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Messages - Sailor Vulcan

Pages: 1 ... 204 205 [206] 207 208 ... 210
Player Feedback and Suggestions / Please stop calling spellbooks "decks"
« on: August 09, 2013, 09:34:55 PM »
It's the most aggravating thing. A book is a book. A deck is a deck. Even if they both hold cards, they are completely different incompatible shapes. CCG's use decks. Mage Wars uses books. Why would anyone refer to a Mage Wars Spellbook as a deck? People need to stop with this nonsense. Immediately.

If people are still calling their books decks after their first game, I think we need to do a better job encouraging people to use proper Mage Wars terminology instead of resorting to CCG-speak.

All in favor of the politically correct Mages guild, say--no, TYPE this oath:

I solemnly swear that I will do my utmost best to use correct terminology when speaking about Mage Wars, that I will attempt to minimize the frequency of comparisons that I make between Mage Wars and other games, and that I will never, EVER refer to my spellbooks as "decks". ;)

Custom Cards / Re: Sergeant Baras
« on: August 09, 2013, 05:51:26 PM »
Sir Corazin isn't a knight. However, based on his effects and how he's supposed to be played, I would say Baras really should be both war and holy.

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: August 08, 2013, 09:09:09 AM »
If you expect the monk to be a solo build then he should not be trained in war. According to the article you linked, the warrior monks, or "sōhei",

"did not operate as individuals, or even as members of small, individual temples, but rather as warriors in a large extended brotherhood or monastic order. The 'home temple' of a sōhei monastic order might have had several, if not tens or a hundred, smaller monasteries, training halls, and subordinate temples."

The "yamabushi" on the other hand were mountain ascetics, so even though they are referred to as warriors, I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the sense of waging or participating in war, since who would one war against all by yourself on a mountain?

For a yamabushi monk, training in holy and mind makes more sense. For a sōhei monk, holy and war.

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: August 07, 2013, 10:06:38 PM »
Being spiritual doesn't necessarily make someone a clergy member, or even religious at all. A shaman is quite spiritual, but not a clergy member. Priests and monks are in positions of religious authority. Shamans are not. As I see it, spirituality doesn't automatically equate with the holy school. Religion does. Unless its an evil religion, then it would go to the dark school.

Mages / Re: Guess the Future Expansions
« on: August 06, 2013, 02:09:23 PM »
3. Shaman(nature) vs Artificer (earth war, but with focus on machines/constructs. Creatures that can be attached to other creatures as enchantments or equipment a sounds awesome)
4. Paladin(holy war) vs Sorceror (dark arcane)
5. Alchemist(arcane and two elements) vs Sympath (arcane and mind)
6. Seer (Holy Mind) vs Illusionist (Dark mind)
7. Eliraz (uses runes, so has some training in arcane, likes to  copy and steal opponent's creatures and other spells) vs Hedge Witch (no particular training, has access to all non mage-specific spells)

It probably won't be in exactly the order I predicted though.

Custom Cards / Re: The Magician: a very different mage
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:20:30 PM »
I suppose, but I wouldn't normally expect a pictomancer using runes to also be trained in water. Earth I can almost see, since runes are often carved in stone, but I don't think earth training is fitting for a pictomancer. And before anyone says that the Pictomancer should be called an Erilaz, Erilaz means earl, not rune master. Of course, since Etheria is not Earth, etymology of certain words could be different. Hmm, perhaps Erilaz would be a cool word for a mage that uses runes after all. Problem is, it sounds a lot cooler than Hedge Witch.

Custom Cards / Re: Sergeant Baras
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:23:14 PM »
This looks like it would be really good in a multiplayer game when the warlord's squad of creatures is spread over a larger board. I'm not as sure of the usefulness in a regular two player game though, since normally he'd just use that equipment that allows his commands to reach all his friendly soldiers in the arena, or just move to a friendly creature's zone to give the command. Still, it looks awesome.

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:08:09 PM »
I was talking about four different mages: a monk, a hedge witch, a sorcerer and a pictomancer. Hedge witches and sorcerers are the ones that would have lower spellbook points, not monks. Sorry for the confusion. Unless your point was to suggest a three school version of the monk. I just don't see that happening. A martial artist monk would be a great fighter, but I doubt he could be warlike. I think he'd be preaching "peace and balance", not "Beat em up!" and would be a reactive soloing build. War is never waged solo, so I really really can't see the monk being trained in it. Perhaps that's just my opinion. Maybe a monk could be trained in war for some reason. But I have no idea what possible reason that could be.

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:58:13 PM »
The raw power thing was supposed to represent the extra channeling, not the lower spellbook points. The lower spellbook points represents having less knowledge because of having no formal magical education. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

While a trim down to 90 would reduce the diversity of spells that are actually in the Hedge Witch's spellbooks, the diversity of the spells she has access to would still be a lot greater. Also, someone pointed out to me that a pictomancer using shapeshifting inkblobs probably doesn't fit so well in the world of Etheria, and that it would be better if the pictomancer created things from runes.

Custom Cards / Re: The Magician: a very different mage
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:54:13 PM »
I suppose that makes more sense. They'd be trained in arcane, then, instead of water.

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:13:15 AM »
I really don't see the monk as an aggressive character. I think most of the time monks are depicted as preaching peace and balance. Just like the idea of them trying to only receive attacks that they believe are worth taking, they would only make attacks that are worth making. Now that I think of it, most of the monk's attacks that are not aimed at the enemy mage should probably have only 1 or 2 dice of damage, being used more for their taunt, push, daze and stun effects. I still really think that he should only have the one attack spell, "Ki-Blast" and the rest of his attacks should be melee attacks only. With this sort of strategy, I really don't think he needs a bunch of extra cards to build his ki up quickly.

What are you talking about when you say that responsive mages aren't as competitive?

Also, I thought of another idea for something new to try with new mage classes. Mages with less training but more raw power. For instance, a Sorcerer would have less training in arcane then a wizard, but he would have access to more powerful spells that only he can use, and all out of school spells would cost triple. He would have less spellbook points than a Wizard though.

Another idea that people were talking about in the custom cards section was "the magician", a versatile mage with no particular training. First copy of a spell would cost x1, second copy of a spell would cost x2, and so on. However, I thought that rather than have the generic name "Magician" it would make more sense to use the name "Hedge Witch" since they have no particular training. What they lack in training they would make up for with their intuition and raw power, since they would have access to any spell that isn't (insert mage here) only. But they would only have around 90 spellpoints or so. I think she would have 12 channeling.

The Hedge Witch would be extremely versatile in spellbook design, so it would be hard to predict her but not quite as versatile in play. While it would be difficult to predict what strategy she is going to use, she might only have one chance to set it up. I think a good counterpart to her would be a Pictomancer.
The Pictomancer would be have less versatility in spellbook design, but more in play. His creatures would be shapeshifting ink blobs, and he would have spells that can copy or steal opponent's spells. He would have training in Water.

I think this sounds really cool. Thoughts?

Custom Cards / Re: The Magician: a very different mage
« on: August 04, 2013, 09:42:42 PM »
While it sounds really fun, I think there should have more flavor. Instead of using the generic name "magician", it should be a "Hedge Witch". You know, since she has no particular training? However, what the Hedge Witch lacks in education she makes up for with adaptability and raw power. In fact, Hedge Witches would sometimes have trouble controlling their power, so they might occasionally suffer some adverse effects when channeling, hence why they can't be properly educated in a school.

Also, because of their versatility (as well as their lack of education) perhaps the Hedge Witch should have higher channeling but lower spellbook points? I'm thinking around 100 or so spellbook points and 12 channeling. I think the Hedge Witch's versatility should come more from her spellbook design then from actual play. If you want a mage with tons of versatility in play but less in designing their book, I think a good idea would be a pictomage, that can make their art real. The pictomage would be trained in Water, their creatures would be shapeshifting ink blobs, and they would have enchantments and incantations that could copy or steal spells from the opponent.

What do you think?

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: August 04, 2013, 04:07:56 PM »
Monk should be Holy and Mind, not War. Dark should cost triple. Being a monk is a religious position, like being a priest. The mage's healing abilities would definitely go better with the holy school. If you're thinking of the kind of martial artist monk that you see in movies, it would probably be better off like this. The monk would be for a soloing build. He or she would have good understanding of mind, body and spirit, and the connections between them, and would apply that knowledge in multiple ways in battle. The monk would be able to attack pressure points on enemy creatures to stun or weaken them. The monk would also have elusive. He would also have equipment that allows him to push enemy creatures after a melee attack. A possible example could be...

Force Gloves: (Monk only): Full action attack is "Flip throw" 4 dice--Effect die 7+ Push the attacked creature one zone away in a direction of your choice.
Quick action attack is "Flip toss" 3 dice--when used as a counterstrike, push the attacking creature one zone away in a random direction.

The abilities involving Ki counters are a good idea. However, I think they should be rearranged a bit.

Inner Ki: Every time this mage is attacked, place a ki counter on him or her

Trained body: For each ki counter removed, the monk can heal 2 dice worth of damage OR remove a status effect, OR use "Ki Blast", a quick action 0-1 range attack spell that deals 1 dice of damage for each ki counter removed for it.
For example if your monk has 6 ki counters, one thing he or she could do would be to spend 2 ki counters to heal 4 damage, spend 1 to remove a condition, and 3 to attack for 3 dice of damage.

the monk should also be unable to use armor on himself or herself. Then instead of "combo" he or she should have cards that taunt opposing creatures.

Health at 32 sounds pretty good to me. Channeling at 9 also. He really should not use that many attack spells. Attack spells are all ranged, and the monk really doesn't sound like a regular ranged attacker to me. In fact, I would say that oftentimes his only ranged attack should be the one in his Trained Body ability, "Ki Blast".

Like the Forcemaster, the monk would be a soloing mage. He or she would use position control (including things that stun enemy creatures) along with defenses, the elusive trait and cards that taunt enemy creatures. He would also have equipment that gives him different melee attacks. Like say, boots that give him or her charge and both quick action and full action kick attacks, or gloves that allow him to throw enemy creatures short distances.

What do you think?

Alternative Play / Re: 3 Player Game
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:06:57 PM »
Wiz is completely right, I apologize.

Not that it's an excuse, but the reason I reacted that way is that I've been picked on a lot both online and in real life for my strategic preferences in games. Ironically, that very reason I reacted so strongly should have been a reason to realize my bias and come back later with a clear head. Sorry I didn't respond with my apology for this sooner, I've been stressed with taking all the exams that I didn't get to take until close to the end of the summer semester. Anyways, now that that's out of the way...

I think your concept is actually quite interesting, and I'm upset at myself for practically bashing it earlier. In fact, I think this could make multiplayer work with minimal politics and still be just as dynamic and engaging as facing the same number of opponents normally would be in a regular multiplayer game. I think I might actually want to try this in real life for a four player game, once I have a playgroup that is, which hopefully will be soon.

For the three player version, I'm already imagining an awesome warlord idea in which I trap the other two players behind walls in their corners, and then use archer's watchtowers, one for Deadeye Sniper and one for my Ivarium Longbow equipped Mage. That's assuming that the format is still going to use a triangular board of course.

I'm thinking it would be ideal to use 10 triangular zones, but creatures can only move diagonally. I know this sounds weird, but I think it might be the only way for it to work with a triangular board. I drew a couple diagrams on a piece of paper, and the results for a 16 or a 9 zone triangle board where creatures move adjacently rather than diagonally, were not good.

If you have a 16 zone triangular board, the zone distance from one corner edge to the other is 7 zones. On top of that, there is one zone in the very center of the board by itself, and it is four zones away from any corner edge. There are three other zones that are diagonal from the center one that I would probably also consider center zones to a great extent, but then that would make about 4 center zones. The thing is, 16 triangular zones in a triangle shape is too big. However with 9 triangular zones, I noticed that there is no one center zone. Rather, there are "6 center" zones arranged like a wheel--more than there are corners, which since it is a triangle are half as many as the center zones are. However, if you arrange the same 16 zone board, but take out the 6 upward pointing ones and only allow creatures to move through the corners of each zone suddenly it looks a bit better. Each side of the triangle would now have 4 zones like in the regular rectangular board, which might be too small. Worse, this creates a center zone that is only 2 zones away from every zone on the board.

Then I drew a 25 triangle board, and excluded all 10 upward pointing triangles to leave 15 total zones, including 3 corners, 3 center zones and a maximum range of 4, so each side would be 5 zones long.

Now I've noticed a problem that all triangle-shaped boards share when movement is adjacent rather than diagonal: 3 triangular zones in the corners means that you can be walled off with just one wall in the corners, and 2 walls anywhere on the sides.

So instead, I propose a 12-agon shaped board. It would have a hexagon of 6 triangular zones in the center, and around that would be 6 adjacent square zones, and then between the squares would be 6 more triangular zones, for a total of 18 zones. The farthest range would be 5, a length of 6 zones between a square zone and an outer triangle. Each player would start in an outer triangle.

What do you think?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: TEMPLE RUN!
« on: July 23, 2013, 05:04:20 PM »
It's to help make my conjurations last a bit longer, particularly my walls. If a couple of my opponent's creatures start attacking one or two of my conjurations, they can slow down the assault a bit with their conjuration healing ability. Also, they can cast conjurations for me, so I don't always have to waste my mages actions to replace walls or to cast other conjurations, particularly if I want to place something in a location that is either inconvenient or impossible for my mage to cast in. And since the goblin builders are fragile, I have a couple extra to replace them with.

Then again, if my opponent thinks its safe to threaten my conjurations in the manner I just described, full action summoning to protect my conjurations might be the last thing I want to do. I should probably cut it down to 3 and put in another wall, shouldn't I?

Yeah, this build is pretty fun. I would love to play it in real life! How viable do you think it would be in organized play?

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