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Messages - TricksterHat

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Good tips Koz :)

While I love the Wizards utility I still think its hard to build a proper offense (apart from straight out nuking), but hopefully that will come in time.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: A simple Beastmaster
« on: May 01, 2013, 11:56:57 AM »
Maybe you are right, Im not sure.

The Beastmaster can have Grizzly and a Gorilla or a Grizzly and two Wolfs guarding him by turn 3 (or turn 4 if I use the above standard opening). It is a pretty powerful defense. Of course it is vulnerable to AoE, but unless really heavie AoE is used it will still hold up and can be repaired. Without doing an indept analysis my intuition say it will take more resources breaking through than establishing it. And these can be turned to offensive measures if the opponent plays death- or manadrain conjurations.

I think what Im getting at is the difference between permanents and instantanious effects. Over time, permanents will be more effective, therefore it will be more effective to throw down permanents than instantanious effects as long as you don't get killed. And creatures are more flexible permanents than conjurations that are only do one specific thing. But this subject deserves its own thread.

Strategy and Tactics / Whirling spirit+enfeeble against Warlock aggro?
« on: April 28, 2013, 06:13:21 PM »
When I design spell books I often worry about the Warlock aggro build. Not because I encounter it often (I don't play that often), but because I feel that a well-rounded build should have an answer to this.  I don't want to design specifically against this build, however.

So, how would Whirling spirit (for the push+incorporal) + enfeeble do for a relative simple way to slow him down? Perhaps with a Jinx to delay the dispel. That combo might also have uses elsewhere.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: A simple Beastmaster
« on: April 28, 2013, 05:15:57 PM »
Thanks Sdougla, that is great stuff!

Good thinking on the Mage staff!

I agree with you with the moonglow amulet, I think I chose Mana flower to save a point.

I also agree with you on the Main wings card. It is meant as an insurance for when you have to deal with a pesky angel or Lord of fire and you have spend your Sleep spell.

I am probably not gonna use all the big creatures, but I thought they have different kind of utility for different situation which is good when you have a more reactive style. But perhaps I overdid it and I can see the point of utilizing the quick summon ability more.

I think you are right in the rest of the changes if the strategy is to kill your opponent in mid-game, but I am thinking more of outlasting him, but still with the necessary aggression to take out dangerous conjuration-combos and jump on him if he is too passive.

I open with to foxes not because they are a big threat, but because my opponent will probably have to spend more resources in early game(actions, mana and/or cards) to deal with them, which give me more time to set up my main attack and tailor it to the opponents strategy. If he or she plays manadenial or Idol of Pestilence, the foxes and the BM can destroy those before they pay off. It will delay me, but it will also delay my opponent and perhaps ruin his strategy. I tried playing an air wizard against this deck and while I had the BM dance to my tune through early and midgame in the end my Wizard had spend half his spellbook and the BM still had a lot of creatures to cast. It might be because I haven't learned to play that build probably, but it got me thinking that the force of this BM build is not so much finishing your opponent, but simply being more effective with your spellbook. If you can keep your opponent from killing you and if you are more efficient with your spells, eventually you will simply outlast your opponent. Every time your opponent use a spell, his future options are reduced. This is why there is more focus on buffing and safeguarding than on curses and aggression. Of course, this will mean long drawn-out games that are less fun.

Perhaps someone with more experience can answer this: In many strategy-games, defense is more effective/efficient than attack. And in many games, a boring long-term strategy that focus on resource efficiency will beat more aggressive playstyles most of the times if you play well. Could something similar be true in MW? (and I am not talking about how to have most fun out the game  :) )

Anyways, this is speculation and I don't know if it holds true.

Alternative Play / 2 vs 1 scenairo
« on: April 27, 2013, 12:12:46 PM »
I had a loose idea for a 2 v 1 scenario that I hope to try one day.

The priestess vs two other mages. The priestess starts at one end of the board with perhaps 4 temples from the beginning. The two others mages have to work together to defeat her.

I have no idea of the balancing, but it could be fun to try mission-like setups.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: A simple Beastmaster
« on: April 27, 2013, 11:24:42 AM »
I should mention that it is an attempt to do something else than the obvious Lair-tactic, while retaining a simply build. It is of course great, but it gets old fast I think. And I have always liked to play a bit more reactive. But perhaps this is too simplistic?

Spellbook Design and Construction / A simple Beastmaster
« on: April 27, 2013, 10:59:03 AM »
Hello All

I have received great input here, and now I will try to post a simple Beastmaster build.

Note: I have not played the expansion, so there might be things there I havn't considered.

The idea is to build a mana-efficent army that don't rely on any single thing and can respond to most threats in a mana-efficient way. Creatures and enchantments being the most mana-efficient as I see it.


Mana Flower x2
Tanglevine x2
Tooth & Nail
Hand of Bim-Shalla x2

Bitterwood Fox  x3
Cervere, The Forest Shadow
Emerald Tegu
Fellella, Pixie Familiar
Mountain Gorilla
Redclaw, Alpha Male
Sosruko, Ferret Companion
Steelclaw Grizzly
Tarok, the Skyhunter
Thunderift Falcon
Timber Wolf x2

Bear Strength  x2
Bull Endurance
Cheetah Speed
Eagle Wings
Mongoose Agility
Rhino Hide
Reverse Magic
Reverse Attack
Divine Protection
Marked for Death
Poisoned Blood
Maim Wings

Regrowth Belt
Ring of Beasts
Staff of Beasts
Elemental Cloak
Mage Wand
Gauntlets of Strength
Leather Boots

Rouse the Beast
Dispel  x2
Seeking Dispel ) x2
Shift Enchantment  
Force Push  
Minor Heal  x2
Battle Fury  
Perfect Strike
Dissolve  x2

Standard opening:
Turn 1: Two Bitterwod foxes, make one your pet (7 mana) or 1 fox + 1 falcon if you want to save your fox for combo with Redclaw.
Turn 2: Move one, Mana flower+Harmonize (8 mana).
Turn 3: 19 mana. From here it depends on your opponent and what you perceive as his or hers greatest weakness. You could gear up, cast Fellela, or a big creature.

The idea is to put pressure on your opponent from the beginning while also securing a fair manabase. Now you have an idea of what your opponent is about and can respond accordingly. Keep applying pressure while building your strength with creatures and enchantments, but don't be too impatient. Remember that every creature and enchantment is expendable and make sure your opponent don't get time to build a deadly combo. If your opponent is aggressive, build your defenses and turn them into offense when the time is right.

I havn't tried against an aggro-Warlock and it would probably require a more defensive opening, but I think the defenses would hold if you play well.

Drawback: You can't summon deadly force very quickly

I actually think the Beastmaster is a bit boring, but damn his creature are efficient.

What do you think?

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