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Messages - Brian VanAlstyne

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I would never want to play with the starter books. I've spent so much time and energy building, testing, dismantling, rebuilding, testing, tweaking, and finally being satisfied with my built books that I'd never want to go back. Hell, I get "annoyed" anytime a new set comes out that I have to figure out what cards I can eliminate from a deck just to add all the new fancy ones.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Earth Elemental
« on: August 23, 2016, 08:20:17 PM »
Fliers, walls, archers watchtower

General Discussion / Re: Paladin vs Siren Spoilers
« on: August 19, 2016, 02:26:42 PM »
The parody could become reality next year. Hoping to make it to GenCon finally.

General Discussion / Re: Paladin vs Siren Spoilers
« on: August 19, 2016, 10:41:33 AM »
Played my first 2 games as the Siren. The books weren't really built to be high-level competitive but just to get a feel and it is tough to play. Board positioning, timing, knowing where and when to save mana and what spawnpoints/familiar to use and when...gonna be a fun book to test and figure out the ideal strategy.

Anyone wanna nominate my Hoshi-Con winning Priestess? 😁

Spells / Re: Ways of dealing with high armor.
« on: August 07, 2016, 05:39:40 PM »
I think including promo cards in your spellbook is like cheating.

It's nothing like cheating.

General Discussion / Re: Academy Priestess and Warlock on OCTGN
« on: August 06, 2016, 06:20:54 PM »
I hope he comes back soon too. Is there anyone else that can do an update?

World and Lore / Re: Online Map of Etheria and official playfields
« on: August 02, 2016, 08:44:47 PM »
I'd love to get the lava map for real.

Spells / Re: How to keep guardien angels alive!
« on: July 30, 2016, 06:17:35 PM »
Crown of Protection to armor it up. Healing Charms. Life Link. There's probably a few other options as well.

Events / Re: Tournament Report: HoshiCon
« on: July 19, 2016, 06:53:26 PM »
Yea, I'll admit I was surprised not to see the Kinship book that wrecked me the last time we played.

General Discussion / Re: Paladin vs Siren Spoilers
« on: July 18, 2016, 06:59:51 PM »
Blessed focus for an additional piercing and Asyra's Touch to keep it alive.

Events / Re: Tournament Report: HoshiCon
« on: July 17, 2016, 09:59:56 AM »
Here's the deck I used:

Equipment - 14
Resplendent Bow - 1 1 1
Eagleclaw Boots - 1 2 2
Sunfire Amulet - 1 3 3
Regrowth Belt - 1 2 2
Mage Wand - 1 4 4
Asyran Robes - 1 1 1
Crown of Protection - 1 1 1

Conjurations - 13
Altar of Iron Guard - 1 2 2
Mana Crystal - 2 2 4
Renewing Spring - 1 3 3
Hand of Bim-Shalla - 1 1 1
Temple of Asyra - 1 3 3

Creatures - 43
Ehren, Enduring Paladin - 1 3 3
Guardian Angel - 3 3 9
Temple Sharpshooter - 2 2 4
Asyran Cleric - 2 1 2
Knight of Westlock - 1 3 3
Disciple of Radiance - 3 1 3
Meditating Monk - 1 1 1
Aurora Lucere, Dawnbreaker's Chosen - 1 3 3
Broken Wing Angel - 1 2 2
Brogan Bloodstone - 1 4 4
Messenger of Bim-Shalla - 1 2 2
White Cloak Knight - 2 2 4
Royal Archer - 1 3 3

Enchantments - 21
Blessed Focus - 2 1 2
Glancing Blow - 1 1 1
Circle of Protection - 1 2 2
Divine Reversal - 1 1 1
Aysra's Touch - 2 1 2
Mongoose Agility - 1 2 2
Healing Charm - 2 1 2
Brace Yourself - 2 1 2
Life Link - 1 1 1
Divine Intervention - 1 3 3
Harmonize - 1 2 2
Restore - 1 1 1

Incantations - 17
Remove Curse - 1 1 1
Cure - 1 1 1
Group Heal - 1 2 2
Dissolve - 2 2 4
Minor Heal - 3 1 3
Rouse the Beast - 1 2 2
Heal - 1 2 2
Dispel - 1 2 2

Attack - 12
Flameblast - 1 2 2
Force Hammer - 1 4 4
Acid Ball - 1 2 2
Hurl Boulder - 1 4 4

My main start and it worked all three rounds was the following:
Rd 1 (20) - Crystal & either Asyran Cleric or Disciple of Radiance
Rd 2 (21) - Temple & another cleric or Disciple
Rd 3 (17) - Deploy Ehren, Harmonize Temple, and summon Broken Wing Angel to begin the healing on Ehren.
Rd 4 (15) - Deploy Sharpshooter or White Cloak, and then my casting depended on how well Ehren got healed but I either brought out the Renewing Spring or Hand of Bim-Shalla and then

And then I probably started enchanting things with Blessed Focus or brought out the Crown and armoring creatures up to do two things, help them out and save mana so I can start bringing out the bigger guns from the Temple (Brogan, Guardian Angel, Archer, Aurora, etc).

Against the Druid in my 2nd match, Ehren got only one 1 healing from the Broken Wing Angel and then only 2 from the Renewing Spring so I had a backup plan there and it seemingly worked since I also knew it'd be a long match that came down to life...I threw a life link on Ehren and then put on a Regrowth Belt and Sunfire Amulet which healed him, healed myself, and started growing my life as well.

Against the Necro in the finals, I thought I was done. I was down to 4 remaining life, there was a Deathlock on the board but the Necro was only at one remaining life but I had Enfeeble on me and the Necro was 2 zones away and the only action I had left was my own. I knew a Drain Soul was coming if I couldn't figure something out and then I remembered something I ALWAYS forget. Restore. I removed the Tainted from a previous Drain Soul and got me those 6 life back and then I had enough creatures that I was able to swarm towards the Necro in the next round while keeping myself protected from ranged attacks with a Guardian Angel.

If anyone wants anymore specifics, let me know.

Rules Discussion / Re: Transferring Limited Use Abilities
« on: July 12, 2016, 04:24:16 PM »
The other thing I noticed and I might be wrong, but doesn't Akiro's Favor need to be revealed before the dice are rolled if you want to use it?

This is one of the reasons I don't post my decks here. The original poster clearly has a style he wants to play with this book and is looking to tweaks to get it to work that way and most of the suggestions are dump 85% of the book and play the same way as everyone else does. I remember I posted a Direwolf buddy build back in the day for a Beastmaster and it felt like all of the suggestions were dump the strategy I wanted to play and instead cast falcons, bobcats, and timber wolves.

That being said, some of the options I'd look at are you have a lot of zone exclusive conjurations...the best case scenario is you can probably get out 6. I know a few are backups but you can probably get rid of an Watchtower. Those work better with walls as it gives you the Indirect trait. Your archers are pretty powerful as they are so they don't really need the Ranged +1. Other than that, all I'd suggest is eliminate a creature here or there and then play a match or 2. If you think you need him, put him back and take someone else out. We can give all the suggestions from our own styles but it really comes down to test, observe, rinse, and repeat. You'll figure out what you need to take out, add, and tweak.

I'll be around tonight if anyone wants to get in a League or Casual game. I've got a couple of new books to test for casual games or I can go with some previously used books though I'll have to update my Fire Wizard now.

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