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Messages - zot

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Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: THE Book.
« on: July 06, 2018, 07:26:20 PM »
I know this is a bit derailing the topic, but in my opinion 160 sbp would favor even more similarity in between all schools. So I think it would more bypass all school decisions instead of forcing players to five deeper into them. I really wonder how a 100 or even 80 sbp competition would look like. Books would be bed different by this forced shortage. Every spellbook would be short at some point. Players were forced to decide very hard. An Allrounder with answers to everything would have no space for an actual thread to bring on the board. Also game would get shorter - what I would absolutely love to see.

I really want to try this and I have the feeling that would improve the game a lot in several aspects.

To the original post: minor heal is absolutely missing.

this will easilly lead to more matches where folks can more often end up with a deck loss

Mages / Re: Araxian Crown Warlock
« on: June 29, 2018, 09:40:25 PM »
I do know the power of the dark side

Mages / Re: Araxian Crown Warlock
« on: June 29, 2018, 05:14:50 PM »
this thread was just pointed out to me today. ac warlock did just fine at origins....

Events / Re: Origins 2018
« on: June 17, 2018, 12:31:34 AM »
thanks to the charlotte crew for coming up and helping this informal event happen. thanks to arcane wonders for prize support for the event. and always a shout out for the great stl crew for making this so much fun.

and a special thanks to the surprise showing at the last moment of hanma. was cool of him to throw a book together  out of cards in my collection that were not part of my 12 decks. so a ton of lesser options. he was a great sport about it and did not expect to win. he had fun socializing and just playing. he was very rusty not having played for a couple years. and not knowing any of the cards that have been released. he said he has missed the event community. got caught up in nostalgia and considering appearing at gencon. hope that can happen.

as mentioned i played ac warlock. felt that since we were in sharkeys home turf that someone should be burinating the countryside. i set a lot of stuff on fire. fms, bears, trolls, beast masters etc. note most everything burned nicely. i invited others to roast marshmellows. 

first match was vs andrews fm. surging wave. then lash and fireballs. note his book was experimental and not rigorously tested. he blames arthur. hehe.
second match was vs mikes warlord. my book was a hard counter to this very fire susceptible book.
third was vs grizzlys famous straywood bm. very hard match. could have gone either way for a while. i got put on the ropes for a while. then managed to wrest control back and burnt everything to a crisp. i like my beastmaster well done.

a great time was had by all from what i could tell. thanks grizzly for the cool trophy.  and thanks to everyne who competed.  hanma is right. the community is so great. wish all who wanted to be here could have been. gencon hopefully for folks or perhaps mace, or next year con season.

Events / Re: Origins 2018
« on: June 16, 2018, 01:47:37 PM »
srl crew has arrived. they are wondering the con. beatings will commence shortly.

Events / Re: Origins 2018
« on: June 16, 2018, 12:37:06 PM »
misspoke. 2 rows. origins does not have any good way to determine which tables
are reserved or for how long.

Events / Re: Origins 2018
« on: June 16, 2018, 12:19:49 PM »
got booted. new position is 7 rows from the wall in near middle.

Events / Re: Origins 2018
« on: June 16, 2018, 11:55:38 AM »
ok today more in the middle back of hall a. about 5 rows from theback wall in the middle.

Events / Re: Origins 2018
« on: June 15, 2018, 02:58:46 PM »
you walked past me then. i am in the back middle
of hall a

Events / Re: Origins 2018
« on: June 15, 2018, 02:30:34 PM »
for folks arriving at the con. i am holding some tables near the back middle of hall a.

Spells / Re: Hydra regeneration as a zombie
« on: June 12, 2018, 11:12:23 PM »
regeneration is a healing effect. healing only works on living objects. that is why nonliving objects have a different way of getting "health" back. reassemble for skeletons. the aforementioned reconstruct for unstable zombie and devouring jelly as examples. and yes there are folks who play unstable zombie....

Events / Re: OCTGN tournaments
« on: June 07, 2018, 12:36:56 PM »
Seems to be shorter matches would also help the event completed quicker too.

Events / Re: OCTGN tournaments
« on: June 07, 2018, 12:06:42 PM »
We are going for speed first.
So you will have to fix disputes yourself, or get help.

if you are going for speed first, then why the 3 hour time for a match? i would suggest 90 min to 2 hours max.

General Discussion / Re: The biggest problem MW has: rule-uncertainty
« on: June 05, 2018, 03:04:22 PM »
   by this same logic a lot of people who left may have had the same opinion as the clear majority (55%) - a more likely possibility if the responses are an average. further the 50% you cite is incorrect. the poll numbers show  was closer to 40% think similarly to you. and there may be a lot who have no opinion either way. there are many who read the site but never post anything. so no real conclusions can be drawn from this.  nor can one conclude rules were the reason why folks left. perhaps that was the reason for some of them. we will not know. however that is not to discount some interesting suggestions. but to say hey the minority has it correct and we need to make serious changes does not follow.

General Discussion / Re: The biggest problem MW has: rule-uncertainty
« on: June 03, 2018, 11:38:57 PM »
it is a great design. and great thematics. just that had they competitive players in the playtesters from early on, things would have been much more balanced for everything. some mins/maxes where competitive players could eek advantages, or enable superior tactics. but not enough to warp the game. enough where better strategy and tactics win generally but not always. I think that is the sweet spot for design. strong for competition, but still accessible to casual and them players and enable them to have a shot at wins too.

sometimes I think bryan just likes broken mechanics. which is really very bad for the game overall.

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