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Messages - drmambo23

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Creative / Re: Ritualist - new mage idea
« on: January 19, 2017, 03:05:22 PM »
Thanks man
And i guess the golem could be lvl 3 or 4? I just amped it up bc of the transfuse effect. No testing has been done so im not sure how great the effects are but in theory it sounds good.  But i could see it being lower.

I like that idea of giving it a bleed chance. But yeah, i had a tough time trying to make it different than bloodreaper.

And with the weapon i thought about 1. Making it 4 dice or 2. Making it vampiric
But this was a difficult one to make too

And against a necro just plan to have other creatures, skeletal knight, dark pact slater etc. They are in school and could be used in the book.  The blood spawn could still be used but blood bond is useless. But necro mirror matches are tough too! But dark and lvl water gives a lot of versatility.

You have any suggestions as to what you think would work well? Or any spells you think would be cool?

General Discussion / Re: How many copies of chitin armor in LG?
« on: January 18, 2017, 03:09:01 PM »
The cloak is in lg not sure on number of copies though.

Creative / Ritualist - new mage idea
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:04:39 PM »
This my fun attempt at a custom mage and if course its a dark mage

Ritualist (Servant of Bael, Lord of Blood)
Trained in level 3 dark, 1 water, and "blood" spells [i cant think of a better term for this but for blood creatures etc]
Holy cost 3x
120 sbp
No armor
40 life
2 dice melee 9+ bleed
Channel 8
Blood bond - when you summon 1 living, non legendary creature lose life equal to the creatures level +2. You have life bond with this creature.  The blood bound creature gains blood thirsty +X where X is the creatures level and may heal 2 damage when attacking a creature with a bleed condition marker.  You only have 1 bllod bond at a time and may assign blood bond to a new target of this creature dies
Blood Spawn - when summoning a blood creature, Ritualist may pay half its mana value (rounded up) in mana and take x damage. X equals the remaining mana value left to cast the creature. This creature may spawn from the blood bound creature. If so place X bleed tokens on the blood boud creature where X is the level of the summoned creature.

Ritual dagger - equipment weapon slot level 2 dark - 9 mana
Ritualist only
3 dice melee 7+bleed
Ritualist may make the attack against himself. If so heal a friendly living or blood creature in his zone the ammount rolled.

Blood golem level 2 dark 3 water
"Blood" subtype
14 mana
10 life no armor
Melee 4 dice
Transfuse X

Blood creatures have the trait transfuse X. Transfuse - during upkeep this creature heals damage equal to the number of bleed tokens in its zone.

Enchantment - targets bleeding non-mage creature
Level 3 dark 3 water
"Blood" subtype
2 place, 2X reveal
Upkeep X - X is the creatures level and is is paid by taking X damage
Like mind control but upkeep is paid in damage taken instead of mana and if all bleeds are removed the enchantment is destroyed. Can also be dispelled.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Armory for skeleton necromancers?
« on: January 17, 2017, 03:58:53 PM »
I agree with puddin. The mana is the deal breaker in most skelly necros i see or played against.  They have no armor, most of them, but high health.  So they can stick around a bit before you need to reassemble. But 10 mana invested is a lot and you could just cast more skellies for a position, dice, and creature advantage instead

For a skeleton warlord that has comstruction yard it could work bc you wont run a ton of skeletons due to sbps. So after you build up your army you could buff them but as a necro you want to just continually crank them out.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Necro Meditation!
« on: January 16, 2017, 05:58:34 PM »
Ok. I misread that then
And tanks are tough but 2 dissolves, curse item, and disarm should be plenty. You could have idol of pestilence for good measure against a tank. Forces them to you and then you can react accordingly.

If you are really worried about a mirror match though consider curse of decay Nd chains of agony

You could probably drop 1 deathfang as well. Once they engage fast is pointless

Lastly, blood demon is great and all but a gravikor will give you a lot more against flyers

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Necro Meditation!
« on: January 16, 2017, 03:22:03 PM »
Also, as a suggestion i would say drop 1 to 2 dissolves. You have disarm which can target range 2, that works to your advantage. But you have 2 cloaks which means of they get rid of one you are going to run and cast the  other. You should not be close enough to the enemy to cast all 4 or have time to cast all 4. I have also played many necros and had both elemental cloak and cloak of shadows in my book. The elemental cloak is super useful but 10 times out of 10 i ran the shadows. Shadows and meditation means you are gonna hang back.
If you drop 2 dissolves, the ele cloak and 1 wall then you can add: 1 more tanglevine for positioning, 1 theft of life, 1 curse of decay (works in a mirror match (: ) and 1 more leather armor.
I think i mathed that right.
But thats my 2 cents

*edit - a curse item might help too instead of dissolve since its range 2 as well.*

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Necro Meditation!
« on: January 16, 2017, 02:55:10 PM »
Y u no overextend?

Events / Re: ADMW Winter Special - OCTGN Tournament
« on: January 15, 2017, 11:29:08 PM »
Im with puddin and devil. I dont see a  issue with it.

General Discussion / Re: Paladin's Aura
« on: January 15, 2017, 09:45:44 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Paladin's Aura
« on: January 15, 2017, 06:43:41 PM »
Attached is a word document with the paladins auras.  it is the perfect size to fit into a sleeve, all you have to do is cut it out.   I just found a sleeve that matched my paladin's, threw a decoy in it and then put this paper over the decoy. works great!
any issues let me know

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Necro: skelly or Zombie
« on: January 14, 2017, 10:38:27 PM »
I ran zombies because resilient is amazing and you have no healing spells for them so its 1 less thing to worry about. Skeletons mostly have no armor so that can be an issue but it all comes to how you play each style. Both creature types are very mana efficient.

Because everything is undead you dont have to worry about all the "crucial" enchants that target living creatures and it lets you have more sbp to devote to your creatures.

I prefer zombies.
But i will say whichever you choose dont be shy about taking the other because you can make up for the weak spots in your strat.
Ex. Using deathfamg for fast or the archer for range in a zombie helps and a plague zombie eternal servant for rot helps in a skeleton book.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Necro: Dispel and dissolve
« on: January 14, 2017, 10:12:07 PM »
As a necro player i would only run 2 dispels and 3 dissolves at most but it mostly was 2.  You dont have to worry about Na
any DOT hardly and as a zombie necro your creatures are undead and resilient. There is a handful of enchants that can hurt them (curse of decay, chains of agony just to name a few) and the necro is out of the fight so much there is no need for them hardly.  And getting close to the enemy is something you dont do often so dissolves are not that handy. A sunfire amulet or vet belt etc are to bring attention but other than that just let your creatures take care of the enemy.

Since your creatures are so tough and your mage is poison immune you can afford to save sbp on dispels and invest in other areas. Dissolve bc you are not in the action and only have 1 or 2 of the enemy rushes.

Thats my take on it from a necro standpoint.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: My first Warlock
« on: January 13, 2017, 06:23:47 PM »
Welcome to the game! :)

If you are playing ac warlock im not sure if i would take the flaming hellion. As the lady warlock you get a lot of bang for your buck with the hellion. The synergy isnt super great with the ac warlock. You could use those points on more curses or another creature even.

2 curse item, 2 dissolve, and 1 explode seema a little overkill on equipment. If your meta runs high equip builds then it could work but overall i think you would be ok to drop 1 curse item. Also exploding a dragonscale hauberk is so fun! :)

Harmonize could be dropped. By the time you harmonize the forge you could have casted more equipment yourself. Also they dont need more reasons to take out your forge :b

Also, take a look at demonhide mask over the helmet. It gives piercing on all attacks so range and melee.

I like the bloodlust and demonic link :)
But if you are using curse weaving pick out. A few curses to try and throw them in, even if its 1 copy.

Lastly, check out rise again and mage bane. Both excellent cards!

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Mana Suppression Priest
« on: January 13, 2017, 04:04:12 PM »
I really like the book and the concept behind it! I ran a mana suppression necro for a bit and this book gives me some inspiration to bring that back.

Since you have 4 creatures how has the obelisk been working out for you?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Siren book making!
« on: January 11, 2017, 04:56:17 PM »
I have a book that works with somgs and sharks. Its pretty fun. I would assume pretty standard for her.

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