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Messages - Mystery

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Swarmmaster (3 creatures per round)
« on: October 23, 2016, 04:11:34 PM »
Try using wall of thorns and elephant grass in swarms.
Try to get double ring of beasts too.
Last but not least, use area effect support to maximize efficiency.

I hope I was helpful!

you cant have two ring of beasts

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Druid Economy...
« on: October 23, 2016, 11:01:24 AM »
I'd not harmonize it, but rather have an extra mana flower (1 more expensive) but you different target

First I think the Druid is doing fine with the plants she has, I tend to use animal and bugs anyways.

What I would like is:
-Small movable creature (Ent), since the vinesnapper and thornlasher are unmovable.
-A non-flammable creature.
-A Small creature that has armor, (1 or 2 armor).

What maybe fun:
-Creature with acid attack.
-A conjuration that acts like the Warlords trebuchet/ballista.
-A Flower looking creature.
-More Fairies.

you have tons of non-flamable creatures already in school, non flameable plants are kind of very unlogical

Strategy and Tactics / Re: What's your favorite finisher?
« on: October 21, 2016, 08:43:48 AM »
best finisher from fun perspective: Stranglevine

Spells / Re: Crocodile vs Crab
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:44:13 AM »
A crab is possible in a druid book, to keep an enemy in the same zone.

its just less relyable than a tanglevine cause you have to roll grapple and no escape from the creature.

Bloodwave: vet tokens for 2 mana when soldier summoned? And vet get also ranged+1?
Two mana/token seems about right, but I would NOT add Range+1 to it simply because the BW can also give an order to give Range +1.
A Crossbowman with Vet and an order would as such be able to attack at range with 5 dice + Pierce +2 - seems a bit too strong imo ... ;) so melee & armor +1 for 2 mana seem fine to me.

And 5 life is a good deal for 3 (level2) mana, even without further bonus.

Well, I don't agree there.
The purpose of the game is still to eliminate the opponent before he eliminates you and giving a creature +5 life is not really doing much to help you achieve that whereas +2 attack dice + Pierce +1 is much more effective in that regard, so I really think that all the built-in restrictions on the HA ability need to be removed ( Damage requirement and the HA himself being excluded - so this guy gets mad when you swing at his buddies but not when you swing at himself ? Come on ;)

I would have thought that this myth that it's useless to attack enemy nonmage creatures would have been dispelled by now. Yes you have to kill the Mage to win, but defensive strategies still do work. Keeping your own creatures alive longer is a good tactic. Giving a creature five extra life for only 3 or 4 mana, and giving them an extra offensive boost on top of that should be powerful. The fact that the priest is not doing that well probably has little to do with his channeling stat.

The wizard is 10 channeling and his voltaric shield costs two mana every round that he uses it. And yet no one would say that the wizard is underpowered. And the forcemaster tends to pay a lot of upkeep.

the priest is not doing bad, he is just doing worse than the priestess in any case and that has to do with his channeling

So coming back to the actual quastion:
for houseruling funplay: What smallest possible changes would level those 3 obviously weaker mages out?

Priest is bottom tier, but not "obviously" weaker. His 2 siblings are simply better.

For the same reason I don't think the warlords are that much weaker than all the other mages. It would only become a real issue once a new war mage, with better (swarm) abilities than the bloodwave, would exist.

Anyone can read my general thoughts, but for people that feel them lower tier I would change following:

Don't limit Vet tokens to one per creature (this can apply some pressure, likewise as Kralathor)

Make the Priest channel 10 and cost the burns 2

Jokthari I would change wounded prey to also give range +1 (for her)

I don't think those mages are weak, but those are small adjustments if you want to house rule them if you are personally of the opinion in your group they are too weak.

Spells / Re: Crocodile vs Crab
« on: October 19, 2016, 06:55:04 AM »
Maybe so, but you forget the epicness of your pet-croc being buffed in the opponents sea!  8)

Never forget awesomeness in your calculations.

awesomeness is not in particular competetive :D

And sirenes call can make it quite useless

you need more dispel/dissolve/purify/remove curse and such. I am not sure if you will manage to cast that many big creatures and if a pentagram+meditate is really justified with 6 big creatures or it wouldnt be better hard cast 3 and melee support in between. You are low on curses, but have double vampirisim, 3 vampire demons, no death link. How do you inted to keep alive with deadlock/poison blood.

I'd remove a creature ad more dissolve/dispel and so to undo abit of oponents defense or keep alive vs heavy curse or poison blood avoiding your heal. And get a few more support curses. Defenitly a rust, and I am not very fond of a wall of thornes with push if you have no armor removal either

Spells / Re: Crocodile vs Crab
« on: October 19, 2016, 05:01:16 AM »
I think Ill add one in my nature mages books. The aquatic subtype is great against sirens.

think about it :D Yes of course nice against sirene, but how long can it truly survive? The Sirenes creatures still roll the extra die in shallow sea, and the sirene player probably knows that he has to get rid of that croc. So you invest 6 sbp in a very situational card, aren't you better of with 3 of dispel/crumble/dissolve/purify/disperse/removecurse...

Spells / Re: Crocodile vs Crab
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:11:49 PM »
its just melee grapple. no snatch that would only work with kraken.

The thematic i like all this, they are just not strong enough with all interactions yet. Killing something with for example your grizzly is just the better way to go on a competetive level.

Spells / Re: Crocodile vs Crab
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:07:55 PM »
I really don't know the cards, but I'm interested. If the Crocodile and the Crab would be applying for a job in your deck, who would you pick and why?  :D

Depends on the deck, what it's doing, and possibly the training of your mage.

That being said, I love using the croc in beastmaster books. He's a phenomenal pet for straywoods that can also be a sturdy reptile if you run kinships. I also run him in a JBM that I call the bleedmaster too due to grapple being all around awesome and the deathroll having a 5+ bleed chance.

The Crab (multiple, actually) shows up in my siren book as anti-zombie tech. Zombies are notoriously hard to kill due to resilient, so the 2 damage in the upkeep to whatever the crabs have grappled is very effective. The 5 armor of the crab also lets it shrug off otherwise high damage hits from the zombies themselves. Akiro's favor and Iguana regrowth are fantastic accompanying spells for the Crabs too.

At some point, I'm going to try a pet crab out as well. I'm a HUGE fan of both of these creatures because they have the potential to be big, hard to kill threats that can also hold enemy creatures in place for you.

A pet crocodile? just take a pet grizzly and be done with it. The crocodile does of course reduce 2 dice of the grappled creature but first loses 1 die and pierce for the initial move in and later 5 dice vs 7 dice pierce 1 or if the grizzly is your vicitm 5 dice pierce 1 vs 5 dice bleed, the bleeds will stack after some time but initially (until they die and no healing the piercing will give you the same) On top it wastes two of your precious spellbook points.

I am still of same opionion as in playtesting to weak initial dice or at least it should be a 4 spellbooks point creature for either not 6. But the croc has some interaction with the sirene and the deptones, but that takes long set up and the sirene is rather squishy for it. Just the 6 spellbooks points will mean you hardly can afford a back up. It as not a down the road creature but small buffs could have made it a good creature

To the comparison both have the benefits, but for the mana cost you get just better stuff with the crocodile in my pov.

But the bear doesn't do the same job as the croc. The bear's not a reptile, so no armor gain from kinships. The bear can't grapple, so it can't hold a target in place. The bear doesn't cause bleed, which will also add up as you point out. The bear also costs more extra mana (though the difference is minor.) If the pet I wanted was there strictly for damage potential, the bear would be the better choice. Seeing as a pet croc still rolls upwards of 6-7 dice in the same zone as the BM, it's still going to put the hurt out.

Not saying the bear's a bad choice, but it has a different tactical job.

have you ever seen a competetive high level kinship book? Your bear is probably more the problem then your reptile. The in place yes, but it takes first a weak attack to grapple it then it will cause bleed two out of three rounds. It is totally usless against regenerating creatures where it is really just 1extra dmg. In place is nice for stuff you want to keep in place, but with your pet you want to be in that zone so you don't want to be away to shoot and keep it in place. You can also keep it in place with a tanglevine, the problem a single teleport (now even minor teleport) can remove your grapple and then the croc has just been a 4 dice creature (or 5/6 with pet) for 2-3 rounds (depending on effect die and move) for far too long. As said its not a bad creature but small adjustments could have made it a good one. All mixed level creatures have been just hard to include anyway.

So let me get this right...

If the creature is stunned force orb works just fine....

But if the creature is entangled then Force Orb subtracts 2?

it is restrained from a tanglevine and restrained doesnt effect it

Spells / Re: Crocodile vs Crab
« on: October 18, 2016, 12:22:46 PM »
I really don't know the cards, but I'm interested. If the Crocodile and the Crab would be applying for a job in your deck, who would you pick and why?  :D

Depends on the deck, what it's doing, and possibly the training of your mage.

That being said, I love using the croc in beastmaster books. He's a phenomenal pet for straywoods that can also be a sturdy reptile if you run kinships. I also run him in a JBM that I call the bleedmaster too due to grapple being all around awesome and the deathroll having a 5+ bleed chance.

The Crab (multiple, actually) shows up in my siren book as anti-zombie tech. Zombies are notoriously hard to kill due to resilient, so the 2 damage in the upkeep to whatever the crabs have grappled is very effective. The 5 armor of the crab also lets it shrug off otherwise high damage hits from the zombies themselves. Akiro's favor and Iguana regrowth are fantastic accompanying spells for the Crabs too.

At some point, I'm going to try a pet crab out as well. I'm a HUGE fan of both of these creatures because they have the potential to be big, hard to kill threats that can also hold enemy creatures in place for you.

A pet crocodile? just take a pet grizzly and be done with it. The crocodile does of course reduce 2 dice of the grappled creature but first loses 1 die and pierce for the initial move in and later 5 dice vs 7 dice pierce 1 or if the grizzly is your vicitm 5 dice pierce 1 vs 5 dice bleed, the bleeds will stack after some time but initially (until they die and no healing the piercing will give you the same) On top it wastes two of your precious spellbook points.

I am still of same opionion as in playtesting to weak initial dice or at least it should be a 4 spellbooks point creature for either not 6. But the croc has some interaction with the sirene and the deptones, but that takes long set up and the sirene is rather squishy for it. Just the 6 spellbooks points will mean you hardly can afford a back up. It as not a down the road creature but small buffs could have made it a good creature

To the comparison both have the benefits, but for the mana cost you get just better stuff with the crocodile in my pov.


The card doesnt say condition MARKER, but condition, so everything that will give the creature the condition of incapacitated, restrained and likewise will not alter the defense

Why do you think Restrained is a condition? It's a trait, like Flying.

is it so unclear how the card is ment?

Of course it isnt worded right cause there is no condtion named restrained or incapactitated there are condtions that grant those traits, like stun, slam, and so on.

Defense ring works on orb and sword and orb and sword are uneffected by incap or restrain or daze -2s.

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