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Messages - Sailor Vulcan

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Alternative Play / Re: Football Mage Wars
« on: January 19, 2018, 07:06:41 PM »
Would you make the field 6x3 or just add another spot directly behind the mage for this?

I find the idea very interesting.
I left the map ambiguous so that people could try out different maps with these rules. I did not say that the orb had to be directly behind the starting position just that it had to be behind starting position

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Beginning players get overwhelmed by all the many many many different conditions and cards and rules. I'm not sure why you think that core only is the only block worth playing for new players.

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Alternative Play / Football Mage Wars
« on: January 19, 2018, 04:44:08 PM »
Not the north American kind. This is a variant of mage wars domination.

There is a vtar orb on each end of the map, in each mage's starting position. You can only gain vtar from the orb/s behind your opponent/s starting position/s. You do not gain vtar during upkeep, Instead, each time a friendly creature hits an enemy  orb, that creature' s controller gains 1 vtar, then that creature teleports back to their starting zone even if they are anchored.  After a set number of rounds the player with the most vtar points wins.


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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Warlord Bridge Troll
« on: January 19, 2018, 03:50:08 PM »
It is. Boot camp needs a licensed version of Windows and even with that it's not an easy process and it runs slow.
No I mean, I thought win 10 wasn't free unless you already owned win 7 or later?

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Warlord Bridge Troll
« on: January 19, 2018, 02:41:31 PM »
Thanks. Not playing on OCTGN as it is not supported on mac....
Not playing at all at the moment, got my second kid 4 weeks ago.
But will play you if you decide to take your vacation in Croatia!
You can use Bootcamp if you really want to, it's 100% free.
Boot camp is free, but I'm pretty sure it requires an actual copy of Windows os to make it work and that costs $

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For Windows 10 it is actually free.
I thought that was only if you already owned win 7 or later?

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Warlord Bridge Troll
« on: January 19, 2018, 02:18:00 PM »
Thanks. Not playing on OCTGN as it is not supported on mac....
Not playing at all at the moment, got my second kid 4 weeks ago.
But will play you if you decide to take your vacation in Croatia!
You can use Bootcamp if you really want to, it's 100% free.
Boot camp is free, but I'm pretty sure it requires an actual copy of Windows os to make it work and that costs $

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Feed me, Seymour!- growing the plant
« on: January 19, 2018, 01:57:29 PM »
Costs too many actions. Even with straywood, it costs three converted quick actions to give kralathor +1 melee and +3 life using this method. Better to go straight up creature destruction strategy. Nature school has plenty of buffs in school which will work well for this. Summon kralathor first then enchant it with bear strength, wolf fury, lion savagery, rhino hide, gator toughness etc. Then use him to kill their creatures. If opponent doesn't summon any creatures you can just go for them instead. Destroying enemy creatures means you don't have to summon the kralathor fodder yourself, so your mage is free to use his actions for other things.

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I disagree with block formats.  One of the great features of Arena is that it is universal and, as long as I do not have any Promos, I can play in any tournament from Helsinki to Tokyo.  Introducing black formats would fragment the already small population of Mage Wars players and would needless complicate tournaments.

I have yet to see any evidence that the mage wars community has fragmented. Pretty much everyone still plays standard vanilla Arena as far as I can tell. It's just that now some people play other formats *in addition to that*. And if we want to make Arena approachable to newer players, realistically speaking, we probably can't do it without block formats.

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For those of you who were wondering
 what I meant by block formats and how that would help make the game more approachable for new players, here is a better explanation:

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The following formats are exactly the same as regular mage wars, except with limited card pools. If you would like to play one or more of the following formats on OCTGN, please post below or message me to let me know and I will add you to their lists.
If you would like to use one of these formats combined with another variant, such as 2v2, 1v1v1, Domination, or standard Arena with custom maps, please let me know that too and I will indicate that next to your username on whichever lists you are added to.

Core set only
henry_ketchup (me); Standard, Cust. Maps, 2v2, 1v1v1, Dom

Core set and Forcemaster vs Warlord only
henry_ketchup (me); Standard, Cust. Maps, 2v2, 1v1v1, Dom

Core set, Academy Core set, Academy Warlock and Academy Priestess only
henry_ketchup (me); Standard, Cust. Maps, 2v2, 1v1v1, Dom

Core set, Forcemaster vs Warlord, Academy core set, Academy Warlock, Academy Priestess, Academy Forcemaster and Academy Warlord only
henry_ketchup (me); Standard, Cust. Maps, 2v2, 1v1v1, Dom

Add the Battlegrounds: Domination set to any of the above limited card pools if you would like to use them for other variant formats such as, 2v2, 1v1v1, Domination, or standard Arena with custom maps.

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Puddn you find the words better than I do and talk from my heart.
+1 die, gain one die and roll one additional die should always be the same.

Beldin I am not talking about what the card does. My point is really, that m mage wars is unnecessary overcomplicated. Don't get me wrong here. I love the flavor of all the different traits. It's the tons of exceptions  (now to find sometimes in many extra lines with extra rules for Academy) that makes the mess.
As I mention it already, Academy prevents core mechanics to be added to new cards where they thematically should be. So the theme starts feeling wrong also.

Sailor I don't get your point? What exactly do you mean with block format and how does a set of unwritten competition rules make the game more attractive for new players?
Some examples of possible block formats:

Core only
Core + FvW
Core + DvN
Core + Academy core + Academy Warlock and Priestess
Core + PvS
Core + FvW + CoK

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Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: How to make Mage Wars faster
« on: January 18, 2018, 11:02:48 AM »
Actually, even a ten channeling mage can't cast 2 boulder per round for two rounds. That costs 32 mana, and they have only channeled 30 by round 3.

What if people start in zones A2 and C3, or B1 and B4? Three zones away instead of one? Most spells dont have a max range higher than 2. This at least gives time to set up a bit. It would involve a lot of prediction though I think. Decisions in your opening will be really important, and you would need to use a variety of different opening moves depending on what your opponent is doing. I suspect this would also open up a lot of interesting and otherwise bad tactics for the early game into viablity. Should I rush my opponent with boulders? Or should I stay back and summon a creature? Or should I force crush or stranglevine my opponent then run away? Eye for an eye plus healing and a spawnpoint would be a good counter to boulder rush in this format. Reverse attack would be shine too. If opponent stays still and summons a creature, you can do the same or summon a spawnpoint. If they restrain you and run away, you could try teleporting out of it. You could also put on cloak of shadows or blur then restrain the enemy mage.  Etc etc etc

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I wouldn't be about that. It definitely tips the scales too much. With 20 mana no mater where the enemy tries to run to nothing can stop immediate attacks. Just by the math r1 is 14 dice, folowed by 14 more? In fact this will widen the gap between 10 chanel and 9 chanel mages. Cuz a 10 channel can throw 2 boulders r1 AND r2. A 9 chanel mage cant. Not a fan.

I personally would not like starting in the middle.  I love the positioning game.  The tactical maneuvering.  When you start next to each other you destroy the part of the game I love.  Would be hard pressed to get me to try it.

I would love to test this. A well timed reverse attack (among others like Eye for an Eye, block, divine reversal, etc) could really screw with that attack plan. I am not going to give an opinion one way or the other about whether it would definitely be "less strategic", but I'm hesitant to agree with that assertion. I think the tactical movement would be just as important, there would just be a little less of an opportunity to hide in a corner for 5 turns turtling. I find that to be a good thing for the game, however that's just my opinion at this point based on theory.

Edit - Sharkbait was wrong, alert the internet.

I was misinterpreting the original idea. I was imagining starting in the middle zone of the two edges instead of the OP's middle centers. So, in my head, it would be interesting if one mage starts in the left column, middle row. The other mage would start right column, middle row. Still 3 zone separation, still room for tactical movement, and still a bit of build up room, though less pronounced than before.
Sharkbait, I had exactly the same thought. Have the mages start three zones away from each other. Would be interesting to test that.

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How does Altar of Ifernia make the game repellent to new players?

Because this how a thread here looks like (in my eyes this is the definition of a catastrophe!):
Lost Grimoire volume 1 brings us this beauty from the school of darkness:

Altar of Infernia
Quick; 0-1; Zone
7 mana; Conjuration - Artifact; Lvl 2 Dark
2 Armor; 6 Health
Zone Exclusive; Epic

All creatures lose, and cannot gain, Melee +X traits. This does not affect Melee -X traits.

Sounds straightforward, right?


Or is it?

It turns out, when you look more closely (e.g. see the Codex), Mage Wars deals with adding attack dice in a variety of ways. Sometimes, the cards themselves or the rules and Codex as written state that a creature or creature type or damage type or mage gains "Melee +X", but other times it might say to "roll extra dice" instead. Depending on the wording, it may or may not be affected by Altar of Infernia. In general, you need to see if the trait keyword "Melee +X" is used in the effect of the ability or spell or condition marker, etc.

Here is a list of spells and abilities that are affected by Altar of Infernia, followed by a list that are not affected. Please feel free to post spells and abilities I've missed that you think are interesting.

Alter of Infernia affects:
- buffs that directly add Melee +X (typical examples include [mwcard=MW1E01]Bear Strength[/mwcard], Wolf Fury, Giant Size, [mwcard=MW1Q11]Gauntlets of Strength[/mwcard], Paladin's Valor, Blessed Focus, Knight's Courage, [mwcard=FWI06]Power Strike[/mwcard], [mwcard=MW1I03]Call of the Wild[/mwcard], etc)
- Growth markers (give Melee +1 for each Growth marker; thus [mwcard=DNC06]Kralathor, The Devourer[/mwcard], [mwcard=DNC11]Ravenous Ghoul[/mwcard], [mwcard=DNC12]Shaggoth-Zora[/mwcard] won't benefit as much with Infernia in play; each Growth marker still gives Innate Life +3 though)
- Rage +X (similar to Growth; thus [mwcard=MW1C25]Mountain Gorilla[/mwcard] is affected)
- Ehren, Enduring Paladin
- [mwcard=MW1C39]Valshalla, Lightning Angel[/mwcard]
- Steelclaw Matriarch
- [mwcard=MW1C29]Redclaw, Alpha Male[/mwcard] doesn't buff other canines (aside from Armor +1)
- Wychwood Hounds don't buff each other (aside from Armor +1)
- Knight of the Red Helm usually gets Melee +2 when attacking strongest creature
- Azurean Genie (a "wish" can still be used for Healing 2 or Stagger)
- [mwcard=MW1J08]Hand of Bim-Shalla[/mwcard] (similar to the Genie)
- [mwcard=MW1J20]Sacrificial Altar[/mwcard] (although a creature still gets the Piercing bonus and there is mana refunded)
- [mwcard=MW1J02]Animal Kinship[/mwcard] + canine(s)
- [mwcard=MW1Q30]Staff of Beasts[/mwcard] won't give a melee bonus to a friendly animal (but can still be used for healing)
- "Battle Skill" Mage ability (e.g. Straywood Beastmaster, Arraxian Crown Warlock, Bloodwave Warlord)
- Straywood Beastmaster's "Pet" (no general Melee +1 nor additional Melee +1 when in-zone)
- Bloodwave Warlord's "Veterans" AND command order "On Guard!" (although doesn't affect "Release Volley!" = Ranged +1, or "To Battle!" = Charge +1)
- Malakai Priest's "Holy Avenger" (no Melee +2 for you!)
- Johktari Beastmaster's "Wounded Prey" (no Melee +1 against that creature)
- "Siren's Call" ability wouldn't give a friendly creature Melee +2
- Paladin's "Vengeful Aura" doesn't give Melee +1, but still gives Piercing +2 so might still be worthwhile against heavily armored (but not Resilient) targets
- Aquatic creatures in Shallow Sea don't get Melee +1 (but non-aquatic non-flying still rolls 1 less die as normal...)
- [mwcard=MW1J06]Gate to Hell[/mwcard] wouldn't give  Melee +1 buffs to demons
- [mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ02]Bloodfire Helmet[/mwcard] wouldn't give  Melee +1 buffs to demons
- Demonic Link wouldn't give  Melee +1 buff to the demon
- Drakas, Imp Overlord wouldn't give  Melee +1 buffs to demons
- Similarly, Unholy Blood Ritual is a bad idea with Altar of Infernia in play!
- Kharne, Horned Demon normally gets Melee +X where X is the number of enemy creatures in its zone. Well, not with this Altar in play!
- [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC13]Wildfire Imp[/mwcard] wouldn't get Melee +2 for attacking an object with a Burn marker
- Wreck of the Viridian Lace would still grant Ranged +1 but not Melee +1 to pirates
- Temple of Meraveran becomes quite useless in Infernia!
- Shoalsdeep Tidecaller drops his Melee +2 bonus in Infernia, but still gets +4 to the effect die in initiative rounds
- Temple High Guard counterstrikes first but doesn't get Melee +2 when Guarding
- Metatron doesn't get bonuses for Temples in play
- Eligor Larington doesn't get a Melee +2 bonus (but does still gain Piercing +1) when counterstriking
- Alandell, the Blue Knight isn't worth putting mana into unless you REALLY need that Daze effect to trigger
- [mwcard=DNC01]Acolyte of the Bog Queen[/mwcard] can't give Melee +1 to zombies (but still reconstructs Skeletons and does Cleric stuff)
- [mwcard=MWBG1E03]Sentinel of V'Tar[/mwcard] wouldn't get Melee +1 when guarding, but would still get all the other bonuses
- [mwcard=FWE09]Standard Bearer[/mwcard] wouldn't give Melee +1 but would still grant Armor +1 to other friendly creatures
- [mwcard=MW1Q27]Dawnbreaker Ring[/mwcard] would only grant Ranged +1
- [mwcard=MW1Q17]Lightning Ring[/mwcard] would only grant Ranged +1 (...)
- [mwcard=DNQ03]Deathshroud Staff[/mwcard] wouldn't buff undead creatures with Melee +1
- [mwcard=MWSTX2FFI04]Flank Attack[/mwcard] would only grant Piercing +2

But has no effect on:
- Ranged +X (obviously)
- Piercing +X (making it a good alternative against armoured foes when Altar of Infernia is in play)
- Charge +X (!)
- Bloodthirsty +X (!!) <- think zombies, sharks, some demons, [mwcard=MW1C17] Goran, Werewolf Pet[/mwcard], etc
- most melee weapon Equipment's melee attacks (e.g. Arena melee weapons usually roll 4 dice + effects/traits/abilities, rather than having a Melee +X trait, so this is a way to mitigate against Infernia; and Academy melee weapons still roll one more die for Arena-level Mages as usual despite Infernia)
- Arraxian Crown Warlock's "Blood Reaper" (since it gains Bloodthirsty +2, not Melee +2)
- Necromancer's "Eternal Servant" (Piercing +1)
- Adramelech Warlock's "Smoldering Curses" ability (since enemy creatures gain Flame +1)
- Similarly, Malakai's Basilica works as normal (since it gives an enemy creature Light +1)
- Interestingly, unlike the "Wounded Prey" ability, [mwcard=MW1E27]Marked for Death[/mwcard] doesn't have anything to do with Melee +X, but rather specifies that enemy creatures each roll one more die when attacking
- Gloranna, Avenging Angel rolls an extra die for each Holy creature in its controller's discard pile (up to a cap)... which isn't technically getting Melee +X!
- Lightning Raptor still charges up as normal (changes the number of dice of the attack directly, not Melee +X)
- Afflicted Demon works as normal; e.g. the Weak tokens are both a bane and a boon as usual
- Ballad of Courage (Charge +2, Fast and can't be Hindered)
- Smite (rolls "2 additional attack dice," not Melee +2)
- [mwcard=DNI06]Zombie Frenzy[/mwcard] is unaffected... as are pretty much all other zombie-related bonuses (aside from Deathshroud Staff)

** I didn't mention it above, but "+X vs. ___" traits will still work as normal (e.g. [mwcard=MW1C36]Tarok, the Skyhunter[/mwcard]'s "+2 vs. Flying", [mwcard=MW1C31]Samandriel, Angel of Light[/mwcard]'s "+1 vs Nonliving or Dark", Joseph Trublood's "+2 vs Nonliving and Dark", [mwcard=DNC06]Kralathor, The Devourer[/mwcard]'s "+2 vs Undead", Titanodon's and Mountain Ram's "+2 vs Corporeal Conjurations", etc)
There's a very simple solution to this that doesn't require any errata or massive overhauls. Just start using block formats for local tournaments. Considering that the  wizard and his tower didn't get errata until after forged in fire came out, there is an enormous space of largely unexplored metagames using just the first five arena sets. Since most experienced players played the unbalanced wizard-dominated version of these metagames, they won't be as familiar with the many possible strategies that would have been viable back them if the wizard were balanced. Additionally, many of us were less skilled back then, and it would be interesting to see what new exciting strategies experienced players would come up with.

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Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: How to make Mage Wars faster
« on: January 17, 2018, 08:52:23 PM »
Actually, even a ten channeling mage can't cast 2 boulder per round for two rounds. That costs 32 mana, and they have only channeled 30 by round 3.

What if people start in zones A2 and C3, or B1 and B4? Three zones away instead of one? Most spells dont have a max range higher than 2. This at least gives time to set up a bit. It would involve a lot of prediction though I think. Decisions in your opening will be really important, and you would need to use a variety of different opening moves depending on what your opponent is doing. I suspect this would also open up a lot of interesting and otherwise bad tactics for the early game into viablity. Should I rush my opponent with boulders? Or should I stay back and summon a creature? Or should I force crush or stranglevine my opponent then run away? Eye for an eye plus healing and a spawnpoint would be a good counter to boulder rush in this format. Reverse attack would be shine too. If opponent stays still and summons a creature, you can do the same or summon a spawnpoint. If they restrain you and run away, you could try teleporting out of it. You could also put on cloak of shadows or blur then restrain the enemy mage.  Etc etc etc

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Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: How to make Mage Wars faster
« on: January 17, 2018, 11:39:24 AM »
Not sure how balanced this is. I suppose you can try it

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