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Messages - silverclawgrizzly

Pages: 1 ... 135 136 [137] 138
Happy birthday, hope it was a good one.

Also does that mean I get cake next week?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Nobody beats the WIZ
« on: January 14, 2014, 01:35:31 AM »
1. Could you swarm the Wizard with creatures? Yeah his armor is nice but you could maybe wear him down. Especially if you managed to get rid of the Regrowth Belt. It would seem a Beast Master could get out a bunch of cheap creatures fast enough to swarm him at least at first.

Swarm is a good way to deal with the voltaric shield, but the wizard has cheap access to Mordok's Obelisk, and will probably also run a Suppression Orb. This is to say nothing of the fantastic suppression cloak, which is probably the strongest of his anti-swarm spells. The wizard is really good at control, so swarming him may be difficult.

Oh believe me I found that out yesterday lol. I managed to take out the Oblelisk and it got a lot easier but putting Essence Drain on my pet timber wolf, Mana Siphon out, and other fun stuff did not make my Beast Master jump for joy. And oh yeah that Suppression Cloak is horrifying.

These ideas were just in reference to the Watergate spell book I saw linked. I firmly believe The Wizard has the potential to take on any and all comers. I think of him as Batman, with the right plan he'll take on any threat you want to throw at him.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Nobody beats the WIZ
« on: January 14, 2014, 01:18:12 AM »
2. Reverse Magic will reflect Dissolve, but will have no effect on Dispel. Dispel targets the enchantment, not the creature.

That's good to know. At least you could keep your stuff relatively safe with a few in your spell book.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Nobody beats the WIZ
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:58:06 AM »
Ok just throwing out a couple ideas to this spellbook. It seems pretty powerful so ideas on how I'd handle it would be appreciated.

1. Could you swarm the Wizard with creatures? Yeah his armor is nice but you could maybe wear him down. Especially if you managed to get rid of the Regrowth Belt. It would seem a Beast Master could get out a bunch of cheap creatures fast enough to swarm him at least at first.

2. He's got a lot of Dispel and Dissolve. I am currently under the impression that Reverse Magic will send those back at him. Am I correct? If you got rid of his armor he's a little more vulnerable. I mean it's really only gotta work once to make a difference.

3. Would putting a wall up around the Wizard Tower weaken it's effectiveness?

4. Would a Cloak of Shadows on a dark mage who positions himself effectively make the Teleport/Hello Hydras technique harder? Put Cheetah Speed on the Dark Mage and you get a range/mobility advantage I would think.

Again these are just ideas off the top of my head. Don't actually know how effective any of it would be.

Spells / Re: How essential is teleport?
« on: January 13, 2014, 09:20:58 PM »
Teleport is cool but it's not mandatory. It's kind of expensive, could backfire horribly if you target another mage, and is really most useful for escaping. Mind you it's hilarious when it works perfectly though. 

Welcome to Mage Wars though, I'm new as well! What Mages are you focusing on if any?

Rules Discussion / Re: Couple of questions from a new mage.
« on: January 13, 2014, 06:08:50 PM »
Out of curiosity why would the Necromancer be an illegal target for Ghoul Rot? He's a living creature.

Rules Discussion / Re: Couple of questions from a new mage.
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:26:43 PM »
Thanks for the advice there's some good stuff. Last time I fought the Force Master I used the Warlock. Through VERY liberal amounts of Curses, Exploding her stuff, and oh yeah the Cloak of Shadows I was able to bring her down without too much trouble.

Right now my play group has a full set of all expansions, two core games(another one comes in Wednesday), and two additional spell books(the green and white.) So the two owners of the core sets are focusing on Beast Master/Warlock for myself and Preistess/Druid for my roommate. We have two friends who play daily who are focusing on Necromancer and Force Master/Wizard.  We have 3 more friends(one of whom ordered the new copy) who are getting into it as well so hopefully I can get experience playing against a wide variety of Mages.

Rules Discussion / Re: Couple of questions from a new mage.
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:34:06 AM »
Hey thanks that really helped a lot!

1. Ok that's what I figured. If I put the curse on him with my Warlock though he'd still be vulnerable to Molochs Torment though I imagine.

2. Ok mechanically that makes sense at least. Gonna teleport someone to a corner now then immediately put up a Steel Wall around them. In fact a Warlord should totally do that then put up an Archers Tower.

3. Ok that significantly alters the flow of the game as my group and I were playing it up til now. That adds a whole new, and pleasant, aspect of strategy there. Really makes initiative important.

Rules Discussion / Couple of questions from a new mage.
« on: January 13, 2014, 01:26:38 AM »
Hey guys hate to keep posting rules questions but I'm trying to get real solid on the rules so I can get other people into the game. Couple of things that have come up

1. The Necromancer is immune to Ghoul Rot correct? It's says Poison on the card.

2. Can you Teleport further than 2 zones? Also if you're teleporting yourself do you need LoS to the zone you want to teleport to?

3. If I delay my initial Quick Cast, can I do 2 Quick Casts back to back during the Full Action turn?

Like I said I've been showing the game to some friends and these have come up.

Mages / Re: Ok so I went to the Darkside, tried out Warlock
« on: January 11, 2014, 11:32:18 PM »
Fireshaper Ring
Helm of Fear
Cloak of Shadows
Lash of Hellfire
Ring of Curses
Elemental Wand
Mage Wand
Molochs Torment
Dragonscale Hauberk
Regrowth Belt

Battle Forge
3 Mana Crystals
2 Walls of Fire

3 Firebrand Imps
2 Flaming Hellions
2 Dark pact Slayers

Cheetah Speed
Reverse Magic
Rhino Hide
Bull Endurance
2 Hellfire Traps
Maim Wings
Marked For Death
2 Ghoul Rots
2 Poisoned Bloods
Death Link
2 Agony
2 Chains of Agony

Drain Life
Drain Soul
2 Explodes
Minor Heal
Animate Dead

3 Fireballs
2 Rings of Fire
2 Flameblasts
2 Firestorms

General Discussion / Re: The Sorryquit and Accidental Rulebreaking
« on: January 11, 2014, 02:10:28 AM »
Just now spotted this thread and it's all good advice. I am very new to Mage Wars and I don't actually know what "OCTGN" means. You can play online? Anyway I have been a gamer for many years. Table top RPGs, LARPs, board games, you name it and I've played it. I'm a competitive Hero Clix player and I'm terrible at Magic.

One thing I will say is true of every single game(and really any hobby) is you need to support new players or you're going to be in real trouble. I been playing this game about two weeks, my roommate and I got it after a local game store messed up his order and we had store credit. Since then we've taught it to our other roommate, and four other friends. Now we got orders in at another game store for more copies of the core set and we're all eagerly looking forward to playing again. You grow your community or you end up playing alone and that's just not as much fun. I'm lucky in that my town has a healthy gaming community, and all of us new Mage Warriors are trying our best to get as much of that as we can into this game.

I'm with Mr. Saucy on this. Just cause a creature isn't as powerful against the undead as it would be against the living doesn't make it useless. Goran actually is really cool against zombies as his Double strike gives him two shots at damaging them. The Tegu has done well for me on a number of occasions, and Dire Wolves are just cool.

The thing with Dire Wolves is that against undead, they are less effective than the cheaper Timber Wolves are.

This is true as the Timber Wolf has a higher base attack(and is usually made into my pet.) Dire Wolves are as you say best used for the living.

Rules Discussion / Re: Drain Soul and gaining life.
« on: January 10, 2014, 11:39:05 PM »
Deckbuilder I would certainly agree with if you're focusing on Nature or Holy builds. Definitely go buy Battle of Kumanjaro first. However I'd actually probably recommend Druid VS Necromancer. Yeah there are already Nature and Dark mages in the core book but they play vastly different than the Druid and Necromancer. I've yet to play the two classes from CoK. All of your points as to why it's awesome are 100% valid.

Wildhorn that's the best news I've heard all day.

Baron I'm not gonna lie Eagleclaw Boots are one of the main reasons I got the expansion. I hate getting slammed by the Force Master constantly.

Thanks for the info guys!

Rules Discussion / Drain Soul and gaining life.
« on: January 10, 2014, 03:35:40 AM »
So I just bought Battle for Kumanjo and I spotted Drain Soul. At first thought I was deeply impressed with it. Yeah it's expensive but man you pull that trick off once and you're smiling! Couple of things though

1. Am I correct in thinking that "Gain Life" means your permanent Health goes up? Sunfire Amulet also has that wording I believe.

2. What happens if you would gain more life than is on the counter? Say for example if a Warlock who hasn't yet named a Dark Servant suddenly went up a ton? Is the excess lost(that'd make sense) or do you just jot down the actual number? Obviously if the excess is lost it would be in the Warlocks best interest to get that Dark Servant out first.

I'm with Mr. Saucy on this. Just cause a creature isn't as powerful against the undead as it would be against the living doesn't make it useless. Goran actually is really cool against zombies as his Double strike gives him two shots at damaging them. The Tegu has done well for me on a number of occasions, and Dire Wolves are just cool.

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