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Messages - ACG

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Rules Discussion / Re: Divine Intervention & Creature Spell
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:34:34 PM »
So what if you're not casting a creature spell? Could I short circuit a forcefield by DIing a Forcemaster, since both the caster and the target will have moved even though they're the same creature?

No. You could prevent the casting of the forcefield in the first place (though would would not know what it was), but once attached to the creature revealing it does not count as casting a spell, and hence will not be cancelled if the target moves (at least, that's how I understand it). Also, at that point it has already been cast successfully.

Spells / Re: Categorizing Power Levels of Spells in Mage Wars
« on: February 24, 2014, 12:26:14 PM »
Plants with their high hit points become Resilient and are Rooted not Slow so not even Stunned. Wow!

The not being stunned is an excellent reason to reanimate plants (thornlashers especially). However, reanimated creatures do not gain the Resilient trait (which is probably a good thing).

So you are saying that Mana Siphon is useful in a committed Mana Denial strategy; I guess I can see that. I don't play mana denial any more for much the same reasons you don't (not much fun for the other person), so for me it has no place.

I like the comparisons of Banish to Turn to Stone; I actually occasionally run Turn to Stone. I think I prefer to pay the mana over several turns rather than up front, though. But yes - if your opponent has all their eggs in one basket, a Banish every 3 rounds leaves them wide open.

I'm pretty sure you play Magic, ACG, and you know how the control decks leverage mana advantage to win

Actually, I am not really much of a Magic player. I've played once or twice, but I don't like the CCG model of distribution, so I don't buy them.

Spells / Re: Categorizing Power Levels of Spells in Mage Wars
« on: February 24, 2014, 10:56:09 AM »
So, surely everybody must have a few "WTF?" cards they are willing to share?

Okay, I can point a few fingers, in the hopes of learning something new:

Mana Siphon: I see little reason to choose this over essence drain. I suppose against a solo mage it might have some utility, but generally people have at least one creature, and essence drain pays for itself twice as fast (or destroys a creature cheaply, which is even better). I suppose Mana Siphon can't be dispelled, but I still don't see its utility.

Banish: This card seems too expensive to me for what it does. Remove a creature for 3 turns only to have it return unscathed for 14 mana? Why not summon my own strong creature with that mana, or do something else?

General Discussion / Re: Attempt to design a Bard Mage
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:51:25 AM »
This should probably be in the Creative section or in the Feedback and Suggestions section.

That said, regarding the bard:

I like that he is very focused on creatures. The Bodyguard ability is very strong, since Vigilant is a fantastic trait for creatures with quick attacks because they can attack and then counterattack on the other player's turn (currently only Togorah, with a full attack, has intercept). You might want to make Singing cost at least 1 mana.

The problem, of course, is that he has no spawnpoints, which means he has to summon all of his creatures himself. Therefore he wants to go for a few big strategy (particularly given his excellent bodyguard ability). The Charisma ring will not pay for itself until he has summoned at least 3 creatures which, given his channeling and aforementioned lack of spawnpoints, seems unlikely.

As far as balance goes, level 1 arcane and (should he choose it) level 1 water gives him cheap access to all of the basic toolbox spells. Coupled with his lack of antitraining, he is even more versatile than the wizard, since he also has access to cheap curses (from dark) or healing/protection (from holy), to buffs (from nature) or strong defensive creatures (from war). With these savings, he can afford many higher level spells in any school in which is is not trained, especially since he only pays double cost. Furthermore, he has access to a variety of school specific spells in both holy/dark and nature/war schools. The unrestricted nature of bodyguard also has the potential for some disturbing combos - imagine a vigilant Iron Golem, or a vigilant Darkfenne Hydra. I suspect a bard would be stronger than the average mage. He certainly succeeds at being an all-rounder, though.

I tried my hand at making an all rounder, with a slightly different emphasis:

He solves the problem of diverse training by being antitrained in all medium or higher level spells (partially mitigated by his ability to reuse spells) and being hobbled in his movements.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Sacrificed on the Altar of Awesomeness
« on: February 22, 2014, 11:48:08 AM »
Would the sacrificial altar's sacrifice count for the graveyard's extra mana ability when a creature is destroyed?


Rules Discussion / Re: Dancing Scimitar defense
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:41:23 PM »
Edit: The scimitar has to attack the guard, but does not trigger a counterstrike/damage barrier and does not remove the guard marker.

Rules Discussion / Re: Multiple stuck?
« on: February 18, 2014, 07:19:44 PM »
Yes, each stuck condition must be rolled for separately. If there is at least one remaining, the creature is restrained and unmovable.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: CURSE YOU!!!! Warlock.
« on: February 18, 2014, 03:30:25 PM »
That sounds like a lot of fun (I love curses). One minor quibble:

The idea is with Sectarus and the Imp Familiar I could theoretically cast 4 curses a turn.

Sectarus requires a mage action to cast a curse, so you are actually limited to three. That said, I'm not sure you'd have the mana to support 4 curses per turn, so that probably isn't an issue.

My warlock uses wardstones pretty liberally, and I think you probably don't need the siphon - you will likely be too tight on mana to cast it anyway. Replace it with another enchanter's wardstone and maybe a basic spell.

Rules Discussion / Re: Weak and multiple attacks
« on: February 17, 2014, 05:55:47 PM »
All three attacks will be affected.

Spells / Re: Tataree... reasons to play?
« on: February 16, 2014, 02:23:52 PM »
If i use harmonize, its 4 and with enchant ring 3.

Enchant Ring discount only on friendly creatures
Harmonize costs 2 SPs, can be dispelled at range 2
You are putting 2 eggs in 1 basket with an enchant, kill the tree and you lost both

Tataree obviously designed for Samara Tree which (as predicted at previews) hasn't gained favour
So you can move betweem Pods

It's main use is surely as a cheap quick-action guard distractor that can repeat distract if it rolls its great defence?

(I don't play it, just trying to justify its inclusion somehow)

As Deckbuilder says, Taratee is designed for a seedling pod strategy. For anything else, she isn't useful. Her purpose is to make seedling pods sprout faster. There is no other way to efficiently make your seedling pods sprout in fewer than 3 turns; harmonize is a waste (because it is destroyed when the seedling pod sprouts), and nothing else will put mana on the pods.

I personally run a Samara Tree/Seedling Pod deck, and I find Taratee to be tremendously helpful in speeding up seedling pod maturation (as always, it isn't about the mana so much as about the actions). But for any other build, Taratee is probably not the best option.

Just for fun, give it a Bear Strength or Lion Savagrey.. Taratee's attack is Etherial, so with a small buff you can shift gears to destroy incorporeal objects.   Then shift/transfuse the buffs over to something more durable when the opponent gets tired of a butterfly wrecking his stuff.

That is a really cool idea - also Bull Endurance (extremely efficient, since life on Taratee is worth more than life on pretty much any other creature) and rhino hide. Regrowth in case an attack gets through - and maybe keep a reverse attack on her... Now I am trying to think of more ways to abuse Taratee's defense. Probably not an optimal strategy, but certainly an extremely amusing one.

Rules Discussion / Re: 2 questions about reverse attack
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:59:57 PM »
1) What happens if player 1 attacks player 2 and player 2 reveals reverse attack, but player 1 also has reverse attack?

I don't know if there has been a different ruling on this (the Rules supplement does not cover it), but based on the card's wording I would say that the attack is reversed again, back to the original target.

2) would attacks that target areas such at ring of fire set of reverse attack?

Yes, but Reverse Attack would be discarded without effect since all zone attacks are unavoidable..

If I play "rise again" or "animate dead" on a creature of opponent ,do I become the controller and owner of the creature?
Can I destroy it on the sacrificial altar?


I'm pretty sure the player from whose spellbook the creature came is the owner, no matter what.

"The owner of a spell is the player who started with that spell in his spellbook at the beginning of the game".

Strategy and Tactics / Re: beating the druid with the forcemaster
« on: February 14, 2014, 07:59:37 AM »
If you don't have any in your spell book I would throw in some reverse attacks, for some reason no one ever seems to expect them. Deathlock to cancel out the regeneration on all of the Druid's creatures. Use eagle wings to make yourself flying, then the Druid cannot use you as a volleyball because you will be pulled over the walls and not through them.

Can't believe I forgot about Deathlock! That is the single card that I hate most when playing as a druid; cast it and protect it.

You can't cast eagle wings on yourself, though.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: beating the druid with the forcemaster
« on: February 14, 2014, 07:42:53 AM »
1. It is unusual for a Druid to run nonliving/psychic immune creatures, so you can get a lot of use out of your psychic spells. Mind Control is probably not worth it, but Charm and Pacify can work wonders.

2. Thoughtspores and Psyloks are flying, so they aren't hindered. Psyloks have critical attacks, which can be useful for getting through the Druid's armor.

3. Use armor ward to protect your boots. If the Druid is dissolving at vine range, it is unlikely that she will have enough mana to overcome the extra 4 needed to bypass it, so you can waste at least 1 corrode that way.

4. Forcefield. If the Druid turtles in the corner, she can't dispel it, and if she comes after you, the hindering vines don't really matter.

5. Use force pull to bring the Druid to you.

That's all I can think of for now.

Custom Cards / Re: ACG's Custom Spells and Mages
« on: February 13, 2014, 03:51:33 PM »
Can a creature with climbing use the Danglevine to climb faster?

No - I don't think the Danglevine would like that.

Edit: I updated the first page to include a list of all cards as of now.

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