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Messages - ACG

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Getting Altar of Skulls Going?
« on: June 10, 2014, 05:32:31 PM »
I recently won a game using Altar of Skulls (wanted to see if I could get it going). My opening was:

1 (20): Acolyte of the Bog Queen (15), Death Ring (10)
2 (20): Altar of Skulls (11), Libro Mortuos (2)

From there, I put up walls to form a "corridor of bones" on my side, put down an idol of pestilence and started spawning skeletal minions and skeletal sentries to defend myself, and a deathfang (eternal servant) to harass my opponent (a water wizard). I used a meditation amulet to build up a surplus of mana, since I didn't need to move. I accelerated the altar's charging by killing two enemy creatures. Once the altar was up and running, I was doing 3 poison damage to everything each upkeep phase, which is awesome.

So my experience is, if you devote your resources to protecting the altar (including walls), it isn't too difficult to get it up and running. The Libro Mortuos' ability  to spawn cheap defenders is very helpful in this.

I don't think the altar needs to be changed.

I don't know about half...the only spells that are unusable are (mass) sleep, mind control, charm, and pacify. Sleep and pacify are pretty useful, but charm can be worked around (by defending or going for another target), and mind control is too expensive (for me, anyway). In comparison, there are 21 force spells that the forcemaster can still make use of. Psychic spells are a relatively small part of the forcemaster's arsenal.

In the forcemaster's favor is the fact that it is rather difficult to give the undead unavoidable attacks, so defenses, block, and reverse attack are very effective.

Rules Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« on: June 09, 2014, 08:11:37 PM »
14)Disarm: What exactly does disarm not effect? I believe it only prevents "active-y things" like attacks and action bars. so armor, flame-2 ect are not effected.

"Disabled objects lose all attack bars, action bars, and non-trait abilities."

Armor and Flame -2 would be affected. The equipment does not have those traits itself; it provides them to the mage as part of the text. Things not affected would be traits like Cantrip, Epic, Unique, Spellbind, etc.

Equipment objects tend not to have many functional traits, so for most equipment, everything will be disabled.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - Episode 3 Top Three Pets
« on: June 05, 2014, 08:58:10 AM »
I think I will try a gargoyle sentry pet next time I play, just for the sheer defense. Has anyone tried this?

Unfortunately, only animals may be made into pets.

My top three:
1. Thunderift Falcon
2. Emerald Tegu
3. Bitterwood Fox / Feral Bobcat (either one)

I find the pet ability is much more dramatic on lower level creatures.

Rules Discussion / Re: Couple of rules questions.
« on: June 05, 2014, 08:52:35 AM »
1) When I familiar casts an enchantment, can they pay the reveal cost if they do at the same time as the initial casting?

No. They may only pay the 2 mana casting cost.

2) Can you use the same piece of equipment twice in the same round? IE. two castings of dispel from your wand, or two swings of a weapons quick attack?

If it does not specifically prohibit you from using it twice, you may do so. (provided you have enough actions).

Custom Cards / Re: ACG's Custom Spells and Mages
« on: May 23, 2014, 08:27:41 AM »
Updates of old cards:

Some new cards, including help for the Priest (Malakai's Oath) and Johktari (Levitation Boots)

Thematically, unstoppable seems like it should allow the creature to ignore guards. If it did, that would help to justify some of the cost.

The AOE attack is nice, although I wouldn't cast him just for that (for zone rot, nothing beats Eternal Servant Plague Zombie + Sacrificial Altar).

I can definitely see a Sardonyx + Soul Drain Wand combo. You could cast Soul drain every other turn, and use the extra 4 mana to protect your Soul Drain Wand with nullifies.

Keep in mind, his Tail Sweep attack is currently the most powerful (in terms of raw attack dice) sweeping attack in the game, with 2 attacks of 5.

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Garrison Post "Preview"
« on: May 13, 2014, 03:35:22 PM »
Will the set Warlord vs Forcemaster have the updated card in them at some point?

Yes, the next printing of FVW will have the updated cards in it.

Do we have to wait the release of FiF to play it like this or the errata is effective right now?

While I can't speak to the tournament scene, people are free to use whatever rules they want for casual games, so I see no reason to delay in implementing this change.

Rules Discussion / Re: Charm and Guard
« on: May 10, 2014, 11:37:08 AM »
And, in the case which happened with me and my son, a charmed creature CANNOT attack ANYTHING in the zone if the mage that charmed the creature is on guard.  And is the only enemy that is on guard.  Yup, it's all making sense.

Actually, I'm fairly sure that if your creature cannot legally declare an attack against a guard, then it may ignore that guard and attack something else instead, similar to the point Zuberi brought up with bloodthirsty. Can't find the clarification at the moment; it might be in the FAQ. Maybe somebody else can shed some light on this?

Rules Discussion / Re: Charm and Guard
« on: May 10, 2014, 10:30:37 AM »
Thats ONE interpretation of this case. But as you can see, there are others. Maybe a look to the picture of charm is helpful here.

The picture of charm contains no information relevant to the interpretation of its mechanics.

Perhaps I misunderstand your question. You look at thematically how charm should work. Whether or not I agree with your interpretation, I agree that it seems like a reasonable interpretation of the theme. Are you suggesting that charm ought to work a different way based on the theme of the card? If that is the case, then you are correct that there are other interpretations besides mine.

But if you are asking specifically about whether charm DOES work in the way you described, the answer is definite that it does not. A breakdown of the relevant mechanics:

Quote from: Charm
This creature cannot make a melee or ranged attack against the controller of Charm.

Guarding does not qualify as making an attack.  Per the rulebook:

Quote from: Rulebook pp. 29
A creature may spend a quick action to guard...If a creature is in a zone with one or more enemies with guard markers (except for guards he can ignore; see sidebar), that creature cannot make a melee attack against any object without a guard marker.

The creature that has been charmed still qualifies as an 'enemy with a guard marker', since charm does not change its alignment. Therefore the only question is whether the controller of charm may ignore the guard. Unless the guard also satisfies one of the conditions in the sidebar on page 29 (none of which involve being enchanted by spell matching the description of charm) or charm specifies that the controller of charm may ignore guards on the enchanted creature (which it does not), the controller of charm is still required to attack the guard.

Again, maybe I am misinterpreting your question, but if you are asking about how the actual mechanics work, this is how. I see no ambiguity in the rules as written.

Rules Discussion / Re: Charm and Guard
« on: May 10, 2014, 09:59:18 AM »
I would think that the Guarding creature would perceive the FM as a Friendly creature and since Guards do not block Friendly creatures, the attack would proceed as you thought it would.

Nasty situation. This needs to be clarified by official side and added to the codex supplement.

I don't think there is any clarification needed here. The rules are crystal clear:


The affected creature does not perceive charm's controller as friendly; it simply is not allowed to declare an attack against them. There is nothing on the card that allows the controller of charm to ignore the charmed creature if it is guarding; the charmed creature is still an enemy creature, and the rules for guard still apply. If the controller of charm attacks and the charmed creature is guarding, the controller of charm must attack it. If that attack damages the creature, charm is destroyed. No ambiguity. The mechanics may not match some peoples' expectations based on the theme, but that is thematic interpretation, and has no bearing on the way the mechanics operate in practice.

Rules Discussion / Re: Charm and Guard
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:57:33 AM »
There are many cases in this game where mechanics do not agree with what we believe should be the case - for me, my biggest thematic issue is the hydro immunity of plants and the lightning weakness of metal objects. But game balance and the interaction of mechanics come first. I am sure there are many ways to interpret the theme of charm, but the interpretation provided by the text on the card is fairly unambiguous; guarding still works.

If you want to counter the tactic of guarding, I advise pairing charm with a guard-breaking creature of your own or with Mongoose agility. You could also restrain the guard with force hold or tanglevine.

Rules Discussion / Re: Casting same equipment...
« on: May 09, 2014, 12:42:54 PM »
When an equipment spell resolves with a location that is already taken (such as casting a second weapon), the original equipment is returned to the owner’s spellbook (it is notdiscarded).

Casting another scimitar is illegal, but not for the reasons mentioned. The new scimitar does not take up the same equipment location as the old one (since it does not take up any equipment location at all) and therefore does not send the old one back to the owner's spellbook, meaning you would have two items with the same name attached to your mage, which is illegal.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: May 08, 2014, 10:53:30 AM »

Dissipate X (Object Trait)
Objects with Dissipate X only last a short while before dispersing. When an object with Dissipate X comes into play, it gets “X” Dissipate tokens. Each Upkeep Phase, remove one Dissipate token. When the last token is removed, destroy this object.

I am going to have a lot of fun with this new trait...

The card is pretty useful, too, against certain mages.

I'm not sure why it is necessary to have it target a zone - given its parameters, it seems like it could target the arena just as well. Also, why the range of 0-1? Surely 0-0 would have the same effect. Am I overlooking some relevant card effect?

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