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Messages - Fentum

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: A Word of Encouragement
« on: August 02, 2013, 06:40:11 PM »
As an aside, you know when else is a great time to cast jinx? Your final quickcast when your opponent will be getting initiative next turn. Plan ahead!

Quite honestly that is for practical purposes the greatest time to cast Jinx. You can really shakeup someone plan when timed properly!

That is SO funny. I just had my latest loss on OCTGN. Key in that loss was my internal debate on just that exact point.

I thought I ought to Jinx the enemy straight away, but I had laid a few traps for his obvious moves. Therefore, I thought I would be super smart and held the Jinx to catch him at the end of the turn so that he would not be able to 'get away' at the start of his next turn...

...and he whacked me with an attack then an attack spell for the win.


Custom Cards / Re: Mechanic: Madness/Terror
« on: August 02, 2013, 02:11:34 PM »
I'll be including these mechanics for some of my upcoming Mind school critters:

Madness: At the beginning of the affected creature's action phase, its controller rolls the effect die and consults the compass rose.  Creature must take one move action to the indicated zone, if able.

Terror: Affected creature must take one move action, moving away from the source of the Terror.


Need to be very careful ref Walls. What happnes if they hit a wall? With or without passage attacks?

I was thinking about Walls...thematically, I'd say Madness would not prevent a creature from going through PA trait walls.  You're already rolling a random direction on the die, after all, so it's hard to plan for.  And the creature is so insane that the Wall of Fire probably looks safer than sticking around.

Mechanically and balance-wise, however, I'm not sure it's a good idea.  It would likely save some hassle to just make it not force creatures to go through PA trait walls.

Random direction is not such a worry. But 'terror' as described above, I would use as a mechanic to push creatures around, and particularly into thorn walls.

Perhaps they stop at walls or take a bash, or become dazed?

League / Tournament Play / Re: Essen 2013?
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:23:10 AM »
Any more news on this yet?

Essen, or the UK visit incorporating fine ale?     ;)

As I write, we are hosting a  family from Fort Worth. Could easily host a few more Texans...

Custom Cards / Re: Mechanic: Madness/Terror
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:21:49 AM »
I'll be including these mechanics for some of my upcoming Mind school critters:

Madness: At the beginning of the affected creature's action phase, its controller rolls the effect die and consults the compass rose.  Creature must take one move action to the indicated zone, if able.

Terror: Affected creature must take one move action, moving away from the source of the Terror.


Need to be very careful ref Walls. What happnes if they hit a wall? With or without passage attacks?

Crits Happen does great reviews and unboxings, but to be honest, I think Tox is more of a casual player.  He himself admits this, and while his videos are entertaining, they shouldn't be taken as sound strategy..

Ah yes. I get you now.

Tox's video is GREAT to learn the mechanics, but not the greatest demonstration of tactics.

My advice would be to try OCTGN. You can get several games in easily, and there is nothing supports learning like  a live enemy.


'Crits Happen' is, for me, the best series of Mage Wars vids out there. Well worth a  look via BGG or You Tube.


If the tournament happened to be taking place in, or around, Dundee, Scotland, then the correct approach to deal with such an abhorrent issue would be to

'Gie thon gadgie cheel a skelp in thi puss, min.'

League / Tournament Play / Re: List of OCTGN players
« on: August 02, 2013, 03:23:03 AM »

Good work Charmyna.

I am very happy to help new players learn the OCTGN system. I teach them the mechanics and they teach me new tricks in the game. A very fair deal!


Temple of Light does not seem very usable post-nerf.

I keep thinking about a stun lock deck utilising Arc Lightning from a Wizard's Tower, Arc Lightning from the Wizard, plus a ToL two dice attack with a Hand. It is stage two of a Nec Vamp, Guardian Angel, Air Wizard book.

Just seems an expensive risky play.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: A Word of Encouragement
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:46:04 PM »

Playing Mage Wars on line using OCTGN has allowed me to lose several times every day.

It has been a rewarding learning experience!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How to Become a Better Player
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:27:39 PM »

Thank you all for the very sound advice.

I would add that being polite and helpful is a good thing. If your opponent forgets to take some benefit, remind them of it, etc.


Yes, man. Video a game and post it up. Would be great to see more stuff.

.  I'd just advocate being a little more flexible in your openings, and to consider a combination of creatures that require your opponent to interact on different axes in an effort to round out the build.

 try to include some creatures that require different answers into your opening, as a way to be less predictable and cover the weaknesses of your creatures. 

I find this a fascinating discussion as I often play using and against the Wizard / GA / NV  build. My thinking is largely aligned to Charmyna and not really Reddawn, but I worry that I may be blinded by local meta.

It might help if Reddawn could share a few examples of the quoted bits above? No offence here, I am genuinely interested in reading a different perspective.

Ref angel vs panzergarde...

Flying makes the angel way more versatile. Particularly useful if a wizard is building walls as part if the control tactic. Same with flying on Nec Vamp. Many useful synergies and abilities going on with a decent wizard build.

Gargoyle is similar, but the casual healing really helps in practice. More so than in theory craft.



I just had a CRAZY game via Charmyna.  Both running that deck. Both on 27 damage when we had to stop. I think he squeaked it! Very close though.

Great fun.

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