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Messages - jmoodie

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Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Air Wizard
« on: June 04, 2013, 05:36:51 PM »

Thanks for sharing your build and strategy.

I ran a similar type of wizard, but with just a gorgon archer and stone gaze basilisk.

I had fewer teleports, but bound one to a Mage wand and a lightning bolt to a elemental wand.

The idea was to slow, cripple, weaken, hold, teleport etc the opponent and opposing creatures whilst dancing around and using attack spells. Is a wand bound teleport too slow for your theme?

Not at all. I had a Mage wand, but I needed the points to swap something at one point. It kind of floats in and out at various points. :) definitely useful, if for no other reason than its one of those ap sucks for the opponent. I actually end up queuing the same spell I have attached to my wands a lot of times.

I think I'm definitely going to go back to the basilisk. Somehow.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Air Wizard
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:59:28 AM »
Oh - and a really like to teleport a baddie into a teleport trap.  saves some mana and gets me the 3 squares.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Air Wizard
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:58:04 AM »
The points raised are definitely valid - many of which have actually happened.  I can shed some light on a few of them, and will try out a few others.

One overarching thought though (and this may just be tied to the meta of our local players): my assumption with any build is that at some point, the other Mage will have something that I don't like and probably can't take the time to deal with.  I think the in-game part of tempo that many players miss is that they try to deal with everything.  Much like a knife fight, the key to winning is that you're gonna get cut. 

And I want to use the fact that the other Mage doesn't know what I have to my advantage.  On more than one occasion, I've been in very precarious positions, but escaped largely b/c I presented my opponent with several options and questions. 

I think once you know exactly what's in this build and what it's exact strategy is, it's not super difficult to tear it down with a specific counter book.  I don't expect this guy to hold up in my local group long term just b/c everyone will learn it if it doesn't evolve.  Smoke and misdirection only work so long as the person you're against doesn't realize that's all it is.

Re: the teleports.  I have actually run out of those.  I constantly cast them.

To date, it's faced down the Warlock build from BashCon, 2 forcemasters, 2 beast masters, and a priestess.  I have not yet gotten to play an opposing Wizard.

"I would consider adding some armor in case your opponent manages to catch up with you at some point."

I used to have armor, but removed it.  If they catch me and pin me down, I'm cooked.  There's no question about it.  I found that I rarely casted the armor b/c it slowed me down.  It's just a risk I've decided I have to live with.

"the blue gremlin doesn't suit your build"

I agree I'm not sure about him.  He's a cheap arcane creature to summon from the gate.  I go back and forth between him an a Moonglow.  The point of the creature is to be cheap and annoying.  I need a least a few small things I can get out in a pinch.

"disciplined players with aggressive decks will find ways to break your Gate before it pays back its investment,"

Yup.  Has happened.  Paradox22 specifically did that.  He also had a huge roll, so he got rid of it sooner than he was supposed to.  It was problematic, to say the least.  My goal is to get at least two creatures out of it.

"have you considered a Stonegaze Basalisk"

I actually had one in the build.  He's definitely one of the 'alternate' cards that I want to figure out how to get in.  He works very well in the slow down, but don't necessarily kill theme.  I think shuffling some stuff to get him back in is a good idea.

"but a single Iron Golem or Darkfenne Hydra or Gargoyle Sentry (when it comes out) might help make you a lot harder to race. "

I'm really piqued by the Sentry.  I started with a Hydra in the build.  I ended up switching him out for another Gorgon.  The Hydra would be effective if I can pin the person down or throw them into his zone.  But there is one thing the Hydra doesn't do well, and that's draw attention.  When he appears, the first instinct is to run away from him.  I don't want that.  The Gorgon, on the other hand, is one of those creatures that you have a hard time ignoring - for the weaknesses alone.  Given the expense of both creatures, it is unlikely that I will summon more than 2 of the 16 cost creatures. 

I've never had a good opportunity to get the Hydra into play and use it effectively.  That's likely just a product of my play style, though, and not really any indictment of the Hydra.

"Long story short, I play 3x Dispel and 1x Seeking Dispel now, and I think it's an improvement. "

I think you're right.  This is definitely going into the book.

"Air Wizard or an Earth Wizard or even an Angel Priestess?"

I think we'd have an old fashioned Mexican Standoff.  My inkling was to shoot first and ask questions later. Elemental cloak and then start throwing damage as much as possible.  It may also just be the meta in our group, but the Gate to the Voltari seems to be little used among the Wizard players.  The reaction when I bring it out is usually a mixed "huh..." as if they're not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do with it.

"What program are you using to make your lists?"

Deck builder over at Cardgamedb.  It only has the core set.  But since that's all I own at the moment, it works well enough for me.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Air Wizard
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:50:07 AM »
I've had a fair amount of success with this guy.

The general strategy is Gate to Voltari first round in the center of the board - oh and harmonize it. Forgot to put that there.  Then work to summon a Gorgon as soon as possible.  In general, this mage will keep running in circles.  Never stop moving.  As soon as the Gorgon appears, get it wings. With the harmonize, the gateway can produce 4 mana per turn. As a weird side effect, I've observed it making opponents reticent to cast spells for not wishing to power up the gate. Not a big strategic win, but an interesting quirk.

In the mean time, begin to react to whatever the other mage is.  If it's a beatdown, use traps and teleports to keep them at bay.  Use tanglevines and force hold to slow them down.  Also, get the gorgon to start pitching weaknesses around.  Alternatively, get the whirling spirit out to protect the mage.

For creature rushes, drop the suppression cloak and orb.  If it's a big beast rush, force hold, teleport, and essence drain and pacify. 

Basically, whatever they are doing, don't try to stop it, just annoy the hell out of them to distract them.

The end goal is to ping the opposing mage and frustrate them by some mana denial and the fact that they have to get rid of the gate and the gorgon before they can get to you.  Almost all of the creatures are designed to slow or distract rather than doing anything meaningful.

After several rounds of annoyance and pinging, hopefully having done about 15 damage to the opposing mage, you then switch to aggro damage.

Drop the poison blood and bring the electricity. 

I go into the game fully expecting to take damage, but I don't worry about it.  Try to have so many things going on that they are wasting their AP getting rid of the annoyances that they forget to focus on my mage.  Once you get their mage into a favorable position, you turn and shoot while backing up.

I also believe that the threat of having a card is almost as effective as having the card.  Most players will assume I'm bristling with dispels and dissolves. 

Wizard (Core) Air

Total Cards: (58)

Total Spellbook Cost: (120)
Attack (8)
Jet Stream (Core #1A09) x2
Lightning Bolt (Core #1A07) x2
Thunderbolt (Core #1A13) x2
Electrify (Core #1A03) x1
Chain Lightning (Core #1A02) x1

Conjuration (9)
Poison Gas Cloud (Core #1J18) x2
Gate to Voltari (Core #1J07) x1
Mana Crystal (Core #1J12) x2
Mana Siphon (Core #1J14) x1
Tanglevine (Core #1J22) x2
Suppression Orb (Core #1J21) x1

Creature (7)
Whirling Spirit (Core #1C40) x1
Blue Gremlin (Core #1C05) x1
Huginn, Raven Familiar (Core #1C21) x1
Mana Leech (Core #1C24) x2
Gorgon Archer (Core #1C18) x2

Enchantment (17)
Circle of Lightning (Core #1E06) x1
Essence Drain (Core #1E15) x2
Harmonize (Core #1E20) x2
Reverse Magic (Core #1E35) x1
Teleport Trap (Core #1E38) x3
Nullify (Core #1E29) x1
Pacify (Core #1E30) x1
Block (Core #1E02) x1
Marked for Death (Core #1E27) x1
Poisoned Blood (Core #1E31) x1
Eagle Wings (Core #1E13) x1
Force Hold (Core #1E16) x1
Hawkeye (Core #1E21) x1

Equipment (4)
Elemental Wand (Core #1Q08) x1
Lightning Ring (Core #1Q17) x1
Elemental Cloak (Core #1Q07) x1
Suppression Cloak (Core #1Q32) x1

Incantation (13)
Dispel (Core #1I06) x2
Seeking Dispel (Core #1I24) x2
Teleport (Core #1I28) x4
Minor Heal (Core #1I17) x2
Dissolve (Core #1I07) x2
Purge Magic (Core #1I21) x1

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