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Messages - Powlich

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General Discussion / Re: Mystery's thoughts about a lot of things
« on: June 22, 2016, 07:42:21 AM »
It seems like you have a lot of spare time up there in the mountains. :)

It's easy to underestimate the importance of the spellbook points. Thanks to you, I will think more about this in the future. Both when it comes to deck construction, and tactics during a game, it's really crucial.

When I played against Mysterys aggro grizzly deck with my druid, I think I had his grizzly down to about 5 life left, and I had quite good board control with walls and thornlashers. He cast regrowth on the grizzly, and then I change focus from the grizzly to his mage. That was a huge mistake when I think about how much of his spellbook were commited to that grizzly. (About 15 sbp. I don't count the spiked pit and the teleport trap, since they've already done their job) When a forcemaster plays a level 4 buddy, it's a big loss for her if you can kill it with relatively small effort. Now he also played a devouring jelly, so if I manage to kill both, I should have a good spellbook advantage for the rest of the game.
But as usual, I overthink the game. (If I dispel the regrowth he will cast another one, or a 8 dice heal, or a...)
After that he destoyed my tree with his creatures, and then I couldn't heal enough to keep up.

Events / Re: ADMW Open - OCTGN Tournament!
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:18:49 PM »
Me and rinc had our game yesterday. My thornlasher Druid was too much for the Brogan priestess, played by Rinc. Rinc was a bit short of time, so he just tried to be very agressive. He opened with Brogan, enchant him with life link, and then use the divine intervention to teleport him over to my place. Unfortunatly, that was not threat enough for me, since the druid has so much free life regeneration going on. After some surging waves and wall pushes, it was more or less over, and he conceded.

Thank you Rinc for a very short, but quite fun game!

Events / Re: ADMW Open - OCTGN Tournament!
« on: April 06, 2016, 04:40:13 AM »
Today Powlich (priestess) played vs. Werekingdom (Straywood Beastmaster)

Werekingdom played a lair with harmonize in his central zone. I moved to my central zone and played battle forge (for discount rings and armor mostly). Next round I played Brogan with a arcane ward face down. I realized next round that I can't cast the bear strengt i had in hand, since arcane ward also cancels my spells. So no bear strength Brogan this time... At least I had Bim-shalla to give him a total of 5 attack dice. Brogan got tanglevined, so it would take one more round before it could enter his zone with the lair.

With Brogans 5 dice, I think he rolled about 7 on average during the rest of the game. A grizzly was easilly killed with 3 strikes from Brogan. Then his mage started to taste his blade. Werekingdom cast some asps and bats from his lair, but they didn't do the work very well. I also had a Knight of westlock with bear strengt to get rid of the guarding bats, and he later assistant Brogan with the killing of the mage.

I was lucky with both the mage matchup, and with the rolls. I still hope my opponent had a good time playing the game. :)

Thank you! That sounds fair! Combos like Packleader's Cowl + Giant size would probably be a bit to much otherwise. :)

Is it just wrong wording in the rules, or is the melee + X trait less powerful in Academy than in Arena? The arena rules say you only get to roll the extra dice during the first roll of an attack action. (Think sweeping or triple strike) The Academy rules say you only get to roll the extra dice the first roll during the same round. Is this correct? This will matter if, for example, you have a guard marker on a creature, and that marker was placed during the previous round. Then the creature will be able to (theoretically) make 2 attacks (different attack actions), this round.

So, in arena you may apply the melee + X twice during the same game round, but in Acadamy, only once. Is this correct?

I also wonder about the damage barriers. On OCTGN, people I have played with, think that the damage barrier should attack the same creature once each attack action. The rules say the damage barrier attacks the same creature only once each round. I think the first one makes more sense, but which one is correct?

Thanks in advance!

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