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Messages - Ravepig

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Custom Cards / Re: Mass tanglevine
« on: March 10, 2017, 08:15:40 AM »

Name: Constricting Vines
School: Nature 2
Range: 0-2
Target: Zone
Mana cost: 10?
Action cost: Quick
Type: Conjuration - terrain, plant
Whenever you place a vine marker in this zone, you may place it on a creature. A creature with vine markers is restrained and unmovable. These vine markers may only be targeted by melee attacks and share a pool of life equal to the amount of vines on the creature.

I actually prefer this last one, with vine tree and vinewhip staff you can place 3 vines per round, so could potentially be strong. For clarification you could still lesser teleport out of these vines since creatures are not attached directly to a conjuration. The vines lose the ability to be targeted by other vine spells when used in this manner.

If placing said vine marker on the creature (as though it is attached, thus creating the restrained effect), I would say Lesser Teleport wouldn't work since vine markers are living conjurations per the codex.

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 08, 2017, 12:19:28 PM »
Clearly this card is a passageway to hell and whoever calls it is DOOMED

Still gotta try it once just for theme. I might doom myself, but it may be worth just to see how my opponent might react.

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 08, 2017, 10:31:07 AM »
I'm glad you understood it was a joke.  :P Sometimes things like that aren't clear over internet.

Of course. And even if you weren't joking, life's way too short to get butt-hurt over a subjective post. Ha ha.

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 08, 2017, 09:52:34 AM »
As a playtester, I can confirm. The alternate, alternate warlock is our number one priority and we will surely have this spell in the set.  ::) The downside is however that frost will be delayed to 2019. But, who cares? Gate to hell is all we need!  8)

I wasn't actually serious about creating a new Gate to Hell card, but can appreciate the snark. We definitely don't want to wait until 2019 for a Frost Mage.  :)

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 08, 2017, 09:38:11 AM »
No because that detracts from time spent on testing new cards.

So, create a "new" card called "Hell Portal."  :o

Strategy and Tactics / Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« on: March 03, 2017, 03:03:14 PM »
I used a wizard book with two forges that was effective. For this particular build it wasn't necessarily about getting two pieces of equipment on each turn, it was that I had three elemental wands and three mage wands. I would switch out wands with different spells as needed without it costing me an action to do so. And as I would only use one forge each turn, it also allowed the other to build up mana while the other one was in use. I ran this book a few times- it was fun, but I have since rebuilt this book that includes only one forge.

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 02, 2017, 04:46:31 PM »
Most bad cards don't get buffed, only good cards get nerfed.

Agreed- we can still ask though. The worst they can say is no. If the community all agrees it's a terrible card, why not fix it (or re-fix it).

Other priorities. I think they'd rather bring new product to market than put effort into rebalancing and playtesting product included in the original core set.

Bad cards can be altered with minor tweaks, but there is no way you can "fix" the gate without completely redesigning the card. At that point AW can probably better create a new card.

If they brought the casting cost down to 7 or 8 AND made it a quick-cast action (in line with the Totems), it might be worth playing. Then, the cost:benefit breaks down like this:

- 7 or 8 mana QC, targeting a zone at range 0-1: All demons (friendly and otherwise) get Melee +1.
- 12 mana and Full action, no range or LoS restriction: 4-dice Flame attack against all non-flying creatures in the Arena (friendly and unfriendly, including your mage), PLUS you turn the Gate into a "Garrison Post" for any future Demons you or your Pentagram summon.

This way, you at least get a "totem" for Demons at a reasonable cost even if you never "Open the Gate." ... Although I'm not sure it's worth 6 sbps... maybe 4?

I was thinking something very similar: reduce casting cost from 12 to 8 and reduce book cost from 6 to 4. Even if it's still a full action to cast, this small change makes the card feel worthwhile. It would take a couple sentences in the supplement document and a communication to make this happen. Or am I over-simplifying the process?

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 02, 2017, 10:43:29 AM »
Most bad cards don't get buffed, only good cards get nerfed.

Agreed- we can still ask though. The worst they can say is no. If the community all agrees it's a terrible card, why not fix it (or re-fix it).

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 02, 2017, 10:41:48 AM »
Any chance of including Gate to Hell in future errata to make it more playable?

You mean, in addition to the recent errata (included in 4th printing) that was intended to make it more playable?

Quote from: Rules Supplement v4.2
Gate to Hell
Current Text: "All demon creatures gain Melee +1. Gate to Hell enters play with a 'Closed' token. Once per game, as a full action, you may pay 12 mana to flip the token to the 'Opened' side, and make the above attack against each non-flying creature in the arena. Once opened, whenever you, or a spawnpoint or familiar you control, Summon a demon creature, you may place it in the Gate's zone."

Gate to Hell no longer has the Hydro +3 trait.

The action to “Open the Gate” must be performed by the controlling Mage, and may be performed from anywhere in the Arena. When the gate is opened, the controller decides the order for each attack to be resolved. Resolve the attacks one at a time, fully resolving the first one before going onto the next. These attacks do not require LOS as the gate is filling the entire board with this arena wide attack.

Yeah, I know it's already been thru the process once. But if it's still not right, why not reconsider a second look until it is right? Selfishly, I want this card to be playable ha ha.

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 02, 2017, 10:05:49 AM »
The sad truth is that it is a very bad card. I've tried a lot to make it work but it serves 3 unlinked purposes and it makes you pay a lot (both sbp and mana) for each.

- If you want melee +1, the bloodfire helmet (almost) gives you that for 1 spellbookpoint and 5 mana.

- If you want to spawn your demons near the enemy, you have to open the gate and make that attack. At that point you have spend 24 mana on a conjuration. That's the same amount as Adramelech! If you cast and open the gate early game, you probably have a very bad opening and the fire attack won't do a lot of damage. since there isn't much yet. At that point you also don't have a big army yet. However, if you want to cast it later on, you probably already have multiple demons and you won't be casting a lot of new ones.

All in all, I don't think it is ever worth it to open the gate and using the spell only for melee +1 is pretty expensive for 12 mana and 6 spellbookpoints.

TLDR: Cool art, cool theme, worthless card.

Any chance of including Gate to Hell in future errata to make it more playable?

General Discussion / Re: Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 02, 2017, 09:49:53 AM »
I know there has been previous discussion around Gate to Hell, but thought I would revisit this topic as I'm just now really getting into the Warlock build. This particular card intrigues me, but it's so expensive to get into play- both sbp and mana costs. Has anyone had good luck with this card? Combined with the Warlocks new helm (can't think of the name offhand) that gives friendly demons +1 melee could be a pretty effective combo with Gate to Hell if played and activated at the right time. Thoughts?

I've got it in my multiplayer Domination Warlock book... and even in that environment where you can be guaranteed there will be lots of enemy level 1-2 creatures susceptible to the "Open the Gate" attack, and where I have lots of low-level demons popping out of a Pentagram that can benefit from both the Melee +1 and "Garrison Post" that the Gate provides, I still have never put it in play.

I definitely wouldn't play it in Arena. Far too conditional; rarely worth the sbp or mana, whether you open the gate or not.

I can definitely see this card being more useful in domination. That's something to consider. I agree with your assessment regarding Arena. It's really unfortunate because the concept of the card is oozing with theme. I almost want it in play just for theme alone- but I agree, probably not worth the cost in the end. 6 points that can be used on something more effective.

General Discussion / Re: Drokarr!
« on: March 02, 2017, 09:38:19 AM »
I'm pretty sure it will work on other drokarrs because of what the card says "while attacking the drokarrs prey" so as long as -a- drokarr has it it should work against it but I haven't had this question yet. I don't know though the apostrophe makes it seem like only that drokarr gets it its kinda weird I think it should be explained a little better.

The apostrophe is what clears this up in my mind. Nouns with apostrophes indicate ownership and possession. So, who is the owner or holder of the prey? This Drokarr, because he is the one with possession.

General Discussion / Gate to Hell- yes or no?
« on: March 02, 2017, 09:32:33 AM »
I know there has been previous discussion around Gate to Hell, but thought I would revisit this topic as I'm just now really getting into the Warlock build. This particular card intrigues me, but it's so expensive to get into play- both sbp and mana costs. Has anyone had good luck with this card? Combined with the Warlocks new helm (can't think of the name offhand) that gives friendly demons +1 melee could be a pretty effective combo with Gate to Hell if played and activated at the right time. Thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: OCTGN
« on: March 01, 2017, 04:38:30 PM »
Another shout out to the catdad who helped me with my first game last night too!

So, you were the siren who emerged from the ocean depths.  ;)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Total WARlock
« on: February 28, 2017, 11:21:41 PM »
My initial observations:

14 sbp in just 4 holy cards. That feels like a lot to me. 5 on sunfire amulet alone. You only have two living creatures (3 if you count your mage)- is Hand of Bimshalla worth the cost? I don't know, maybe it is! I've never seen that particular card in any dark mage spellbook. Might wind up working great. Only 1 trick to prevent healing? I'd say add an additional Poison blood or maybe a Deathlock?

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