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Messages - ACG

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Rules Discussion / Does Weak affect conjurations?
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:01:32 AM »
Does Weak affect conjurations? I couldn't find anything in the rules supplement. The text for Weak reads:

Quote from: Rulebook pp44
This is a poison condition which weakens a creature.
For each Weak condition on it, the creature loses 1
attack die from all non-spell attacks it makes. Cannot
reduce an attack to zero dice. Has no effect on damage
barriers or attack spells. Weak has a removal cost
of 2.

On one hand, it specifically refers to creatures. On the other hand, all of the other conditions that do not affect conjurations very explicitly state that they have no effect on conjurations, which this does not do.

This is relevant for Corrosive Orchid and Nightshade Lotus, which are living conjurations with non-spell attacks.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: New necromancer - healing?
« on: January 15, 2015, 02:58:30 AM »
My advice is not to bother with healing. Stay away from your opponent, use cloak of shadows, and swarm your enemy. If damage is a concern, load up on armor. Unlike the warlock, the necromancer isn't really build for melee, so Vampirism isn't a very good idea. Have your teammate protect you. If you really need to heal, drain life is a decent (though expensive) option.

Also, don't be too afraid of finite life. A warlock/necromancer team can do quite well with a deathlock out, by having the warlock rush and the necromancer swarm. Finite life is the dark school's answer to the many anti-dark spells of the holy school.  The Altar of Skulls is not a good source of healing anyway, because it takes so long to activate and will only heal you 2 damage per turn.

Rules Discussion / Re: Reanimate eternal servant and growth markers
« on: January 15, 2015, 02:53:09 AM »
You discard them. All markers that were on a card are lost when it is reanimated.

Alternative Play / Re: v1.11.0.0 for Mage Wars has been released!
« on: January 12, 2015, 07:58:14 AM »

Why Johktari (as opposed to Straywood)? The Straywood Beastmaster can quickcast the bats, whereas the Johktari needs a full action, so what does the Johktari bring to the table? You have no ranged weapons (so the ranged +1 trait is useless) nor a spawnpoint (so Fast is offset by the need to stay in place when summoning). Is wounded Prey really better than Melee +1, Pet, and quick summoning?

Also, if you are trying to kill with poison, it seems to me that armor is kind of irrelevant.

What is your plan to deal with a necromancer?

I assume you mean Hurl ROCK is used to turn off defenses; Hurl Boulder would be a waste.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Balancing a Warlord book
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:43:57 AM »
Stopping a spell of your choice is better than taxing a spell, but stopping a spell of your opponent's choice is not nearly as exciting, and Armor Ward is persistent, unlike Nullify.

When you reveal Armor Ward, your opponent will often not even have enough mana to pay the tax (if they did not see it coming), in which case it behaves exactly like a nullify stopping their spell.

General Discussion / Re: New Promos!
« on: January 06, 2015, 07:59:51 AM »
Magma golem will be super powerful with the adramelech warlock against creature heavy builds. With adramelch's torment, moving burns, adramelech's touch...

Of course, it will not last very long if it has too many burns. More than ~3 and your opponent will likely take in down in 1 round. It requires a careful balancing act to keep it alive and dangerous.

Custom Cards / Re: My creations
« on: January 04, 2015, 04:32:31 PM »
Web of the Forest is a really cool idea, but at the moment it is inferior in every way to a regular teleport (except that it costs 2 sp fewer for the druid, which isn't really enough of an advantage). Why not remove the 2-zone range restriction, and allow the teleport to be anywhere in the arena, without needing LOS to the target zone? Also, not sure if the plant subtype is appropriate.

A Tanglevine on the golem or Mongoose Agility on the Falcons can can reduce the guard effectiveness of the golems to 0.

Mongoose Agility is inefficient, since you don't want to be enchanting swarm creatures. Tanglevine is definitely the way to go.

This tactic does work, I've seen it. A Druid can somewhat counter it at the cost of their tree, which means they're going to go full throttle on you though so expect a heavy offense and the loss of your armor fast.

True but as long as you stay fast and run away your cloak of shadow can protect you. Plus the trea will lose 4-6(IoP) life per round killing it fast. And his epic reconstruction spell can repair damage from a distance

Unfortunately, [mwcard=DNJ01]Altar of Skulls[/mwcard] only inflicts damage and gives finite life to living creatures, not conjurations. Likewise, [mwcard=MW1J11]Idol of Pestilence[/mwcard] only deals damage to living creatures. [mwcard=MW1J19]Deathlock[/mwcard] can give conjurations the finite life trait, however. In general, however, a druid's tree will still be able to heal itself and the druid effectively.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster Control
« on: December 28, 2014, 12:04:21 AM »
I suppose the first question is: what does the forcemaster bring to the table here that you couldn't get from another mage (in particular, a wizard)?

The idea of a long-game oriented forcemaster is interesting, but it needs to be something that can only be done using the forcemaster.

Of the cards you have there, [mwcard=FWE01]Charm[/mwcard], [mwcard=FWE05]Forcefield[/mwcard], [mwcard=FWE07]Mind Control[/mwcard], and [mwcard=FWQ04]Galvitar, Force Blade[/mwcard] are really the only ones unique to the Forcemaster, and none of them really scream 'long game'. Upkeep costs cripple you in the long run, and Orb/Obelisk will be destroyed in a long game, after which your opponent can overpower you.

If you do intend to mind control all your enemy's creatures (definitely an intriguing idea, with the wardstones), you will likely need more than 1 mind control.

I think a wardstone-enhanced forcemaster is a great idea, since the forcemaster has some of the most powerful (if expensive) enchantments. If you want to go this route, you should add more copies of impressive enchantments like charm and mind control. Also, if you plan on a long game, drop the Invisible Stalker and add some thoughtspores instead. You can protect them with one-off enchantments like block/reverse attack/brace yourself. Sleep is another great spell to stock up on.

Rules Discussion / Re: pentagram and zone attack
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:29:12 AM »
And each attack made by the zone attack would count separately, thus you could gain at most 2 mana with your ring of fire.

Rules Discussion / Re: pentagram and zone attack
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:40:34 PM »
[mwcard=MW1J17]Pentagram[/mwcard] does not make attacks. A zone attack would give mana for each creature, though (up to max. +2 mana)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Plant control build
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:38:28 AM »
could you explain this combo a bit is not quite clear to me why you would cast tanglevine in addition to the knockdown, as the tanglevine is not sticking to the flying creature when it seems a cool combo, but i don't quite understand how it works...

Tanglevine prevents the flyer from gaining the flying trait again.

Quote from: Rulebook, pp.43
"Flying creatures lose, and cannot gain, the Flying trait for as long as they are Restrained."

i also see no additional mana sources,  you're only relying on vine tree and think that's viable enough ?

The vine tree is usually sufficient. As a druid, I hardly ever cast any mana sources other than the tree, and it works just fine. For an aggro druid especially, this is often enough. A vine + samara druid might want a meditation amulet or something, though (which is not this build).

Mages / Re: Mage suggestions
« on: December 18, 2014, 02:18:56 PM »
Training in all Level 1 Schools seemed like an interesting idea, but it's actually boring (many tough choices, or splashing is removed).

A limited (per-game) pre-paring a spell from your discard pile? Or returning a spell from your discard to your spell book?

You mean like this? Not Bard themed, but similar mechanics...

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