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Messages - Silverhaze

Pages: 1 [2]
Rules Discussion / Tainted
« on: December 16, 2016, 02:48:26 PM »
Can you remove a tainted condition (with priestess/wand of healing) if there is a deathlock out? i guess it's no problem but want to be sure, because it is some kind of healing/gaining life ...

Rules Discussion / eternal servant
« on: December 16, 2016, 02:39:36 PM »
if you don't have mana to pay for the eternal servant's reanimate cost, i guess you destroy the creature?

And it is correct that you don't have to put a zombie marker on it ?

Tx for the answers cause i cant find it in the rules...

General Discussion / Re: ring of beasts - wychwood faerie
« on: November 13, 2016, 02:03:31 AM »
probably the same with the enchanters ring. That meens free enchantments. Great !!! Tx.

General Discussion / ring of beasts - wychwood faerie
« on: November 12, 2016, 12:21:15 PM »
Can i combine a ring of beasts and a wychwood faerie for a double discount when i cast an animal creature?

***??? Darkfenne Asps for 2 mana ???***  :o

Alternative Play / Re: Paladin Vs. Siren on OCTGN
« on: November 12, 2016, 12:15:19 PM »
no they arent, the extension is .xml. but it doesn't work. I can see the new cards in the imagedatabasefolders, but not in games i watch or in my spellbookbuilder. When i watch a game the new cards are just the unrevealed side of the cards i see... I tried several times but it doesnt work. Uninstalled everything and tried again but no succes. Probably me, but not fun. BTW Tx so much for making this happen. . .

Alternative Play / Re: Paladin Vs. Siren on OCTGN
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:31:03 AM »
I downloaded the files and then replaced the existing ones with these new ones. Was never zipped i think? When and how do i do that? Tx for your help

Alternative Play / Re: Paladin Vs. Siren on OCTGN
« on: November 05, 2016, 01:51:42 PM »
I think i did everything right, but it still doesnt work. I can see the new cards in my files, but they arent in my spellbookbuilder... Anyone knows what the reason could be? (I'm not a computer genie)


Pages: 1 [2]