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Messages - drmambo23

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 36
General Discussion / Re: OCTGN
« on: February 13, 2017, 03:35:15 PM »
Im not on octgn a lot but if im on when you guys are, friend me and we will play a game :)

I noticed the Spire is looking a little run down. We've got books that aren't legal due to errata anymore and no books with current expansions released. So i was thinking of taking people's ideas and making a poll.

Ill throw my two cents - i think we should start a new thread and create requirements to gain a spot in it. This way we can do things like reward tournament winners with recognition on the forums.

I like the idea of having a tournament winning thread. It would showcase the books more and overall be easier to navigate.

A seperate thread for other fundamental or ground breaking books could be very nice as well as it would showcase the hard work of the community :) and keep it seperated from tournament books to avoid clutter

Off topic / STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« on: February 11, 2017, 10:57:40 PM »
Hey guys, Sharkbait and I sat down and discussed our top 10 enchantments from mage wars.

Here is a link:


Leave your top 10 enchantment list in the comments :)

Events / Re: Gen Con 2017 Events
« on: February 09, 2017, 08:41:34 AM »
You can bring your own snacks or buy some at the venue

And you can try and find a partner there to play domination

Spells / Re: Ivarium Longbow on Ivarium Paladin
« on: February 06, 2017, 05:16:11 PM »
The only mage's I would use a bow with is:
-Druid: Because of hindering vines.
-Dwarf Warlord: Since he don't get the +1 melee, he is also a good def mage.
-Priestess: Because reasons. (mostly because of guard angle)

- necromancer instead of meditate amulet (possible)
- Johktari (although I prefer the 3 in-school weapons)
- Siren might have some utility with the bow. Gonna try that out.

I ran a zombie necro with the bow before. It worked well and was fun. I used the graveyard to spawn zombies, shoot creatures with the bow then have my zombies go in for the final blow. I did this bc i was also using ziggurat of undeath so when my zombos got the last hit i vould reanimate and i could bc i saved mana by using the bow

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Streywood Aviary with Other mages!
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:21:35 AM »
So if you want a swarm build and not just a flying swarm build what makes the aviary different or made you choose the aviary style?  Os it the fast trait, flying, something else?

Every mage has a spawnpoint and swarm option to work with. How well they work depends on how you utilize your chosen tools

I still think a pentagram bats amd blood demon combo would be cool! :)

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Streywood Aviary with Other mages!
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:14:07 AM »
Ahh gotcha

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Streywood Aviary with Other mages!
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:08:52 AM »
Well you have 3 swarm options there. I would like to see what you come up with using those ideas! :)
And who is alex west?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Streywood Aviary with Other mages!
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:02:32 AM »
Pentagram and bats! :D

What mages do you think would work best and why? What flying creatures can you make the most of with certain support cards? Etc

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Animal Kinship
« on: February 05, 2017, 08:28:20 PM »
What made you choose the dog over wolves?
And a tegu or raptor would be good to upgrade your reptile after the asps

Also i think you could get away with no bear strength, rhino hide, and possibly mongoose agil. (If you add some cats). That frees up points for a lair and/or more creatures to sustain your buffs.

You could also swap the regrowths to belts and make it harder for them to choose which equipment to get rid of. They only have so many dissolves. If you spread it out between enchants and equipment they can get rid of more buffs.

Also the hunting knife would be pretty awesome in here!

Food for thought

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Queen City Beast Master II
« on: February 02, 2017, 03:40:30 PM »
Not if I can kill them before I need all that :) This book has done well in timed and un-timed play.
Hmm I see.  I guess charlotte in general perfer less dispel/dissolve (at least all of the books I have seen.)

He has remove curse, purify and 2 dispels. I think a purge on top would be too much.
And 2x dissolve is pretty normal. I run 3 generally but never cast all 3, even on octgn. If you plan well, 2 should be good and his creatures are sturdy  and hard hitting enough to make up for something like that.

Also if a super buddy is charging in he has, currently, 2 telelorts, 2 pushes, 2 tanglevines, and attack soells to take care of it. And rajans fury and 6 falcons are tough to deal with. 

All in all there are multiple ways to work around differnt problems. And kill yhem fast with creatures amd dice seems like what he is going for and it looks awesome!

You could cut the harshforge plate and champions gauntlets for sbps :b lol

I dont see much of what to take out. Maybe a force push and the ring as someone else stated.  If you are in the battle with your creatures you could swap a heal for a mend and save a sbp there
I would keep rouse bc  roused minotaur is scary.

Also, how has healing madrigal been working for you in this book?

Acid ball. Especially of you have a tower
Why? I have enough dissolves for everything!  :) What would I take out for it?

Range 2. Can be used from a tower which gives you 2 actions.
Also works on creatures and conjurations
1 Acid ball will just go away if used on the tower.

You can carry more than 1.

Acid ball. Especially of you have a tower
Why? I have enough dissolves for everything!  :) What would I take out for it?

Range 2. Can be used from a tower which gives you 2 actions.
Also works on creatures and conjurations

Acid ball. Especially of you have a tower

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