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Messages - ACG

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Spells / Re: Togorath , a big fake?
« on: May 01, 2014, 06:04:46 AM »
Also, since Togorath is Slow, he would start out Stunned when Raised.

Togorah is not slow.

Sadly, I have not been able to find a use for him either.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: My thought on Seedling Pods
« on: April 29, 2014, 11:41:48 AM »
Here's my take on seedling pods: They are an excellent way to avoid wasting actions.

As a druid, I find that I sometimes have more actions than I know what to do with. On any other mage, you might deal with this by banking an enchantment for later; seedling pod is an alternative way to ensure that extra actions are not wasted.

The other advantage of the seedling pod is that they allow you to delay making a decision. If you aren't sure what to cast, just cast a seedling pod and you can decide later after you have seen what your opponent does. In the early game especially, it can be difficult to know what to go for. By planting seedling pods, you can delay choosing a strategy until you know what you are up against, and at that point you will be able to use the actions that you banked earlier.

Essentially, seedling pods are a way to bank actions for future use.

Rules Discussion / Re: force crush, strangle vine and teleport
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:39:03 AM »
If I have am using force crush on my opponent and then cast stranglevine on him, would he be able to use teleport to get out of strangle vine since he cannot move because of force crush?

Teleportation does not count as movement. He can still teleport.

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Break the Warlock's Curse
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:00:23 AM »
Fireweaving does not specify whether the object needs to belong to another player, so the Adramalech warlock has a special sort of pseudo-burnproof trait - you can put burns on her, but they will just slide off (and onto whatever she doesn't like). This burnproofiness even extends to her creatures (including non-demons; this would be a nice way to run some zombies without worrying about them burning to death). I foresee her using a lot of fire AOE attacks without concern for herself or friendly creatures (though you want some flame resistance to reduce the damage).

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Break the Warlock's Curse
« on: April 14, 2014, 02:19:25 PM »
Already some fascinating insights, though:

33 life? This is the first mage with an odd life total.

Burning touch: fantastic. I am happy to see another mage with a non-basic-melee attack. Innate 5+ burn makes it very easy to put burns on things, which I assume will synergize nicely with her other abilities.

Rules Discussion / Re: Priestess \
« on: April 13, 2014, 07:23:05 AM »
The reason that I'm asking, is life "capped" at box 41 on the Life / Damage grid? - it would appear not from the previous answer.  But if it's not capped at 41, does this mean that a "Sunfire Amulet" will keep letting you add life as long as the game goes on - so your Mage could end up on 50, 60, 70 or more life (okay, so that would be a long game, but you get my point?)

Life is not capped. Mana and channeling are also not capped. If your game went on an extremely long time, the Sunfire amulet could indeed bring your mage to improbably high life totals.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: April 09, 2014, 09:54:26 AM »

Now we know what Fireweaving does - it lets you move burns around! Very exciting.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: The value Mana Flower and Mana Crystal
« on: April 08, 2014, 09:07:39 AM »
I have stated very clearly that this play is a loss of tempo up front and that the math will smooth out if you graph it. At the start of the game you get 10 extra mana, how you spend it early in the game will guide your play style. If you play mana boosters up front with your extra mana, they pay for themselves as discussed. After many games with many different openings, I have found great value in the amount mana I am channeling in each turn. So much so that it isn't a simple (Casting Cost - 1 )/5 for the Crystal or Flower. The value to is provided by the enhanced channeling rate early and mid-game, basically rounds 2-8. I favor playing creatures in the 11-13 mana range. The straight channeling increase provides me the ability to summon a creature each round early game and allows me to use this mana to cast other spells in conjunction along way.

I think what others are disagreeing with is the idea that this channeling is a unique benefit from the mana generators. After all, if you saved the 5 mana that you would have used to cast the flower, you could instead dole that out over the next five turns, which would be equivalent.

Of course, this would obviously be pointless, since then you would be in the same position 5 turns later, but without a flower. So saving the mana-per-turn isn't the point here, saving the quick action and mana during the intervening turns is. When you talk about the additional channeling each round, you are correct insofar as there is no benefit to saving the 5 mana to use one at a time over those 5 rounds as opposed to casting the flower, if you are only using one of those mana per round.

If your strategy calls for investing actions in creatures, one per turn, then since you have a limited number of full actions (one per turn, coincidentally), it makes sense to ensure that you channel enough mana each turn to do that. And if your creatures happen to be in the 11-12 range, and you are not playing with a spawnpoint, then you might as well spend your initial starting mana to create mana generators, since you don't have the actions to do anything else.

But it is not correct to say that the channeling gives a unique benefit during the turns it takes to pay off the mana cost of the generator. Playing the generator might be a no-brainer if you have nothing else to do with the mana and don't need more mana to summon creatures than you can channel, but although it undoubtedly gives you an advantage after it has paid off it does not give you a unique advantage while it is paying off; at best, during that time period, it is no better than simply saving your mana, except in the uncommon case when your opponent uses mana drain a lot early game. And the inflexibility that it gives for those five rounds (in case you need to cast something more expensive) is a downside during that time.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: The value Mana Flower and Mana Crystal
« on: April 08, 2014, 08:25:04 AM »
(and no spawnpoint spawn conjuration yet, the yard only store mana).

Well...the trees spawn conjurations.

Regarding the value of spawnpoints, I absolutely agree that their purpose is to gain action advantage. The extra channeling is bundled into the spawnpoints to help offset the cost of the extra actions, otherwise players would not be gaining actions since they wouldn't have enough mana to feed themselves and their spawnpoints. But mana generators are always better choices if mana is all you want, since they also place no restrictions on what you can do with that mana.

yeah , but the thing is : can the creature be teleported to a target zone beyond 2 zones from his current zone ? After paying the necessary mana, and checking Los...

No. It may not. It may only be teleported to a target zone within 2 zones of the caster.

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Armory Preview
« on: April 07, 2014, 12:44:45 PM »
I already stated this in the general thread, but I'll put it here just to be sure that it gets fixed before this set is released: this card has a typo. Same one as [mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ02]Wizard's Tower[/mwcard]. Unique needs to be in black text, not gray.

Why is this important? Well, for a significant amount of time, I believed that Wizard's tower was restricted to one per deck (like epic), because unique was in gray text and I did not remember the definition. I am sure there are many players out there still under this illusion. Upholding conventions is important to help players understand the game.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: April 07, 2014, 11:23:58 AM »
The grey print is actually not a misprint. Black is used for card traits in the arena, grey is used for spell book building traits.

The Unique trait is not a spellbook building trait. It has absolutely no effect when building your spellbook, only when playing.

Unique: "Each player may only have 1 copy of this object in play at a time"

You might be thinking of the Epic trait.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: April 07, 2014, 11:07:33 AM »

Very useful outpost, supporting swarm strategies. I think this makes goblin grunt swarm a lot more viable; in general, global buffs tend to have disproportionate benefits for the cheaper creatures.

I also note that it suffers from the same misprint as [mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ02]Wizard's Tower[/mwcard]; the Unique trait should be in black text, not gray. Perhaps this can be fixed before shipping them out?

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: April 03, 2014, 05:38:32 PM »
Also, Adramelech wouldnt be dumb enough to attack the Iron Golem guarding. So it would be a stalemate

Well...by that logic, Iron Golem v. Fellella would be a stalemate.

But wait! What's this? It looks like a second Iron Golem has been summoned! This looks like a win for the Iron Golem, folks!
This is hilarious, because it's so true.

Spells / Re: Enchanter's Ring Mana Subtype
« on: April 03, 2014, 03:15:24 PM »
Enchanter's ring does not have the mana subtype. But I was wondering, what difference does it make to have the mana subtype? any specific card works with mana cards? or having the mana subtype gives a trait? For what I remember from the codex, handbook and the cards I've read (I'm still kinda newbie) I can't tell what difference would it make to give or not give the mana subtype to the enchanter's ring. Can someone enlighten me?

Mana subtype means you get a discount from the Arcane Ring, which (slightly) benefits the Wizard. Currently, this is the only interaction with the mana subtype.

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