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Messages - ACG

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General Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire revealed cards summary
« on: April 02, 2014, 09:51:47 AM »
More info on Devil's Trident can be found in this picture:

It is a 7 mana quick flame attack with a range of 0-1. It gets 4 attack dice and has some condition (probably burn).

Disarm (there is no word after Disarm) is also shown there, though with few details. From what can be read,

Cost X
Quick incantation spell, range 0-2
"When you ca[st this spell, choose an]
object attach[ed to target ?]
marker [?]"

(speculation in brackets)

General Discussion / New Promo Cards Sighted
« on: April 02, 2014, 09:41:36 AM »
Don't know if anybody has seen this, but there are some interesting new promo cards coming up:

From what little I can read, they are:

Fire Elemental
Creature, Flame
20 Mana
2 flame attacks, one of which is melee 5 and one of which is zone (presumably the same zone) 2. I am guessing that they will probably cause burns.

Spiked Armor
Equipment, War School (not sure what level)
9 Mana
Gives Lightning +/- ? (guessing minus based on precedent), a damage barrier (1 die, with bleed, piercing, and something else), and of course armor +? (probably 2)

Bloodwave Greatbow
Creature, (looks like an orc soldier)
12 Mana
Appears to have 2 attacks, one of which is a 4-dice range (1-2) full attack with no special effects. Can't read the text very well, but his attack appears to gain piercing +2 under some conditions.

Conjuration, Weather, some other subtype (probably hydro), Air School (1) + Water School (1)
8 Mana, 5 Life
Incorporeal, Flying (!), Hydro Immunity
"All ? in Raincloud's zone gain the Flame -?, Acid -? and Regenerate 1 traits." Also has something about burn and corrode conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: asyrian cleric
« on: April 02, 2014, 06:29:56 AM »
Can the cleric heal himself?


What discounted spells, besides arcane, do I get with arcane ring?

The arcane ring does not give you a discount on Arcane spells. It gives you a discount on all spells with the "Mana" or "Metamagic" subtype. The subtype(s) of a spell may be found in the upper right hand corner of the card.

Also, this should probably be posted in the general "Rules Discussion" section of the forum, rather than the "Frequently Asked Questions" section.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: March 24, 2014, 06:40:46 PM »
I haven't seen any other threads on this, so note these tantalizing previews:

Otto Kronig is basically just a better version of Goblin Builder but without the ability to construct things (he just repairs/improves them). Not sure I would take the time to summon him except in a conjuration swarm deck (which I am hoping will become viable with the new warlord). I like that his reinforce ability is a quick action.

As best I can tell, the other cards are
"Brace Yourself" - Looks like something that takes effect once and is then discarded, probably as a defensive effect.
"Harshforge Monolith" - Well, it is Zone Exclusive and affects all enemies (presumably just the ones in the same zone). It is also really cheap, so I am guessing that it is not epic.
"Disarm*" - Perhaps this targets equipment? It references an object though. The X casting cost makes me think it is a counter-card.

Just speculation, naturally.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Eternal Servant
« on: March 14, 2014, 07:04:40 AM »
Plague Zombie is a good choice (even in a skeleton build). Attack and inflict rot, then die and autorot everything, then reanimate and continue attacking!

Deathfangs can also be decent early in the game, though I haven't had much luck with them in the past.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Evaluating the Schools of Magic
« on: March 13, 2014, 09:21:49 AM »

Good point about classification. I think the place to start (for me, at least) is with simple access to keywords. A few new keywords will need to be defined to simplify things. When I have time, I will try to make a spreadsheet with schools on one axis and keywords on the other. This should make it clearer which schools have access to which keywords (defined by whether the school has at least one spell with that keyword). I know keywords don't capture all of the mechanics, but it is a low-level place to start, with pretty clear criteria.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Evaluating the Schools of Magic
« on: March 13, 2014, 04:56:10 AM »
I don't think there's much point in ranking schools, since the ability of a school to accomplish one of these broad categories is somewhat subjective. It seems to me that a better way to evaluate this would be to look at which schools have access to specific mechanics. For instance, looking at mechanics for autodestruction of objects at will (the typical comparison):

Spells that can autodestroy equipment:
Corrosive Orchid (nature)
Dissolve (water)
Explode (fire)
Steal Equipment (mind)

Spells that can autodestroy enchantments:
Dispel (arcane)
Seeking Dispel (arcane)
Purge Magic (arcane)
Destroy Magic (arcane)

[with limited scope]
Purify (holy)
Clear Mind (mind)

Spells that can autodestroy conjurations:
Conquer (war)

Spells that can autodestroy creatures:
Mind Control (mind) [in conjunction with a spell that grants upkeep cost]

If we want to look instead at healing mechanics:

Spells that grant regeneration:
Regrowth (nature)
Mohktari (nature)
Unicorn (nature)
Regrowth Belt (nature)

Spells that grant vampirism:
Vampirism (dark)

Spells that increase life or innate life:
Etherian Lifetree (nature)
Bull Endurance (nature)

Spells that can directly heal damage
Minor Heal (holy)
Heal (holy)
Group Heal (holy)
Healing Charm (holy)
Asyran Cleric (holy)
Drain Life (dark)

Spells that can autoheal damage:
Drain Soul (dark)
Acolyte of the Bog Queen (dark)

Or we can look at counter-spells:

Spells that can prevent damage from enemy attacks:
Block (mind)
Reverse Attack (mind)
Forcefield (mind)
Mind Shield (mind)

Spells that can prevent the casting of enemy spells
Jinx (arcane)
Divine intervention (holy)

Or we can look at movement:

Spells that can teleport creatures:
Teleport (arcane)
Teleport Trap (arcane)

Spells that can autopush creatures:
Force Push (mind)
Repulse (mind)
Force Wave (mind)
Force Bash (mind)

Though disagreement on the precise definition of mechanics may still vary, I feel that this is a more objective measure of which schools have access to which mechanics, which seems to be the primary concern in these discussions. The same spell may, of course, fall into multiple schools if it has multiple effects; for example, corrosive orchid is an example of a spell that may autodestroy equipment and a spell that grants a corroding attack. Mechanics can be defined broadly or specifically; we could, for instance, analyze which spells make use of which codex terms, which seems like a pretty objective way to see which schools control which codex terms (a useful classification, since codex terms often define unique mechanics, though there are still some mechanics that we would want to define separately).

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Adramelech's Torment Preview
« on: March 12, 2014, 12:02:17 PM »
If they would have used "At the end of this mage action phase, YOU may..." then you could have casted it on enemy mage too and have use it at the end of enemy mage action phase

Not quite:

Quote from: Official Rules Supplement, page 9
The Mage to whom the equipment is attached controls that equipment. For example, if you cast Sectarus on a
friendly Mage, he will be able to attack with Sectarus, and plan curse spells for it.

Since equipment is always controlled by the mage that has it equipped, the enemy mage would make the choice to use it ("you" refers to the controller of the equipment, not the owner).

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Adramelech's Torment Preview
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:29:58 AM »
The wording on this card almost makes me angry.

I don't know if I'd go that far (angry?). The wording seems clear enough to me, though I'm not sure why it goes with the convoluted "this mage...they..." rather than the more straightforward "you" (equipment is always controlled by the mage that has it equipped, so "you" means the same thing in this case).

The ability of this equipment triggers at the end of the mage's action phase. It only triggers a single time at the end of each action phase.

Well, that is a bit less clear from the wording of the card. Still, all in all I don't foresee too many other clarifications that need to be made.

I suppose a simpler wording might be "At the end of your action phase, you may target one creature in your LOS and pay 2 mana to place a Burn condition on that creature if it has no Burn conditions and at least one revealed curse you control attached to it."

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: March 12, 2014, 08:53:23 AM »

The preview talks about "Fire Weaving" for the new warlock. Since curse weaving allows you to regain curses, my guess is that fire weaving allows you to regain fire spells.

Also, this amulet is pretty awesome. Burn everything!

Edit: There is also a lot of synergy with Adramelech's Touch here - curse them with the touch, then burn them with the amulet, then use the touch to keep those burns on them.

Rules Discussion / Re: Thorg Taunt + Teleport
« on: March 10, 2014, 01:04:18 PM »
Thorg is in one zone, his controlling mage and an enemy Grizzly are in an adjacent zone. Thorg taunts the Grizzly. The Grizzly's controller teleports the Grizzly one zone such that he is two zones away from Thorg. The Grizzly is activated and wants to move into its original zone to attack the Mage. Can it do this?

The rulebook says "If the Taunted creature is in a zone adjacent to Thorg, then it must either move into Thorg’s zone, or make a ranged attack which targets Thorg, if able." This seems to suggest that the Grizzly would have to attempt the double-move into Thorg's zone after moving into the Mage's zone, since there is no restriction on when the Taunt is checked. However he would be hindered by the Mage after making the first move and so could not complete the double-move, leaving him free to attack. If the Grizzly was Elusive however, he must double-move to Thorg's zone.

The FAQ says "When that creature is activated, its controller must determine if it can make a ranged attack against Thorg, or move into Thorg’s zone. If it is able to do either of these, it must take one of those actions." This also suggests that the Grizzly must double move into Thorg's zone but is less restrictive. The Taunt is checked at the time of the Grizzly's activation and Thorg is reachable with a double-move if there is a non-hindering path, and the Grizzly is forced to take that path.

What say you?

I agree with your interpretation; if it is possible for the taunted creature to move into Thorg's zone (i.e. it may legally do so), then it must move into Thorg's zone.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: March 10, 2014, 12:09:56 PM »

I note that on Standard Bearer, Gurmash is described as a Warlord, even though here he is a Sergeant. This will make Standard Bearer a lot more useful; just have Gurmash cast it on himself and then lead the troops into battle!

Hmm... What other interesting uses are there...

His bleeding attack isn't bad either, though I wonder why it does not have reach... must be a short whip.

I assume that the new warlord will also have battle orders, but different ones.

General Questions / Re: Push Direction
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:39:57 PM »
If it says you get a choice (e.g. "Push") then you get a choice, no matter what. You can pull them closer.

That is the way we have been playing, but the wording of the Forcemaster's Special Ability made me wonder since it uses the term Force Pull to bring the target closer to the caster. I began to wonder if choice of direction on Force Push just meant which zone it could be pushed away from the caster, but it still required a push away.

Nope. Force Push can push them in a direction of your choice. It specifically says so.

General Questions / Re: Push Direction
« on: March 09, 2014, 10:26:47 AM »
If it says you get a choice (e.g. "Push") then you get a choice, no matter what. You can pull them closer.

Rules Discussion / Re: disolve and nullify
« on: March 08, 2014, 06:37:34 PM »
Yes. Since Dissolve targets the mage rather than the equipment, nullify will prevent it.

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