'll probably have to change it again beforehand). However, it got me thinking. Having a hit at 15 damage be an instant knock out doesn't seem right to me. I'm wondering which number I should switch the increment to: 4 or 5? I'm thinking 1 zone displaced every 5 damage a mage has. I think that will go well with using full 120 pt builds. It shouldn't take to long if you use stock or time limit (or both), since as soon as the time is up, or as soon as one mage runs out of Super-Resurrections, the game ends,and since Mages can only be killed by being knocked out of the arena by attacks, (or just by walking off) you don't necessarily have to deal maximum damage to win. I'm also thinking that each mage should get to choose where in the arena they are returned to when they are Super-Resurrected. Since the center zones are probably way to important in this format, should I make those zones unstable in some way? Like say, something that will send objects located in those zones back to their respective spellbooks after a certain number of turns?

I'm not so sure all these arena variants could be emulated even partially by a geomancer. The Smash variant definitely couldn't, although I could see a Geomancer having a hand in making it work, but not on his/her own. The Unstable ground one probably could, but the Smash and Fishtank ones could not. The Geomancer would probably be OP in the Lava Escape.

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: July 08, 2013, 01:03:25 PM »
I think I'm seeing a paralell with the arcane school.

Magic is to Science...

As Wizards are to Physicists
As Alchemists are to Chemists
As Sympaths are to Social Psychologists.

I really want to see a mage using sympathetic magic. As I imagine it, Sympaths would have a deep understanding of the relationships between beings and things of all kinds, and they would be able to use those relationships, for good or for evil. Assuming my playstyle hypothesis I posted earlier is correct, I'm guessing the Sympath would be probably use a denial (defensive combo) strategy.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Deadline for ambassador applications?
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:44:08 PM »
Really? I can be an unofficial ambassador? Awesome! That means that I don't have to apply to start a Mage Wars club with unofficial organized play at my University, or to promote Mage Wars there, right?

Since according to the application, official Mage Wars ambassadors are supposed to visit game stores regularly and run tournaments and the like, and I don't have a drivers license, and most of my local game stores are too far away from my house and only within distance of the University I'm going to be attending this year.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Deadline for ambassador applications?
« on: July 07, 2013, 03:48:47 PM »
I was fully intending to do so within the next month or two. That's why I wanted to know if they'd be accepting applications in September or October. I don't currently have anyone to play the game with in real life, but I fully expect that to change when I go to the University this fall.

However, I realized about an hour ago that if I want to make a Mage Wars club more well known at the university, I probably should get things ready sooner rather than later. So I bought the game within the past half an hour or so. It should be shipping to my house within the next week. Since I don't know how long it will take for my ambassador application to be processed, I think I'm going to fill it out and send it today or tomorrow, assuming they are still accepting applications, anyway. Are they?

I've played a few games so far and other people have talked about their spellbooks on this forum, and I've yet to see anyone having this issue. What kinds of spellbook builds are the people in your playgroup using? The metagame of your playgroup might be more of the problem, rather than the metagame of Mage Wars as a whole.

League / Tournament Play / Deadline for ambassador applications?
« on: July 07, 2013, 02:00:44 PM »
I'm hoping to start a Mage Wars community at the University that I will be attending in the fall. Will ambassador applications still be accepted in August, September or October? I'm hoping to eventually get enough people to join for unofficial organized play. However, I haven't bought the core set yet since I don't have anyone to play with in real life yet, and it's unlikely that I will be able to find anyone until school starts. I've been playing exclusively online so far, and will buy the core set in real life either before or shortly after the school year begins.


General Discussion / Virtual Reality Mage Wars!
« on: July 06, 2013, 07:39:28 PM »
Wouldn't it be awesome if we could play Mage Wars in real time using virtual reality goggles? Maybe using a tablet with a touchscreen as your spellbook, swiping your finger to turn the pages and pressing a card to cast it, while running around? And players would literally be able to dodge some spells and attacks by jumping out of the way! Attack dice rolls would be rolled automatically to calculate damage. Certain special abilities and commands could be used using voice control, or you would be able to set it so that all spells could be cast using voice commands. Of course, it would probably need some rules adjustments, like having actual distance ranges for spells instead of using zones, or having the max spellbook points cut in half or more.

Wouldn't that just be the coolest thing ever!? I really hope this becomes a reality at some point in the future, preferably during my lifetime. That would be SO AWESOME! ;D

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Aggro, Combo, Control & Hybrid Archtypes
« on: July 06, 2013, 02:38:56 PM »
Oh, oops. You're right, I miscalculated. Thx for poining that out, it makes my hypothesis a little more consistent, since alpha strike being equally matched to attrition wouldn't make sense if the defensive creatures had that kind of advantage.

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: July 06, 2013, 10:14:52 AM »
I disagree with you. The elementalist that I'm imagining would be more likely to trade the power that comes from investing in just one element to the adaptability of being able to switch between them quickly and effectively. So that elementalist would not be able to take advantage of a ton of really powerful elemental attacks. I'm thinking this type of elementalist would have few to no powerful elemental attacks.

The elementalist you're describing on the other hand,  is going to be the ultimate master over the (nonliving) forces of nature, making small volcanos erupt and creating thunderstorms that cover part of the arena, or seismic attacks more powerful than the one in the Earthquake incantation, and that power needs to come at quite a price. For that type of Elementalist, I'm thinking that his/her primary strategy would be an all out solo assault early in the game, using elemental wand, an incantation to give him/her extra ranged attacks, and the incantation Charge, preferably two of them, so that if the solo assault fails, he or she can run away and switch into a backup strategy--I'm thinking since he or she would be low on mana, that elementalist should try to switch to more of a solo attrition strategy, giving the opponent a burn condition and gradually trying to build up his/her own armor/defenses/damage removal as much as possible in the hopes of outlasting the enemy. A flaming damage barrier would probably be useful here.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Aggro, Combo, Control & Hybrid Archtypes
« on: July 06, 2013, 09:19:37 AM »
I thought about it, and I realized that it might not make sense for attrition and domination to be equal. It seems right on the surface, but I realized that perhaps attrition has the advantage at least partially because of that seeming equality. I am going to go back to the much simpler mechanics of CCG's like Yugioh to help explain this phenomenon. Not MtG, since in MtG you can summon unlimited creatures in a turn if you have the mana to pay for it. While it is vastly different from Mage Wars, Yugioh has more of a limit on summoning then MtG, which falls more in line with summoning being a full action and sometimes a quick action, or an extra action if you have spawnpoints etc. Even though Yugioh has unlimited special summoning, since a yugioh player has only 5 zones that they can put one creature each in, I think the analogy will work for my purposes.

You see, since Attrition is essentially Defensive aggro, that means that the attrition mage wants to summon a lot, so they can get a sizable number of defensive creatures into the arena. In Yugioh, if an attacking creature's attack is equal to the attacked creature's defense, no creatures are destroyed. Even though they were "equal", the offensive creature failed to destroy anything, and the defensive creature succeeded in holding off the attack. 

In Mage Wars, it's a similar thing. Disregarding special abilities, a creature with 0 armor and 3 health is going to, on average, survive against the attack of a creature with 3 attack dice, with 1 health remaining. Now add in a defense, or some natural armor.

Since Domination is offensive control, it's going to want to power up its creatures to go on a rampage that's difficult or hard to stop. But it can take a while to gather that kind of firepower, meanwhile the Attrition player is summoning defensive creature after defensive creature, more creatures than the Domination player can attack and destroy. Then eventually, even though they are defensive creatures, there will be enough of them to swarm the Domination mage before he or she's had the chance to finish setting up for his or her all out assault.

In essence, I am hypothesizing this metagame clock for Mage Wars, as well as potentially other minis games:

Alpha strike (offensive aggro)>Terrain/movement control (defensive control)>Assassination (offensive combo)>attrition (defensive aggro)>domination (offensive control)>Denial (defensive combo)>Alpha strike...

Alpha strike=Attrition
Terrain/movement control=Domination

Also, on the subject of hybrid builds... I think there are two main types of hybrid builds: those that switch between strategies and those that combine strategies into one. I imagine that an example of a "switching" build would be Alpha strike&attrition. If the Alpha strike fails, attrition is the backup plan. And I think an example of a "combining" build would be Terrain/movement control&Assasination. You control the field with the aim of separating the opponent's Mage from his or her forces so that you can deal the killing blow. Rather than an initial plan and a backup plan, they function as one strategy.

I don't think my hypothesis can really be properly tested until we have a larger competitive community, of course. But what do you think of all this?

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: July 05, 2013, 05:41:45 PM »
I think maybe combining elements should be more of an alchemist's job. I think for an elementalist, their strength should be adaptablity, switching between different tactics quickly and effectively. Here's my idea: while all four elements can be used for attacks, they also have different kinds of effects: water heals creatures and erodes armor, air is used to push things around or do things like allowing a creature to jump really high or temporarily run faster, earth is used for defending oneself from attacks and certain effects, and fire is all about all-out attacking.

That's what i think the elementalist should be about. As for the alchemist, he or she should be all about his special potions and experiments. The alchemist should have a deep understanding about what things are fundamentally made of. So that probably means training in arcane, like the wizard, but unlike the wizard the alchemist would be focused less on preventing his opponent's spells as changing their objects to his/her advantage, which would sometimes include destroying or inhibiting those objects in some way. The alchemist would be able to change the alchemical composition of an opponent's nonliving creatures in order to take control of and/or destroy them, reverse engineer some of their conjurations, i.e. making their mana flowers direct their extra channeling at him/her rather than their original caster, change the kinds of attacks that a creature is weak or resistant to, or even engineer an explosion, etc.

Of course knowing what your own objects are made of is important too. Building off of what Drealin said earlier, I'm thinking the bucket over the door trick could be used for a lot more than poison and such. It could be used as a way to give the alchemist's own creatures buffs and special effects and the like. Perhaps even effects that could change the alchemical composition of enemy objects upon contact. Also, I think there should be different chemicals that are more or less poisonous to different kinds of creatures. What's hazardous to a human mage might not be so much to a living metal creature, or a lava-dripping demon. I think that the whole poison thing sounds great for the alchemist, though. However, I think poison should be based on alchemical weaknesses. A creature would be poisoned when it consumes, is injected with or sometimes touches a chemical completely incompatible with its body. So if an alchemist throws a bag of water vapor into a zone where a fire creature is and the fire creature steps on the bag and breaks it, that creature as well as any other fire creatures in that zone would be poisoned, since water is anathema to them. That sort of thing.

The Arena is usually rather static. It's just a blank generic ground/floor for the Mages to do battle on. Well, what if the Arena could do some more interesting things?

1. Unstable ground: During the Upkeep phase, zones can partially crumble away, leaving less room for corporeal objects. Zones can even disappear entirely. Don't worry, they'll come back. If a zone disappears with a mage standing on it, the Mage just moves one zone away right before it falls. Keep track of the zone-sizes using counters. (No Terrain/movement control spellbooks allowed, i.e. the Forcemaster. All cards with the "push" effect are banned.)

2. Death by Smashing!: The Arena has been lifted into the sky, and without the outer walls! The whole Arena has been enchanted so that no one can die while they are in the arena. Keyword being "in the arena". All melee attacks targeting a mage have the effect of pushing that mage 1 zone 2 zones, 3 zones, 4 zones, or 5 zones away in the direction of the attack depending on how much total damage the attacked Mage has by the end of the attack. Ranged attacks do the same thing, except they can only push a mage up to 3 zones away, also depending on how much damage the attacked Mage has total by the end of the attack. The Health stat is ignored for all Mages. If an effect says gain X life, your Mage loses X Damage instead.

If you have 3+ Damage you are pushed one zone away from the attacker in the opposite direction of the attack.
If you have 6+ Damage you are pushed 2 zones away from the attacker in the direction of the attack
And so on. Don't forget that Ranged attacks can only push an enemy Mage up to 3 zones away! Non-Mage Creatures are also pushed by attacks except they can only be pushed 1 zone away by a ranged attack and 2 zones away by a melee attack.

And of course, if you fall of the edge of the arena, you fall to your death.

Additional options: Both players have an infinite number of free action, no mana cost resurrections that you can only use on your Mage and don't exist in your spellbook. At the end of a time limit, whoever has used the most of these resurrections loses.
OR you can have a limited number of these special resurrections, but when you run out of them you lose.

(No Terrain/movement control spellbooks allowed, i.e. the Forcemaster. All cards with the "push" effect are banned. Inspired by the Super Smash bros Videogames)

3. LAVA ESCAPE!: The Mages start in the left corners of the Arena in relation to the player with first initiative (so for the player who gets initiative second, that wall is on their right). The Mages have been enchanted so that the force of gravity from the starting wall of the Arena has been amplified on them, and the force of gravity on them from the ground has been significantly nerfed. Now Mages are standing on the wall of the arena! But the lava level is rising, so you need to get your mage to "higher" ground to avoid being burned to death. All other objects in the arena have normal gravity, so they can pose as obstacles. Attacks and incantations have only a range of up to one zone "above" or "below" and up to 2 zones "forward" or "behind", in relation to the lava. Every 15 minutes of real time the lava level rises by 1 column of zones, completely destroying anything it covers. You win by either A) getting your mage to the exit on the other side of the arena before the enemy mage. The exit is now on the middle of the opposite wall of the arena. Passing through it before your enemy grants you victory. Or B) if the enemy Mage dies before you. Falling in the lava is an instant death. Corporeal walls can float on the lava but standing on a corporeal wall that deals passage attacks will cause a mage to take that attack when they first step on it.

Additionally, creatures cannot have the fast trait unless they also have the slow trait. Since the two traits cancel each other out, creatures cannot be fast.

4. Trapped in a Fish Tank (4 mage free-for-all!): All but the 4 corner zones have been completely submerged in water! All zones are now zone pillars, and are composed of 3 zonelettes, which are treated as separate zones, and rules about zones and zone movement work mostly the same way for zonelettes. However, enchantments that target a zone instead target the whole zone pillar rather than a single zonelette. Creatures cannot have flying. The 4 zone pillars that aren't completely submerged have their middle (lv1) zonelettes filled with air, and its Lv0 and Lv2 zonelettes are filled with water. Your Mage will sometimes need to enter one of these air pockets to refill their head bubble with oxygen. All non-mage creatures now have gills. Each mage can hold their breath for 3 rounds after they run out of oxygen. Each mage starts with 6 oxygen (max 6) and they lose 1 oxygen each upkeep phase while in water. If a mage is in a zonelette with air, that mage gains 2 oxygen instead. If it's too difficult to keep track of where everything is using height counters, use three boards: Lv0, Lv1 and Lv2. Don't forget that corresponding zones on different boards are in the same zone pillar i.e. the top right corner zone of all three boards are in the same zone pillar. Walls can also be cast on the border between two zones of different heights.

And that's all I've come up with for now. I haven't had the chance to test any of these variants yet, so feel free to edit the rules and banlists as you see fit. I would really like it if you posted what's worked and what hasn't for you when playing these variants. Have fun!  :)

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